Worst “Report” Yet
This is the most absurd “report” yet. This organization says that the U.S. does not have an “efficient” school system. Finland has the most efficient school system. What can we do to become more efficient? Cut teachers’ salaries and increase class size. Funny, when I visited Finland in 2011, I saw many classes, none larger than 16. Teachers’ pay is equivalent to U.S. pay. “The Efficiency Index –
Florida DOE to Districts: Don’t Dare to Opt Out of State Tests
When local school board members in Lee County and Palm Beach County began talking about opting the entire district out of state testing, the state warned them they would face punishment if they dared. “But the district better be prepared to pay the price of skipping the new exam — quite literally. Skip the exam and the state is likely to withhold money. “The ramifications could be pretty dramatic
New York: Parent and Educator Groups Blast Cuomo
A large coalition of parent and educator groups in New York State developed a scorecard for voters in the Democratic primary on September 9 and the general elections in November. They concluded that Governor Andrew Cuomo was the candidate likeliest to support privatization of public education. Here is their press release: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: More information contact: Eric Mihelbergel (716) 55
Louisiana: Judge Orders Superintendent to Release Cut Score Information
A district court judge in Baton Rouge ordered State Superintendent John White to release information about setting cut scores. Veteran educator Mike Deshotels posted this on his blog: “Breaking News: On Thursday, August 28, Judge Bob Downing of the 19th Judicial District Court in Baton Rouge ordered State Superintendent John White and the LDOE to produce detailed information about the setting of
Jersey Jazzman: Is “One Newark” Racist?
This post by Jersey Jazzman is part of a dialogue about Cami Anderson’s “One Newark” plan to close public schools and open charter schools in their place, without consulting with the school board or the community. Mark Weber, aka Jersey Jazzman, asks, whether the plan is racist? Does it have a disparate impact on black students and black teachers? Jersey Jazzman says yes.
Anthony Cody: What Marc Tucker Gets Wrong
Anthony Cody was not heartened by Marc Tucker’s vision of a new accountability system with fewer tests. In this post, he explains why. If ever there was a need for close reading, he believes, this is it. Cody writes: “Tucker’s plan is confusing. In a proposal in which accountability remains closely tied to a set of high stakes tests, Tucker cites the “Failure of Test-based Accountability,” and
Tom Moran Responds to New Jersey Bloggers about One Newark
Tom Moran, chief editorial writer for the Star-Ledger of New Jersey, responds here to the open letter written by three New Jersey bloggers, posted on their sites, and at blue jersey.com. Here is Jersey Jazzman’s reply to Moran. Moran was offended by the tone of the bloggers’ letter to him. The bloggers are offended by Cami Anderson’s One Newark” plan, which seeks to charterize large numbers of Ne
The Politico Top 50
Thank you to Politico magazine for naming me one of the Top 50 political figures whose ideas are making a difference. The bio says “For standing up for teachers, not tests.” I am honored to be in such illustrious company!
Marc Tucker Calls for a New Accountability System
Marc Tucker writes that we test students more than any of the high-performing nations in the world. Here is a graph that demonstrates the differences. Tucker proposed a new accountability system for the U.S. that puts us more in line with common practice. Here are his key points: “The ideas outlined by Marc Tucker in Fixing Our National Accountability System signify a departure from conventiona
Troy A. LaRiviere: How Chicago Neighborhood Schools Outperformed Charter Schools
Troy A. LaRaviere is principal at Blaine Elementary School. In this article in the Chicago Sun-Times, he explains how the city’s public schools got higher test scores than the city’s well-funded, politically favored charter schools. To my knowledge, the Chicago Tribune–a cheerleader for charters– has not reported this story, nor has Mayor Rahm Emanuel acknowledged it. Please let me know if I am wr
LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 9-3-14 Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all
Diane Ravitch's blog | A site to discuss better education for all: FairTest: Resistance to Over-Testing Grows NationwideHere is FairTest’s weekly roundup of resistance to test mania: This week’s biggest assessment reform news was the vote to “opt out” of state-mandated standardized exams by the Lee County, Florida School Board. Though that was the most dramatic action so far this school year, we a