Bad News from Me

Dear Friends,
I wanted to share some not very good news about my health.
This week, my hyperactivity and age caught up with me. It turns out I am not Wonder Woman but mortal me.
I have been in a hospital for teo days in Brooklyn, where they determined I have blood clots in one leg and walking pneumonia. Doctors’ orders: rest.
That means I cannot fly to Chicago or Madison this week. I will resume my schedule afterwards but try to pace myself. I will Skype when I can.
Lately, I have been worrying about who will carry the fight when I no longer can do it. It was as though I had a premonition of my health issues.
I suddenly realized that you will do it. You–teachers, principals, parents, students, administrators–will carry forward the struggle to gain respect, autonomy, and public confidence in our schools. You will fight for our children. You will stand up in every city, tow, village, snd hamlet. The blinders are off, and there is a genuine movement determined to speak out for our children, for the future of our society. You know what’s right, and you won’t slow down until every child gets an education we can all be proud of.
This week I realized that Socrates was right: All men are mortal. So are all women.
I am going to take some time off and rest: Doctor’s order. And I will take better care of my health. I’m regretful about the reminder of my age and mortality, but I will be back. And we won’t give up.
Diane Ravitch