Lee County Board Member, Mary Fischer, Wants to Change Her Vote at 8:30 AM Tuesday Morning
Clip from News-Press.com:Opt-out may be a thing of the past.Lee County School Board member Mary Fischer said Friday afternoon that she changed her mind about the benefits of opting out, calling for the board to rescind the motion at a special school board meeting.Fischer, who served as the tiebreaker at Wednesday's 3-2 vote, called for the meeting to discuss repealing the sweeping decision. The me
KIPP Must Get "Municipal Solid Waste Development Permit" Before Opening New School
In 2013 KIPP San Antonio bought a former sewing factory that was located on a solid waste disposal site as the venue for its next San Antonio corporate reform school. KIPP paid the company that owned the toxic site over $3 million in money that was funneled through a holding company in Delaware. Below are two pages from the agreement. Noteworthy is the bolded language on the second page, which r
Citizen Jack's compendium of teacher reviews of Eva Moskowitz’s Success Academy Empire
"They don't tolerate what we tolerate," she said several times. What is it HSA doesn't tolerate? According to my co-worker: disruptive children and parents who don't play an active role in their child's education. — Brian Jones"Jack," a frequent commenter on Professor Diane Ravitch's site, sent me the following compendium of reviews from a website that allows employees to rate
8-30-14 Schools Matter All Week
Schools Matter: Schools Matter All WeekPBS Higher Ed Series Reeks of Gates and Luminafrom Pando DailyIt's easy to understand how PBS and NPR can remain commercial free, once you accept the fact that they are heavily sponsored by billionaires and their foundations who get their commercials worked into the news stories, themselves. Call it the latest in product placement.Over the past 8 years, NPR