Congrats to John Elfrank-Dana who has now successfully battled two abusive principals
If this were Atlanta, Almonte would be leaving in handcuffs..... Ed NotesBergtraum HS principal leaves after caught pushing kids into substandard online courses & violating sped rights; sadly she will now likely go and ruin some adult ed program. Congrats to John ElFrank-Dana who has now successfully battled two abusive principals now…hope the school gets someone good finally!... Leonie Haimso
Haimson - Prepare to Be Really Sick - Comment on NY Times Mag Moskowitz Puff Piece by Daniel Bergner
Six teachers spoke to him as well as several parents. I was 100% honest with him. We were completely ignored. Many of things I talked about were the main things he focused on here. Conveniently left out.... Teacher at Mickey Mantle school where Eva attempted to evict the special ed childrenBelow is a comment by Leonie Haimson, followed by teachers who spoke at length to Daniel Bergner and realize
9-3-14 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: Samuel Freedman, on Bel Kaufman, Goes After Teacher Bashing, With Ties to the 68 StrikeAround the same time that “Up the Down Staircase” was published, New York City was convulsed by a battle over community control of public schools. The struggle reached its apogee between 1967 and 1968, with the installation of a black governing board in the Ocean Hill-Brownsville section of Broo