Governor Malloy’s record on state funding for public schools
A blog post that highlights the problem (see the Part I) and starts to lay out the solution (see Part II.) PART I: The problem Malloy’s record on state funding of public schools. Governor Dannel “Dan” Malloy likes to brag that he has increased funding for Connecticut schools. While he did raise taxes, in part […] The post Governor Malloy’s record on state funding for public schools appeared firs
9-8-14 Wait What? - Malloy allocates $500k to figure out how to reduce standardized testing…
Wait What?: Malloy allocates $500k to figure out how to reduce standardized testing…After wasting tens of millions of taxpayer funds instituting his massive Common Core Smarter Balanced Assessment Coalition (SBAC) tests, Governor Dannel “Dan” Malloy has now said that he wants to “to reduce the time Connecticut students spend taking standardized tests” and has even come up with $500,000 in grants t