New York City Elects Bill de Blasio for Mayor, But It’s Not Over
Mayor Elect Bill deBlasio As I type this, party planners will set up confetti on nets in the ceiling, soon to rain on the ardent and diverse supporters of presumed Mayor-elect Bill de Blasio. NYC will have voted him in by the largest margin of any mayor in the city’s history. With a populist message and a charisma in stark contrast to current Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s recent curmudgeonly press con
In Public Education, Edge Still Goes to Rich
In Public Education, Edge Still Goes to Rich By EDUARDO PORTER “There aren’t many things that are more important to that idea of economic mobility — the idea that you can make it if you try — than a good education,” President Obama told students at the State University of New York in Buffalo in August. It is hardly a partisan belief. About a decade ago, on signing the No Child Left Behind Act, P
Proposed Colorado Tax Hike to Aid Schools Gets Drubbed at the Polls
A $950 million tax increase to benefit Colorado public schools that would have also restructured education finance in the state was soundly defeated by voters.
Woodbridge District School Board Election Results – 2013
Loree Williams will be representing Woodbridge District residents on the school board for the next 2 years. She replaces Steve Keen who was appointed last year when Denita Ramirez resigned. We thank Steve for his service and welcome Lorree!
Help!: I Cannot Do This "Education Thing" By Myself!
Usually, I take this "education thing" in stride. I deal with the every day ins and outs, trying to avoid as much stress as possible. But the other day, grrrrrrrr....I was so frustrated! I can not do this education thing by myself! I need this to be understood. As much as the buck seems to stop with me, I can't do it by myself. As often as it seems that I am doing it by myself, because o
Establishment Republican Wins Over Tea Party Candidate In Special Alabama Congressional Primary Election
The fight for the heart of the Republican Party is underway as mature politicians work to stem the power of the Tea Party. In Alabama that played out with a victory for the establishment side of the party as a ‘birther’ and Tea Party wing-nut was defeated Tuesday night in a special primary election for […]
AFT Sics the Dogs on Mercedes Schneider
Today AFT went down the chain to reach my local union president and ask her to “rein me in.” .. Mercedes Schneider Norm, In reading the various posts, you may have missed Mercedes' comments below which are quite revealing. It is a classic example of how Unity operates by using intimidation. .. Retired NYC teacher and UFT activist Here are Mercedes' comments today:Today AFT went down the chain
Shining a Light on What's Working in Public Education
I recently shared a guest post about "solutions journalism," which is defined by its proponents as "critical and clear-eyed reporting that investigates and explains credible responses to social problems." A superb example of this has since come to my attention, and I wanted to put it on your radar, as well. The Seattle Times, in partnership with the nonprofit Solutions Journal
Reflecting on Common Core RL Standard 5
Reflections on Teaching » Blog Archive » Reflecting on Common Core RL Standard 5: Reflecting on Common Core RL Standard 5 Analyze the structure of texts, including how specific sentences, paragraphs, and larger portions of the text (e.g., a section, chapter, scene, or stanza) relate to each other and the whole.- Common Core ELA Anchor Standard 5Critical Classrooms (Katie Lapham) has a lovely piece
In Public Education, Edge Still Goes to Rich -
In Public Education, Edge Still Goes to Rich - Matthew Staver for The New York TimesA second grade art class at a public school in Englewood, Colo. By EDUARDO PORTERPublished: November 5, 2013MultimediaGraphicUnequal FundingEconomic SceneEduardo Porter writes the Economic Scene column for the Wednesday Business section.Author Bio »Past Columns »It is hardly a partisan belief. About a
Closing (The Achievement Gap) Bad | Gary Rubinstein's Blog
Closing (The Achievement Gap) Bad | Gary Rubinstein's Blog: Closing (The Achievement Gap) BadSo if you’re wondering why I’ve slowed down a bit on blogging lately, there are a bunch of reasons. One is that I’m happy about the amount of coverage phony ed reform is getting by not just other bloggers, but even in the main stream media. A lot of my blogging stems from the feeling that I am ‘needed,’
11-5-13 Daily Kos: Preliminary data from exit polls points to strong Dem performance in VA
Daily Kos: Preliminary data from exit polls points to strong Dem performance in VA: some comparisons by precinctin Arlington VA where I live Cooch is at least 8 and sometimes as much as 15% behind McDonnell. It seems like the average is about 10%. Of course, a chunk of that is because of the libertarian precinct cooch McDonnell ashton Heights 18.93% 26.72 Ballston
Turn On, Tune In, Opt Out | The Nation
Turn On, Tune In, Opt Out | The Nation: Turn On, Tune In, Opt OutOwen Davis and StudentNation on November 5, 2013 - 2:32 PM ETShareUnited Opt Out rally " height="299" alt="United Opt Out rally" width="400" src="">A 2012 rally held by United Opt Out (Licensed through Creative Commons. Courtesy of F
Nite Cap 11-5-13 #BATsACT #RealEdTalk #EDCHAT #P2
James Baldwin said it best: "For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."A BIG EDUCATION APE NITE CAPTODAYEducational reform movement misguided, argues Diane Ravitch - The Daily PrincetonianEducational reform movement misguided, argues Diane Ravitch - The Daily Princetonian: Educational reform movement misguided, argues Diane RavitchBY SHEILA SI