What Should Arne Do?
Secretary of Education Arne Duncan has taken plenty of grief.He has been criticized by folks on the right who believe he is, at the very least, a hood ornament on the Great Studebaker of Federal Instrusion into education. He has been criticized by folks on the left for being the faceplate on the great machine that is dismantling the US public school system.Arne is easy to pick apart (I should know
Zephyr Teachout's Thank You Letter
Further proof that Teachout gets it. Here's the email that arrived today (I gave money to the campaign, so I'm on the list). I'm just putting it here in its entirety because it's a class act. And if you'd like a nice analysis of the results, read this piece for the New Yorker.Thank you. Last night, we exceeded all of the pundits expectations, keeping Andrew Cuomo at barely 60% of the vote, and won
Common Core 2.0?
Over at the Washington Post. Lindsey Layton is reporting on a survey by the Education Commission of the States about the Common Core. The ECS bills itself as a non-partisan research group, headed by a different governor each year, with a history stretching back to mid-sixties. They've produced a handy list that shows all the cool new names states have come up with for their states standards.Layton
9-9-14 Curmudgucation - Adding Insult to Injury
CURMUDGUCATION: Adding Insult to InjuryIt's a fair question. There have been plenty of reform movement imposed on education-- why is the current wave of reforminess evoking such a severe reaction among teachers. It's not just the injuries that NCLB, RttT and Waiverism (RttT Lite) have inflicted on education. It's the insults that have gone with them.First, there's the professional insult.Imagine a