Judge Belz on pension theft ruling. “The faster the better.”
Judge Belz is the Sangamon County judge who is hearing the pension theft case. Speaking at today’s status hearing he said that the Illinois Supreme Court’s Kanerva ruling that upheld the constitutional prohibition against diminishing or impairing pension obligations will be a factor in his ruling on the legality of SB1. And he thinks he will rule before the first of the year. The State Journal-Re
NEA President Lily Eskelsen Garcia talks testing turkey with Obama.
New NEA President Lily Eskelsen Garcia. NPR Ed: A former elementary school teacher from Utah took the reins of the nation’s largest teachers union this week. As president of the National Education Association, Lily Eskelsen Garcia represents nearly 3 million teachers. Her No. 1 one priority? As she puts it: “Roll back standardized testing before it does more damage than good.” The NEA has been cr
Robin Potter. Karen Lewis at the National Lawyers Guild.
- Chicago activist and attorney Robin Potter sends this: The National Lawyers Guild is holding its national convention starting Thursday in Chicago. The NLG is a pivotal progressive organization of lawyers and legal advocates, and provides legal defense at mass rallies and demos, including during the CTU strike and our marches. The NLG honored our many CTU lawyers at its annual dinner in 2013. I h
Rahm’s paid “volunteers.”
Karen Lewis comes to Logan Square tomorrow. Training for her volunteers starts Saturday. The problem for Rahm is that Chicago politics is not like it was in the old days. When Dick Mell ran this ward, if you wanted a job with the city you had to “volunteer” to, among other things, collect signatures for Da Mayor. Or buy tickets to fund raisers. Or work election day. It wasn’t direct pay. It was m
9-3-14 Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher
Fred Klonsky | Daily posts from a retired public school teacher who is just looking at the data.: The Napa Wine Club is worth two years of my pension. Rauner and Quinn think I get too much.11 by Fred Klonsky / 3h Retired teachers are not just about pensions. We had a lively charter discussion.This blogger, Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky and S.O.R.E. organizer, Harriet Sheeley. We often discuss polit