The solution to everything: More Standardized Testing! - Wait, What?
The solution to everything: More Standardized Testing! - Wait, What?: The solution to everything: A. More Standardized Testing! by jonpelto Public education experts Diane Ravitch and Gary Rubinstein write about a recent letter from 30 plus “education reform” groups to Secretary of Education, Arne Duncan. The “education reformer’s” message; standardized test scores should be used to measure the effectiveness of teacher training programs in the United States. No don’t laugh, these people are for real. Here is what they want. Colleges graduate teachers; teachers get hired; the teacher... more »
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: You bet they heard us
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: You bet they heard us: You bet they heard us by Mike Klonsky This morning's front page headline in the Sun-Times print edition reads: DO YOU HEAR US, RAHM? Teachers Show Strength in Numbers, Mayor Cuts DNC Visit Short In this rare case, the headlines told the real story. Yesterday's Labor Day Solidarity Rally in Daley Plaza was a powerful expression of the anger and frustration felt by thousands of Chicago teachers in reaction to the debasement and the disrespect shown them and their profession by Rahm Emanuel's administration. *Tactically, it ... more »
Ten minute drawing. Illinois Democrats and IEA bureaucrats. « Fred Klonsky
Ten minute drawing. Illinois Democrats and IEA bureaucrats. « Fred Klonsky: Ten minute drawing. Illinois Democrats and IEA bureaucrats. by Fred Klonsky Click on drawing to enlarge.
Pre-k turns 20: Should it be an equal priority to HOPE? | Get Schooled
Pre-k turns 20: Should it be an equal priority to HOPE? | Get Schooled: Pre-k turns 20: Should it be an equal priority to HOPE? by Maureen Downey [image: Pre-k has waiting lists throughout the state. Does it deserve more funding? (AJC file)]Pre-k has waiting lists throughout the state. Does it deserve more funding? (AJC file) *Bobby Cagle, commissioner of Bright from the Start: Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning*, met with the AJC a few weeks ago and talked about his first 18 months in the job. “What we do is setting the stage for the future success of the children we ser... more »
Modern School: California’s College Crisis: Nearly Half a Million on Waitlist
Modern School: California’s College Crisis: Nearly Half a Million on Waitlist: California’s College Crisis: Nearly Half a Million on Waitlist by Michael Dunn Huck/Konopacki Labor CartoonsI hope I will be forgiven for exploiting the word “crisis” after repeatedly criticizing Ed Deformers, politicians and the wealthy for regularly misusing the term. Yet the situation in California’s community colleges seems to warrant such language. After all, the state’s community college system has lost $809 million over the last three years, resulting in mass layoffs, increased fees, the gutting o... more »
The supplies kids really need for school - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post
The supplies kids really need for school - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post: The supplies kids really need for school By Valerie Strauss *Summer’s over and school’s here. Here’s a smart piece about the things that kids really need to be successful at school. It was written by best-selling author Madeline Levine, whose newest book is “Teach Your Children Well: Parenting for Authentic Success,” and Vicki Abeles, director of the education documentary “Race to Nowhere,” which looks at the pressurized environment in many schools and the consequences when students are over-schedul... more »
What's Good for the Goose… :: Frederick M. Hess
What's Good for the Goose… :: Frederick M. Hess: What's Good for the Goose… *by Frederick M. Hess • Sep 4, 2012 at 8:40 am Cross-posted from Education Week* Print Send RSS [image: Share] Share Last night at the convention, the Democrats released their party platform. The plan lauded the Obama administration for its commitment to "working with states and communities so they have the flexibility and resources they need to improve elementary and secondary education in a way that works best for students." The Dems continued with references to more rigorous teacher evaluation, colleg... more »
Is your district breaking special education law? - California Teachers Association
Is your district breaking special education law? - California Teachers Association: Is your district breaking special education law? By Sherry Posnick-Goodwin [image: image] Carol Siddle with Arabella Estes Imagine seeing programs and services for students with disabilities disappearing to save money, because the district suddenly has a “new way” of doing business. Imagine someone arbitrarily changing a student’s IEP (Individualized Education Program) without notifying members of the IEP team. These disturbing scenes are occurring statewide as districts are using misleading langua... more »
BeyondChron: San Francisco's Alternative Online Daily News » High Performing Charter Schools: Beating The Odds, Or Beating The Test?
BeyondChron: San Francisco's Alternative Online Daily News » High Performing Charter Schools: Beating The Odds, Or Beating The Test?: High Performing Charter Schools: Beating The Odds, Or Beating The Test? by Rob Levine‚ Sep. 04‚ 2012 [image: Review it on NewsTrust] Campaign for America's Future "Odds-beating charter school." Those words are like animpenetrable shield for those who operate such places. They are also the holy grail of the education reform movement, which is constantly seeking shortcuts to radically increase measures of educational achievement, which these days is ... more »
Five Questions for Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee -
Five Questions for Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee - Five Questions for Failed DC Chancellor Michelle RheeBy MICHAEL D. SHEAR CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Michelle A. Rhee, the former schools chancellor in Washington, D.C., is now pushing education reform through her organizationStudents First — and continuing to annoy the teachers’ unions along the way. At the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla., Ms. Rhee appeared alongside former Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida, who sees her — as do many Republicans — as a darling of the school choice movement. But she is also a lifelo... more »
Democratic Platform Hails Common Core, Praises Teachers - Politics K-12 - Education Week
Democratic Platform Hails Common Core, Praises Teachers - Politics K-12 - Education Week: Democratic Platform Hails Common Core, Praises Teachers By Andrew Ujifusa on September 4, 2012 8:15 AM *Charlotte, N.C.* * * * * The Democratic Party has released its official platform for 2012, and there's at least one section that might raise eyebrows among education observers. The platform put out Monday states that President Barack Obama and Democrats in general are intent on providing states and communities with the "flexibility and resources" to improve K-12 education. It then goes on to... more »
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 9-4-12 Diane Ravitch's blog
Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] College Sports: Where Are Our Priorities? by dianerav Joel Shatzky is Professor Emeritus at SUNY-New Paltz, where he taught from 1968-2005. He presently teaches at Kingsborough Community College. He sent this post: *On a recent trip to visit family and friends in Turkey and Israel I asked, a propos of the Olympics, what importance is given to sports in their respective national universities. After all, many Olympic athletes train at universities in the United States where the excellent coaching and focus is... more »
If My Tone Offends, Blame My Lazy Father |
If My Tone Offends, Blame My Lazy Father | If My Tone Offends, Blame My Lazy Father by P.L. Thomas In the early 1980s, I was newly married, seeking my first teaching job, and necessarily living in my parents’ home, which also housed my sister, her husband, and child. We were a pretty interesting extended family nestled in the Upstate of rural South Carolina. One night, I was suddenly startled awake by my sister ripping the screened door off its hinges as she shouted for me to wake up. After a blur of jumping out of bed and following her into my parents’ bedroom,... more »
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: IN THE MAILBOX
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: IN THE MAILBOX: IN THE MAILBOX by Mike Klonsky From Chicago teacher, Andrew Dear friends and neighbors, I write to you because of the possibility that my colleagues and I in the Chicago Teachers Union may go on strike one week from today. I want to share with you why I support this strike, and I hope that you will consider my words as you sort through the media coverage and other perspectives you hear about the regrettable impasse that the Board of Education and the CTU have reached. Please feel free to respond to me, to engage me in conversation person... more »
Lifelong Democrat ready for fight in Charlotte over school reform - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post
Lifelong Democrat ready for fight in Charlotte over school reform - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post: [image: Answer Sheet] Lifelong Democrat ready for fight in Charlotte over school reform By Valerie Strauss The Democrats are opening their political convention on Tuesday with hopes of rallying the troops for the fall campaign ahead — but on one issue they are getting pushback from activists within the party: school reform. The Obama administration’s school reform policies have been met with (JONATHAN ERNST/REUTERS)increasing opposition in communities across the country over... more »
Daily Kos: "No Excuses" and the Culture of Shame: Why Metrics Don't Matter | National Education Policy Center
Daily Kos: "No Excuses" and the Culture of Shame: Why Metrics Don't Matter | National Education Policy Center: Daily Kos: "No Excuses" and the Culture of Shame: Why Metrics Don't Matter Share P.L. Thomas September 3, 2012 - Radical Scholarship Blog - Classroom Teaching and Learning - Equity and Social Justice [image: Home] "Wouldn’t it be refreshing to hear someone say that 'eliminating poverty in America is the civil rights issue of our day'? Since poverty is the single most reliable predictor of poor performance in school, poor health, poor attendance, dropping ou... more »
Labor Day Chicago 2012 Parents United for Responsible Education
Parents United for Responsible Education » Blog Archive » Labor Day Chicago 2012: Labor Day Chicago 2012 by admin A show of support from Chicago business at the end of a day of protest and display of union power. Earlier in the day, an estimated 18,000 union members, parents and others marched in solidarity with the Chicago Teachers’ Union. People are finally raising up against the oppression of mayoral control of schools and the big corporate money that backs it. Parents have had enough, Students have had enough. Teachers have had enough. And – guess what? We now have enough peopl... more »
Pam and Carol’s Excellent “Students First” Adventure « Parents Across America
Pam and Carol’s Excellent “Students First” Adventure « Parents Across America: Pam and Carol’s Excellent “Students First” Adventure by pagrundy The heavies have just emerged from the third-floor movie theater where Michelle Rhee’s “Students First” group is showing the controversial movie “Won’t Back Down.” One stands imposingly tall, big shoulders swelling his dark red shirt. The other is shorter, stockier, clad in bright blue. Both wear black ties. The man in blue seems to be in charge. “You have to leave,” he tells us. This is an awkward moment. Admittedly we’re carrying giant y... more »
Missouri Education Watchdog: Message to PTA: There are Serious Concerns Regarding Student Privacy. They're More Important than Wrapping Paper Sales.
Missouri Education Watchdog: Message to PTA: There are Serious Concerns Regarding Student Privacy. They're More Important than Wrapping Paper Sales.: Message to PTA: There are Serious Concerns Regarding Student Privacy. They're More Important than Wrapping Paper Sales. by stlgretchen As a public education student, your child has little expectation of privacy and control of gathered personal data to federal agencies. Where's the PTA's outrage? JR Wilson has written an article for parents to read and understand what happens to their child's privacy when they cross the threshold ... more »
NYC TEACHER BRIAN JONES DESCRIBES LAUSD? (VIDEO) - NYC TEACHER BRIAN JONES DESCRIBES LAUSD? (VIDEO) by Leonard Isenberg [image: Brian Jones.jpg] *(**Mensaje se repite en Español) (For a national view of public education reform see the end of this blog post)* *In describing the blatant corruption and targeting of teachers by the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) over the last 3 years, people outside of public education- and even many within- have remained incredulous as to the severity of what we have described at perdaily, which remains nowhere to be found i... more »
How did some African-Americans get on wrong side of ed reform? « Parents Across America
How did some African-Americans get on wrong side of ed reform? « Parents Across America: How did some African-Americans get on wrong side of ed reform? by leoniehaimson *Karran Harper Royal at the SOS conference, August 4, 2012 in Washington DC, discusses how some African-Americans got on the wrong side of education reform.* And how an you tell if you’re on the wrong side of reform: Does the policy shut down open debate? Does it remove the democratic process? Do parents get to elect the charter board? Do the policymakers have to focus on a villain, in this case, teachers and unio... more »
Karen Lewis Speaks to 20,000 Chicago Teachers « Diane Ravitch's blog
Karen Lewis Speaks to 20,000 Chicago Teachers « Diane Ravitch's blog: Karen Lewis Speaks to 20,000 Chicago Teachers by dianerav On Labor Day, Karen Lewis addressed 20,000 teachers about their struggle with Mayor Rahm Emanuel. Do you know how hard it is to get 20,000 people to turn out for anything? When Karen Lewis met with Rahm Emanuel after his election, he told her that 25% of the children in Chicago would never amount to anything. She was outraged. Karen Lewis is a plain-spoken yet articulate leader of the teachers. She was elected because teachers were sick of the compromises ... more »
An injury to one is an injury to all. But not if you’re the IEA. « Fred Klonsky
An injury to one is an injury to all. But not if you’re the IEA. « Fred Klonsky: An injury to one is an injury to all. But not if you’re the IEA. by Fred Klonsky Check out this photo by Sarah Ji: Now go to the Illinois Education Association website. Notice anything? There is no mention of the huge Chicago Labor Day rally. In support of who? Right. Teachers. Members of the Chicago Teachers Union. Affiliated with the American Federation of Teachers and the Illinois Federation of Teachers. Members of the *We Are One Illinois* coalition, along with the IEA, of public
Jersey Jazzman: Back To School
Jersey Jazzman: Back To School: Back To School by Duke This is the time of year when I throttle back the blog a bit and concentrate on the beginning of the school year. Regular readers know I am a working teacher - not a pundit, or a think tanky-type, or a TFAer who's "staying involved in education," whatever that means. I walk the walk, and the Tuesday after Labor Day is when I lace up the new sneakers and hit the track. So things will cool out here a little - but not too much. After three years, I have a much better sense of the time commitment for putting together a post. So ... more »
Meet the Parents Across America Founders: Karran Harper Royal « Education Talk New Orleans
Meet the Parents Across America Founders: Karran Harper Royal « Education Talk New Orleans: Meet the Parents Across America Founders: Karran Harper Royal by edutalknola *This profile is part of an ongoing series of portraits of key Parents Across America members.* Karran Harper Royal’s articulate, impassioned advocacy for children has made her a familiar figure in her hometown of New Orleans and a sought-after speaker the national scene. In public meetings, government hearings, conference presentations, radio programs and television broadcasts, she cuts straight through the puffe... more »
Chicago teachers draw a line: What does it mean for K-12 public education? |
Chicago teachers draw a line: What does it mean for K-12 public education? | Chicago teachers draw a line: What does it mean for K-12 public education? by Danny Weil *Analysis: Lee Sustar* ** August 28, 2012 [image: Chicago teachers rally support in the streets during a mass march in May] CAN THE scrappy band of outsiders that now heads the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) lead the kind of high-stakes fight that most labor unions have ducked? That question looms large–not just for the city’s teachers,... more »
NYC Public School Parents: Teacher & parent leader critique new report & implementation of DOE's inclusion initiative
NYC Public School Parents: Teacher & parent leader critique new report & implementation of DOE's inclusion initiative: Teacher & parent leader critique new report & implementation of DOE's inclusion initiative by Leonie Haimson *Saturday's post about the new report from the Public Advocate’s office on the DOE’s special education inclusion initiative, whose author refrained from interviewing any parents, teachers or other school-based staff, provoked comment on our NYC Education List. I think I can speak for most parents who believe that given the right training provided to class... more »
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: LABOR DAY WEEKEND QUOTABLES
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: LABOR DAY WEEKEND QUOTABLES: LABOR DAY WEEKEND QUOTABLES by Mike Klonsky Social Justice High School firings *“The foundation from which Social Justice High School was built on was from unity and the need to rectify an ongoing injustice. What set SoJo apart was its strong connection between teachers and parents, but now that’s changed.” *-- Patricia Buenrostro, original Little Village H.S. hunger striker As strike approaches in Chicago *"The strike obviously is a big piece of the picture, but it's not the only thing out there. It feels like * CTU... more »
School Tech Connect: Karen Lewis in Daley Plaza
School Tech Connect: Karen Lewis in Daley Plaza: Karen Lewis in Daley Plaza Karen Lewis in Chicago today. *(Go full screen. Live a little.)* I'm still working on the sound quality. There's nobody else like Karen Lewis. It needs to be said. The reason 18k people turned out in Daley Plaza today is that she tells the truth and she inspires people. She leads with honesty and love, and people respond to that. Our mayor, on the other hand, leads with a sharp elbow and forked tongue. I wouldn't want to be a Democratic president saddled to the reputation of this toxic mayor. He came i... more »
Diane Ravitch: Take Action Now
Diane Ravitch: Take Action Now: A LETTER TO MY FRIENDS AND READERS Many people have asked what they can do to try to change the conditions and misguided policies that I describe in my book. Wherever I go, the same question comes up: What can we do? How do we stop these bad policies and programs? Whether they are parents, teachers, administrators, school board members or citizens concerned about the future of our children and our society, they want ideas about how to persuade our elected officials to change course. Education used to be a state and local function. Unfortunately, sin... more »
“Look up! Look down! Chicago is a union town!” « Fred Klonsky
“Look up! Look down! Chicago is a union town!” « Fred Klonsky: “Look up! Look down! Chicago is a union town!” by Fred Klonsky I heard everything from ten thousand to eighteen thousand. I say twenty. Matt Farmer half jokingly said that the Tribune is reporting 326. We filled Daley Plaza in a sea of red. We surrounded Rahm’s City Hall and poured from the sidewalk on to the street. We marched down Clark Street to the headquarters of the Chicago Public Schools. “Hey, hey. Ho, ho. Rahm Emanuel has got to go!” *We turned the Blue Line into the Red Line.* more: “Look up! Look down! Chica... more »
Chicago Teachers Should Be Supported As They Prepare For Possible Strike On September 10th « CAFFEINATED POLITICS
Chicago Teachers Should Be Supported As They Prepare For Possible Strike On September 10th « CAFFEINATED POLITICS: Chicago Teachers Should Be Supported As They Prepare For Possible Strike On September 10th by dekerivers [image: Parents Stand With CTU (CLICK ON PICTURE)] For now most of the national focus when it comes to union rights is concentrated on Chicago, where school teachers are demanding their rights be respected, and a contract that is fair to the profession be negotiated and concluded. Too often workers are timid and reticent about standing up for their rights. Worker... more »
Which Democrats Are Hostile to Teachers? « Diane Ravitch's blog
Which Democrats Are Hostile to Teachers? « Diane Ravitch's blog: Which Democrats Are Hostile to Teachers? by dianerav [image: DFER Fake Democrats for Education Privatization (click on Picture)] IT IS A RULE: YOU CAN'T BE AGAINST PEOPLE AND FOR CORPORATIONS AND CALL YOURSELF A DEMOCRAT...EVER! As a historian, I can assure you that the roots of the current “reform” movement are on the far right. Vouchers began with Milton Friedman in 1955; charters began in 1988 with liberal origins, but were quickly adopted by the right as a substitute for vouchers because voters always defeated ...more »
Seattle Schools Community Forum: School Board Meeting Agenda Sept 5, 2012
Seattle Schools Community Forum: School Board Meeting Agenda Sept 5, 2012: School Board Meeting Agenda Sept 5, 2012 by Charlie Mas The agenda for the September 5, 2012 regular legislative school board meeting is now available online. Let's review it! The meeting is scheduled to start at 4:15pm. The public testimony comes at 5:00. The Board knows, and has been told, that it is difficult for working people to reach the Board meetings by 5:00 on Wednesdays. They have no intention, however, of changing the time for public testimony. It is difficult not to see this as an effort to d... more »
LUCKY TO JUST HAVE A JOB « Teachers Fight Back
LUCKY TO JUST HAVE A JOB « Teachers Fight Back: LUCKY TO JUST HAVE A JOB by alkleen The forces that benefit from having workers accept low pay and limited benefits have done an exceptional job at convincing the average worker that they are “lucky to just have a job.” Workers all over the country have fallen for this brand of propaganda. I’ve never seen workers be so intimidated during an economic downturn as they are during this one. It’s amazing. Especially with so many corporations sitting on trillions of dollars in cash and refusing to hire anyone. Teachers are probably the ... more »
Remembering Don Moore Parents United for Responsible Education
Parents United for Responsible Education » Blog Archive » Remembering Don Moore: Remembering Don Moore by admin News of the death of Don Moore is rippling through the Chicago public school community. Don founded Designs for Change, a key education advocacy group, and was one of the architects of Chicago’s Local School Council-based reform law. Don dedicated his entire life to promoting LSCs and their potential for leading significant improvement in public education. He documented their successful impact on parent empowerment, teacher collaboration, and overall
How school textbooks distort labor history - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post
How school textbooks distort labor history - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post: How school textbooks distort labor history By Valerie Strauss This being Labor Day, it seems like a good time to look at the way the history of the labor movement is taught in U.S. schools. Unfortunately, it isn’t — at least, not much, and when it is, it is too often inaccurately portrayed. Members of the Communications Workers of America demonstrate. (Joseph Kaczmarek/AP)State content standards sometimes ignore the movement almost completely, and textbooks either do the same thing or else treat ... more »
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Status of MTSS
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Status of MTSS: Status of MTSS by Charlie Mas Here is the status report on MTSS from the Friday Memo to the Board on August 17, 2012: *Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS)* Seattle Public Schools is committed to implementing a comprehensive Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS) district wide by the 2014-2015 academic school year. MTSS is a framework designed to accelerate academic and social/emotional learning behaviors for all students through high quality instruction and intervention, curriculum aligned to standards and collaborative decision mak... more »
Missouri Education Watchdog: Does Your Child Have the Right to Self-Protection and Self-Defense at School?
Missouri Education Watchdog: Does Your Child Have the Right to Self-Protection and Self-Defense at School?: Does Your Child Have the Right to Self-Protection and Self-Defense at School? by stlgretchen This book might go against Arne Duncan's on the Department of Defense's ideas on dealing with bullies. The Departments of Labor and Health & Human Services are sharing information and directing programs with the Department of Education. The DOEd door is now open to the Department of Defense. From F*amily Matters Blog: Websites Teach Kids How to Deal With Bullying*: WASHIN... more »
Parents in Charlotte to Protest Film and DFER « Diane Ravitch's blog
Parents in Charlotte to Protest Film and DFER « Diane Ravitch's blog: Parents in Charlotte to Protest Film and DFER by dianerav [image: DFER Fake Democrats for Education Privatization (click on Picture)] IT IS A RULE: YOU CAN'T BE AGAINST PEOPLE AND FOR CORPORATIONS AND CALL YOURSELF A DEMOCRAT...EVER! A press release from Parents Across America: *MecklenburgACTS/PAA to protest film/DFER event & Present Positive Education Reforms at DNC* For immediate release: September 3, 2012 Contact: Pamela Grundy, 704-806-0410, Members of and Pa... more »
A Note to My Readers « Diane Ravitch's blog
A Note to My Readers « Diane Ravitch's blog: A Note to My Readers by dianerav Diane Ravitch Website Diane Ravitch Website Upcoming Events With school starting tomorrow (and in some districts it has already started), I know you won’t have as much time to read these posts. The typical teacher, according to the Scholastic-Gates survey, works an 11-hour day. And from your comments, I know that most of the readers of the blog are teachers. I know there are also parents, principals, superintendents, school board members, journalists, concerned citizens–and, I hope, students as well. So... more »
MecklenburgACTS/PAA to Present Positive Education Reforms at DNC « Parents Across America
MecklenburgACTS/PAA to Present Positive Education Reforms at DNC « Parents Across America: MecklenburgACTS/PAA to Present Positive Education Reforms at DNC by leoniehaimson Contact: Pamela Grundy, 704-806-0410, Members of and Parents Across America will be rallying and distributing literature at two events associated with the Democratic National Convention here in Charlotte. We will call on President Obama and other Democrats to reject the ineffective “reform” measures being pushed by well-heeled organizations such as Students Firs... more »
Modern School: Pension Crisis for Affluent School Bosses
Modern School: Pension Crisis for Affluent School Bosses: Pension Crisis for Affluent School Bosses by Michael Dunn The Pension Crisis is not really a crisis at all in most states. It is true that if every state employee were to simultaneously retire, there would not be enough money to cover their guaranteed pensions. But this will not and cannot happen since employees aren’t even eligible to receive benefits until they’ve worked a minimum number of years. It is also true that most pension systems have lost considerable value as a result of the financial meltdown, but this was caus... more »
Daily Kos: a few ways I am better off than four years ago
Daily Kos: a few ways I am better off than four years ago: a few ways I am better off than four years ago by (teacherken) only 5.65% in payroll taxes deducted from paychecks this year if I change medical insurance I cannot be denied coverage because of pre-existing conditions the gay students I taught who wanted to go into the military can do so now without having to be dishonest my gay students and friends now have a President who advocates for marriage equality for them I do not have former students at risk of dying in Iraq on their fifth or more tours there the st... more »
Hopes and Fears for the 2012-13 School Year | Outside the Cave
Hopes and Fears for the 2012-13 School Year | Outside the Cave: Hopes and Fears for the 2012-13 School Year by Stephen Lazar I think this may be my favorite piece to write each year, but I can’t imagine I will ever be less able to capture my hopes and fears in words than I can now. Not since my first year teaching, and maybe not even then, have I started a year with such overwhelming feelings of excitement, apprehension, nervousness, anticipation, and helplessness. *Harvest is Now Real* Eight months ago I sat down for coffee with Kate and Atash, the principal and social worker of ... more »
DIARY OF A PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER!: Matt Damon’s Speech to Teachers at SOS Rally
DIARY OF A PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER!: Matt Damon’s Speech to Teachers at SOS Rally: Matt Damon’s Speech to Teachers at SOS Rally by Lisa M *I love this speech! I wonder how many politicians have heard it ?* Popout I flew overnight from Vancouver to be with you today. I landed in New York a few hours ago and caught a flight down here because I needed to tell you all in person that I think you’re awesome. I was raised by a teacher. My mother is a professor of early childhood education. And from the time I went to kindergarten through my senior year in high school, I went to public ... more »
Charter schools study state | The Columbian
Charter schools study state | The Columbian: Charter schools study stateNational nonprofits watch vote, consider doing business here [image: Renee Wyman, a paid signature checker, tallies pages of signatures in July at the State Elections Office.] Anna Marum Renee Wyman, a paid signature checker, tallies pages of signatures in July at the State Elections Office. By DONNA GORDON BLANKINSHIP, Associated Press SEATTLE -- Some of the most successful charter school organizations in the nation say they would like to open schools in Washington if voters approve the charter initiative on t...more »
Democratic Split Over Education Reform Tested By Hollywood Movie
Democratic Split Over Education Reform Tested By Hollywood Movie: Democratic Split Over Education Reform Tested By Hollywood Movie Posted: 09/02/2012 9:00 pm Updated: 09/03/2012 7:52 am “Won’t Back Down" Rhymes with "Stand Your Ground" and is brought to you by those great folks at ALEC WASHINGTON -- The most controversial thing to happen at the Democratic National Convention this week may end up being a movie screening. On Monday afternoon, a Hollywood film called "Won't Back Down" -- which opens in theaters nationwide on Sept. 28 -- will be shown to a select crowd of conventio... more »
Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 9-1-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 8-25-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 8-18-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 8-11-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 8-4-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post
Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 7-21-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 7-14-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 7-7-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post
Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-30-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-23-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-16-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-9-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-2-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post
Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 7-21-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 7-14-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 7-7-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post
Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-30-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-23-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-16-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-9-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-2-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post

Big Education Ape Nite Cap 9-3-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 9-2-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 9-1-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-31-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-30-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-29-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-28-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-27-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-26-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-25-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-24-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-23-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-22-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2
Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-21-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-20-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-19-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #