Back-to-School Books at HuffPo
Back-to-School books
Authoritarian v. Authoritative: “With great power comes great responsibility”
The Peter Parker/Spider-Man myth—like most in the ever-reshaping and rebooting world of comic book super heroes—has spun a slightly inaccurate but powerful catch-phrase around Peter’s Uncle Ben: “With great power comes great responsibility.” The original wording—“AND A LEAN, SILENT FIGURE SLOWLY FADES INTO THE GATHERING DARKNESS, AWARE AT LAST THAT IN THIS WORLD, WITH GREAT POWER THERE MUST ALSO C
9-8-14 the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness
the becoming radical | A Place for a Pedagogy of Kindness (the public and scholarly writing by P. L. Thomas, Furman University): Our Practice, Our SelvesIn my undergraduate introductory education course, I read aloud the first or second class Sandra Cisneros’s “Eleven.” The central character is Rachel, and the setting is her school day on her eleventh birthday. School that day strips all the shine