True Education Reform is Possible

The truth: Some places do a better job educating children than others.
So what do we really need to do to improve the quality of education for those in need of improving? Must we go the way of lawsuits? Can’t we settle this matter, finish this fight over education reform, like civilized human beings?…..We haven’t seen that so far.
[The following is a modified excerpt from The Crucial Voice of the People, Past and Present ©2012]
As the result of a lawsuit against the state of Massachusetts, a ruling was made that “all children must get an adequate education” and their 1993 Education Reform Actwas created.
The goals were two-fold:
(1) to equalize funding among districts, and(2) to improve all student performance.
The state chose to use these instruments for change:
(1) increase state spending on education,(2) create curriculum frameworks that set high expectations for student learning, and(3) create student performance assessments aligned with the curriculum frameworks.
But there was something else very important to Massachusetts success, the True Education Reform is Possible | The Crucial Voice of the People: