The Real 21st-Century Problem in Public Education is Poverty | Perspectives, What Matters Today |
The Real 21st-Century Problem in Public Education is Poverty | Perspectives, What Matters Today | The Real 21st-Century Problem in Public Education is PovertyNovember 6, 2013by Elaine Weiss19This post first appeared in The Washington Post’s Answer Sheet blog.Teacher Lori Peck, helps first grader Timia Harris at Grace L. Patterson Elementary school in Vallejo, Calif. (AP Photo/Rich
Rural Education is Being Rewritten | Blog
Rural Education is Being Rewritten | Blog: Rural Education is Being RewrittenPosted on November 6, 2013 by Meredith BajgierSecretary Arne Duncan gave remarks at the Rural Education National Forum, hosted by Battelle for Kids and the Ohio Department of Education.One in five Americans live, work, and learn in rural communities. Yet rural places sometimes seem to play a far smaller role in con
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 11-6-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Seth Sandronsky Reviews “Reign of Error”Seth Sandronsky is a Sacramento-based writer whose work has appeared in many journals. Here he reviews “Reign of Error.” He writes: “With verve, she demystifies the corporate reform language, with its heavy reliance upon shibboleths about test scores (domestic and global), achievement gaps, h
11-6-13 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: Turn on, Tune in, Opt Out: Change the Stakes Featured in Article in The NationDiana Zavala says parents are taking the reins of school governance, but with one key difference from administrators: “You can’t fire us.”... The Nation Wooo hooo. Our awesome parent activists make the big time. Now I'm definitely going to the CTS steering committee meeting this afternoon at the very le
Can Solidarity Rebound?
Shanker Blog » Can Solidarity Rebound?: Can Solidarity Rebound?Posted by Eric Chenoweth on November 6, 2013Our guest author today is Eric Chenoweth, co-director of the Institute for Democracy in Eastern Europe. In 2011, the Republic of Poland awarded him with the Commander Cross of the Order of Merit, one of its highest civilian honors, for his contributions to Poland’s democratic transformation a
11-6-13 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Peters and Blanford Ahead; Patu Retains SeatFrom King County Elections:District IV:Sue Peters: 51.46% - 39,177 votesSuzanne Dale Estey - 48.18% - 36,676 Write-in - 0.36% - 273 votesDistrict V:Stephan Blanford - 87.60% - 64,540 votesLaCrese Green - 11.93% - 8788 votesWrite-in - 0.47% - 344 votes District VII:Betty Patu: 98.49% - 586,889Write-in - 1.51% - 871 votesI
11-6-13 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: Now Posted Online: Doug Martin on Douglas Storm's WFHB Radio Show: Muckraking Education PoliticsIn case you missed it last night, here is the link to listen to Doug Martin and Douglas Storm discussing the corporate takeover of public schools last night on WFHB radio in Bloomington, Indiana: This
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Victory in Bridgeport. Pro-Vallas forces spanked.
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Victory in Bridgeport. Pro-Vallas forces spanked.: Victory in Bridgeport. Pro-Vallas forces spanked.Democrats an Connecticut Working Family Party members tally election returns last night at the Red Rooster Deli, in Bridgeport, Conn. Photo: Ned Gerard“As I’ve gone around the country, I always point to Bridgeport as one of the signs that the people can beat the powe
11-6-13 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: Infographic: “National Teacher’s day around the world”I’m adding this infographic to The Best Resources To Learn About World Teachers Day: Explore more infographics like this one on the web’s largest information design community – Visually.11 by Larry Ferlazzo / 2h Literably Is An Excellent Reading Site — If Used With Cauti
11-6-13 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Bridgeport voters fire Paul Vallas. Bridgeport, Connecticut school superintendent, Paul Vallas. Before Arne Duncan there was Paul Vallas. When Chicago’s Mayor Richard Daley the second was handed mayoral control of the public schools, he handed them over to Paul Vallas. When Vallas’ vision of corporat
NAEP: Early gains and later losses. Why do American students... | Get Schooled |
NAEP: Early gains and later losses. Why do American students... | Get Schooled | NAEP: Early gains and later losses. Why do American students falter in high school? COMMENT(14) 2 13 1 22View Larger Why do students falter in high school?Previous PostsWhen bad boys get badder with age: Warning signs that should be heededNovember 5, 2013What is at stake in APS school board election toda
11-6-13 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: The Two Sides of Education Reform in Washington, D.C.Education reform is failing traditional D.C. public middle schools located east of the Anacostia River. Although certain popular education debates, i.e. discussions centered on the merits of school choice, common core, teacher evaluations, etc., may dominate the education policy world; The failures, or shortcomings, of educatio
11-6-13 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: How De Blasio And His Team Ran A Very, Very Savvy CampaignGood summary in the Daily News on how de Blasio and his team crafted a message of change, stuck with that message, and rode it all the way to Gracie Mansion, with the help of his some affecting ads using his family and the ineptitude of his opponents.Nothing surprising in the article, but it does show how deft a campa
11-6-13 Wait What?
Wait What?: Malloy/Finch/Vallas lose in Bridgeport but questions remain about role of State Democratic PartyAs reported in today’s Connecticut Post article, “City school board tips away from Finch,” thanks to broad support from Bridgeport voters, Democrats and Working Family Party members opposed to Bridgeport’s faux superintendent of schools, Paul Vallas, and the corporate education reforms being
Testing flap may impact state request for federal SIG waiver :: SI&A Cabinet Report :: The Essential Resource for Superintendents and the Cabinet
Testing flap may impact state request for federal SIG waiver :: SI&A Cabinet Report :: The Essential Resource for Superintendents and the Cabinet: Testing flap may impact state request for federal SIG waiverby Tom ChorneauIn a move rife with political irony, the California State Board of Education is likely to approve this week a request to the U.S. Department of Education for a time extension
11-6-13 The Answer Sheet - What Arne Duncan said in Haiti
The Answer Sheet: What Arne Duncan said in HaitiBY VALERIE STRAUSSNovember 6 at 5:00 amArne Duncan plays basketball with high school students during his visit to the Lycee de Petion-Ville school in Petion-Ville, Haiti. (AP Photo/Dieu Nalio Chery)You are never too poor, apparently, to want for data.U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan went this week to Haiti, the most impoverished nation in the Wes
Who Will Bill De Blasio Pick As NYC Schools Chief?
Who Will Bill De Blasio Pick As NYC Schools Chief?: Who Will Bill De Blasio Pick As NYC Schools Chief?Posted: 11/05/2013 4:23 pm EST | Updated: 11/06/2013 8:02 am ESTNEW YORK -- The outcome of Tuesday's mayoral election may be largely a foregone conclusion, as Public Advocate Bill de Blasio (D) is expected to trounce former transit director Joe Lhota (R). But major questions still hang over cert
With A Brooklyn Accent: The BATS, Diane Ravitch, and the DeBlasio Victory
With A Brooklyn Accent: The BATS, Diane Ravitch, and the DeBlasio Victory: The BATS, Diane Ravitch, and the DeBlasio VictoryBill DeBlasio, a candidate who decisively rejected most of Michael Bloomberg's Corporate Education Reform agenda, has just won election as Mayor of NYC with a 49 Percentage Point Margin, the largest any mayor has achieved since 1985. Although Education was not the only area w
NYC Rejects Charterization, Closure and Co-Location as School Reform Strategy | janresseger
NYC Rejects Charterization, Closure and Co-Location as School Reform Strategy | janresseger: NYC Rejects Charterization, Closure and Co-Location as School Reform StrategyPosted on November 6, 2013 by janressegerBill DeBlasio’s victory in the New York City mayor’s race signifies a shift in that school district’s policies on public education. While Mayor Bloomberg has been a leader and spokesperson
Persistence pays in fight for marriage equality - Randi Weingarten -
Persistence pays in fight for marriage equality - Randi Weingarten - Persistence pays in fight for marriage equality30 Randi Weingarten writes that she is inspired by Edie Windsor’s belief in the future | AP PhotosCloseBy RANDI WEINGARTEN | 11/6/13 5:04 AM ESTThe following essay is part of a series in which dozens of women will reveal what women they most admire. The series is part
Election results put policies and personality center stage | Al Jazeera America
Election results put policies and personality center stage | Al Jazeera America: Election results put policies and personality center stageby Naureen Khan @naureenindc November 6, 2013 4:30AM ETNJ Gov Christie handily wins re-election; Democrat McAuliffe gets edge in VA; de Blasio is NYC mayor by landslideTopics: Politics Chris Christie New JerseyAlex Wong/Getty ImagesTuesday night’s election r
NYC Educator: The Test to Test the Teachers Before the Test
NYC Educator: The Test to Test the Teachers Before the Test: The Test to Test the Teachers Before the TestYesterday I went to a PD session in which we looked at the senior English test, a test that counts not for the kids taking it, but rather for the teachers giving it. This is important to us because, as ESL teachers, our students who tested advanced will have to take the test, the test to test
Special Late Nite Cap UPDATE 11-5-13 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
Nite Cap UPDATEUPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATECORPORATE ED REFORMNew York City Elects Bill de Blasio for Mayor, But It’s Not OverMayor Elect Bill deBlasio As I type this, party planners will set up confetti on nets in the ceiling, soon to rain on the ardent and diverse supporters of presumed Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio. NYC will have voted him in by the largest margin of any mayor in the city’s history
Reflecting on Common Core RL Standard 5
Reflections on Teaching » Blog Archive » Reflecting on Common Core RL Standard 5: Reflecting on Common Core RL Standard 5 Analyze the structure of texts, including how specific sentences, paragraphs, and larger portions of the text (e.g., a section, chapter, scene, or stanza) relate to each other and the whole.- Common Core ELA Anchor Standard 5Critical Classrooms (Katie Lapham) has a lovely piece
In Public Education, Edge Still Goes to Rich -
In Public Education, Edge Still Goes to Rich - Matthew Staver for The New York TimesA second grade art class at a public school in Englewood, Colo. By EDUARDO PORTERPublished: November 5, 2013MultimediaGraphicUnequal FundingEconomic SceneEduardo Porter writes the Economic Scene column for the Wednesday Business section.Author Bio »Past Columns »It is hardly a partisan belief. About a
Closing (The Achievement Gap) Bad | Gary Rubinstein's Blog
Closing (The Achievement Gap) Bad | Gary Rubinstein's Blog: Closing (The Achievement Gap) BadSo if you’re wondering why I’ve slowed down a bit on blogging lately, there are a bunch of reasons. One is that I’m happy about the amount of coverage phony ed reform is getting by not just other bloggers, but even in the main stream media. A lot of my blogging stems from the feeling that I am ‘needed,’
11-5-13 Daily Kos: Preliminary data from exit polls points to strong Dem performance in VA
Daily Kos: Preliminary data from exit polls points to strong Dem performance in VA: some comparisons by precinctin Arlington VA where I live Cooch is at least 8 and sometimes as much as 15% behind McDonnell. It seems like the average is about 10%. Of course, a chunk of that is because of the libertarian precinct cooch McDonnell ashton Heights 18.93% 26.72 Ballston
Turn On, Tune In, Opt Out | The Nation
Turn On, Tune In, Opt Out | The Nation: Turn On, Tune In, Opt OutOwen Davis and StudentNation on November 5, 2013 - 2:32 PM ETShareUnited Opt Out rally " height="299" alt="United Opt Out rally" width="400" src="">A 2012 rally held by United Opt Out (Licensed through Creative Commons. Courtesy of F
Nite Cap 11-5-13 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
James Baldwin said it best: "For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."A BIG EDUCATION APE NITE CAPTODAYEducational reform movement misguided, argues Diane Ravitch - The Daily PrincetonianEducational reform movement misguided, argues Diane Ravitch - The Daily Princetonian: Educational reform movement misguided, argues Diane RavitchBY SHEILA SI
Educational reform movement misguided, argues Diane Ravitch - The Daily Princetonian
Educational reform movement misguided, argues Diane Ravitch - The Daily Princetonian: Educational reform movement misguided, argues Diane RavitchBY SHEILA SISIMIT • CONTRIBUTOR • NOVEMBER 4, 2013The movement to reform the American education system is realizing the opposite of what it intends to do, Diane Ravitch, former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Education from 1991-93 and New York Univer
Advocates pile on criticisms of draft funding regulations EdSource Today
EdSource Today: Advocates pile on criticisms of draft funding regulationsNovember 5th, 2013 | Add a Comment | By John FensterwaldOn the eve of a critical public hearing, key supporters of the Local Control Funding Formula are urging the State Board of Education to substantially change draft regulations instructing school districts on how to carry out critical parts of the new law. The State Board
Teachers don't show after charter fails to pay them | The Columbus Dispatch
Teachers don't show after charter fails to pay them | The Columbus Dispatch: Teachers don't show after charter fails to pay themA new Columbus charter school failed to pay its employees last week, leading some educators to walk off the job, its founder said yesterday.The 40-student Barnett Academy of Columbus-East, at 4300 Kimberly Parkway N. on the East Side, is trying to work out a plan to pay i
SPECIAL Mid Day Banana Break 11-5-13 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2 #edreform
Big Education Ape - Mid Day Banana BreakED Pulse Poll Results: Which Type of Parent Support for the CommonED Pulse Poll Results: Which Type of Parent Support for the Common Core Would Be Most Useful? November 5, 2013 by Kit Harris, ASCD Research ASCD continually seeks to provide solutions to the challenges that face educators of all levels. Recently the ASCD SmartBrief ED Pulse poll sought to deve
California Teachers of the Year for 2014 - Year 2013
California Teachers of the Year for 2014 - Year 2013 (CA Dept of Education): State Schools Chief Tom Torlakson Names California Teachers of the YearSacramento County educator nominated for National Teacher of the Year honorSACRAMENTO—State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson today named five outstanding educators as the 2014 California Teachers of the Year. He further named one of t
11/5/2013 – Behind Chris Christie’s Rage At Teachers
11/5/2013 – Behind Chris Christie’s Rage At Teachers: 11/5/2013 – Behind Chris Christie’s Rage At TeachersNovember 5, 2013 SubscribeTHIS WEEK: Trouble Starting At Age 8 … The Excellence Gap … $1 Billion For Schools … Common Core Implementation Worse Than Obamacare … Will Bridgeport Reject Rhee RevolutionTOP STORYWhat Chris Christie Is Hiding Behind His Rage At School TeachersBy Jeff Bryant“New Jer
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Chicago under Rahm is becoming a second-rate city
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Chicago under Rahm is becoming a second-rate city: Chicago under Rahm is becoming a second-rate cityThe loss of manufacturing combined with corrupt mis-leadership in Springfield and City Hall, is rapidly turning Chicago into a second-rate, parasitic city that produces little but where public space is reduced and insatiable corporate interests suck up more than their
Report: Most third-graders behind in cognitive development | HechingerEd Blog
Report: Most third-graders behind in cognitive development | HechingerEd Blog: Report: Most third-graders behind in cognitive developmentNearly 65 percent of third-graders lack the cognitive skills and knowledge necessary to succeed academically, according to the results of “The First Eight Years,” a report released Monday.The Annie E. Casey foundation, a non-profit child advocacy organization, an
Weingarten: Common Core implementation 'far worse' than Obamacare rollout | Capital New York
Weingarten: Common Core implementation 'far worse' than Obamacare rollout | Capital New York: Weingarten: Common Core implementation 'far worse' than Obamacare rolloutRandi Weingarten. Center for American Progress.BY JESSICA BAKEMAN11:15 am Nov. 4, 2013WASHINGTON—American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten blasted New York's and other states' implementation of the rigorous Common Co
11-5-13 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: Next MORE Meeting: What do you think about the Common Core?Some of you might think why does MORE need to decide on a position on the common core? It should be a no-brainer. Well it is not. There are many progressives out there who are not clear about the issue, especially with the propaganda mill from the UFT/AFT, major corporations, the entire educational top level leadership etc
11-5-13 THE WHOLE CHILD BLOG - Maintaining Resilience in Education
Maintaining Resilience in Education — Whole Child Education: THE WHOLE CHILD BLOGMaintaining Resilience in EducationNovember 5, 2013 by Dianna MinorResilience in education is best developed in the early grades when students' interests are keen and easiest to develop. This is often the time when a teacher can best motivate a child to believe she can do anything if she tries and puts forth her best
Weingarten: Common Core Rollout Worse Than Obamacare Rollout | Truth in American Education
Weingarten: Common Core Rollout Worse Than Obamacare Rollout | Truth in American Education: Weingarten: Common Core Rollout Worse Than Obamacare RolloutFiled in Common Core State Standards by Shane Vander Hart on November 5, 2013 • 0 Comments485American Federation of Teachers president Randi Weingarten criticized the implementation of the Common Core State Standards on Monday as reported by Capita
“WHAT OUR SCHOOLS CAN’T DO – BUT PARENTS CAN” | Teachers Fight Back: “WHAT OUR SCHOOLS CAN’T DO – BUT PARENTS CAN”leave a comment »The above title is taken from a commentary that appeared in today’s Chicago Tribune. The commentary was written by Phillip Jackson, the founder and executive director of The Black Star Project. Here are some excerpts from the commentary:“Chicago schools by themselves
Cali Education Headlines Tuesday, November 5, 2013
FCMAT » Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team: Bee BitesFPPC: Seven Sacramento area school officials took hidden giftsEducation HeadlinesTuesday, November 5, 2013Monterey High academy seeks to become charter schoolComing out to the beach, perhaps more often, is the type of experience MAOS students could get more of if the academy had more flexibility with scheduling and programming. It's
The Education Reform Conversation We Need is Not the One We Keep Having | Alternet
The Education Reform Conversation We Need is Not the One We Keep Having | Alternet: The Education Reform Conversation We Need is Not the One We Keep HavingWhy do education policymakers despise talking about equity?Photo Credit: US Department of Education via Wikimedia CommonsNovember 4, 2013 | This past week, two videos captured just about everything you need to know about the status of the mov
NEA - American Education Week—November 18-22, 2013
NEA - American Education Week: Raise Your Hand for Student Success250American Education Week—November 18-22, 2013—presents all Americans with a wonderful opportunity to celebrate public education and honor individuals who are making a difference in ensuring that every child receives a quality education. The weeklong celebration features a special observance each day of the week. They include:Monda
Test the World | EduShyster
Test the World | EduShyster: Test the World The coming global testing boondoggleIt’s a stark numerical conundrum: there are only so many standardized tests that boys and girls in the United States can be made to take. If only there were children in some other part of the world who could benefit from a diet rich in assessments and robust in metric… Great news, reader! The hundred of millions of chi
11-5-13 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: New York's 7 Million Dollar Teacher Observation CoachesWhen Tennessee became the first state to implement a teacher evaluation system based on a Rube Goldberg designed observation rubric and invalid, unreliable, and unfair testing methodology, the State became a laughingstock. Now that same crackpot scheme has come to New York and most likely to a school near you, if your state or
11-5-13 Wait What?
Wait What?: Another day at Capital Prep Magnet – And Principal Steve Perry is AWOL – againNo, he isn’t MIA… He is actually on route to Prairie View A & M University just northwest of Houston. EVENT: Prairie View A&M University University’s MSC Auditorium 6:30 speech, reception to follow And while Steve Perry is out gallivanting, courtesy of the taxpayers of Hartford and Connecticut, he is
11-5-13 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: Illinois’ CMS: “Can’t manage s**t.”Here’s the latest information from Central Management Services regarding retiree health insurance: Total Retiree Advantage Illinois (TRAIL) The enrollment period for the Medicare Advantage plans has been set for November 12 through December 13, 2013. The effective da
Morning Wink 11-5-13 AM Posts #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
BIG EDUCATION APE - MORNING WINK AM POSTSTODAYLISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 11-5-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for allDiane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Douglas County: Is This the Future of Public Education?Today, voters in Douglas County, Colorado, will decide the future of public education for the children of their county. In response to