James Baldwin said it best:
"For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."
Campaign Launched To Assist Students Applying for Deferred Action - Hispanically Speaking News
Campaign Launched To Assist Students Applying for Deferred Action - Hispanically Speaking News: Campaign Launched To Assist Students Applying for Deferred Action [image: Campaign Launched To Assist Students Applying for Deferred Action]A coalition of civic groups launched Tuesday in Washington a national campaign to help thousands of undocumented students avoid deportation by means of a process known as “deferred action.” The idea of the campaign, activists told a press conference, is to help potential beneficiaries apply for a suspension of their deportation and for temporary work... more »
Leading innovative & transformative change: 5 key considerations | Connected Principals
Leading innovative & transformative change: 5 key considerations | Connected Principals: Leading innovative & transformative change: 5 key considerations by sharris This blog follows closely on the back of my colleague’s recent blogpost (http://anneknock.com/2012/08/05/becoming-an-innovative-school-my-top-10-ideas/) as I consider her thoughts and some recent consultancy experience. What are five of the key considerations I can see in leading a learning community down fresh pathways? 1. Cast vision as clearly, concisely and strongly as you can When it comes down to it, vision become... more »
Tragedy that brought police to city schools inspired 1958 series | GothamSchools
Tragedy that brought police to city schools inspired 1958 series | GothamSchools: Tragedy that brought police to city schools inspired 1958 seriesby Philissa Cramer, at 6:58 pm Some city principals would like to see schools reduce their police presence. But in 1958, principals couldn’t even get the police to swing by — a policy that might have driven one school leader to suicide. That’s the story behind a series that appeared that year in the New York World Telegram & Sun. Masquerading as a teacher-hopeful, reporter George Allen landed a job at John Marshall Junior High School in Br... more »
Duncan on the Common Core: “Huge Step in the Right Direction” | Truth in American Education
Duncan on the Common Core: “Huge Step in the Right Direction” | Truth in American Education: Duncan on the Common Core: “Huge Step in the Right Direction” by Shane Vander Hart U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan was recently interviewed by AP on recent education reforms that has been implemented. A couple of excerpts: For those in states where the Common Core standards are being implemented, students could see more emphasis on critical thinking and spending a longer time gaining a deeper understanding of a more limited range of concepts in math. *The standards were independentl... more »
Modern School: Another UTLA Sellout—Evaluations Can Include Test Scores
Modern School: Another UTLA Sellout—Evaluations Can Include Test Scores: Another UTLA Sellout—Evaluations Can Include Test Scores by Michael Dunn Huck/Konopacki Labor Cartoons The United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA) recently agreed with the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) to allow the use of student test scores as part of performance reviews beginning this fall, the Los Angeles Times reported, though a UTLA attorney later said the commitment was contingent on whether the union and LAUSD could negotiate an agreement
Students Last: "Bagel Summit" for Randi and Campbell?
Students Last: "Bagel Summit" for Randi and Campbell?: "Bagel Summit" for Randi and Campbell? *Washington D.C.* - American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten and former CNN journalist Campbell Brown received an unexpected invitation today from President Barack Obama. At a press conference, Obama invited both women to the White House for “some bagels and lox” (a nod to the fact that both women are Jews or have lived in New York City we don’t know which). He expressed his hope that the “Bagel Summit” would "cool things off between the two." The women have been digita... more »
Teachers Are Still Leading NBPTS « Diane Ravitch's blog
Teachers Are Still Leading NBPTS « Diane Ravitch's blog: Teachers Are Still Leading NBPTS by dianerav A reader writes to set the record straight: *My comments are simply to state facts and correct the misconceptions in the responses.**I was a founding member of the National Board in 1987–a classroom special education teacher from Michigan. (Yes, serving with 62 other board members like Deborah Meier, Al Shanker and Mary Futrell but mostly, a majority of teachers) In 1990, I joined the National Board as staff–the first teacher hired by the start up organization. I worked as a Vice ... more »
Common Core Standards Developers Hired to Help Failing Schools in New Jersey | Truth in American Education
Common Core Standards Developers Hired to Help Failing Schools in New Jersey | Truth in American Education: Common Core Standards Developers Hired to Help Failing Schools in New Jersey by Shane Vander Hart The Christie Administration just hired the Council of Chief State School Officers to help the New Jersey Department of Education develop school turnaround strategies. They are being paid $1.55 million to do this. The project will be two-pronged: First, help with the establishment of the state’s still-evolving Regional Achievement Centers (RACs), the immediate hubs for school im... more »
Jersey Jazzman: The Incoherent World of Arne Duncan, Part V
Jersey Jazzman: The Incoherent World of Arne Duncan, Part V: The Incoherent World of Arne Duncan, Part V by Duke Arne Duncan's interview with Tom Moran of the Star-Ledger is a fascinating - and dispiriting - journey into the brain of the US Secretary of Education. I'm breaking down this fantastic voyage into a series of posts: - Part I: Duncan's signature program, Race To The Top, has little evidence to back it up. - Part II: The real legacy of Duncan, Rhee, and Klein. - Part III: Arne has a lot to learn about what makes teachers tick. - Part IV: Duncan's totally be... more »
Jersey Jazzman: Is Computer-Based Instruction Making the Digital Divide WORSE?
Jersey Jazzman: Is Computer-Based Instruction Making the Digital Divide WORSE?: Is Computer-Based Instruction Making the Digital Divide WORSE? by Duke Yesterday, I outlined the back story of how an expensive, computer-based math instruction program is finding its way to the Perth Amboy district in New Jersey. I'm always watching the connections between public, for-profit, and non-profit interests in this brave new world the reformyists are creating - and there were quite a few *interesting*, shall we say, connections in this particular tale. What I didn't discuss very much were ... more »
This Week In Education: Thompson: Reflections On Save Our Schools 2012
This Week In Education: Thompson: Reflections On Save Our Schools 2012: Thompson: Reflections On Save Our Schools 2012 by john thompson [image: Saveourschool]I am so disappointed that I couldn't make the Save Our Schools conference, but James Boutin's blog *An Urban Teacher's Education* gives a great summary of the event. A parent activist, Karran Harper Royal, explained that, "teaching, in and of itself, is necessarily a political act." Dr. James Martinez criticized "deficit thinking." Martinez's and other SOS discussions about race were especially profound, as was Boutin's obser... more »
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Competition and the Public Sector
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Competition and the Public Sector: Competition and the Public Sector by Charlie Mas I often hear folks say that the root problem with public education is that it is a monopoly and that, as such, has no incentive to provide better service. This statement reflects not only a gross misunderstanding of the difference between the private sector and the public sector, but a gross ignorance of the facts. I'm really tired of this foolish talk and I'd like to put an end to it now. You can help by exposing the thoughtlessness of this idea every time the ide... more »
August 14 Election: Crucial to Milwaukee’s Future « Larry Miller's Blog: Educate All Students!
August 14 Election: Crucial to Milwaukee’s Future « Larry Miller's Blog: Educate All Students!: August 14 Election: Crucial to Milwaukee’s Future by millerlf By Larry Miller There are crucial elections occurring on August 14. Private school vouchers are a central issue facing the candidates. While the Republican Party stands firmly behind voucher privatization, too many Democrats stand with them. I hear Democrats say this or that person is good on most issues, just not vouchers. We can no longer say that vouchers and privatization of public education is a secondary or side issue.... more »
Louisiana school voucher program allows kids to learn creationist non-science and pro-slavery revisionism | Pam's House Blend
Louisiana school voucher program allows kids to learn creationist non-science and pro-slavery revisionism | Pam's House Blend: Louisiana School Voucher Program Allows Kids to Learn Creationist Non-Science and Pro-Slavery Revisionism by Pam Spaulding The Education Governor (photo: Gage Skidmore / flickr) You can thank Republican Veep prospect, Governor Bobby “the exorcist” Jindal for this development. Millions of tax dollars under his voucher program will go to “save” the low-wealth and middle class kids from Louisiana’s horrible public schools to private schools run by fundies teac... more »
Jeb Bush Covers ZZ Top on His US Ed Reform Rock Tour Show in Mississippi | Scathing Purple Musings
Jeb Bush Covers ZZ Top on His US Ed Reform Rock Tour Show in Mississippi | Scathing Purple Musings: Jeb Bush Covers ZZ Top on His US Ed Reform Rock Tour Show in Mississippi by Bob Sikes ZZ Top’s tribute to Mississippi blues icon Howlin’ Wolf, *My Heads in Mississippi *opens thus: I’m shufflin’ thru the Texas sand, But my head’s in Mississippi. I’m shufflin’ thru the Texas sand, But my head’s in Mississippi. The blues has got a hold of me. I believe I’m gettin’ dizzy. (Spoken: Help me now.) Who can blame another rock legend, Jeb Bush, he of the education reform rock genre, had thes... more »
Three core values of science, engineering and how ed reform contradicts them - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post
Three core values of science, engineering and how ed reform contradicts them - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post: [image: Answer Sheet] Three core values of science, engineering and how ed reform contradicts them By Valerie Strauss This *was written by Arthur H. Camins, director of the Center for Innovation in Engineering and Science Education at the Stevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken, NJ.* By Arthur H. Camins President Obama and countless reports all says that improving scienceand engineering literacy and ensuring a next generation of U.S. scientists and engineers a... more »
FCMAT » Cali Education Headlines Wednesday, August 8, 2012
FCMAT » Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team: *UC Berkeley* Education Headlines *Wednesday, August 8, 2012* Education roundup: Greenfield poised to borrow money to pay billsThe Greenfield Union School District board on Wednesday is expected to approve a resolution to borrow $15 million from the Kern County Board of Education to help make ends meet, and also review a new board policy that will have trustees pay 10 percent of their medical benefits. Lodi Unified secures energy fundsLodi Unified will take on a $1 million loan from Pacific Gas & Electric Co. to pay for energy-s... more »
NYC Educator: The Teacher Olympics
NYC Educator: The Teacher Olympics: The Teacher Olympics by Miss Eyre Like many of you, no doubt, I have been enjoying the Olympics for the past week or so, marveling at the feats of strength on display, the hideous interesting choices of uniforms on some of the athletes, and the raw, beautiful power of the human spirit. Which got me thinking, naturally, of another class of superhumans: Teachers. Of course, we'd need our *own* Olympics. It wouldn't be fair to put us up against the Usain Bolts and Gabby Douglases of the world. They would lose and be sad. I propose the following... more »
Private Student Loan Issues Examined in New Report - Student Loan Ranger (usnews.com)
Private Student Loan Issues Examined in New Report - Student Loan Ranger (usnews.com): Private Student Loan Issues Examined in New Report By EQUAL JUSTICE WORKS August 8, 2012 RSS Feed Print [image: When borrowing for college, it's important to weigh all your student loan options.] When borrowing for college, it's important to weigh all your student loan options. *Private Student Loans*, the July 20th report from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) to Congress, is data-driven and understated. It is also compelling and holds the feet of the private loan industry to the fi... more »
White House to Host PTA Day and Honor 12 PTA Members as "Champions of Change" | U.S. Department of Education
White House to Host PTA Day and Honor 12 PTA Members as "Champions of Change" | U.S. Department of Education: White House to Host PTA Day and Honor 12 PTA Members as "Champions of Change" AUGUST 8, 2012 *Contact: * Press Office, (202) 401-1576, press@ed.gov *Washington, DC* — On Friday, August 10th, the White House will welcome over 150 Parent Teacher Association (PTA) leaders from 41 states, DC, and US military bases overseas for a day-long briefing. PTA comprises millions of families, students, teachers, administrators, and business and community leaders devoted to the educa... more »
School Tech Connect: A Festival of Forums
School Tech Connect: A Festival of Forums: A Festival of Forums by noreply@blogger.com (Tim Furman) Wow--- tons of public forums coming up to talk about the current state of CPS/CTU negotiations and other matters. I stole this list from *Raise Your Hand For Public Education*, which you could join here. It appears to me that none of these forums is sponsored by the school district, although some district people will be at least one of them. I'm going to try to make Hyde Park tonight. *8/8 - Hyde Park Forum* with Julie Woestehoff of PURE and teachers and parents from Hyde Park. “... more »
Seattle Schools Community Forum: TFA Class of 2012-13: Three
Seattle Schools Community Forum: TFA Class of 2012-13: Three: TFA Class of 2012-13: Three by Charlie Mas At the August 7, 2012 meeting the Board Executive Committee considered the schedule for the motion to approve the conditional certificates for the Teach for America corps members who were hired for this fall. There are three of them: two hired as elementary teachers at Emerson and one hired as a Special Education teacher at Aki Kurose. The discussion at the Executive Committee meeting was about whether to introduce the motion at the August 15 Board meeting and vote on it at th... more »
FSBA President Says “Accountability Should Not Create Turmoil” | Scathing Purple Musings
FSBA President Says “Accountability Should Not Create Turmoil” | Scathing Purple Musings: FSBA President Says “Accountability Should Not Create Turmoil” by Bob Sikes The Florida School Boards Association has emerged as a serious opponent of state legislators and the test-dominated accountability systems they’ve imposed. *Orlando Sentinel* editorial writer Darrel. E. Owens had several key questions for the new president of the FSBA: Florida Education Commissioner Gerard Robinson’s surprising exit came after a year marred by recent controversies over lower-than-expected FCAT writing... more »
Save Our Schools on teacher unions. « Fred Klonsky
Save Our Schools on teacher unions. « Fred Klonsky: Save Our Schools on teacher unions. by Fred Klonsky [image: SOS Save Our Schools] Brother Mike reports from the SOS conference in DC this past weekend: Saturday’s panel of teacher union activists, *Fred Klonsky, Dr. Michael A. Walker Jones, and Xian Barrett, *was over the top. Most of the controversy took place around the so-called*new unionism* or *“results unionism*” now being touted bysome AFT and NEA leaders. There was lots of anger and frustration in the room, over the quick concessions being made by union leaders on issues... more »
Responding to the Gates Foundation: How do we Consider Evidence of Learning in Teacher Evaluations? - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher
Responding to the Gates Foundation: How do we Consider Evidence of Learning in Teacher Evaluations? - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher: Responding to the Gates Foundation: How do we Consider Evidence of Learning in Teacher Evaluations? by Anthony Cody [image: differences.jpg] Follow me on Twitter at @AnthonyCody This post is the second round in a five-part exchange with the Gates Foundation. This is a response to yesterday's post from Vicki Phillips, How do we Consider Evidence of Student Learning in Teacher Evaluations? Vicki Phillips opens her post with a complaint: ... more »
National Education Association: Put students first – USATODAY.com
National Education Association: Put students first – USATODAY.com: National Education Association: Put students first By Becky Pringle Updated 13h 26m ago - Comments - - - - - - With the release of its new report, The New Teacher Project has helped focus attention on one of our nation's most valuable assets: the dedicated professionals who educate our children. The National Education Association agrees that attracting and retaining great teachers must be a top priority, and it will only become more urgent over the next decade, when we'll need 1.6 mi... more »
Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] Voucher Carnival Gets Even Wilder in Louisiana by dianerav This one takes the cake. John White has approved the Light City Church School of the Prophets to get vouchers, nearly $700,000 a year. The man who runs it describes himself as an apostle or a prophet. Whatever. People can call themselves whatever they like. Please read the linked article to see how low the bar is for getting taxpayer dollars from the state of Louisiana. The state will have no standards for voucher schools. There will be no accountabili... more »
Distinct choice for ‘parent trigger’ families in Adelanto | EdSource Today
Distinct choice for ‘parent trigger’ families in Adelanto | EdSource Today: Distinct choice for ‘parent trigger’ families in Adelanto - by John Fensterwald by John Fensterwald [image: Charter Schools - Dividing Communities since 1991] Two nearby charter school operators have expressed interest in running a besieged elementary school in the Mojave Desert town of Adelanto, ending worries of organizers of the state’s first successful “parent trigger” that their invitation for applicants to take over their school might go unanswered. Organizers of the Desert Trails Parent Union announ... more »
School Tech Connect: December At The Latest
School Tech Connect: December At The Latest: December At The Latest by noreply@blogger.com (Tim Furman) Totally focused on other things today, so in order to come up with a post, I reviewed my epic list of possible topics. It's a little writer's trick that we writers use. It's called "writing things down." Typically we lose our lists for months and months until one of them turns up under a cocktail. My list led me nowhere tonight, trust me. However, in a humorous sidebar, one of the terms on my list is "Donald Fraynd," the former CPS turnaround guy who left the district to start ... more »
Geaux Teacher!: "Don't Back Down" MOVIE DISTORTS PARENT TRIGGER LAWS: "Don't Back Down" MOVIE DISTORTS PARENT TRIGGER LAWS by noreply@blogger.com (Lee Barrios, M.Ed., NBCT) This letter was written by Ruth Rodriguez-Fay of Save Our Schools America. SOS is planning an ACTION to counter the misinformation and Hollywood Version of new laws passed in some states - including Louisiana - called Parent Trigger Laws. Parent Trigger Laws allow a certain percentage of parents to petition for a traditional public school to be shut down and replaced by a charter school. Watch for information ... more »
Dismal report released on boys and men of color - ContraCostaTimes.com
Dismal report released on boys and men of color - ContraCostaTimes.com: Dismal report released on boys and men of color By Scott Johnson Oakland Tribune Posted: 08/07/2012 11:00:00 PM PDT Updated: 08/07/2012 11:56:37 PM PDT OAKLAND -- In California, by a 36 to 27 percent ratio, young African-American men without a high school diploma or its equivalent are more likely to be found languishing in prison than working a regular job. Young Latino men are roughly 40 percent more likely than white men to wind up serving time in an adult prison. And African-American kindergartners are ...more »
Opportunities to help our Seattle students | Seattle Education
Opportunities to help our Seattle students | Seattle Education: Opportunities to help our Seattle students by seattleducation2011 *Stuff the Bus!* Councilmember O’Brien’s Office and City Lights are teaming up with Communities in Schools to help Stuff the Bus full of the back-to-school necessities for low-income students. Collect new backpacks, school supplies, and new school outfits for students in grades K-12 in our Seattle schools between now and Tuesday, August 21st. Items may be dropped off in the Legislative Department reception area at City Hall: Seattle City Hall 600 Fourth... more »
Then You’ll Really Know What It’s Like [featuring Xian Barrett] | The Jose Vilson
Then You’ll Really Know What It’s Like [featuring Xian Barrett] | The Jose Vilson: Then You’ll Really Know What It’s Like [featuring Xian Barrett] by Jose Xian Barrett has been one of my favorite education commenters in the last year or so. His commentary can simultaneously crack you up and crack your jaw, swelling and opening eyes unflinchingly. Today, CNN’s School of Thought asked him to contribute to their blog. Good on you, CNN. Observe: Most Chicago teachers give our all in very challenging conditions. A recent Gates study suggests that the average teacher works 53 hours per w... more »
LAUSD TERRORIZES TEACHERS - Perdaily.com: LAUSD TERRORIZES TEACHERS by Leonard Isenberg [image: Terror.jpg] *(Mensaje se repite en Español) (For a national view of public education reform see the end of this blog post) After initial denial, if you ever come to the regrettable realization that you have been targeted by your principal for removal and that the institutional bullying orchestrated by him or her at the behest of their superiors at the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD)- aka Beadry- is not going away, you might think of giving me a call...but I wouldn't tell *
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: SOS chatter
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: SOS chatter: SOS chatter by Mike Klonsky Keynoters Deb Meier & Nancy Carlsson-PaigeI tried to explain to Teaching Now blogger Liana Heitin who was reposed by Edweek's Stephen Sawchuck, that it was okay that last weekend's SOS Convention was actually smaller and less celebrity-studded than last summer's march and White House rally. Others told Liana (who I find to be an otherwise highly capable and astute ed writer) that a march and a meeting have two different purposes and that one is often smaller than the other and that SOS was fine with that. It ... more »
Opportunities Suspended: The Disparate Impact of Disciplinary Exclusion from School — The Civil Rights Project at UCLA
Opportunities Suspended: The Disparate Impact of Disciplinary Exclusion from School — The Civil Rights Project at UCLA: Opportunities Suspended: The Disparate Impact of Disciplinary Exclusion from School *Authors: Daniel J. Losen, Jonathan Gillespie, Foreword by Gary Orfield* Date Published: August 07, 2012 The first in an ongoing series of national studies by the Center for Civil Rights Remedies at the Civil Right Project. Related Documents - [image: Attached file] Opportunity Suspended: The Disparate Impact of Disciplinary Exclusion from School - [image: Attache... more »

Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 7-21-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 7-14-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 7-7-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post
Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-30-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-23-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-16-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-9-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-2-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post

Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-7-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-6-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-5-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-4-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-3-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-2-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-1-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2
Big Education Ape Nite Cap 7-31-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2