Seattle School Board Comments from Last Night's Meeting
I only watched the Board comments and a bit more of the meeting. (They moved at lightening speed and I think may have adjourned by 6:30 pm.) This is NOT coverage of all their comments but just the issue-specific ones that they made.I wish I had heard one Board member say that he or she was committed to following thru on every stated commitment and accountability measure that staff has said. No
Reminder: Pre-K Forum Tonight
I meant to get this up as a reminder this morning but the League of Women Voters of Seattle-King County is having a forum on Early Childhood Education tonight. (They will not be specifically discussing the two propositions that will be on the ballot in November but it may come up during Q&A). Thursday, September 4 at 7:00 PMSeattle First Baptist Church, 1111 Harvard Ave, SeattleFree and open
Out of Touch at the Seattle Times
Well, I just finished listening to the Mayor's press conference for the announcement of the new Education and Early Learning department.Is Murray "thinking" about a governance takeover OR has he "considered" it in an abstract way? The press conference video indicates he is aware of what other cities do (he compared the East Coast to the West Coast ) and said that "power is
Times Urges Mayor Murray to Take Control of the School Board
In one of the most shameful and disrespectfully written editorials I've ever read in the Times, they urge the Mayor and the City Council to make taking over the majority of the Seattle School Board positions a top legislative priority.It's a funny thing because I JUST today wrote the Board about a couple of other issues but warned them of this. Now we all know there is no love between me and the
9-3-14 Seattle Schools Community Forum
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Title IX UpdateAs you may know, Seattle Public Schools wasn't quite up to snuff on Title IX compliance. The person responsible for Title IX compliance didn't know his responsibilities and, consequently, failed to perform his required duties. When this dreadful situation came to light (with tragic consequences), the District... well, the District didn't do anything