LAUSD School Board Member Monica Ratliff Needs You To Back Her!! You Absolutely Must sign this
Public education and good governance supporters, Thank you all for your support of Bond Oversight Committee member and citizen watchdog Stuart Magruder. We made it to 250 signers on our petition calling for an audit/independent investigation of the iPad deal! Thank you. Here's what you need to know: recently Superintendent Deasy released a 6-page memo doubling down on his actions. Words in his own
County approves LA Unified’s accountability plan | EdSource
http://edsource.org/2014/county-approves-la-unifieds-accountability-plan/67218#.VA-Zamt5mK0 County approves LA Unified's accountability planSeptember 9, 2014 | By Louis Freedberg | No Comments City Year/FlickrLAUSD Superintendent Dr. John Deasy addresses the City Year Americorps.After seeking clarification from the Los Angeles Unified School District about how it calculated the funds it said it
Ratliff Meets Ratliff in a Rare Look at Educratic Fashion Statements and the Political Trends Predicted for Next Season
I hope Monica Ratliff is tenacious about the release of the report on iPad Ethics l she could shed a light in many things if she is thorough and earnest. If she can usher in true change I will be her biggest advocate . But I have no faith in her now . She has shown herself to be much to prudent and professional to be trusted. But what do I know? For a crackpot , I do pretty well but I am being m
Question for LAUSD BOE and Staff: DID YOU EVER Meet Your Apple LA Team?
http://lausd.apple.com/groups/lausd/wiki/2a452/They were installed before the deal was officials, and yet, the training was done by district suits who told teachers to " park " their questions in a metaphorical " parking lot." They simply did nit have the answers to the most basic questions. Notably the training was a waste of teachers' time and taxpayers' money. I am not sure
A Year Ago The Governor Passed A Bill In Deasy'S Honor But Even Lat Tried To Bury It
> > http://www.latimes.com/local/la-me-brown-bills-20130907,0,2732750.story > > So when is the state going to at ? They know what Deasy is and the damage he is causing. So where is the oversight and accountability!? > >
9-8-14 Hemlock on the Rocks
Hemlock on the Rocks: rene diedrich's invitation is awaiting your response rene diedrich would like to connect on LinkedIn. How would you like to respond? rene diedrich writer/poet at Freelance Confirm you know rene by Rene Diedrich / 5h 9-7-14 Hemlock on the RocksHemlock on the Rocks: Fwd: Twelve Theses on Education's Future in the Age of Neoliberalism and TerrorismT