James Baldwin said it best:
"For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."
Reclaiming the Commons : blue cheddar
Reclaiming the Commons : blue cheddar: Reclaiming the Commons by Worley Dervish Advertisements insidiously worm their way into our hearts and minds despite our best efforts to tune them out (which is why Tom and I don’t watch TV anymore). They must be accomplishing something, or advertisers wouldn’t shell out the big bucks for them, would they? But isn’t there some kind of saturation point? Aren’t we getting to a place where people are just sick to death of always having stuff hawked and pushed at them? Does anyone else ever feel like you spend your whole goddamn life in a marketp... more »
Jersey Jazzman: The Obnoxious Sanctimony of Reformy Types
Jersey Jazzman: The Obnoxious Sanctimony of Reformy Types: The Obnoxious Sanctimony of Reformy Types by Duke Make it stop! MAKE IT STOP! The article asserts that white suburban children actually score the highest on the international assessments—rivaling the the coveted student achievement of Finland and South Korea. *The article blames 35 percent of our student population—poor blacks and Latinos—for pulling down our otherwise stellar scores*, making America's ranking plummet. Lind writes: *"If you look at the facts, then, they don't suggest that the U.S. public K-12 system is a ... more »
Labor and the Community Defend Public Education A Teach-In to Save Our Schools Saturday, August 25th | Dailycensored.com
Labor and the Community Defend Public Education A Teach-In to Save Our Schools Saturday, August 25th | Dailycensored.com: Labor and the Community Defend Public Education A Teach-In to Save Our Schools Saturday, August 25th by Danny Weil *Title:**Labor and the Community Defend Public Education** START DATE:** Saturday August 25** TIME:** 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM** Location Details:**SEIU 1021 Headquarters, 350 Rhode Island St. enter on Kansas St between 16th & 17th Streets Map at http://tinyurl.com/c2gk6ru, # 10, 19, 22 buses** Event Type:** Teach-In* *Labor and the Community Defend Public... more »
NEA - Back to School Guide
NEA - Back to School Guide: Back to School Guide Educator-tested tips, advice, and resources for a successful start to the school year. *Found In*: advice & support [image: founded in 1863] ARTICLE SECTIONS - Classroom Setup - Prepping for the First Week - Classroom Management - Working with Parents - Year-Long Support - Keeping a Sense of Humor Students may still be enjoying their summer vacations, but for educators, the beginning of the next school year is just around the corner. NEA editors have compiled a list of our best articles and resources to help yo... more »
Blue Jersey:: Washington State Dems Welcome Christie
Blue Jersey:: Washington State Dems Welcome Christie: Washington State Dems Welcome Christieby: interested observer*Thu Aug 09, 2012 at 06:59:48 PM EDT* Kudos to the Washington State Democrats, who laid out the welcome mat for Chris Christie today as he campaigns with the Republican candidate for Governor: Today, the Washington State Democrats are releasing "Bad Company," a web-video highlighting New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and Washington State Attorney General Rob McKenna's rough relationships with the media. The two have a history of yelling at and running from media membe... more »
Joan Buchanan to chair Assembly Ed | EdSource Today
Joan Buchanan to chair Assembly Ed | EdSource Today: Joan Buchanan to chair Assembly Ed ** August 9th, 2012 | Add a Comment | By John Fensterwald Share on twitterShare on facebookShare on emailShare on google_plusone More Sharing Services [image: Joan Buchanan] Joan Buchanan Assemblymember Joan Buchanan, a Democrat from Contra Costa County who served on the board of the San Ramon Valley Unified School District for nearly two decades, will run the Assembly Education Committee, as of tomorrow. Assuming she wins re-election to a third term in November, she’ll chair the committee when t... more »
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Ed Reform as Viewed by a Teacher
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Ed Reform as Viewed by a Teacher: ' Ed Reform as Viewed by a Teacher by Melissa Westbrook Via Diane Ravitch's blog, comes this piece from teacher Matt Mandel, a national board certified teacher in Philadelphia public schools. From Diane: *He has figured out reform.* *He explains it here for those who were puzzled.* *The most important thing you need to know is this:* *“It’s not about the children.”* *The reason reformers keep saying that it is “for the children,” is because it’s not.* *They say that to confuse people.* *Read Matt Mandel and learn w... more »
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Rahm sends millions in TIF money to Penny -- not to schools
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Rahm sends millions in TIF money to Penny -- not to schools: Rahm sends millions in TIF money to Penny -- not to schools by Mike Klonsky I'm still on the road but trying to keep up on Chicago happenings. Stunned but not surprised to see that Rahm isdelivering millions from his TIF slush fund to his billionaire pal Penny Pritzker for her new Hyatt Hotel. Pritzker sits on the mayor's hand-picked school board. She's also Pres. Obama's chief campaign fundraiser. Pritzker is also an anti-union hard-liner who's trying to bust the union at Hyatt. She's cl... more »
Modern School: Debit Card Financial Aid Scam Hits Thousands of California Students
Modern School: Debit Card Financial Aid Scam Hits Thousands of California Students: Debit Card Financial Aid Scam Hits Thousands of California Students by Michael Dunn Huck/Konopacki Labor Cartoons Close to half of California’s community colleges and numerous other colleges and universities are now disbursing financial aid through debit cards contracted through Higher One, the Bay Citizen reports. According to the U.S. PIRG Education Fund, Higher One is the largest player of its kind in the U.S., with 520 partner campuses, enrolling over 4.3 million students nationwide. Not only ... more »
Jersey Jazzman: Mayoral Control Ain't Awesome
Jersey Jazzman: Mayoral Control Ain't Awesome: Mayoral Control Ain't Awesome by Duke The *Star-Ledger's* Tom Moran loves mayoral control of schools: The real resolution of this conflict should come in November, when four of Caffrey’s leading critics on the board face re-election. This case perfectly illustrates the hazards presented by the toxic politics that all school reformers face. *It is a screaming argument in favor of mayoral control of urban schools.* [emphasis mine] It's because, even though school boards are elected, they just can't be trusted - like in Newark: There ... more »
Jersey Jazzman: Tea Partyin' = Teacher Bashin'
Jersey Jazzman: Tea Partyin' = Teacher Bashin': Tea Partyin' = Teacher Bashin' by Duke Maureen Castriotta is no ordinary suburban school board member. Castriotta serves on the Roxbury, NJ Board of Education, a high-performing system in Morris County. She urged the defeat of her own board's budget in 2011, and supported a slate of anti-union, cost-cutting board candidates (they lost). Castriotta got into hot water with her fellow board members back in 2010 during Chris Christie's War On Schools. At the time, high school students in some districts were organizing protests against ... more »
Disaster Capitalism, K-12 Education, and Corporate Takeovers of Progressive Organizations | Crooks and Liars
Disaster Capitalism, K-12 Education, and Corporate Takeovers of Progressive Organizations | Crooks and Liars: Disaster Capitalism, K-12 Education, and Corporate Takeovers of Progressive Organizations 43 comments By karoli This is how fundamental democratic institutions and progressive organizations get co-opted by corporate interests. Find an issue like, say, education reform, partner up with right-wing interests to undermine public education as a fundamental right of every child in this country, and let billionaires direct the flow of dollars into competing efforts. Along the way,... more »
Expresso :: Issue of the Week: National Voucher Group Meddles in Milwaukee Democratic Primaries
Expresso :: Issue of the Week: National Voucher Group Meddles in Milwaukee Democratic Primaries: Issue of the Week: National Voucher Group Meddles in Milwaukee Democratic PrimariesPlus: Hero of the WeekBy Shepherd Express Staff It's happened before and it's happening again. The American Federation for Children (AFC)—a Washington, D.C.-based pro-school-privatization group funded by some of the wealthiest Republican activists in the country—is supporting some Milwaukee candidates in the Democratic primaries. This year, AFC is spending thousands of dollars on independent expenditur... more »
Chicago Teachers Union Update on Contract Negotiations| www.ctunet.com
Chicago Teachers Union | www.ctunet.com: *Update on Contract Negotiations**:* *“Contract is not Settled; …We Continue To Bargain In Good Faith* *and Members Continue to Prepare For A Work Stoppage”* *CHICAGO –* The Chicago Teachers Union is currently in contract negotiations with the Chicago Public Schools and has been since November 2011. While much has been made of the *interim agreement* in which the Union was able to successfully stop the threat of a 7 hour and 40 minute work day as well as force the District to hire displaced (tenured) teachers in over 500 new positions, the ... more »
Why Are All the Smart Kids Cheating?
Why Are All the Smart Kids Cheating?: Why Are All the Smart Kids Cheating? by guest blogger Image via onlinedegrees.org This video by the New York Times illustrates just how much faster sprinter Usain Bolt is than Olympic medalists of yore. The video’s key takeaway is that the crème de la crème of athletes have over the years pushed themselves to consistently higher standards. Whereas breaking 10 seconds used to seem nearly impossible, it is now all but a requirement of medaling in the 100m sprint. While the Olympics has a comprehensive drug testing program to keep its athlete... more »
Local Control = Real Freedom | Truth in American Education
Local Control = Real Freedom | Truth in American Education: Local Control = Real Freedom by Shane Vander Hart I was shocked – *SHOCKED *to read this in a newspaper editorial because most have, by and large, embraced the centralization of education at the state and federal levels. I almost wanted to cry, ok I’m exaggerating, but it is great to see that the editorial board of *The Ft. Wayne News-Sentinel* *gets it*. An excerpt: There is a need, of course, for input from all levels of government on maintaining superior public education. The greatest need is for local input, but th... more »
Secret teacher evaluations part of 'compromise' | The Asbury Park Press NJ | APP.com
Secret teacher evaluations part of 'compromise' | The Asbury Park Press NJ | APP.com: Secret teacher evaluations part of 'compromise' [image: Senate President Steven Sweeney Senator Teresa Rui] Commissioner of Education Chris Cerf speaks after Governor Chris Christie signed the Teacher Effectiveness and Accountability for the Children of New Jersey (TEACHN) Act at Von E. Mauger Middle School in Middlesex, N.J. on Monday, Aug. 6, 2012. (Governor's Office/Tim Larsen) / Office of the Governor Gov. Chris Christie, along with legislators and leaders of teacher unions, has lined up to k... more »
Cover up: Erase to the top. « Fred Klonsky
Cover up: Erase to the top. « Fred Klonsky: Cover up: Erase to the top. by Fred Klonsky USA Today: A 17-month investigation into possible cheating on standardized tests at Washington, D.C., public schools focused on only one school and did not expand to any other school with rising test scores and suspiciously high rates of wrong answers changed to right ones. In a report issued Wednesday, city investigators said they found no reason to probe more than one elementary school, Noyes Education Campus, whose principal resigned in the wake of a USA
Missouri Education Watchdog: Why You Should Read The FERPA Form This Year
Missouri Education Watchdog: Why You Should Read The FERPA Form This Year: Why You Should Read The FERPA Form This Year by Anngie Many parents are busy filling out dozens of school forms right now. Mixed in that paperwork is the FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) form that indicates your approval for the school to share your child's data. In years past most people paid little attention to this form as it seemed to apply mostly to sharingtranscripts with colleges, military recruiters and school ring companies. They were most critical to families with messy domestic... more »
LAUSD/UTLA Pushing Value Added Model VAM Allowing: Neo-instrumentality and zombie functionalism | Dailycensored.com
LAUSD/UTLA Pushing Value Added Model VAM Allowing: Neo-instrumentality and zombie functionalism | Dailycensored.com: LAUSD/UTLA Pushing Value Added Model VAM Allowing: Neo-instrumentality and zombie functionalism by Danny Weil I read this earlier this week and had to agree with much of what is stated. The Value Added Model of Education (VAM) — notice the clever use of the words ‘value’ and ‘added’ — this would have made Orwell’s head jerk for it is this type of doublespeak that we find throughout the poisonous educational ‘debate’. There is clearly little value in removing litera... more »
For African American Students: An Election Year Promise | LFA: Join The Conversation - Public School Insights
For African American Students: An Election Year Promise | LFA: Join The Conversation - Public School Insights: For African American Students: An Election Year Promise by Tarsi Dunlop President Obama recently established an education initiative for African American students. The goal: Provide them greater access “to a complete and competitive education from the time they're born through the time they get a career.” There is little doubt that the timing of such an announcement coincides with November’s election, yet to suggest that such an initiative is merely politically symbolic i... more »
The Stonewall to Protect Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee and Teach for America | Scathing Purple Musings
The Stonewall to Protect Michelle Rhee and Teach for America | Scathing Purple Musings: The Stonewall to Protect Michelle Rhee and Teach for America by Bob Sikes One time Michelle Rhee apologist, Jay Mathews, predicted a cover-up. He got one. Wrote Mathews in June of the snail’s pace of the DC inspector generals investigation of test-cheating which occurred on Rhee’s watch as DC chancellor: What about all those erasures? (Current) D.C. schools Chancellor Kaya Henderson seems uninterested in the question. “I am pleased that this investigation is complete and that the vast majorit... more »
Great parent teacher discussion in Hyde Park Parents United for Responsible Education
Parents United for Responsible Education » Blog Archive » Great parent teacher discussion in Hyde Park: Great parent teacher discussion in Hyde Park by admin That's me in the middle Last night’s forum at the United Church of Hyde Park seemed to help everyone feel better about whatever comes out of the ongoing teacher contract negotiations. I shared the front table with several teachers from HP and other areas, and was impressed along with the rest of the listeners about the passion the teachers expressed as well as the amount of excellent information that was shared about such topi... more »
Letter: To improve education, start by tackling poverty | NJ.com
Letter: To improve education, start by tackling poverty | NJ.com: Letter: To improve education, start by tackling povertyPublished: Thursday, August 09, 2012, 10:25 AM [image: arne-duncan.JPG]Chip Somodevilla/Getty ImagesEducation Secretary Arne Duncan is pictured in this file photo. He spoke with Star-Ledger editorial page editor Tom Moran about school reform. U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan shamefully promotes the myth that America’s education problem is its teachers and their associations, when the data are clearly contrary. (“Better education starts with best educators,” ... more »
Bad Teachers Can Get Better After Some Types Of Evaluation, Harvard Study Finds
Bad Teachers Can Get Better After Some Types Of Evaluation, Harvard Study Finds: Bad Teachers Can Get Better After Some Types Of Evaluation, Harvard Study Finds by Joy Resmovits The question of what to do with bad teachers has stymied America's education system of late, sparking chaotic protests in state capitals and vitriolic debate in a recent congressional hearing. It has also stoked the movementknown as 'education reform,' which has zeroed in on teacher quality by urging school districts to sort the star teachers from the duds, and reward or punish them accordingly. The ide... more »
Truly Confounding Data | Mr. Teachbad
Truly Confounding Data | Mr. Teachbad: Truly Confounding Data by teachbad Can somebody help me? I can’t make heads or tails of this little bar graph I put together. It’s obvious that we have an unfortunate concentration of Bad Teachers in Wards 7 and 8. That’s the big story here, but is there anything else? PLEASE HELP!! *Note on the data:* *School data* is average combined proficiency in reading and math for all traditional public schools in each ward of the city (no charters) on the DC CAS, our ‘state’ NCLB test. This average combines elementary and seco... more »
Shanker Blog » The Louisiana Voucher Accountability Sweepstakes
Shanker Blog » The Louisiana Voucher Accountability Sweepstakes: The Louisiana Voucher Accountability Sweepstakes by Matthew Di Carlo The situation with vouchers in Louisiana is obviously quite complicated, and there are strong opinions on both sides of the issue, but I’d like to comment quickly on the new “accountability” provision. It’s a great example of how, too often, people focus on the *concept* of accountability and ignore how it is actually implemented in policy. Quick and dirty background: Louisiana will be allowing students to receive vouchers (tuition to attend private... more »
RheeFirst! » DC OIG whitewashes ErasureGate in narrow report
RheeFirst! » DC OIG whitewashes ErasureGate in narrow report: DC OIG whitewashes ErasureGate in narrow report by admin The DC Inspector General has concluded its investigation into widespread test cheating during Rhee’s reign at DCPS. A 14-page report, focused on only one of the 103 schools flagged for possible cheating, surfaced yesterday. The report concludes—based on the findings at one of the 103 schools—that there is no evidence that cheating was widespread. Veteran DC schools reporter Jay Mathews wrote two months ago that he was expecting a cover-up. By all accounts, ... more »
Illinois’ Constitutional amendment. « Fred Klonsky
Illinois’ Constitutional amendment. « Fred Klonsky: Illinois’ Constitutional amendment. by Fred Klonsky In a presidential election year most of the attention is at the top of the ballot. Then voters will pay some attention to contested congressional elections. Who in Illinois will know what they are voting on when they get a separate ballot for Constitutional Amendment 49? Not many. Speaker of the House Michael Madigan knew what he was doing when he had the House vote unanimously to put this on the ballot, joined by a three fifths of the Senate. Even so-called progressives, like nor... more »
BTU Welcomes Randi Weingarten on Vimeo
BTU Welcomes Randi Weingarten on Vimeo: BTU Welcomes Randi Weingarten from BTU Communications on Vimeo. BTU Welcomes Randi Weingarten by BTU Communications 4 months ago The Broward Teachers Union proudly welcomed American Federation of Teachers Randi Weingarten to Broward Schools on March 5, 2012. Although her visit was short and she would have loved to visit more schools, BTU Administrator John Tarka and First Vice President Bernie Schultz had the pleasure of introducing her to many members and students at Village Elementary, McFatter Technical School and BECON. The BTU would lik... more »
What Are You Going to Do to Prevent Bullying? | ED.gov Blog
What Are You Going to Do to Prevent Bullying? | ED.gov Blog: What Are You Going to Do to Prevent Bullying? Posted on August 9, 2012 by Guest Blogger [image: Official Department of Education photo by Paul Wood] Secretary Duncan speaks at the Bullying Prevention Summit When I helped close the third annual Federal Partners in Bullying Prevention Summit on Tuesday, my colleagues and I gave attendees a simple charge: what are you going to do to further bullying prevention in the next year? At the summit we heard about the diverse and expansive efforts of many different organizations – fro... more »
Children's Budget 2012 | First Focus
Home | First Focus: [image: Description: In Focus Masthead] *Big Ideas: Children in the Southwest* [image: Big Ideas: Children in the Southwest]First Focus will begin releasing in August papers from *Big Ideas: Children in the Southwest*. The Southwest is home to more than one-fourth of America's children. This unique set of publications brings some of America's most innovative thinkers together to examine the distinct needs of children in Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas, and Utah, and offer game-changing ideas to meet those needs.The complete report will ... more »
UC report on anti-Semitism draws ire - SFGate
UC report on anti-Semitism draws ire - SFGate: UC report on anti-Semitism draws ireNanette AsimovUpdated 11:06 p.m., Wednesday, August 8, 2012 1 of 3 VIEW: LARGER | HIDE - [image: Liz Jackson (left) and UC Berkeley students Roi Bachmutsky and Tom Pessah oppose the report's recommendations. Although many Jews identify with Israel, "that does not mean that any criticism of Israel is a criticism of Jews," Jackson said. Photo: Paul Chinn, The Chronicle / SF] Liz Jackson (left) and UC Berkeley students Roi Bachmutsky and Tom Pessah oppose the report's recommendations. ... more »
Pass / Fail : Follow KPCC's live blog of LAUSD Supt. John Deasy's key speech | 89.3 KPCC
Pass / Fail : Follow KPCC's live blog of LAUSD Supt. John Deasy's key speech | 89.3 KPCC: Follow KPCC's live blog of LAUSD Supt. John Deasy's key speech by By Vanessa Romo [image: Los Angeles schools Supt. John Deasy sp] *Los Angeles schools Supt. John Deasy speaks during a press conference at South Region High School #2 in Los Angeles, California February 6, 2012. Credit: AFP/AFP/Getty Images* The first day of school for LAUSD is less than a week away – the bell rings on August 14 – and Superintendent John Deasy has a few words for school principals and administrators. Deasy will ... more »
Daily Kos: Blaming the Mirror: Lolo Jone and U.S. Public Education
Daily Kos: Blaming the Mirror: Lolo Jone and U.S. Public Education: Blaming the Mirror: Lolo Jone and U.S. Public Education byplthomasEdDFollow 8 PERMALINK4 COMMENTS "For Lolo Jones, Everything Is Image" claimed Jere Longman for *The New York Times*. In part, Longman focused a scathing gaze at Jones herself as a prominent face (and body) put on the entire Olympics for Americans: "Women have struggled for decades to be appreciated as athletes. For the first time at these Games, every competing nation has sent a female participant. But Jones is not assured enough with her hurdling... more »
The lessons in Michelle Rhee’s misguided leadership - The Washington Post
The lessons in Michelle Rhee’s misguided leadership - The Washington Post: The lessons in Michelle Rhee’s misguided leadership - [image: Smaller Text] [image: Larger Text] Text Size - Print - E-mail - Reprints Published: August 8 Regarding Richard Whitmire’s Aug. 5 Local Opinions piece, “What if Rhee had stayed?”: Mr. Whitmire missed the point in his expression of nostalgia for former D.C. schools chancellor Michelle Rhee. Whatever opinions one might have about Ms. Rhee’s impact, she unnecessarily created the dynamics of her own demise. Mr. Whitmire suggested that “ki... more »
Do charter schools bring the right reform to New Jersey education? — NewsWorks
Do charter schools bring the right reform to New Jersey education? — NewsWorks: Do charter schools bring the right reform to New Jersey education? August 9, 2012 By Eric Walter .. Rate This: - - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 (0 votes) Ask a question [image: In this August, 1974 photo, then President of the American Federation of Teachers, Albert Shanker, talks with reporters. (JH/AP Photo, file)] In this August, 1974 photo, then President of the American Federation of Teachers, Albert Shanker, talks with reporters. (JH/AP Photo, file) Last month, a NewsWorks New Jersey... more »
Mr. and Mrs. Rhee Lecture on Ethics « Diane Ravitch's blog
Mr. and Mrs. Rhee Lecture on Ethics « Diane Ravitch's blog: Mr. and Mrs. Rhee Lecture on Ethics by dianerav I received the following description of the appearance of Michelle Rhee and her husband at the University of Hawaii, where they lectured on “Ethics and Education.” Rhee paused briefly from her national campaign to raise $1 billion to remove teachers’ collective bargaining rights, to strip them of tenure and seniority, and to promote vouchers and charters, to share her wisdom about American education. One may assume that the issue of the cheating scandals in the District of ... more »
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 8-9-12 Diane Ravitch's blog
Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] Michelle Rhee Is Wrong and Misinformed by dianerav My article with the title above appeared this morning on CNN.com. They heard from you. They invited me to respond and this is the article I wrote. I think that if we all speak up again and again and again and again, and tell the truth, supported by facts and experience, our voices will be heard. Write letters to the editor, comment on blogs, speak up at public meetings, do what you can, when you can, After Ten Years of Reform in New York City…. by dianerav ... more »
Even More Problems with No Bid Contracts! - Wait, What?
Even More Problems with No Bid Contracts! - Wait, What?: Even More Problems with No Bid Contracts! by jonpelto Earlier this year, Stefan Pryor, Governor Malloy’s Commissioner of Education, used a series of no bid contracts to retain outside consultants to help him develop and implement Governor Malloy’s “education reform bill.” More recently we learned that Paul Vallas, Bridgeport’s $229,000 interim Superintendent of Schools, signed multiple no-bid contracts to hire more than a dozen consultants, many of them who work for Vallas’ private consulting business, The Vallas Group. The... more »
NJ Spotlight | Cerf to Lose Two Top Aides -- Deputy Commissioner and Chief of Staff
NJ Spotlight | Cerf to Lose Two Top Aides -- Deputy Commissioner and Chief of Staff: Cerf to Lose Two Top Aides -- Deputy Commissioner and Chief of Staff Departure comes when education department is starting to enjoy some stability print | email | share By John Mooney, August 9, 2012 in Education |1 Comment Education Commissioner Chris Cerf Credit: Amanda Brown Just as education commissioner Chris Cerf is settling into his title, if not the job itself, two of his top lieutenants are leaving his side at the department. Last week, Andrew Smarick announced he would be leaving the pos... more »
NYC Educator: Students First NY Campaigns for Justice
NYC Educator: Students First NY Campaigns for Justice: Students First NY Campaigns for Justice by NYC Educator We met with Micah Lasher, the voice of Students First NY on Twitter. Lasher angrily denied the UFT charge that Campbell Brown issued a "blood libel" by saying UFT wanted sexual offenders in the classroom. "This is clearly a garden-variety libel," said an angry Lasher. "It's our policy to mischaracterize union positions, but to do so in a straightforward fashion. We strongly object to the hyperbolic statements issued by the union, and demand an immediate retraction." "Furt... more »
A dozen-plus bills would reduce barriers to success for boys of color | EdSource Today
A dozen-plus bills would reduce barriers to success for boys of color | EdSource Today: A dozen-plus bills would reduce barriers to success for boys of color August 9th, 2012 | Add a Comment | By Kathryn Baron The chairman of the Assembly Select Committee on Boys and Men of Color is confident that the bulk of legislation supported by the panel this session will become law. Oakland Democrat Sandré Swanson wrapped up the committee’s first two years yesterday, presiding over a hearing in the Capitol that laid out current and future proposals for creating a path to success for African... more »
A delicate dance: When parents ask for specific teachers | Get Schooled
A delicate dance: When parents ask for specific teachers | Get Schooled: A delicate dance: When parents ask for specific teachers by Maureen Downey [image: Should you be able to request a specific teacher for your child? (AJC file photo)]Should you be able to request a specific teacher for your child? (AJC file photo) One of the most controversial elements of teacher assignments is whether schools will consider parent requests for specific teachers. While most systems say they don’t honor parent requests, many principals over the years have told me that they will do so when they can.... more »
New school year: doubling down on failed ed policy - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post
New school year: doubling down on failed ed policy - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post: New school year: doubling down on failed ed policy By Valerie Strauss This *was written by Lisa Guisbond, a policy analyst for the National Center for Fair and Open Testing, known as FairTest, a Boston-based organization that aims to improve standardized testing practices and evaluations of students, teachers and schools.* ** By Lisa Guisbond Olympic gold medalist Usain Bolt credited his teammate, Jamaican runner Yohan “The Beast,” Blake, with helping him improve by beating him in earlier r... more »
Indiana Charter Schools USA Asks Students to Spell Out Curse Words in Lesson | Scathing Purple Musings
Indiana Charter Schools USA Asks Students to Spell Out Curse Words in Lesson | Scathing Purple Musings: Indiana Charter Schools USA Asks Students to Spell Out Curse Words in Lesson by Bob Sikes Perhaps this is what they mean by innovation. From *CTVNews*: In a case of the devil you know, an Indiana high school is trying to teach students what not to say by having them write it down. In a lesson on cursing, students at the Thomas Carr Howe High School in Indianapolis were asked to spell out the curse words they know. “And everyone was nervous about it and uncomfortable about it, to... more »
Young Philadelphia family's choice reflects faith in its public school - Philly.com
Young Philadelphia family's choice reflects faith in its public school - Philly.com: Young Philadelphia family's choice reflects faith in its public school August 08, 2012|By Kristen A. Graham, Inquirer Staff Writer - - - Share on emailShare on printShare on redditMore Sharing Services - - - - Image 1 of 2 View Gallery - [image: Mark Scott and son Henry at E.M. Stanton Elementary, where Henry will start this year. (ELISE WRABETZ / Staff Photographer)] Mark Scott and son Henry at E.M. Stanton Elementary, where Henry will sta... more »
Won’t Back Down | ruralteacher
Won’t Back Down | ruralteacher: Won’t Back Down Posted on August 8, 2012 WARNING: This is NOT an endorsement for the movie of the same name that will be in theaters in September and that Wal-Mart is celebrating with a deceitful “Teachers Rock” Concert. So, if you landed here looking for a teacher to wholeheartedly support parent triggers, you can stop reading now. It’s not that I don’t welcome and encourage parent involvement, I do wholeheartedly! I send a weekly newsletter home and encourage questions and comments. Parents are free to visit my classroom to help or observe or join... more »
Pass / Fail : State auditor to look at how schools use anti-bullying laws to protect gay students | 89.3 KPCC
Pass / Fail : State auditor to look at how schools use anti-bullying laws to protect gay students | 89.3 KPCC: State auditor to look at how schools use anti-bullying laws to protect gay students by By Tami Abdollah [image: Bully] *Students from middle and high schools across LAUSD line up at the Nokia Theatre to watch the documentary "Bully." California lawmakers have requested the state auditor examine how schools implement anti-bullying and harassment laws to protect students targeted for their sexual orientation. Credit: Mae Ryan/KPCC* California lawmakers today approved a requ... more »
DIARY OF A PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER!: Happy New (School) Year! I Resolve...
DIARY OF A PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER!: Happy New (School) Year! I Resolve...: Happy New (School) Year! I Resolve... by Lisa M *Have a wonderful 2012-2013!* * I resolve to:* 1. treat all students fairly, regardless of race, gender, age, behavior, a parent's nasty attitude, the comments from last year's teachers, or seemingly lack of interest in learning 2. to realize that all children can learn, but not always at the same pace 3. stop using sarcasm as a disciplinary tool, no matter how effective it may seem. 4. speak in a quiet, even,tone, even when
David Gelernter: The Friendly, Neighborhood Internet School - WSJ.com
David Gelernter: The Friendly, Neighborhood Internet School - WSJ.com: The Friendly, Neighborhood Internet SchoolWe have the technology, the people and the institutions we need to usher an online-education revolution. BY DAVID GELERNTER We have big problems with our schools—and need new ideas about how to fix them. Deep changes are needed in our attitude toward teaching, leading education scholar Diane Ravitch wrote recently in the New York Review of Books. We need smarter, better-educated recruits to the profession. We need to value a teacher's experience properly and discard the ... more »
Helping Students Motivate Themselves: Practical Answers To Classroom Challenges | Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…
Helping Students Motivate Themselves: Practical Answers To Classroom Challenges | Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…: ' *Helping Students Motivate Themselves: Practical Answers To Classroom Challenges* February 19, 2011 by Larry Ferlazzo | 11 Comments 26 *You can now order the book. Just go to the book’s page on their website. The cost is $29.95.* [image: ferlazzo12final_front (2)]*You can also order it on Amazon.* (You can read the book’s introduction here) *You can read an excerpt from the first chapter here* Transcript Of My Ed Week Chat On Motivation Online First Chapter of My B... more »
17-year-old boy crowned America’s fastest texter | The Raw Story
17-year-old boy crowned America’s fastest texter | The Raw Story: 17-year-old boy crowned America’s fastest texter [image: textingcellphone-commons] Topics: America ♦ Austin Weirschke ♦ texting shorthand NEW YORK — A 17-year-old boy retained his title as America’s fastest texter Wednesday in a duel of the thumbs staged before yelling fans in New York’s Times Square. Austin Weirschke took home $50,000 in prize money for the second time in two years when he bested 10 other texting demons in feats of thumb speed, memory and fluency in texting shorthand. One round was performed with c... more »
Parent and Student Activists – Get Ready. | United Opt Out National
Parent and Student Activists – Get Ready. | United Opt Out National: Parent and Student Activists – Get Ready. by admin *The public school year has either begun or will begin shortly for families everywhere. We have an assessment calendar which includes high stakes testing information for each state, allowing students and parents to make informed decisions as they begin to prepare for a year of opting out of corporate education reform by opting out of the state tests, as well as any other tests which do not improve student achievement and take away from authentic learning and te... more »
U.S. student wrongly denied N.J. tuition grant because of mom's immigration status, court says | NJ.com
U.S. student wrongly denied N.J. tuition grant because of mom's immigration status, court says | NJ.com: U.S. student wrongly denied N.J. tuition grant because of mom's immigration status, court saysPublished: Wednesday, August 08, 2012, 8:06 PM Updated: Wednesday, August 08, 2012, 8:08 PM [image: teresa-ruiz.JPG]Tim Farrell/The Star-LedgerTwo Democratic state senators, Teresa Ruiz, right, of Essex County, who is chairwoman of the Senate Education Committee, and Sandra Cunningham of Hudson County, chairwoman of the Senate Higher Education Committee, said the ruling reflected... more »
Jersey Jazzman: Someone Tell Rhee America Doesn't Suck!
Jersey Jazzman: Someone Tell Rhee America Doesn't Suck!: Someone Tell Rhee America Doesn't Suck! by Duke Jon Stewart points out that Americans are kicking ass in both the Olympics and in space exploration. The Daily Show with Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10cLive at Red Rocks www.thedailyshow.comPopout Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogThe Daily Show on Facebook Gosh, this doesn't sound right. I mean, Michelle Rhee told us in her obnoxious, denigrating, and borderline homophobic ad that America sucks so badly at math and science. Yet here we are, landing rovers on... more »
Campaign Launched To Assist Students Applying for Deferred Action - Hispanically Speaking News
Campaign Launched To Assist Students Applying for Deferred Action - Hispanically Speaking News: Campaign Launched To Assist Students Applying for Deferred Action [image: Campaign Launched To Assist Students Applying for Deferred Action]A coalition of civic groups launched Tuesday in Washington a national campaign to help thousands of undocumented students avoid deportation by means of a process known as “deferred action.” The idea of the campaign, activists told a press conference, is to help potential beneficiaries apply for a suspension of their deportation and for temporary work... more »

Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 7-21-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 7-14-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 7-7-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post
Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-30-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-23-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-16-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-9-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-2-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post

Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-8-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-7-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-6-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-5-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-4-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-3-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-2-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-1-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2
Big Education Ape Nite Cap 7-31-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2