Seattle Schools Community Forum:
Seattle Schools Community Forum

Friday Open Thread
Boy do I like public disclosure laws because that story out of LA about the iPad debacle only gets better/worse. I'll have another thread on that soon.Kids and Uzis - I'm not sure there is anything that could better demonstrate a lack of common sense. Very funny story from the Scary Mommy blog about going back to school in the 1970s (some of us were doing that) and going back today.In a big &qu
AUG 28
No Internet for Your Kid
I regularly check the district's website for updates. Here's the latest one (bold mine):All Seattle Public School students in grades K–12 will be able to access their personal email accounts from District computers beginning this fall. This change comes at the request of District principals with approval of senior leadership.SPS is not providing email accounts to students, nor is SPS recommending
Guest Post on Garfield Field Trip Rape
Please support a much more critical demonstration next Wed, Sept 3rd, at the Seattle School Board meeting. The District is making decisions about its next step regarding the Garfield HS rape victim. We know the District’s response was outrageous, but the general public must also become educated. The self-serving Seattle Times reporting did nothing to inform the public of the facts. We know the Di
AUG 27
School District in Florida Votes to Opt-Out of Common Core Testing
Update: will you look at that? Another Florida district is considering this idea (Palm Beach County School Board). “They say testing has gotten out of control and creates too much pressure for students and teachers. After discussing the opt-out idea at a recent meeting, board members asked their lawyers for further study. They will discuss it again at a workshop in the next few weeks.“Sometimes
OSPI Releases State Test Results
Someone at OSPI has a sense of humor. Their press release is called, "State Test Scores in a Waiverless World." Seattle's Test scores I have to say that those 10th grade scores are looking pretty good for reading and writing:Reading: 81.2%, Writing 84.5%Math and Science EOC - looks they are holding steady at about 61-64%, not great.From the press release: More than 90 percent of 12th g
I Have a New Twitter Follower
Welcome, Mr. Gates (no, I don't believe he reads anything I write but it brought a smile to my face).Bill Gates @billgates_sInspirational quotes from Bill Gates Following: 1409 · Followers: 1115 Follow
Finding Common Ground
I have been an education activist for a long time and I have never had any delusions about my effectiveness. After all, the district officials have all of the power and all of the authority, so they don't have to do anything they don't want to do and they are free to do whatever they like. We have seen that there is almost no accountability or consequences for them, so they really aren't answerabl
AUG 26
Issues with Test Scores for a Seattle School?
A letter sent out from Superintendent Nyland:Dear Seattle Public Schools community, I’m writing today to let you know that on Wednesday we will receive our final state Measurements of Student Progress (MSP) test scores. Earlier this month, while reviewing preliminary data, we discovered an anomaly with Beacon Hill’s test results. We requested that the scores at Beacon Hill International School be
Seattle Schools' Equity and Race Advisory Committee
The district is looking for new members via nominations.This committee is a commitment to transforming our current practices at a systemic level to eliminate disproportionality in education and in all aspects of its administration. These efforts require a long-term commitment from our advisors that includes both making recommendations and staying engaged as our work progresses over time.The Superi
Tuesday Open Thread
In the "grrrr" edition of Open Thread:In Jurupa Valley (a small city near Irvine, California), school officials apologized to parents of high school Sped students because, as part of a "functional skills program," the schools had them dig through trash for items that could be recycled for money. The Superintendent carefully phrased his apology:“I personally apologize to any s
AUG 25
Later school start times for teens - Doctor's orders
The American Academy of Pediatrics issued a policy statement calling on school districts to move start times to 8:30 am or later for middle and high schools, so that students can get at least 8 1/2 hours of sleep a night.Full story here.
If You Want to Transfer Your Child under NCLB, Get that Request In
I was reading the Spokane newspaper and it was stated that for Spokane's school district, the deadline to request a transfer to a new school under NCLB is August 26th. So I wrote to SPS to ask what their deadline is. Here's the answer I received: Parents have to request a transfer by the first day of school by 4 pm. They will then be sent an application with their PSC options.That PSC is "
AUG 24
Wondering about how to Get Your Kid Ready for College?
Here's a great website from the DOE, chock-full of good advice and information.Whether you’re a student or parent, years away from college or just about to start, the following checklists will help you get ready. Elementary School Checklist: Student and parent checklists that start the student on the road to enjoying learning and point the parent to resources for college savings accounts.Middle Sc
Seattle Schools This Week
Update: I had forgotten that tomorrow is the date that WA State Supreme Court answers the Legislature on the McCleary decision. That should be illuminating.end of update. Seemingly, the quiet before the storm that is the reopening of school next week. The only item on the district calendar is one I erred about in the Friday Open Thread. Director Patu's Saturday Community meeting is this Saturday
Seattle Preschool - Time to Start Thinking about Your Vote
Update: Here's an event to talk about this issue from the League of Women Voters/King County:Help lay a foundation of understanding for the continuing public discourse on early learning and the role of public policy. Participate in the LWVS-KC conversation on September 4 with panelists representing the Puget Sound Educational Service District, University of Washington, and Thrive by Five. Where
Garfield Field Trip Rape Case
I need a little help (although I know this info is out there somewhere, I'm trying to find it quickly).Aviva (Garfield parent), you had said you might be able to fill in some info for me. Something new has come to light and I'm hoping you might be able to tell me about it.
Fix the omission
Something's missing and we all know what it is.It's the unfulfilled commitment I have been requesting for over ten years. It's the hole at the heart of the district's dysfunction. It is the emptiness at the root of the complaints and protests about the Garfield rape case. It is what was absent from Director Peaslee's understanding of the protests and it was omitted from Dr. Nyland's letter.The Dis
AUG 23
Seattle School Updates
I neglected to mention Director Patu has a Community Meeting from 10 am to noon today at Cafe Vita.I read thru the general letter from SPS to families about NCLB. As I previously noted, the Washington Policy Center is claiming 33 letters went out about different schools (I need to get confirmation from the district on this) but they also claim there isn't info on tutoring and/or changing schools