Turn on, Tune in, Opt Out: Change the Stakes Featured in Article in The Nation
Diana Zavala says parents are taking the reins of school governance, but with one key difference from administrators: “You can’t fire us.”... The Nation Wooo hooo. Our awesome parent activists make the big time. Now I'm definitely going to the CTS steering committee meeting this afternoon at the very least to congratulate the CTS/MORE crew: Jia Lee (teacher/parent activist, MORE steering committe
11-5-13 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: Next MORE Meeting: What do you think about the Common Core?Some of you might think why does MORE need to decide on a position on the common core? It should be a no-brainer. Well it is not. There are many progressives out there who are not clear about the issue, especially with the propaganda mill from the UFT/AFT, major corporations, the entire educational top level leadership etc