Mother Jones Story on Gates Core
A clip from a big story in Mother Jones. How to Spend $200 million to buy what you want:
U.S. Teachers Need to Stand with Teachers in Canada
Haven't seen much info on the ongoing teacher strike in British Columbia on the evening news or even education blogs but it's happening.Vancouver teachersTeachers chose to go on strike and only teachers can end the job action, Premier Christy Clark said Wednesday in her first recent public comments about the strike.Clark was pressed by reporters on how long her government would allow the strike to
Ravitch Warms to Tuckerism: Can Randi Be Far Ahead?
I posted the other day on the new (old) Tuckerism that Joe Nocera was promoting (again) in the New York Times. Obviously, Tucker's THL (Testing Hysteria Lite) has resonated with the neolibs as a way to stave off the revolution against testing, while preserving its worst features and maintaining the attack on collective bargaining and due process. Here is a key Tucker conclusion tucked into his r
69 Hoops and No Appeal: Teacher Observation--Memphis Style
Point one that has to be remembered: half of Tennessee teacher evaluations are based on invalid, unreliable, and unfair test scores. The other half is based on observations. Teachers who worked for months on a new observation process last year were eventually dismissed when they disagreed with the two most outrageous aspects of CorpEd's recipe for disaster: 1) an observation checklist with 69 ite
9-3-14 Schools Matter
Schools Matter: Kevin Carey, Logically AdriftKevin Carey and the billionaire patrons of CorpEd who pay him to record his thought disorders in the New York Times are moving on from K-12 to more fertile education grounds to make money and to impose their idiocy. Watch out, higher ed. With more and more young adults graduating from college with fewer good jobs available to them and the next generati