50 State Look At How The Common Core Is Playing Out In The U.S.
| By The Associated Press from the Huffington Post |http://huff.to/Y9fVzD ●● smf: The HuffPost likes to make lists of things. This is one of them. 9/02/2014 9:37 am EDT :: A state-by-state look at the Common Core standards: ___ ALABAMA The state school board folded Common Core into the state's College and Career Ready Standards for public schools and has been defending the
A Tough Test For New Ged:
By Caitlin Emma, With help from Allie Grasgreen, Maggie Severns and Stephanie Simon | Politico Morning Ed | by email 2 Sept 2014 :: High school dropouts seeking an equivalency degree have been struggling with the revised GED exam, launched Jan. 1 as a profit-making joint venture between publishing giant Pearson and nonprofit American Council on Education. The pass rate on the old GED hovered
from the Politico Morning Ed Report | by email Sept 2, 2014 :: Peter Cunningham, a former assistant secretary for communication in Arne Duncan's Education Department, launched a new ed reform group this weekend with backing from the Broad Foundation, the Walton Family Foundation and Bloomberg Philanthropies. The group backs charter schools, Common Core and teacher evaluations based in part
Analysis Finds California Students Attend School More Than U.S. Peers
By Teresa Watanabe, LA Times | http://lat.ms/1qXEW7D First-grade teacher Gail Lemmen, left, welcomes each student to the first day of the school on Monday, Aug. 11, 2014 at Los Robles Elementary School in Porterville, Calif. (Chieko Hara / AP) A study finds California fourth- and eighth-graders had better attendance than peers in about 40 other states Nearly 1 in 5 California
By Doug Oakley, Oakland Tribune | http://bit.ly/1x65uMz 9/02/2014 12:00:00 AM PDT - OAKLAND :: The largest ever seasonal flu vaccine program for Oakland youngsters will roll out Oct. 1, with the Alameda County health department targeting 60,000 elementary school students with free vaccines at 130 schools. And one of the better parts of the Shoo the Flu program, besides keeping kids and by
By Sarah D. Sparks, Education Week | http://bit.ly/W6r3eX Published Online: August 19, 2014 Published in Print: August 20, 2014, as Analysts Rethinking Popular Indicator of Child Poverty Washington :: When it comes to free school meals, it's increasingly clear that students aren't always what they eat. The federal free- and reduced-price meals program, launched decades ago by the U.S.
LEGISLATIVE ANALYST’S OFFICE PROPOSES PARADIGM SHIFT IN MANAGING STATE EDUCATION: Beyond compliance to true collaborative oversight – not “permissible” …but “effective”
By Jane Meredith Adams | EdSource Today | http://bit.ly/1lFtm52 The California Department of Education building in Sacramento. August 29, 2014 | Proposing a fundamental change in the way the California Department of Education operates, a report from the Legislative Analyst’s Office Thursday suggested the department move beyond its current focus on federal compliance, an emphasis
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit 9-1-14
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit: Investor Update: APPLE INC. ON WATCH OVER LAUSD ISSUESby Ed Palmer| Financial Wired | http://bit.ly/1nQ647K August 26, 2014 :: by Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) is on watch after Los Angeles schools Superintendent John Deasy says he is suspending a $1 billion iPad initiative with AAPL amid scrutiny over Deasy’s close ties with AAPL and Pearson Plc (PSO) and