James Baldwin said it best:
"For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."
Founding Mothers!~ « Deborah Meier on Education
Founding Mothers!~ « Deborah Meier on Education: Founding Mothers!~ by debmeier …and others. It’s the title of an old book edited by Alan Sadovnik and Susan Semel on the women who came before us in education (Palgrave, 2002. What a crew! Each chapter is written by a different author, and between them they cover Charlotte Hawkins Brown, Marietta Johnson, Caroline Pratt, Margaret Willis, Margaret Haley, Elsa Flagg Young and many more. Willis was a name I didn’t remember and ended up feeling the closest to. She saw the Ohio University lab school as a place to explore “democracy as a... more »
Education in the Age of Globalization » Blog Archive » Common Sense Vs. Common Core: How to Minimize the Damages of the Common Core
Education in the Age of Globalization » Blog Archive » Common Sense Vs. Common Core: How to Minimize the Damages of the Common Core: Common Sense Vs. Common Core: How to Minimize the Damages of the Common Core 17 JUNE 2012 14,138 43 COMMENTS The wonder drug has been invented, manufactured, packaged, and shipped. Doctors and nurses are being trained to administer the drug properly. Companies and consultants are offering products and services to help with the proper administering of this wonder drug. A national effort is underway to develop tools to monitor the improvement of the pat... more »
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Washington State PTSA Opposes I-1240
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Washington State PTSA Opposes I-1240: Washington State PTSA Opposes I-1240 by Melissa Westbrook The Washington State PTA met over the last two days and put forth their stands on various issues. From their press release: *Nationally, PTA has conditional support for these independent schools, and the state association has twice backed the concept in the past year. But ultimately the board decided this initiative didn’t meet its criteria for local oversight.* *“This wasn’t a decision about the value of charter schools. This was a decision about whet... more »
Teachers unions blast Mitt Romney's selection of Paul Ryan, calling it 'the most out-of-touch ticket in decades' | MLive.com
Teachers unions blast Mitt Romney's selection of Paul Ryan, calling it 'the most out-of-touch ticket in decades' | MLive.com: Teachers unions blast Mitt Romney's selection of Paul Ryan, calling it 'the most out-of-touch ticket in decades' [image: Aft support.jpg]Dave Murray | MLive.comAmerican Federation of Teachers members loudly supported the Obama-Biden ticket during the vice president's appearance at the AFT convention in Detroit last month. GRAND RAPIDS, MI -- Teachers union leaders blasted Mitt Romney’s selection of Paul Ryan as his running mate, saying that tapping the Wisc... more »
KIPP Empower: Programs like Dreambox and Rocketship make online elementary education work. - Slate Magazine
KIPP Empower: Programs like Dreambox and Rocketship make online elementary education work. - Slate Magazine: Kindergarten in the Computer“Online education” for elementary schoolers doesn’t mean kids will sit alone in front of a screen all day. By Katherine Mangu-Ward|Posted Tuesday, Aug. 7, 2012, at 6:45 AM ET [image: Kids on computers.] Who says computer-assisted education is an anti-social exercise? Photo by Fiona Watson/iStockphoto. *This article emerges from Future Tense, a partnership of Slate, the New America Foundation, and Arizona State University that examines emerging techn... more »
Ryan Budget Forces Deeper Cuts to Child Tax Credit, Child Care, and Child Welfare | First Focus
House Budget Forces Deeper Cuts to Child Tax Credit, Child Care, and Child Welfare | First Focus: [image: First Focus - Making Childen and Families the Priority] House Budget Forces Deeper Cuts to Child Tax Credit, Child Care, and Child Welfare FACT SHEETS Search resources April 20, 2012 By Megan Curran Download this Resource The House federal fiscal year 2013 budget resolutions requires congressional committees with jurisdiction over critical investments in children to make deep budget cuts. The House Ways and Means Committee passed the required budget "reconciliation" legislation ... more »
Thoughts on Pittsburgh Schools « Diane Ravitch's blog
Thoughts on Pittsburgh Schools « Diane Ravitch's blog: Thoughts on Pittsburgh Schools by dianerav A few things we know about the Pittsburgh public schools. They were led by Broad-trained superintendent Mark Roosevelt. Now they are led by his deputy Linda Lane, also trained by the unaccredited Broad Superintendents Academy. They received a $40 million grant from the Gates Foundation for teacher evaluation. They have a bold plan to close the achievement gap. Scores in 2012 in Pittsburgh dropped for the first time in five years.
Burbank Unified reestablishes hot line for students to report bullying - latimes.com
Burbank Unified reestablishes hot line for students to report bullying - latimes.com: Burbank Unified reestablishes hot line for students to report bullying With more attention being paid to the potentially tragic effects of bullying, particularly online, the Burbank Unified School District has resurrected a hot line for students to report abuse. As students prepare to return from summer break, Tom Steele, director of student services, said he printed 1,000 fliers with the hot line's phone number and email that will hang in every classroom in the district, from kindergarten throu... more »
DOCUMENTS: Charter schools 'will take whatever action is necessary' - troyrecord.com
DOCUMENTS: Charter schools 'will take whatever action is necessary' to protect students - troyrecord.com: DOCUMENTS: Charter schools 'will take whatever action is necessary' [image: Charter Schools - Dividing Communities since 1991] By Danielle Sanzone dsanzone@troyrecord.com Twitter.com/DanielleSanzone TROY — While the deadline for the Troy charter schools’ ultimatum given to the Troy City School District has come and gone, charter school officials still state they will take what ever action is necessary to ensure fair treatment from the district, which could mean legal action. F... more »
Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee Makes Her Mark $ | NBC Southern California
Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee Makes Her Mark | NBC Southern California: Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee Makes Her Mark $Former D.C. schools chancellor sets up shop in Sacramento It's been more than a year since the state Assembly passed AB5, a hotly disputed measure meant to change the way California's public schoolteachers are evaluated. It's been in the legislative deep freeze ever since. But the bill, which has raised labor's ire, is being thawed out in the closing weeks of the legislative session. And guess who's wading into the controversy? Michelle Rhee, whose focus... more »
Paul Ryan on education policy: vouchers, for-profit colleges, local control - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post
Paul Ryan on education policy: vouchers, for-profit colleges, local control - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post: [image: Answer Sheet] Paul Ryan on education policy: vouchers, for-profit colleges, local control By Valerie Strauss Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.)talks a lot about scaling back the reach of the federal government, but back in 2001, he voted in favor of No Child Left Behind, the signature education program of the George W. Bush administration that gave unprecedented power to the U.S. Education Department to tell states and districts what they had to do to get federal fun... more »
School Tech Connect: See You Sunday Night!
School Tech Connect: See You Sunday Night!: See You Sunday Night! by noreply@blogger.com (Tim Furman) Just another reminder that it would be great to meet up with all of you at the fundraiser for Delfino Mora's family tomorrow night from 5-8 PM at McKellin's Pub. If you need a ride, let me know. Of course, I'll be on my bike so factor that in. This from Matt Farmer. [image: Story Image] Please join us this Sunday, August 12, from 5-8 p.m. at McKellin's Pub (Touhy & California) in West Rogers Park for a musical benefit for the Delfino Mora family.**** http://www.suntimes.com/news...more »
Did For-Profit Charter Schools Try to Influence Decision on Polk Charter Schools? | Scathing Purple Musings
Did For-Profit Charter Schools Try to Influence Decision on Polk Charter Schools? | Scathing Purple Musings: Did For-Profit Charter Schools Try to Influence Decision on Polk Charter Schools? by Bob Sikes On June 15, Rep. Kelli Stargel (R-Lakeland) told Polk county school superintendent Sherrie Nickel that she “didn’t understand why Polk needed it’s own at-risk charter schools.” She also said that she “was worried about the oversight” of the 7 proposed facilities. That a state legislator would insert themself into an issue outside their decision-making, was a curious one. The deci... more »
NEA - Romney Doubles Down on Right Wing Agenda for the Mega-Rich
NEA - Romney Doubles Down on Right Wing Agenda for the Mega-Rich: Romney Doubles Down on Right Wing Agenda for the Mega-Rich WASHINGTON - August 11, 2012 - National Education Association President Dennis Van Roekel released the following statement reacting to Gov. Mitt Romney’s selection of Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) as his Vice Presidential running mate. “For weeks, there’s been speculation about who Gov. Romney would choose to be his running mate and what it would mean. And now we have our answer. By selecting Ryan, Romney has doubled down on his view that opportunity is only for t... more »
Which CEO made $5 million stealing your kid's lunch money?
*ALEC is working to ensure that public education dollars get diverted to private profits. Their approach is working -- for them. Not so much for the students who pay the price in the form of a subpar education and poor performance.*
An un-dynamic duo: Romney announces Ryan as VP pick | NEA Today
An un-dynamic duo: Romney announces Ryan as VP pick | NEA Today: An un-dynamic duo: Romney announces Ryan as VP pick August 11, 2012 by clong Filed under Education Funding, Featured News, NEA, Top Stories,Uncategorized Leave a Comment [image: Email][image: Share] *By Amanda Litvinov* *Batsh*t and Robber* High profile couplings often make one stop and wonder: What do these two see in each other? But there’s little mystery in the case of GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney and his vice presidential pick, Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan, which was announced earlier today. The two ha... more »
HOW DUMB DO POLITICIANS THINK WE ARE ? « Teachers Fight Back: HOW DUMB DO POLITICIANS THINK WE ARE ? by alkleen Governor Pat Quinn of Illinois must think members of public worker unions and teacher unions are complete idiots. The governor is poised to force painful pension reforms on the public union workers and the teachers of Illinois. He is asking for concessions from teachers while not proposing any way that the state could replace some of the stolen pension money. He talks about “shared sacrifice”, and yet only the workers are the ones who are going to have to sacrifice. I’v... more »
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 8-11-12 Diane Ravitch's blog
Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] Charter Leader, Fired for Cheating, Gets $245,000 Settlement by dianerav The Los Angeles Times reports an amazing story. A leader of a charter chain in Los Angeles was fired after teachers complained that they were ordered to cheat so test scores would rise. The L.A. school board closed the chain of six schools. Shocking: Common Sense in Iowa by dianerav *The Des Moines Register* published an important and wise editorial. It shows that someone in the mainstream press is still thoughtful and wise. It seems t... more »
For Profit Charter School Giant Academica Struggling to Get Students in St.Lucie | Scathing Purple Musings
For Profit Charter School Giant Academica Struggling to Get Students in St.Lucie | Scathing Purple Musings: For Profit Charter School Giant Academica Struggling to Get Students in St.Lucie by Bob Sikes Fernando Zulueta’s Academica doesn’t have any cash shortages, but not all is so rosy. Fresh off its $100,000 contribution to a pro-ed privatization PAC, it has plenty of money left over to float a few grants its new, but struggling franchise in St. Lucie County. Writes Kelly Tyko for *TCPalm*: ……..instead of getting ready for the festivities Friday afternoon, charter school offici... more »
Time to tweet the stars! « Parents Across America
Time to tweet the stars! « Parents Across America: Time to tweet the stars! by pureparents The propaganda campaign for the parent trigger law created by charter school operators and promoted by ALEC is in full swing. The big kick-off event is a concert called “Teachers Rock.” Like the “parent tricker” itself, this concert pretends to honor teachers while promoting a movie, “Won’t Back Down,” that is designed to get a lot of them fired and replaced by Teach for America newbies. The concert will take place this Tuesday, Aug, 14th, at the Nokia Theater in Los Angeles. CBS will air a ... more »
Dear Teachers Rock performer: Parents United for Responsible Education
Parents United for Responsible Education » Blog Archive » Dear Teachers Rock performer:: Dear Teachers Rock performer: by admin As active parents, we thank you for your support for our public school teachers. We support them, too. But you need to know that the agenda behind the “Teachers Rock” concert and the “Won’t Back Down” movie this concert promotes does not support teachers or our democratic public school system. The WBD movie promotes a parent trigger law created by charter school operators and promoted by ALEC, which wrote the Stand Your Ground law. The real aim is to pri... more »
This Week's Education Research Report 8-11-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2
Education Research Report: THIS WEEK'S EDUCATION RESEARCH REPORT Teacher Evaluations Found to Improve Midcareer Effectiveness Jonathan Kantrowitz at Education Research Report - 23 hours ago A new study, “Can Teacher Evaluation Improve Teaching?”, shows that Cincinnati’s rigorous Teacher Evaluation System (TES) has had a direct and lasting effect on midcareer teachers’ performance. Students taught by a teacher in the years after she had been through the evaluation program scored 0.11 standard deviations higher in math, on average, than the students she taught in the years before her ... more »
Top Content this Week - 8-11-12 The Educator's PLN
Top Content this Week - The Educator's PLN: 1[image: Can You Pay Attention for Eight Minutes? NBC Olympic Coverage Says “No”]Can You Pay Attention for Eight Minutes? NBC Olympic Coverage Says “No” Added by Colette Marie Bennett on August 4, 2012 2[image: Engage Me!]Engage Me! Added by Thomas Whitby on August 12, 2011 3[image: TEDxCooperUnion- Nina Tandon- Taking TED Into the Classroom]TEDxCooperUnion- Nina Tandon- Taking TED Into the Classroom Added by Thomas Whitby on June 20, 2012 4[image: Please leave comments and suggest APPS]Please leave comments and suggest APPS Posted by Thomas... more »
Daily Kos: Charles Blow gets it right on Romney
Daily Kos: Charles Blow gets it right on Romney: Charles Blow gets it right on Romney by rss@dailykos.com (teacherken) cross-posted from Blue Virginia Romney is one of the worst presidential candidates in recent memory. He is stiff and awkward and inconsistent and struggles to connect with people. His track record is all over the place. And he’s willing to say anything and embrace anyone to further his ambitions, which is as distasteful a character trait as they come. If you are straightforward with folks, they may disagree with you but most will at least respect you. I’m not sure ... more »
This Week's Answer Sheet 8-11-1212 - School Survival Guide for parents (and everyone else). - The Washington Post
The Answer Sheet - School Survival Guide for parents (and everyone else). - The Washington Post: [image: Answer Sheet] Lady Gaga and U-Va.’s Helen Dragas Valerie Strauss at The Answer Sheet - 1 hour ago Helen Dragas, the rector of the University of Virginia’s governing board, probably never thought she would be linked in a headline to Lady Gaga, but she did it to herself with e-mails she sent to the school’s leaders. Read full article >> [image: Add to Facebook] [image: Add to Twitter] [image: Add to Reddit] [image: Add to StumbleUpon] The deafening silence on test cheating Valerie... more »
Missouri Education Watchdog: Look Who Else Is Concerned About Data Collection and Privacy
Missouri Education Watchdog: Look Who Else Is Concerned About Data Collection and Privacy: Look Who Else Is Concerned About Data Collection and Privacy by Anngie *We have been warning parents about the potential for their child's personal data to be widely shared across government agencies and with private interests who claim some link to education. Now teachers are beginning to realize that they will be part of the data collection process and their entire teaching careers will be tracked, assessed, and possibly publicized.* *Anthony Cody at EducationWeek Teacher posted a great ... more »
Popular Khan Academy draws criticism for first time - San Jose Mercury News
Popular Khan Academy draws criticism for first time - San Jose Mercury News: Popular Khan Academy draws criticism for first time By Sharon Noguchi snoguchi@mercurynews.com Posted: 08/10/2012 07:23:36 PM PDT Updated: 08/10/2012 07:23:37 PM PDT In the past year, education-reform icon Sal Khan has been lauded by Bill Gates as the "teacher to the world" and has been listed among Time magazine's 100 most influential people. His Silicon Valley-based Khan Academy posts free videos -- most of which star Khan himself -- and offers accompanying questions on everything from addition to c... more »
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… 8-11-12 …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: [image: Helping Students Motivate Themselves: Practical Answers To Classroom Problems.] White House Honors 12 PTA Members as “Champions of Change” Larry Ferlazzo at Engaging Parents In School... - 1 day ago Earlier this week, I posted about 150 PTA members going to the White House on Friday. One of the things that will be happening is that the White House will honor twelve of them as “Champions Of Change”: “President Obama knows how important parent involvement is in education, and we are excited to welcome PT... more »
Another View: City schools need collaboration, culture change - Opinion - The Sacramento Bee
Another View: City schools need collaboration, culture change - Opinion - The Sacramento Bee: Another View: City schools need collaboration, culture change By Scott Smith Published: Saturday, Aug. 11, 2012 - 12:00 am | Page 8A *Scott Smith, president of the Sacramento City Teachers Association, is responding to a July 27 commentary, "Sac City needs new teacher evaluation system," written by Jeff Cuneo, a member of the Sacramento City Unified school board. That commentary stated, "Our district lacks a robust evaluation system for teachers and principals."* Jeff Cuneo got one thing r... more »
Strengthening Our Students’ Sense of Control Over Their Lives: Bicycling to School and Self-Reliance | Connected Principals
Strengthening Our Students’ Sense of Control Over Their Lives: Bicycling to School and Self-Reliance | Connected Principals: Strengthening Our Students’ Sense of Control Over Their Lives: Bicycling to School and Self-Reliance by Jonathan Martin My son bicycling to the first day of high school As the Y Wednesday I was chatting with a friend; we both have kids at the same school, and we were discussing it being the first day of school. I mentioned that my son, now a 9th grader, was bicycle commuting to school, and that I love the pride and joy he takes in managing his own commute: ... more »
NYC Educator: Goodnight iPad
NYC Educator: Goodnight iPad: Goodnight iPad by NYC Educator A modern retelling of the children's classic. Popout
I Voted. And I'm Going to Vote Again. - Teacher in a Strange Land - Education Week Teacher
I Voted. And I'm Going to Vote Again. - Teacher in a Strange Land - Education Week Teacher: I Voted. And I'm Going to Vote Again. by Nancy Flanagan So, I voted Tuesday in the Michigan primary. I always vote, and I always get the little sticker, too, and wear it until the end of the day. Our whole family votes--we let our now-adult kids know that tuition payments weren't forthcoming unless they voted, while they were college students. Voting is a big deal at our house. I am the child of a[image: Voter.jpg] blue-collar, straight-ticket Democrat and a wishy-washy Republican. My parent... more »
Rhee Continues Florida Cash Flow | Scathing Purple Musings
Rhee Continues Florida Cash Flow | Scathing Purple Musings: Rhee Continues Florida Cash Flow by Bob Sikes Michelle Rhee has continued to distribute cash into Florida politics. On top of last week’s list, Rhee has followed up with two more. * On 7/27/12 Rhee’s StudentsFirst contributed $5000 to the PAC belonging to Rep. Erik Fresen (R-Miami) Floridians for a Strong 67. Like most republican PACs, it too, is run by Nancy Watkins. Fresen’s brother-in-law, Fernando Zulueta, is the president of controversial charter school, Academica. His sister is vice president. Academica donated $1... more »
Big Education Ape Nite Cap UPDATE 8-10-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2
*UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE* [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] Reach Out to Bill Moyers by dianerav Bill Moyers understands the danger of destroying public institutions and handing them over to profiteers. Contact him and urge him to look into the privatization movement in education: - - http://billmoyers.com/contact-us/ - Why This Teacher Has Not Ended Poverty Yet by dianerav This teacher admits that he has not ended poverty. But that doesn’t mean that he has been lazy or had nothing to do. This is what he does every day. *This is typical of... more »
Suspended because I 'didn't know when to keep [my] mouth shut' | catalyst-chicago.org
Suspended because I 'didn't know when to keep [my] mouth shut' | catalyst-chicago.org: Suspended because I 'didn't know when to keep [my] mouth shut' August 10, 2012 David Stovall *[Editor's note: During August, Catalyst Chicago is featuring op-eds from our archives that relate to current news in the education world. This column on one young black man's experience with school discipline disparity is from our 2009 Catalyst In Depth, "Reaching Black Boys."]* From kindergarten to 4th grade, I had serious problems in school. It started the day I came home and told my father that Colum... more »
Police, Protesters Clash at March for Underfunded Education System in Chile - Hispanically Speaking News
Police, Protesters Clash at March for Underfunded Education System in Chile - Hispanically Speaking News: Police, Protesters Clash at March for Underfunded Education System in Chile [image: Police, Protesters Clash at March for Underfunded Education System in Chile]A march in Santiago Wednesday by high school students demanding improvements to Chile’s underfunded public education system ended with three buses set ablaze and dozens arrested. The protest was convened by the ACES high school students association, with support from the groups that represent Chile’s collegians. Demonstra... more »
School Tech Connect: Getting Out of Things
School Tech Connect: Getting Out of Things: Getting Out of Things by noreply@blogger.com (Tim Furman) Picky, I know, but here's what the Northwest Daily Herald is saying: Pension reform continues to be a hot issue across the country, particularly in Illinois where the Legislature is expected to deal with the matter in a special session on Aug. 17. We all are stakeholders in pension reform, whether you're a teacher, a DMV employee, or a private-sector taxpayer. How Illinois chooses to get itself out of its $83 billion pension liability will affect us all. I know they don't come... more »
SAC Agenda for August 2012 - State Advisory Council on Early Learning and Care (CA Dept of Education)
SAC Agenda for August 2012 - State Board of Education (CA Dept of Education): California State Advisory Council on Early Learning and Care *California Department of Education 1430 N Street, Room 1101 Sacramento, CA 95814* *Wednesday, August 22, 2012 11:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.* Council Members Pete Cervinka, Co-chair Camille Maben, Co-chair Nancy Bargmann Magdalena Carrasco Julian Crocker Sydney Fisher-Larson Mark Friedman Linda James Perry Katie Johnson Nancy Remley Ryan Storm Natalie Woods Andrews MEETING AGENDAItem 1 Welcome, Introductions and Opening Comments Sue Burr, Senior Education ... more »
Pass / Fail : Size matters in new district-level 'Race to the Top' competition | 89.3 KPCC
Pass / Fail : Size matters in new district-level 'Race to the Top' competition | 89.3 KPCC: Size matters in new district-level 'Race to the Top' competition by By Tami Abdollah [image: LAUSD board protesters]*Hundreds of protesters gathered outside L.A. Unified headquarters downtown as the board met inside to discuss the district's dire budget picture. (March 2012) LAUSD hopes the new Race to the Top competition will bring them much-needed dollars. Credit: Tami Abdollah / KPCC* The new Race to the Top application, which for the first time this year allows districts to apply directl... more »
Dear Meryl Parents United for Responsible Education
Parents United for Responsible Education » Blog Archive » Dear Meryl: Dear Meryl by admin Ms. Meryl Streep c/o Leslee Dart Dart Group sent by facsimile 212 277 7550 *If you really appreciate teachers, please pull out of* *phony “Teachers Rock” event promoting* *the themes of the “Won’t Back Down” movie:* *public school privatization and wholesale teacher firing* Dear Ms Streep: I am writing to ask you to reconsider your participation in the “Teachers Rock” event next week. As parents, we are concerned that this event is part of a larger propaganda campaign to force privatization on ... more »

Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 8-11-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 8-4-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post
Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 7-21-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 7-14-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 7-7-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post
Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-30-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-23-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-16-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-9-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-2-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post

Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-10-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-9-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-8-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-7-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-6-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-5-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-4-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-3-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-2-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-1-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2
Big Education Ape Nite Cap 7-31-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2
Big Education Ape Nite Cap 7-31-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2