Welcome to The Nation's Report Card! NAEP - Mathematics and Reading 2013
NAEP - Mathematics and Reading 2013: Welcometo The Nation's Report Card!Explore interactive and dynamic graphics that illustrate the results of the 2013 mathematics and reading assessments.Test yourself with actual National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) questions.Watch videos for tips on how to explore and interpret results.Results for 2013 NAEP Mathematics and Reading Assessments Are
Daily Kos: Helping the Helpless
Daily Kos: Helping the Helpless: Helping the HelplessbyShakespeares SisterFollowSo, I switched school districts. I am very fortunate to work again with one of my best friends, who teaches 12th grade AP Literature and Composition, while I teach 11th grade AP Language and Composition and one section of World Literature. Admittedly, it is a big switch for me, as I previously taught 11th and 12th grad
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 11-7-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Los Angeles Baffled About How to Pay for iPads in FutureLos Angeles negotiated a sweet deal for Apple, promising to buy an iPad for every student at a cost that will eventually total at least $1 billion. Forget the fact that the iPads are financed in large part by borrowing money from a 25-year construction bond issue, and that man
11-7-13 Wait What?
Wait What?: Steve Perry Tworking (Tweeting while working) on teachers and unionsState and local laws, ordinances, regulations and work rules prohibit public employees from engaging in politics while at work. Public employees have lost their jobs for violating these policies. Steve Perry is the principal of Capital Preparatory Magnet School in Harford, Connecticut. As a public employee, Perry is co
11-7-13 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: Union Leadership as Political Sleight of HandNew Jersey Gov. Chris Christie is nearly stereotypical as a bully, so much so that if he weren't in a position of power, he would be a walking satire of himself.When he yelled at a female teacher recently, reasonable people across the U.S. responded with disgust, as Jersey Jazzman did:Some think this misogyny is part of Christie's "
11*7*13 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: The Best Ways To Use Mistakes When Teaching WritingThis is sort of an odd “The Best…” list. I’ve written a lot in this blog and in my books about using student mistakes as an opportunity and not as a problem, and have an extremely long The Best Posts, Articles & Videos About Learning From Mistakes & Failures list. T
11-7-13 Fred Klonsky Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Life in Rahm’s Chicago. Every CPS parent volunteer will be fingerprinted.Data driven? All the research suggests that the greater the parental involvement in their children’s school the better the students perform. So CPS is requiring every parent school volunteer to be fingerprinted. And local neighbo
11-7-13 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: Vido: Funeral for 168 Schools Chosed Under Bloomberg ed notes online / 7h Will de Blasio Make Randi's Folly - er - the UFT Charter - Pay The Damn Rent?Eva Moskowitz is viewed as a big loser in the election and the UFT even though they jumped on the bandwagon late is viewed as a winner. But what of the charters occupying public school space - given to t
Jason Carter enters the governor's race and brings a focus on... | Get Schooled |
Jason Carter enters the governor's race and brings a focus on... | Get Schooled | Jason Carter enters the governor's race and brings a focus on education COMMENT(1) 2 5 5 12View Larger Jason GetzSen. Jason Carter, D-Decatur, asks a question about House Bill 487 during Legislative Day 34 in the Senate Chambers at the State Capitol on March 14, 2013.Previous PostsBully posts his attack
CAUTION: Technology! | the becoming radical
CAUTION: Technology! | the becoming radical: CAUTION: TECHNOLOGY!In the myriad debates surrounding implementation of Common Core and the concurrent tests, the sheer costs of this process tends to be ignored. Another issue related to both CC and the related costs is yet another series of commitments to technology as a part of the perpetual education reform process. Here is a reposting of a presenta
11-7-13 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: Schools Matter: Union Leadership as Political Sleight of HandSchools Matter: Union Leadership as Political Sleight of Hand. via Schools Matter: Union Leadership as Political Sleight of Hand.2 by plthomasedd / 1h 11-6-13 @ The Chalk Face@ THE CHALK FACE: The Two Sides of Education Reform in Washington, D.C.Education reform is failing traditional D.C. public middle schools locate
7-11-13 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: Another Bloomberg Education FailureFrom NY1:It's half school, half extracurricular, all hands on. For two years, the city's Summer Quest program has provided extra learning for thousands of struggling students in the South Bronx, nine hours a day, five days a week for five weeks.For the students, the goal is to prevent summer learning loss, a big problem for low-income kids.
To Lisa Macfarlane and Suzanne Estey: And you thought it was a conspiracy theory? | Seattle Education
To Lisa Macfarlane and Suzanne Estey: And you thought it was a conspiracy theory? | Seattle Education: To Lisa Macfarlane and Suzanne Estey: And you thought it was a conspiracy theory?Either your comments have been overly scripted by your moneyed backers or you have been bold face lying but these are the facts:Chris Christie’s demented “you people” movement: The right’s school-for-cash obsessionCh
States’ testing exec embraces California’s controversial decision for Common Core tests EdSource Today
EdSource Today: States’ testing exec embraces California’s controversial decision for Common Core testsNovember 7th, 2013 | Add a Comment | By John Fensterwald1Joe Willhoft discussed the forthcoming Common Core field test before the State Board.The executive director of Smarter Balanced, a consortium of states developing the new Common Core assessments, said he supports California’s decision to gi
What is Wrong with Vouchers? | Deborah Meier on Education
What is Wrong with Vouchers? | Deborah Meier on Education: What is Wrong with Vouchers?Posted on November 6, 2013 by nicholasmeierNicholas MeierThe rhetoric behind vouchers is that if everyone had vouchers parents could select the best school for their child instead of being forced to go to “government” schools*.Where does such logic fall apart? There are two main logistical reasons it is really a
Privatization of Education Won’t Erase Savage Inequalities | janresseger
Privatization of Education Won’t Erase Savage Inequalities | janresseger: Privatization of Education Won’t Erase Savage InequalitiesPosted on November 7, 2013 by janressegerFor generations our society has committed itself to the provision of public education—publicly funded, universally available, and accountable to the public—as the best institution for balancing the needs of each particular chil
NYC Educator: Does Common Core Align with Danielson?
NYC Educator: Does Common Core Align with Danielson?: Does Common Core Align with Danielson?I look at the Danielson Rubric and I see an awful lot about engaging the students. Active, happy kids are a big plus if they're using the Danielson Rubric. You want them to be asking questions on their own, to know there are procedures in place, and to remind one another what they are. You want them in grou
PWCS – Where Doing Nothing is World Class! | PWC Education Reform Blog
PWCS – Where Doing Nothing is World Class! | PWC Education Reform Blog: PWCS – Where Doing Nothing is World Class!November 6, 2013 — pwceducationreform So… PWCS has $2.7 million of “extra” revenue to play with. What should they do?A few years ago the school division deliberately decided to run class sizes up the state’s legal maximum so that they’d have money available for other priorities. We
11-6-13 Jersey Jazzman: Marie Corfield: An American Hero
Jersey Jazzman: Marie Corfield: An American Hero: Marie Corfield: An American HeroThere's a lot to say after yesterday, and a lot to do starting tomorrow. But before all of that, let's get one very important thing out of the way: Marie Corfield - proud to be a mother, a teacher, and a real Jersey girl - is a genuine American hero. We teachers are generally not a very outgoing or outspoken lot. We
Teachers union leader urges Chris Christie to apologize to teacher he yelled at
Teachers union leader urges Chris Christie to apologize to teacher he yelled at: Teachers union leader urges Chris Christie to apologize to teacher he yelled atBY VALERIE STRAUSSNovember 6 at 9:42 pm(Used with permission)American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten sent a letter to New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R), asking him to apologize to a teacher whom he yelled atduring a camp
Death March Demo fro the 168+ Public Schools Closed by Bloomberg and His Privateers Coalition for Public Education/Coalición por la Educación Pública
Coalition for Public Education/Coalición por la Educación Pública: Death March Demo fro the 168+ Public Schools Closed by Bloomberg and His PrivateersA NormScott ProductionDemand (thru CPE) that Mayor DeBlasio reopen all closed schools and have a plan that includes parents, students and teachers in decision-making levels that improve these schools within 5 years or less.Posted by Black Educator at
Seattle School Board Update: Sue Peters is ahead | Seattle Education
Seattle School Board Update: Sue Peters is ahead | Seattle Education: Seattle School Board Update: Sue Peters is aheadIn spite of the record-breaking amount of money that was poured into Suzanne Estey’s campaign by a moneyed few and DFER who want to see the corporatization of our public schools through charter schools, online learning enterprises and schools staffed by the cheap labor of Teach for
Winners: AFT - A Union of Professionals - Solution-Driven Unionism
AFT - A Union of Professionals - Solution-Driven Unionism: The American Federation of Teachers' Prize for Solution-Driven Unionism recognizes outstanding collective work to create solutions that improve workplaces and communities. The 2013 prize rewards AFT members and affiliates that have tackled big challenges with concrete results and best exemplify the AFT's commitment to providing high-qualit
Teachers union president to Chris Christie: Apologize for bullying teacher - Stephanie Simon -
Teachers union president to Chris Christie: Apologize for bullying teacher - Stephanie Simon - Teachers union president to Chris Christie: Apologize for bullying teacher818 Christie, according to Weingarten, was acting 'in such a hostile and intimidating way.' | AP PhotoCloseBy STEPHANIE SIMON | 11/6/13 4:50 PM ESTIt didn’t slow his triumphal march to reelection. But the image of Ne
Nite Cap 11-6-13 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
James Baldwin said it best: "For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."A BIG EDUCATION APE NITE CAPTODAYCCSS Math Framework Adopted - Year 2013CCSS Math Framework Adopted - Year 2013 (CA Dept of Education): California Adopts First Math Framework Aligned with Common CoreSACRAMENTO—California teachers have new guidance from the State Board of Ed
Bloomberg Wasn't On Any Ballot, But Here's How He Affected Elections Nationwide
Bloomberg Wasn't On Any Ballot, But Here's How He Affected Elections Nationwide: Bloomberg Wasn't On Any Ballot, But Here's How He Affected Elections NationwidePosted: 11/06/2013 4:42 pm EST | Updated: 11/06/2013 4:54 pm EST NEW YORK -- Though his name wasn't on a ballot Tuesday, perhaps the most influential figure on education issues during the election cycle was New York's outgoing mayor, Mich
CCSS Math Framework Adopted - Year 2013
CCSS Math Framework Adopted - Year 2013 (CA Dept of Education): California Adopts First Math Framework Aligned with Common CoreSACRAMENTO—California teachers have new guidance from the State Board of Education as they continue implementing theCalifornia Common Core State Standards for Mathematics, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson announced today.The State Board of Education
There is a Better Way – The PCAPS Five Point Education Platform | WeArePCAPS
There is a Better Way – The PCAPS Five Point Education Platform | WeArePCAPS: There is a Better Way – The PCAPS Five Point Education PlatformPosted on November 6, 2013by wearepcapsWE NEED TO ELECT A GOVERNOR WHO WILL FIGHT FOR THESE THINGS:1) An Equitable Funding Formula for Distributing State Education DollarsCurrently funding is being driven by political calculation and poorer Districts are taki
Voucher Battles Continue Across the Country | NEA Today
Voucher Battles Continue Across the Country | NEA Today: Voucher Battles Continue Across the CountryNovember 6, 2013 by twalker Filed under Featured News, Top StoriesLeave a CommentBy Rita ZeidnerIn August, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) asked a New Orleans federal court to enjoin the state from awarding school vouchers to students attending school in districts operating under a federal des
Tell Tom Corbett to Pack His Bags! | WeArePCAPS
Tell Tom Corbett to Pack His Bags! | WeArePCAPS: Tell Tom Corbett to Pack His Bags!Posted on November 6, 2013by wearepcapsTom Corbett opens his campaign in Philadelphia. We will be there to remind voters of how his policies have hurt Philadelphia working families in so many ways. Starving our schools, restricting voting, rights. attacking health care, food stamps, funding for mass transist and bui
Florida Teacher: "I Was Among Those Who Reviewed the Common Core in 2009" - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher
Florida Teacher: "I Was Among Those Who Reviewed the Common Core in 2009" - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher: Florida Teacher: "I Was Among Those Who Reviewed the Common Core in 2009"By Anthony Cody on November 6, 2013 11:43 AMThe Secret Sixty Prepare to Write Standards for 50 Million - Living in Dialogue - Education Week TeacherOne of the sticky issues regarding the
Cali Education Headlines Wednesday, November 6, 2013
FCMAT » Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team: Fensterwald: Advocates pile on criticisms of draft funding formula regulationsEducation HeadlinesWednesday, November 6, 2013Lodi district to close schoolLodi Unified trustees voted unanimously to close Tokay Colony Elementary as the school's enrollment figures continue to decline and an eleventh-hour effort to transform it into a technology m
The New Orleans Imperative rebroadcast link of me talking about 2013 SPS scores and links to quoted stories | Crazy Crawfish's Blog
The New Orleans Imperative rebroadcast link of me talking about 2013 SPS scores and links to quoted stories | Crazy Crawfish's Blog: Crazy Crawfish's BlogZesty Louisiana Education PoliticsThe New Orleans Imperative rebroadcast link of me talking about 2013 SPS scores and links to quoted storiesPosted on November 6, 20130Listen in from the following link:
Americans Will Not Be Amused by Chris Christie's Bullying If He Runs for President | Mother Jones
Americans Will Not Be Amused by Chris Christie's Bullying If He Runs for President | Mother Jones: Americans Will Not Be Amused by Chris Christie's Bullying If He Runs for President—By Kevin Drum| Mon Nov. 4, 2013 8:41 AM PST120Over the weekend, a picture of New Jersy Gov. Chris Christie dressing down a teacher who asked him about school budgets went semi-viral. I was a little surprised, because I
Morning Wink 11-6-13 AM Posts #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
BIG EDUCATION APE - MORNING WINK AM POSTSTODAYThe Real 21st-Century Problem in Public Education is Poverty | Perspectives, What Matters Today | BillMoyers.comThe Real 21st-Century Problem in Public Education is Poverty | Perspectives, What Matters Today | The Real 21st-Century Problem in Public Education is PovertyNovember 6, 2013by Elaine Weiss19This post first appeared in The Wa