Common Core tests fail kids in New York again. Here’s how.
Results of the 2014 New York State Common Core-aligned exams were recently released along with new information about the 2013 tests and the news was not good. Here’s an analysis, by educators Bianca Tanis and Carol Burris, explaining what the results actually mean to students and educators. Burris, of South Side High School, has been […]
‘Dear (white) teachers…’
Michael Doyle teaches biology at Bloomfield High School, an urban district in northern New Jersey, with the aim of turning young cynical hearts into skeptical ones. He worked previously as a longshoreman, a lab tech in an alcohol plant, and, more recently, a pediatrician in the projects who decided he would rather teach than practice […]
Overheard at the Lincoln Memorial on a Saturday night
Even if you aren’t trying to eavesdrop, it is impossible not to overhear other people talking at the Lincoln Memorial when it is late on a Saturday night and the site is packed with people — mostly tourists — who are visiting the magnificent marble monument for the first time and are visibly astounded by its […]
All Week @ The Answer Sheet 8-16-14
The Answer Sheet:All Week @ The Answer SheetCampbell Brown put on notice by teachers unionI recently wrote a post about how Campbell Brown’s new advocacy group, the Partnership for Educational Justice, had used on its Web site the exact wording of the slogan of the current branding campaign of the American Federation of Teachers, the nation’s second-largest teachers union. It turns out that the AF