LAUSD aiming to resolve MiSiS issues as ‘Norm Day’ approaches
LAUSD aiming to resolve MiSiS issues as ‘Norm Day’ approaches While LA Unified says it’s making strides toward solving MiSiS problems, difficulties enrolling students persist and could severely impact school funding levels as a deadline approaches for allocating personnel resources. School administrators are required to report final enrollment numbers to the district by Sept. 12, a date officials
Brown’s Vergara appeal not so hard to understand
Brown’s Vergara appeal not so hard to understand Governor Jerry Brown While editorial boards at most of California’s major newspapers all reacted favorably to Judge Rolf Treu’s ruling in Vergara vs. California, and a USC poll showed that a strong majority of California voters oppose the state’s tenure and layoff policies for public school teachers that the court ruling struck down, Gov. Jerry Brow
Americans are becoming more satisfied with public education
Americans are becoming more satisfied with public education Via Gallup | by Rebecca Riffkin Gallup has asked U.S. adults about their satisfaction with education since 1999, including each August since 2001, as part of its annual Work and Education poll. The high of 53% satisfaction was reached in 2004, the only year more Americans were satisfied with education than dissatisfied. Americans were mos
Morning Read: CA student attendance above national average
Morning Read: CA student attendance above national average Analysis finds California students attend school more than U.S. peers California students attend school more consistently than most of their U.S. peers, and such attendance directly relates to better performance on national math and reading tests, a new analysis has found. LA Times Programs target crucial summer before college Lilie Hau,
8-30-14 This Week in LA - School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD
LA School Report - What's Really Going on Inside LAUSD (Los Angeles Unified School District):Federal free lunches a lens into proverty that’s blurringFederal free lunches a lens into proverty that’s blurring When it comes to free school meals, it’s increasingly clear that students aren’t always what they eat. The federal free- and reduced-price meals program, launched decades ago by the U.S. Depar