Strauss: Teacher: ‘Don’t tell me that I don’t want accountability’
I published a post last week titled “Seven things teachers are sick of hearing from school reformers” that was very popular with readers. There has been a lively debate in the comments section of that post, with some people critical of the teacher who wrote the piece and others supportive. I am publishing a response from a reader identified as “teechur” because it sums up the way a great many tea
What’s the real purpose of educational benchmarking?
“Benchmarking” is a word that is now everywhere in the world of education. There’s even a Center on International Education Benchmarking, a program of the National Center on Education and the Economy, which over 20 years has benchmarked the education systems of more than 20 countries in what is said to be an effort to […]
8-17-14 Answer Sheet
Answer Sheet: Overheard at the Lincoln Memorial on a Saturday nightEven if you aren’t trying to eavesdrop, it is impossible not to overhear other people talking at the Lincoln Memorial when it is late on a Saturday night and the site is packed with people — mostly tourists — who are visiting the magnificent marble monument for the first time and are visibly astounded by its […]by Valerie Strauss /