James Baldwin said it best:
"For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."
Reflections on Teaching » Blog Archive » Is this pimping, or pandering? You decide…
Reflections on Teaching » Blog Archive » Is this pimping, or pandering? You decide…: Is this pimping, or pandering? You decide… by alicemercer There has been an outbreak of “concern” about the safety of ”children” from adult predators, and those who “turn a blind eye” to such goings on. This comes naturally on the heels of the Penn State atrocities, and those at Miramonte Elementary, but I think there is more at work and this is part of a campaign to undermine teacher dismissal rights and due process. The summer started with an attempt to strip due process rights for teachers to ... more »
L.A. teachers union urges members to ignore performance program - latimes.com
L.A. teachers union urges members to ignore performance program - latimes.com: L.A. teachers union urges members to ignore performance program As L.A. Unified reopened for the new school year Tuesday, the teachers' union is urging its members not to participate in a voluntary performance review program that ties student test scores to teacher evaluations. In a recorded back-to-school message sent Monday evening to 38,000 teachers and healthcare service professionals, Warren Fletcher, president of United Teachers Los Angeles, told members he "strongly advises" them to reject distri... more »
Modern School: Rocketship’s National Plan to Jettison Teachers
Modern School: Rocketship’s National Plan to Jettison Teachers: Rocketship’s National Plan to Jettison Teachers by Michael Dunn If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is not true. This common sense adage ought to prevent intelligent people from falling for costly scams. Yet otherwise smart people continue to get suckered at an alarming rate. This is particularly true in politics and education “reform,” where people seem to prefer the fantasy of a quick, magic bullet “fix” to social problems, than having to do a little research or critical analysis to determine if the propos... more »
Modern School: Lower Wages, Less Experience—Charter Schools' Recipe for Success
Modern School: Lower Wages, Less Experience—Charter Schools' Recipe for Success: Lower Wages, Less Experience—Charter Schools' Recipe for Success by Michael Dunn By now most of the public ought to be aware that charter schools receive public money, like traditional public schools, but are freed from many of the rules that traditional schools must follow, including the hiring of unionized teachers and paying union wages. Many charter schools also ignore seniority and hire predominantly young, malleable and lower waged novices. These are just some of the labor cost cutting strategie... more »
Present at SXSWedu | SXSWedu.com
Present at SXSWedu | SXSWedu.com: Present at SXSWedu Creativity and innovation are driving significant growth in SXSWedu’s passionate audience of education stakeholders and practitioners. We look forward to seeing you at SXSWedu 2013, March 4-7 in Austin, Texas. With the help of the SXSWedu community and the SXSWedu Advisory Board curating programming for 2013, the excitement has just begun. Make plans to join us today! Present at SXSWedu Sessions for SXSWedu 2013 are submitted for consideration via PanelPicker, a robust online submission form for SXSWedu programming suggest... more »
Deferred Action Request Forms Now Available Online - Hispanically Speaking News
Deferred Action Request Forms Now Available Online - Hispanically Speaking News: Deferred Action Request Forms Now Available Online [image: Deferred Action Request Forms Now Available Online]Earlier this afternoon, the Department of Homeland Security officially released the forms to request deferred action that may be filed by undocumented immigrants who arrived in the country as children and meet various other requirements. Beginning tomorrow, August 15, applicants may mail their requests to specified facilities maintained by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), an ... more »
4th Feminist General Assembly | OccupyWallSt.org
4th Feminist General Assembly | OccupyWallSt.org: 4th Feminist General Assembly by OccupyWallSt *When:* Saturday, August 18, 2012, 2pm - 4pm *(Rain date: Sunday, August 19th, 4 to 6 pm)* *Where:* Harlem Meer, Central Park - 110th St. RSVP on Facebook Women Occupying Wall Street (WOWs) invites you to the 4th Feminist General Assembly (FemGA) on Saturday, August 18th at Harlem Meer from 2 - 4 pm. This month our conversation will focus on the struggles particularly important to people of color. We hope to begin the work of planning actions focused on racial, gender, and economic justi...more »
The in box. “A horrible mistake is being made.” « Fred Klonsky
The in box. “A horrible mistake is being made.” « Fred Klonsky: The in box. “A horrible mistake is being made.” by Fred Klonsky *Fred,* *A horrible mistake is being made by We Are One, IEA, IFT, etc.* *Everyone wants to seem reasonable and present a reasonable public image. The danger is in offering what seems reasonable while the offer itself has unintended disastrous consequences.* *4. With a guarantee that the state would pay its portion, the members who are reliant on the pension systems for their retirement security, would offer to help the state by paying more even though the... more »
Louisiana Educator: A Great Monroe News Star Editorial
Louisiana Educator: A Great Monroe News Star Editorial: A Great Monroe News Star Editorial *Voucher Program: * * * *“Details to come”* *11:59 PM, Aug. 13, 2012 |* *3 Comments* · Email · Print · Share While no one is certain — because *the state Department of Education will not release its records* — it would appear to the most casual observer that *the state's voucher program was approved "DTC."* That's "*Details To Come."* And those details are so vague that even some members the Board of Elementary and Secondary Education, who have rubber stamped approval... more »
A word on behalf of our Public School Instructional Assistants - Wait, What?
A word on behalf of our Public School Instructional Assistants - Wait, What?: A word on behalf of our Public School Instructional Assistants by jonpelto Every school day, the responsibility for making our schools healthier, safer and better places to learn falls just as heavily on public school instructional assistants as it does on public school teachers and public school administrators. Regardless of whether they are Special Education IAs (providing vital services to one, two, three, four or more special education students) or Traditional IAs (helping teachers prepare and run c... more »
Article Shows Ryan Money Connection to Koch Brothers, Tea Party and Right-Wing « Larry Miller's Blog: Educate All Students!
Article Shows Ryan Money Connection to Koch Brothers, Tea Party and Right-Wing « Larry Miller's Blog: Educate All Students!: Article Shows Ryan Money Connection to Koch Brothers, Tea Party and Right-Wing by millerlf *Ryan Has Kept Close Ties to Donors on the Right* *By NICHOLAS CONFESSORE* August 13, 2012 NY Times This month, as a handful of Republicans auditioned at town halls and on bus tours to be Mitt Romney’s running mate, Representative Paul D. Ryan joined a private conference call. For 20 minutes, he walked through his plan to cut government spending and bashed President Ob... more »
Responding to the Gates Foundation: How Do We Consider Evidence of Learning in Teacher Evaluations? | Impatient Optimists
Responding to the Gates Foundation: How Do We Consider Evidence of Learning in Teacher Evaluations? | Impatient Optimists: Responding to the Gates Foundation: How Do We Consider Evidence of Learning in Teacher Evaluations? ANTHONY CODY August 08, 2012 *This post originally appears on **Anthony Cody's blog, Living in Dialogue. It is the second post in a weekly series of posts, over five consecutive weeks, between teacherAnthony Cody, and various members of the US education team at the foundation. The first dialogue, between Cody and Irvin Scott, Deputy Director of the College Ready... more »
LET THE CONCESSIONS BEGIN « Teachers Fight Back: LET THE CONCESSIONS BEGIN by alkleen The teacher unions and public employee unions in Illinois have started to present retirement concessions to the governor and the General Assembly. A coalition of unions said that workers would consider paying one percent more out of their paycheck towards the retirement fund. Governor Quinn immediately rejected the suggestion and said that it wouldn’t come close to solving the pension problem. What a brilliant move by our pathetic unions. They just sent a message loud and clear to legislators a... more »
Check Out ED’s New Parents & Families Page | ED.gov Blog
Check Out ED’s New Parents & Families Page | ED.gov Blog: Check Out ED’s New Parents & Families Page Posted on August 14, 2012 by Guest Blogger The Department of Education is proud to announce the launch of a new parent web page that provides resources aimed at parent and family engagement. This new addition to ED’s site is an excellent resource for those interested in learning more and getting involved in their child’s education. To make it even simpler, here’s a list of some of the great things this new page has to offer: *[image: School Crosswalk Sign]1. **On the Blog* **Find... more »
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: A strike is avoidable if Rahm "finds" the money
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: A strike is avoidable if Rahm "finds" the money: A strike is avoidable if Rahm "finds" the money by Mike Klonsky Google hosted this "fireside chat" with Rahm when he was running for mayor. He easily finds it for corporate cronies Rahm/Brizard have already folded in their attempt to force CPS teachers to work a longer day and year without additional pay. But a settlement in contract negotiations is still problematic and a teachers strike is still possible, especially if Rahm keeps claiming that there's no money for teacher pay increases, as recommende... more »
FCMAT » Cali Education Headlines Tuesday, August 14, 2012
FCMAT » Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team: *CA STILL HOT* Education Headlines *Tuesday, August 14, 2012* Five school districts place bonds on November ballotFour Kern County school districts have placed general obligation bonds on the Nov. 6 ballot, and one other has placed a parcel tax bond, Kern County Elections Division records show. Fensterwald: Thursday deadline for resolving teacher evaluation billThe Senate Appropriations Committee has given Assemblymember Felipe Fuentes three days to figure out how to pay for and, if possible, mollify critics of his bill to rede... more »
Meet the Dictionary's New Words: F-Bomb, Sexting, Bucket List - Entertainment - The Atlantic Wire
Meet the Dictionary's New Words: F-Bomb, Sexting, Bucket List - Entertainment - The Atlantic Wire: Meet the Dictionary's New Words: F-Bomb, Sexting, Bucket List by Jen Doll It's the time of year in which we get new words in the dictionary! Not in our "despicable words" dictionary, to which of course you're welcome to contribute, but in the actual *Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary*. The 2012 update includes a range of new words that you can judge as delightful or reprehensible, including *bucket list*,*mash-up, craft beer, sexting*, and *f-bomb*. (Hm, does this change anythin... more »
Shanker Blog » School Ratings For School Ratings' Sake
Shanker Blog » School Ratings For School Ratings' Sake: School Grades For School Grades’ Sake by Matthew Di Carlo I have reviewed, albeit superficially, the test-based components of several states’ school rating systems (e.g.,OH, FL, NYC, LA, CO), with a particular focus on the degree to which they are actually measuring student performance (how highly students score), rather than school effectiveness *per se* (whether students are making progress). Both types of measures have a role to play in accountability systems, even if they are often confused or conflated, resulting in wid... more »
I’m wearing black to Springfield as union leadership waves white flag. « Fred Klonsky
I’m wearing black to Springfield as union leadership waves white flag. « Fred Klonsky: I’m wearing black to Springfield as union leadership waves white flag. by Fred Klonsky “See you in Springfield on Friday. Wearing black?,” asked a retired friend. Yes. Black in mourning at the unions representing state employees and retirees who are waving the white flag of surrender. With lawmakers about to return to Springfield for a one-day session on government employee pension reform, a coalition of unions on Monday for the first time publicly said workers would consider paying more toward ... more »
Before Dropping Algebra, Fix Math Education – SchoolBook
Before Dropping Algebra, Fix Math Education – SchoolBook: *Before Dropping Algebra, Fix Math Education* [image: DESCRIPTION] *A recent opinion essay in The New York Times by Andrew Hacker, asking the question “Is Algebra Necessary?”, drew hundreds of comments. Some of SchoolBook’s contributors went further and have written their own essays in response. What’s your opinion? Respond to our query below. (We would especially love to hear from students or recent graduates.)* As a parent with three children rising through New York City public schools, I’m sympathetic to the argument by ... more »
The Death of the Urban Comprehensive High School? - Dana Goldstein
The Death of the Urban Comprehensive High School? - Dana Goldstein: The Death of the Urban Comprehensive High School? by Dana Goldstein Head to The Daily Beast to read my review of Michael Brook's new book, *Saving the School*, which does important work capturing this particular moment in national education reform, when so many urban neighborhood high schools are at risk of closure: Brick, who worked for *The* *New York Times*, spent a year embedded at John H. Reagan High School in “the Two-Three,” a poor neighborhood on the eastside of Austin, Texas, known for tensions between bl... more »
Reflections on Public Education and the Future of Our Democracy | LFA: Join The Conversation - Public School Insights
Reflections on Public Education and the Future of Our Democracy | LFA: Join The Conversation - Public School Insights: Reflections on Public Education and the Future of Our Democracy by Cheryl S. Williams This weekend I started reading David McCullough’s most recent book, *The Greater Journey*, which chronicles the experiences of some of the United States’ most accomplished writers and thinkers on their visits to Paris in the early part of the nineteenth century. I’m still at the very beginning of what promises to be a fascinating book; however, I’m enjoying the description of the... more »
Daily Kos: Belief Culture Redux: (Social) Darwinism from the Right
Daily Kos: Belief Culture Redux: (Social) Darwinism from the Right: Belief Culture Redux: (Social) Darwinism from the Right by rss@dailykos.com (plthomasEdD) The U.S. is a belief culture, from our persistent clinging to creationism over evolutionary science to our unwavering claims that the U.S. is a meritocracy. The great irony of this belief culture is that the popular rejection of Darwinism is supplanted by a very palpable embracing of Social Darwinism. Americans believe deeply in the rugged individual, the power of the free market (that glorious invisible hand) along with the ... more »
NYC Educator: Bloomberg Adds Negative Value
NYC Educator: Bloomberg Adds Negative Value: Bloomberg Adds Negative Value by NYC Educator Poverty is up in the Big Apple. As Mayor4Life runs around stereotyping teachers as sex abusers, and trying to close schools that don't even meet his DOE standards, the quality of life for children is deteriorating. Bloomberg can't wait to fire teachers. His mantra is "accountability." In Bloombergworld, it's "Children First, Always." And yet, 70% of these children now live in poor households. As Bloomberg stacks the decks against the public schools that might, in some small way, improve the p... more »
Middle School Charters — Suspending their way to the top | Edwize
Middle School Charters — Suspending their way to the top | Edwize: Middle School Charters — Suspending their way to the top by rsentell In June, Gotham schools published the names of the 10 charter schools with the highest suspension rates. Many of these were middle schools and three had suspension rates at least four times above the city average. [image: Highest Charter Suspense Rates] Now, the city test results are out, and two additional facts emerge about these schools. First, students in these schools weren’t just suspended; they also disappeared. Specifically, as classes moved ... more »
UPDATE: Jersey Jazzman: Star-Ledger, Once Again, Misses the Story
Jersey Jazzman: Star-Ledger, Once Again, Misses the Story: NJDOE to Camden: "Who Cares What You Think?" by Duke When will the people of Camden understand that the state knows what their children need better than they do? When will they stop demanding a say in how their city is run? [all emphases mine] Changes imposed by the state midway through the school district’s review of urban Hope Act school proposals have “tainted the process” and created “a process that’s a sham,” according to one of four school board members in open revolt against Department of Education edicts. “The pro... more »
Schools Matter: The Walmart Model for Education
Schools Matter: The Walmart Model for Education: The Walmart Model for Education by Judy Rabin *In These Times* Wamart, Right-Wing Media Company Hold Star-Studded Benefit Promoting Education Reform Film by Josh Eidelson (My bolds) Asked over e-mail how AFG expected *Won't Back Down* to influence education policy debates, Weil said the movie "explores many different approaches to issues that parents face every day as they selflessly advocate for their children to receive the promise of a great education." Weil adds that the film does not "advocate any specific approach," and that... more »
UPDATE: Schooling in the Ownership Society: Klein back to pimping Murdoch's Amplify program
Schooling in the Ownership Society: Klein back to pimping Murdoch's Amplify program: Klein back to pimping Murdoch's Amplify program by Mike Klonsky Murdoch & Klein *"What we're trying to do is really become a hub for serious thinking and trying to make sure that technology is a positive force," Klein said in an interview. "Because I've long said that just giving a kid a computer isn't going to change the game."* Now that Rupert Murdoch has hired the best criminal defense lawyer money can buy, former NYC Chancellor Indy is Vallas' latest privatization target by Mike Klonsky Lege... more »
Dragon tales and other reasons I oppose school vouchers
Change of Subject: Dragon tales and other reasons I oppose school vouchers: Dragon tales and other reasons I oppose school vouchers More Sharing ServicesShare|Share on twitterShare on facebookShare on diggShare on googleShare on stumbleuponShare on myspaceShare on email Deanna Pan at Mother Jones does a quick run-down of the worst of the claptrap that taxpayers in Lousiana are going to have to pay to disseminate to that state's schoolchildren under a new school voucher program. In 14 Wacky "Facts" Kids Will Learn in Louisiana's Voucher Schools: *(Some of the schools) rely on Pensaco... more »
California's Prop. 32 would be Citizens United on steroids - The Hill's Congress Blog
California's Prop. 32 would be Citizens United on steroids - The Hill's Congress Blog: California's Prop. 32 would be Citizens United on steroids By John Logan, professor, San Francisco State University - 08/14/12 07:57 AM ET Conservative activists in California are promoting a deceptive ballot proposition that would increase the ability of business groups and billionaires to dominate state elections. The measure, Proposition 32, claims to be an even-handed effort at campaign finance reform – but nothing could be further from the truth. Prop. 32 (or “Stop Special Interest Money... more »
Morning UPDATE: LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 5-14-12 Diane Ravitch's blog
Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] For-Profit Charter Chains Pour Money into Florida State Senate Races by dianerav Coach Sikes, our reliable Florida informant, describes how that state’s for-profit charter chains are pouring hundreds of thousands of dollars into four key races for the state senate. This past spring, the state senate deadlocked on a 20-20 vote and did not pass a parent trigger law supported by Why Is K12 Online Corp. Advertising on Kansas TV? by dianerav David Reber is a teacher in Kansas who happens to be a terrific writer.... more »
Dancing Guy: Why teachers should ignore his advice - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post
Dancing Guy: Why teachers should ignore his advice - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post: Dancing Guy: Why teachers should ignore his advice By Valerie Strauss This* was written by **Larry Ferlazzo, a high-school teacher in Sacramento who writes a blog for educators and a teacher advice column for Education Week Teacher. He also has authored four bookson education. This first appeared here .* By Larry Ferlazzo Music and creativity entrepreneur Derek Sivers has a popular TED Talk titled “Leadership Lessons From Dancing Guy.” Here’s the video andtranscript of his three-minute tal... more »
Thursday deadline for resolving teacher evaluation bill | EdSource Today
Thursday deadline for resolving teacher evaluation bill | EdSource Today: Thursday deadline for resolving teacher evaluation bill ** August 14th, 2012 | Add a Comment | By John Fensterwald Share on twitterShare on facebookShare on emailShare on google_plusone More Sharing Services The Senate Appropriations Committee has given Assemblymember Felipe Fuentes three days to figure out how to pay for and, if possible, mollify critics of his bill to redesign teacher evaluations. On Thursday, the committee, chaired by Democratic Sen. Christine Kehoe of San Diego, will decide whether AB 5 ... more »
Compton NAACP moves to recall school board member - latimes.com
Compton NAACP moves to recall school board member - latimes.com: Compton NAACP moves to recall school board member The Compton chapter of the NAACP has launched an effort to recall Skyy Fisher from his seat on the Compton Unified School District board. In an Internet podcast, Fisher referred to the district superintendent with insulting names and used a gay slur to describe slain Florida teen Trayvon Martin. The 28-year-old Fisher, who was elected to his seat last year, later took a 60-day leave of absence. His profanity-filled rant, first reported in May by L.A. Weekly, criticized... more »
Four Florida Senate Primary Races Today Are Key to March’s Parent Trigger Fight | Scathing Purple Musings
Four Florida Senate Primary Races Today Are Key to March’s Parent Trigger Fight | Scathing Purple Musings: Four Florida Senate Primary Races Today Are Key to March’s Parent Trigger Fight by Bob Sikes When Florida’s two largest for-profit charter schools each made the unprecedented move of donating $100,000 last month to the PAC of privatization advocate, it signaled some changes among the people seeking to end public education. Lets review. Charter school giants Academica and Charter Schools USA had always operated separately from one another. The later let the former dominate th... more »
UPDATE: Seattle Schools Community Forum: Updates on WA State PTSA Opposition to I-1240
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Updates on WA State PTSA Opposition to I-1240: Another Ill-Informed Times Editorial by Charlie Mas I have pretty much given up on the idea that the Seattle Times will ever write a well-informed, well-reasoned or well-written opinion piece on public education. Their latest offering, Define state's education priorities before boosting funding, is just as insipid and weak as any of those that came before. Believe it not, they want the state to decide, in advance of any additional funding as required by the McCleary decision or as promised by both gub... more »
LAUSD TEACHERS: CARE TO FRAME THE CONVERSATION FOR A CHANGE? - Perdaily.com: LAUSD TEACHERS: CARE TO FRAME THE CONVERSATION FOR A CHANGE? by Leonard Isenberg [image: Dr. Wendy Kasten.jpg] *(For a national view of public education reform see the end of this blog post) **As the war against a professional, well-educated, and fairly compensated teacher corp continues unabated across the United States, what remains missing in this most important discussion is the voice of teachers authoritatively laying out the reality of what they do for a living in a manner that might counter the inc... more »
Missouri Education Watchdog: The GAO Establishes Site for Citizens to Report "Potential State Testing Improprieties" when it Cheats Taxpayers for Lavish Conferences?
Missouri Education Watchdog: The GAO Establishes Site for Citizens to Report "Potential State Testing Improprieties" when it Cheats Taxpayers for Lavish Conferences?: The GAO Establishes Site for Citizens to Report "Potential State Testing Improprieties" when it Cheats Taxpayers for Lavish Conferences? by stlgretchen This federal worker is from the GAO, now charged to investigate school cheating....while the GAO has cheated taxpayers of millions of dollars with its own improprieties. Teacher cheating scandals have been in the news the last few years. Michelle Rhee, the darling ... more »
PSAT for 8-14-12: Let’s not back down! Parents United for Responsible Education
Parents United for Responsible Education » Blog Archive » PSAT for 8-14-12: Let’s not back down!: PSAT for 8-14-12: Let’s not back down! by admin Public Schools Action Tuesday for today is to keep up the pressure on the Teachers Rock event and Won’t Back Down movie. Please especially work on your local movie and/or entertainment reporters. They are no doubt receiving buckets of slick PR material from Walden Media, the producers whose Waiting for Superman propaganda sucked all the air out of the school reform debate for a couple of months in 2010. I’m trying to get to Roger Ebert and... more »
Rally in Springfield. But not for this framework. « Fred Klonsky
Rally in Springfield. But not for this framework. « Fred Klonsky: Rally in Springfield. But not for this framework. by Fred Klonsky Yesterday the We Are One Coalition issued a framework for solving the pension issue. *The following must be in any plan going forward:**1. A guarantee that the state will pay its portion as required. That hasn’t happened for decades, as legislatures have diverted money to other programs.** **2. A true look at revenue by closing loopholes for big corporations that hurt taxpayers of Illinois. Many loopholes exist, and closing a few would generate mone... more »
Stop Your Whining | Taking Note
Stop Your Whining | Taking Note: Stop Your Whining by John Merrow *“The college graduates we hire can’t even write a clear paragraph.”* *“Kids today don’t read.”* *“The freshmen coming onto campus today don’t know how to express themselves. They’re inarticulate.”* I hear at least one of those complaints — and sometimes *all three* — at every public appearance I make.These adults are saying that young people today can’t write, can’t speak, and don’t read. A few of the complainers blame technology, but eventually most point fingers at teachers and the schools. I used to just listen —... more »
Time to Speak Out and Act Up for Teachers and Public Schools « Diane Ravitch's blog
Time to Speak Out and Act Up for Teachers and Public Schools « Diane Ravitch's blog: Time to Speak Out and Act Up for Teachers and Public Schools by dianerav [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] Teachers and parents often ask me: What can I do? How can I stop the attacks on teachers, on their unions, on public schools? Here is one way: Tomorrow night there will be an event called “Teachers Rock” to promote a film that is anti-teacher, anti-union and anti-public schools. Let the stars involved in “Teachers Rock” know that the film they are promoting is NOT pro-teach... more »
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Brizard says "it's practically settled". CTU says, "keep saving."
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Brizard says "it's practically settled". CTU says, "keep saving.": Brizard says "it's practically settled". CTU says, "keep saving." by Mike Klonsky Teachers returned to work in Chicago schools without a contract. But CEO Brizard is telling everyone that the new contract is a sure bet. *“I’m optimistic that we’re going to come to a resolution soon, hopefully before Labor Day,”’ Brizard said after ringing the school bell at Lindblom High School, 6130 S. Wolcott, one of the city’s elite selective-enrollment high schools. * But many CTU members I'v... more »
Teachers: Critical Questions to ask at Faculty Meetings this school year. Part One: Common Core « @ the chalk face
Teachers: Critical Questions to ask at Faculty Meetings this school year. Part One: Common Core « @ the chalk face: Teachers: Critical Questions to ask at Faculty Meetings this school year. Part One: Common CoreLeave a comment August 13, 2012 by Chris Cerrone As teachers head back to their schools this fall, it is time for educators to ask questions at faculty meetings when presented with Common Core and Data-driven Instruction. Too often we educators sit back say nothing when new administrative goals and initiatives are thrown at us. Veteran teachers will say we have been throug... more »
Parent Trigger And Why We Need To Talk [Let's Be A Solution] | The Jose Vilson
Parent Trigger And Why We Need To Talk [Let's Be A Solution] | The Jose Vilson: Parent Trigger And Why We Need To Talk [Let's Be A Solution] by Jose I rarely get the opportunity to have my opinion come in direct conflict with an outstanding actress of any repute, so excuse me if I brag via quote today. The following excerpt was published in the independent media outlet *In These Times*, written by Josh Eidelson: Vilson says he was particularly disappointed by Viola Davis’ participation, given *The Help* star’s past comments about wanting to elevate the voices of often-ignored dome... more »
UC files court brief supporting race-based admissions policy - latimes.com
UC files court brief supporting race-based admissions policy - latimes.com: UC files court brief supporting race-based admissions policy [image: UC files court brief supporting race-based admissions policy.] The University of California on Monday submitted a brief to the U.S. Supreme Court supporting the use of race as a factor in college admissions. UC President Mark G. Yudof and the system’s 10 chancellors filed the “friend of the court” brief in support of the University of Texas at Austin, which admits applicants who rank in the top 10% of their high school class and uses race ... more »
The news from Lake Gonetowoe | AMPS
The news from Lake Gonetowoe | AMPS: The news from Lake Gonetowoe by Thomas J. Mertz On the agenda at tonight’s (08/13/2012) Madison Metropolitan School District Board of Education Student Achievement and Performance Monitoring Committee meeting (5:00 PM, rm 103, Doyle Building) is a presentation on the first year Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) scores in MMSD. Explicitly and implicitly this presentation makes assumptions about test scores, cut scores, standards and achievement that are both wrong and dangerous, creating what I am calling the Lake Gonetowoe Effect, the invers... more »
Modern School: Chicago Teacher Strike Looming?
Modern School: Chicago Teacher Strike Looming?: Chicago Teacher Strike Looming? by Michael Dunn Huck/Konopacki Labor Cartoons Students begin classes Monday at the roughly one-third of Chicago Public Schools (CPS) that are on a year-round schedule. Meanwhile, Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) president Karen Lewis is saying that a resolution of contract negotiations before then is virtually impossible, the Chicago Sun Times reported on Friday. Lewis went on to say that they hadn’t even started talks on compensation because they have been focusing on the smaller items during their 41 barg... more »
Jersey Jazzman: "Teachers Rock 2012": An Insult To Teachers
Jersey Jazzman: "Teachers Rock 2012": An Insult To Teachers: "Teachers Rock 2012": An Insult To Teachers by Duke Tomorrow there will be a concert in Los Angeles called "Teachers Rock 2012." Portions will be broadcast on CBS this Friday. *The entire thing is an insult to teachers.* No one who cares at all about teachers should watch, and *we should all be demanding that the stars who have aligned themselves with this thing immediately pull out and disavow any connection to it.* Here's why: - "Teachers Rock 2012" is a promotional scheme for the upcoming anti-teacher movie, *Won't... more »
Walmart, Right-Wing Media Company Hold Star-Studded Benefit Promoting Education Reform Film - Working In These Times
Walmart, Right-Wing Media Company Hold Star-Studded Benefit Promoting Education Reform Film - Working In These Times: Walmart, Right-Wing Media Company Hold Star-Studded Benefit Promoting Education Reform FilmBY JOSH EIDELSON Viola Davis, shown here with her SAG award for Outstanding Performance by an Female Actor in a Leading Performance for "The Help," will be appearing soon in anti-teachers union propaganda at a theater near you. (Photo by Frederic J. Brown/AFP/Getty Images) The world’s largest private-sector employer and the country’s most prominent conservative entertainment... more »
FAQ re “Won’t Back Down” and the Parent Trigger « Parents Across America
FAQ re “Won’t Back Down” and the Parent Trigger « Parents Across America: FAQ re “Won’t Back Down” and the Parent Trigger by leoniehaimson *On Tuesday, August 14 a Concert called TEACHERS ROCK, presented by Walmart & promoting the movie “Won’t Back Down” will be held in LA: with appearances from Carrie Underwood, Meryl Streep, Jennifer Garner, Matthew Morrison, Foo Fighters’ Dave Grohl, Usher, Maroon 5’s Adam Levine and others. On Saturday, August 18 the concert will be aired on CBS.* *The movie itself, “Won’t Back Down,” will premiere September 28. This film already has sparked ... more »
Five Ways Privatization Degrades America | NationofChange
Five Ways Privatization Degrades America | NationofChange: *Five Ways Privatization Degrades America* * * * * A grand delusion has been planted in the minds of Americans, that privately run systems are more efficient and less costly than those in the public sector. Most of the evidence points the other way. Private initiatives generally produce mediocre or substandard results while experiencing the usual travails of unregulated capitalism -- higher prices, limited services, and lower wages for all but a few 'entrepreneurs.' With perverse irony, the corruption and incompetence of ... more »

Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 8-11-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 8-4-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post
Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 7-21-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 7-14-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 7-7-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post
Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-30-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-23-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-16-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-9-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-2-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post

Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-13-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-12-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-11-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-10-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-9-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-8-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-7-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-6-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-5-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-4-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-3-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-2-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-1-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2
Big Education Ape Nite Cap 7-31-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2
Big Education Ape Nite Cap 7-31-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2