LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 11-5-13 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: Douglas County: Is This the Future of Public Education?Today, voters in Douglas County, Colorado, will decide the future of public education for the children of their county. In response to an earlier post about the election battle for control of the schools in Douglas County, where the school board is eager to privatize the school
11-5-13 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Tuesday Open ThreadFrom Publicola:Ballot returns for tomorrow's off-year mayoral election are coming in lower than expected, according to King County Elections spokeswoman Kim van Eckstrom, who estimates that "about 250,000 ballots have been returned" as of this morning (that's about 40,000 more than you'll currently see on King County's official election
Failure is in the Eye of the Political Hack: Thoughts & Data on NJ Failure Factories & NOLA Miracles | School Finance 101
Failure is in the Eye of the Political Hack: Thoughts & Data on NJ Failure Factories & NOLA Miracles | School Finance 101: Failure is in the Eye of the Political Hack: Thoughts & Data on NJ Failure Factories & NOLA MiraclesPosted on November 5, 20130 1 VotesWe all know… by the persistent spit-spouting in your face blather of reformy-land that some common truths exist in educa
Louisiana Educator: White Gets an Earful
Louisiana Educator: White Gets an Earful: White Gets an EarfulI attended a 4 hour hearing on the Common Core State Standards Monday at the Capitol. (See also the Advocate article on this) For this hearing, members of the public and teachers were not allowed to testify, but I believe that most of the many legislators in attendance who had actually been hearing complaints from parents and teachers d
11-5-13 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: This Week’s “Round-Up” Of Good Posts & Articles On Education PolicyHere are some recent posts and articles on education policy issues that are worth reading: The WOW! factor of CCSS is by Alice Mercer. I’m adding it to The Best Articles Sharing Concerns About Common Core Standards. State Board executive director optimis
11-5-13 Perdido Street School
Perdido Street School: Vote De Blasio, James, No To GamblingLet's go back to last April as Anthony Weiner was getting ready to enter the race for City Hall.Christine Quinn was firmly in front of all other candidates, the Anybody But Quinn group had just launched their advertising campaign against Quinn but the ads had yet to do real damage to her, Thompson and de Blasio were well behind Quinn in l
11-5-13 @ The Chalk Face
@ THE CHALK FACE: Are Common Core and Testing Debates “Two Different Matters”?Are Common Core and Testing Debates \”Two Different Matters\”?. via Are Common Core and Testing Debates “Two Different Matters”?.1 by plthomasedd / 18min mark as read // saveIf I were a student, I would ask my…If I were a student in a high poverty public school, I would pose the following questions to my teachers, guid
Are Common Core and Testing Debates “Two Different Matters”? | the becoming radical
Are Common Core and Testing Debates “Two Different Matters”? | the becoming radical: ARE COMMON CORE AND TESTING DEBATES “TWO DIFFERENT MATTERS”?A comment posted on my blog about union support for Common Core (CC)—which parallels my blog post about Secretary Duncan and the Obama administration’s support for CC—represents a typical response coming from standards advocates in the CC debate: “You can
Why Are American Schools Still Segregated? - Eleanor Barkhorn - The Atlantic
Why Are American Schools Still Segregated? - Eleanor Barkhorn - The Atlantic: Why Are American Schools Still Segregated?A new study offers two answers: White people are making up a smaller percentage of the population than they used to, and different races are living in different school districtsAlabama state troopers turn away a bus with 13 black students inside as they tried to attend Tuskegee H
A Serious Flaw in Common Core | toteachornototeach
A Serious Flaw in Common Core | toteachornototeach: A Serious Flaw in Common Coreby Alan SingerThere is a serious flaw in the national Common Core English/Language Arts reading standards and it is the result of the ideological point of view about literacy and learning of those who developed it. I am not sure if it was done intentionally or if they are actually unaware of it. The flaw is uncertaint
11-5-13 The Answer Sheet
The Answer Sheet: Are private schools better than public schools? New book says ‘no’BY VALERIE STRAUSSNovember 5 at 5:00 amIt is often assumed that private schools do a better job educating children than public schools, but a new book, “The Public School Advantage,” which is being published this week, shows this isn’t the case. Here’s a piece the authors, Christopher Lubienski, a professor in the
H.R.3153: Student Disciplinary Fairness Act of 2013 - U.S. Congress - OpenCongress
H.R.3153: Student Disciplinary Fairness Act of 2013 - U.S. Congress - OpenCongress: H.R.3153 - Student Disciplinary Fairness Act of 2013To amend the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act of 1974 to establish the Office of School Discipline Policy, and for other purposes. view all titles (2)OverviewActions & VotesNews (0) & Blogs (0)Comments (0)Bill’s ViewsToday:4Past Seven Days:6
NYC Educator: The Trials and Tribulations of Meryl Tisch
NYC Educator: The Trials and Tribulations of Meryl Tisch: The Trials and Tribulations of Meryl TischNot only is Meryl Tisch chancellor of the NY State Board of Regents, she's also chairwoman of the the Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty. Because really, controlling the education of millions of NY State children is kind of a part-time gig. When you're as rich as Meryl Tisch, you need time to pl
Kindergarten Teachers’ Effects on Five Year-Olds’ Futures | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice
Kindergarten Teachers’ Effects on Five Year-Olds’ Futures | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice: Kindergarten Teachers’ Effects on Five Year-Olds’ FuturesI never went to preschool. I also missed being in kindergarten when I went to a Pittsburgh (PA) elementary school in the early 1940s. It was my loss.Why a loss? Because there is much evidence–both quantitative and qualitative–that
Middle school science standards divide teachers EdSource Today
EdSource Today: Middle school science standards divide teachersNovember 4th, 2013 | 1 Comment | By Kathryn Baron1Students in Emily Williams’ 7th grade science class at South Pasadena Middle School display drawings of what their children might look like as part of a genetics project. Credit: South Pasadena Middle SchoolThe State Board of Education will grapple with physical and metaphysical princip
California State Senator Ron Calderon Should Resign | California Progress Report
California State Senator Ron Calderon Should Resign | California Progress Report: California State Senator Ron Calderon Should ResignPosted on 05 November 2013Printer-friendly versionSend by emailBy Dean PrestonTenants TogetherAssemblymember Christina Garcia (D-Bell Gardens) deserves credit for being the first state legislator to call on Senator Ron Calderon (D – Montebello) to resignfollowing the
With A Brooklyn Accent: Melissa Tomlinson's "Rosa Parks" Moment
With A Brooklyn Accent: Melissa Tomlinson's "Rosa Parks" Moment: Melissa Tomlinson's "Rosa Parks" MomentThis is an amazing moment in the history of Public Education discourse. Our own Melissa Tomlinson, a long time public school teacher from New Jersey known to all BATS as "Love Light" has engineered a media breakthrough of unimaginable proportions. Not only has her s
NEW Format **SI&A Cabinet Report** :: The Essential Resource for Superintendents and the Cabinet
SI&;A Cabinet Report :: The Essential Resource for Superintendents and the Cabinet: Schools invited to weigh in on Obama’s ‘Promise Zones’ priority(D.C.) The U.S. Department of Education is seeking stakeholder comment on a proposed system aimed at focusing financial resources on 20 “Promise Zones,” high-poverty communities throughout the country in which the federal agencies will partner and
Special Late Nite Cap EXTRA 11-4-13 #EDCHAT #P2 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk
Nite Cap EXTRAEXTRA EXTRA EXTRA EXTRAHappy Birthday CTAHappy Birthday CTAThe WOW! factor of CCSSOne of my students this year has a propensity to use the sarcastic “WOW,” when they get news they don’t like (like, “You need to re-do this work”). This is not meant as a complaint about a student, after all they are twelve years old, and I did volunteer to teach this sarcasm-rich age cohort. I’m notici
Special Late Nite Cap UPDATE 11-4-13 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
Nite Cap UPDATEUPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATECORPORATE ED REFORMPortland Public Schools parents file complaint, push for more high school instructional hoursA coalition of parents wants the state to force Portland Public Schools to increase high school instructional time and has filed a complaint alleging the district fails to meet minimum requirements for class Nicole Dungca | n... / 29min
Michelle Rhee revolution faces massive threat — and new accusations -
Michelle Rhee revolution faces massive threat — and new accusations - Michelle Rhee revolution faces massive threat — and new accusationsIn Bridgeport, a quiet bipartisan scheme to protect ed reformers' favorite school chief is suspected by criticsBY JOSH EIDELSONEducation reform lightning rod Paul Vallas – who courted controversy helming school districts in Philadelphia, New Orleans an
FPPC: Seven Sacramento area school officials took hidden gifts - Education - The Sacramento Bee
FPPC: Seven Sacramento area school officials took hidden gifts - Education - The Sacramento Bee: FPPC: Seven Sacramento area school officials took hidden giftsBy Diana Lambert, Loretta Kalb and Phillip Reesedlambert@sacbee.comPublished: Monday, Nov. 4, 2013 - 3:14 pmBee BitesSeven Sacramento area school officials and a former top Sacramento County official were named today in a statewide investiga
Nite Cap 11-4-13 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
James Baldwin said it best: "For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."A BIG EDUCATION APE NITE CAPTODAYShifting The Mission Of Public Education – redqueeninlaShifting The Mission Of Public Education – redqueeninla: Shifting The Mission Of Public EducationWritten by redqueeninla in LAUSD I love performance art. Long ago I had the kick-ass opp
Shifting The Mission Of Public Education – redqueeninla
Shifting The Mission Of Public Education – redqueeninla: Shifting The Mission Of Public EducationWritten by redqueeninla in LAUSD I love performance art. Long ago I had the kick-ass opportunity of participating in a gigantic event, pre-cell-phone-era, with hundreds of dancers who took over the space in Philadelphia’s train station, working in 3D within all the different spaces suffused with diffe
Written Testimony on the Common Core & Next Generation Sunshine State Standards | Truth in American Education
Written Testimony on the Common Core & Next Generation Sunshine State Standards | Truth in American Education: Written Testimony on the Common Core & Next Generation Sunshine State StandardsFiled in Common Core State Standards, Education at State Level by Shane Vander Hart on November 4, 2013 • 0 CommentsKaren Effrem, MD the President of Education Liberty Watch and co-founder of the Florid
11-4-13 Jersey Jazzman Teacher Christie Bullied on Ed Show Tonight!
Jersey Jazzman: Teacher Christie Bullied on Ed Show Tonight!Melissa Tomlinson, the teacher who dared to ask Chris Christie a question and got excoriated in the process, will be on MSNBC's The Ed Show tonight, 5 pm EST. I can't wait to hear her side of the story in her own words. Unpresidential behavior.67 by Duke / 1h mark as read // saveChristie's Never-Ending War On TeachersWhen Chris Christie
Rising Weight of Poverty on Public Schools | the becoming radical
Rising Weight of Poverty on Public Schools | the becoming radical: RISING WEIGHT OF POVERTY ON PUBLIC SCHOOLS[This ran without hyperlinks at The Greenville News (November 1, 2013) and The Charleston Post & Courier (November 4, 2013)]According to 1860 census data, South Carolina had the highest percentage (57.2%) of its population as slaves in the U.S. Beaufort County (82.8%) and Georgetown Cou
NYC Public School Parents: NYSED's new scary data dictionary, with elements to be uploaded into inBloom and shared with vendors
NYC Public School Parents: NYSED's new scary data dictionary, with elements to be uploaded into inBloom and shared with vendors: NYSED's new scary data dictionary, with elements to be uploaded into inBloom and shared with vendorsAccording to the new NYSED data dictionary, updated just yesterday, among the mandatory elements to be uploaded to inBloom and shared with vendors are approximately 400 da
Newark High School students march out, send a message to Chris Christie Blue Jersey - New Jersey progressive politics and news
Blue Jersey - New Jersey progressive politics and news: The Governor Explains What's Wrong With The Governorby: vmarsSat Nov 02, 2013 at 03:24:52 PM EDTDiary rescue from this weekend, when our spiking traffic crashed our site. Promoted by Rosi.So on the weekend before the general election Chris Christie is showing his true colors as he cruises to victory. At his Somerset headquarters, PNJ has him
NYC Educator: Bet on Bill de Blasio
NYC Educator: Bet on Bill de Blasio: Bet on Bill de BlasioFor my money, Perdido Street School is one of the very best NYC education blogs. I see things regularly I'd never know about if I weren't following him. For example, you won't learn that Bill de Blasio met with Rahm Emanuel over at Gotham Schools. It's certainly worth considering, as Rahm is clearly the scum of the earth, among the very wor
The charter-school lie: Market-based education gambles with our children -
The charter-school lie: Market-based education gambles with our children - The charter-school lie: Market-based education gambles with our childrenNew proof that vouchers and charter schools don't reform education, just subject it to the whims of businessmenBY JEFF BRYANT 574 190 1 more TOPICS: EDUCATION, SCHOOLS, VOUCHERS, CHARTER SCHOOLS, NEA, MICHELLE RHEE, DIANE RAVI
Is Wisconsin Ready for the Corporate Reformers of Education? | Uppity Wisconsin
Is Wisconsin Ready for the Corporate Reformers of Education? | Uppity Wisconsin: Is Wisconsin Ready for the Corporate Reformers of Education?Submitted by Sen. K. Vinehout on Mon, 11/04/2013 - 12:44pm“I just don’t understand vouchers, choice, and charter schools,” the man told me. “Could you explain?”Public education is undergoing a radical change. What was predominately a local school governed by
11-4-13 The Answer Sheet Why is Arne Duncan visiting Haiti?
Why is Arne Duncan visiting Haiti?: Why is Arne Duncan visiting Haiti?BY VALERIE STRAUSSNovember 4 at 1:13 pmArne Duncan (Charles Rex Arbogast/AP)Education Secretary Arne Duncan travels a lot around the country as the Obama administration’s school reform chief, visiting classrooms and talking up federal education policies. There’s nothing unusual about that — but a trip he began on Monday is.Dunca
NJ Organizers Win Moratorium on Suspensions | National Opportunity to Learn Campaign | Education Reform for Equity and Opportunity
NJ Organizers Win Moratorium on Suspensions | National Opportunity to Learn Campaign | Education Reform for Equity and Opportunity: NJ Organizers Win Moratorium on SuspensionsPosted on: Monday November 4th, 2013On October 16, education organizers in Paterson, NJ, scored a victory for school discipline reform and theSolutions Not Suspensions initiative. Thanks to the hard work of the Paterson Educa
11-4-13 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: Mercedes Schneider Emails Randi WeingartenI believe that you really do want to support public school teachers. However, I think that in general, you have lost our confidence and our trust. Just read the comments associated with numerous posts tagged using your name on Diane Ravitch’s blog. The negative sentiment is undeniable. Your choices have provoked this loss of our support..
11-4-13 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Think You're Proud When Your Kid Gets a Good Grade?This dad couldn't be prouder. From The Washington Post's The Answer Sheet:Here’s a video that went viral showing a father in Britain reacting strongly when he learned that his son had gotten a ‘C’ in math — which is a passing grade — after first flunking it.The dad is Farnoosh Shahrokhshahi and it was his son, Ar
11-4-13 THE WHOLE CHILD BLOG Throughout November: Supporting Student Success and the Common Core — Whole Child Education
Throughout November: Supporting Student Success and the Common Core — Whole Child Education: THE WHOLE CHILD BLOGThroughout November: Supporting Student Success and the Common CoreNovember 4, 2013 by Klea Scharberg"Educators need to prepare kids to be career and college ready, but they also need to prepare them for their present world. The Common Core State Standards set out to do that. They'
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: School reform and the gentrification of our cities
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: School reform and the gentrification of our cities: School reform and the gentrification of our citiesThe now-closed Alfred David Kohn Elementary, 10414 S. State Street in Roseland.As someone who has long been involved with urban school reform, I have tried to make the case that current top-down, corporate-style "school reform" policies have more to do with
What's Next for Mark Hopkins? Parent Strategy Forum
What's Next for Mark Hopkins? Parent Strategy Forum: Dear Community Ally,It is with great enthusiasm that Hmong Innovating Politics (HIP) would like to invite you to an upcoming community strategy forum to discuss the re-purposing of the recently closed Mark Hopkins Elementary School. This event is sponsored by SCUSD Board Member Diana Rodriguez, Assemblymember Dr. Richard Pan and City Councilmemb
Teens on violence, bullying: Half of high school boys admit to... | Get Schooled |
Teens on violence, bullying: Half of high school boys admit to... | Get Schooled | Teens on violence, bullying: Half of high school boys admit to hitting out of anger COMMENT(2) 1 5 0 6View Larger (Getty)Previous PostsSouthern Poly students rally today against proposed merger with Kennesaw. Will it matter? November 4, 2013APS cheating scandal: The prosecution of educators was a mistak
The Common Core Doesn’t Cut Literature – It Complements It | NEA Today
The Common Core Doesn’t Cut Literature – It Complements It | NEA Today: The Common Core Doesn’t Cut Literature – It Complements ItNovember 4, 2013 by twalker Filed under Common Core State Standards, Featured News, Top StoriesLeave a CommentBy Cindy LongWhen it comes to fiction versus nonfiction, the new Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for English Language Arts isn’t “an either or thing,” says
Today: Twitter Chat on #ResourceInequity with 99in5 Student Voice
Student Voice: Today: Twitter Chat on #ResourceInequity with 99in5 Engage with #edujustice student leaders nationwide during a Twitter Chat on #resourceinequity this Monday, Nov. 4 at 8:30 p.m.! Follow #stuvoice and #resourceinequity to see the conversation, and tweet at those hashtags to join in! We will be sharing student stories about the importance of resources in K-12 learning as well as di
11-4-13 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: Jal Mehta Nails the Reasons Why School Reform Has FailedThe Allure of Order provides one of the best single explanations of how and why top-down school reform failed. Elites chose to “colonize” the disrespected teaching profession. Part of the solution, Mehta indicated, was transforming teaching into a real and respected profession.Mehta’s “From Bureaucracy to Profession: Remaking
Cali Education Headlines Monday, November 4, 2013
FCMAT » Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team: Apparently, No StudentsFirst Kiss for Ron and Thomas Calderon in 2011Education HeadlinesMonday, November 4, 2013School superintendent's firing proves expensive for ShandonWhen the Shandon school district's board of trustees decided to fire its superintendent earlier this month before his contract was up, it locked the rural district already s
Morning Wink 11-4-13 AM Posts #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
BIG EDUCATION APE - MORNING WINK AM POSTSTODAYNJ Education Spending & the Collapse of Equity [Update] | School Finance 101NJ Education Spending & the Collapse of Equity [Update] | School Finance 101: NJ Education Spending & the Collapse of Equity [Update]Posted on November 4, 20130 Rate ThisA while back, I wrote this post on the collapse of educational equity in New Jersey.A few