Video: A Rube Goldberg Machine Powered By Light
I’m adding this video to The Best Resources For Learning About Rube Goldberg Machines:
“My Storybook” Is A New (& Free) Good Site For Students To Write Online
My Storybook lets students easily create simple virtual books with text and images/characters you can insert with a click. You can also draw your own. I’m adding it to The Best Places Where Students Can Write Online.
Teaching Tolerance Releases Ambitious “literacy-based, anti-bias curriculum”
Teaching Tolerance, the organization justifiably well-known for developing very good social-justice oriented teaching resources, has just unveiled: “Perspectives for a Diverse America… a literacy-based curriculum that marries anti-bias social justice content with the rigor of the Common Core State Standards.” It’s a very ambitious site, and I think most teachers will find the highlight to be 300
The Ten “All-Time” Most Popular Posts From My Ed Week Column
My latest column at Ed Week Teacher features links to the ten “all-time” most popular posts that have appeared there. Here’s an excerpt from the number one post:
9-8-14 Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL
Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day… | …For Teaching ELL, ESL, & EFL: Study: “Asking for Advice Makes You Seem More Competent, Not Less”New York Magazine (and a bunch of other news outlets) recently reported on new research which found, as the headline of the magazine article and this post says, that “Asking for Advice Makes You Seem More Competent, Not Less.” Here’s an excerpt: I’ve certainl