So this is the core of MORE organizing this upcoming year -- forming local groups at the district level that will meet during the week after school. I view these meetings as more important than the MORE monthly meetings where too many people try to outdo each other in telling everyone how anti-racist they are. I go to the monthlies for the post-meeting happy hours. Local Educator Supportby more
Norm Does Something Right in Hot Yoga
After 15 years I did something well enough, Anita Ruderman took my photo doing Camel. Actually, now that I look it is not really right, but I'll take it.By this time I've already lost about 5 pounds. Don't worry, they were back a few hours later.
Godspell Opens This Friday in Rockaway
With a great cast, including many of your NYC teacher colleagues. Also a great set designed by Director (and NYC teacher) Frank Ciaiti. Below the graphic is my recent piece in The Wave which focused on the cast.
Tribune poll: Lewis ahead of Emanuel in Chicago mayoral race
Oh, the joy - for now. The hit jobs on Karen by the media will be be intense. But with Rahmbo being such an a-hole there is hope.Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel is losing the support of voters, according to a new Chicago Tribune poll.A poll of 800 registered voters found that the mayor’s approval rating has taken a dive.Two years ago it was 52 percent. That didn’t change much last year, but now it’s on
9-8-14 Ed Notes Online Week
Ed Notes Online: Chicago Teachers Union and CORE - A Rational Social Justice Union and CaucusJust about every group and grouplet in the USA has hijacked what we are doing in Chicago. We decided NOT to participate in the Ferguson activities, in part because some of our members are spouses of police officers, and the Ferguson activities have become anti-police.... Member, CORE steering committee COR