Mulgrew: When You Look Up Union Thug in Your Urban Dictionary , HIS Photo is underneath the definition
Shameful Excuse for a Man How much more do we need to see this for what it is ...RACKETEERING! Note How Weingarten Yucks it up like Joe Pesci.
Teachers Scrambling to Schedule Students As Deasy's MISIS Malfunction Catches Heat from Caputo-Pearl
http://laschoolreport.com/teachers-union-blasts-deasy-again-for-new-computer-system/#comment-2379I don't approve of UTLA. Employing bully tactics like these is unnecessary and counterproductive. We cannot be so sure this issue is Deasy's fault either. Frankly, I am inclined to see it all as an elaborate ruse designed to keep the FBI and others out if records that betray ADA fraud among other
LAUSD Tour of Duty
LAUSD Tour of Duty-libyernyth--clay--starbucks in the hoodFreezeNo bird in hands no bush shookHail Fire in the Rubble of WattsSubbing : good ,bad and fuglyLittle blue duplexBanningIntern all bleeding Teachers lounge Bird Exuberance is exhausting HeathensShelter or segregateConfigurationsNapoleon Complex Emo bluesMarlo Duffin and MeFadedFaralistic (Raising Bail for corpses)Question
Girl Scouts Get Badges For Mastering Common Core
Program Connections to State(and National) Curriculum StandardsThe content of all Girl Scout national proficiency badges and journeys have been correlated by grade level to national Common Core Standards, 21st Century Skillsstandards, Financial Literacy education standards, and curriculum such as Health and PE, Language Arts, Math, Science, and Social Studies learning objectives for all 50 states
Inside the multimillion-dollar essay-scoring business | City Pages
Mike Kooiman Dan DiMaggio was blown away the first time he heard his boss say it. The pensive, bespectacled 25-year-old had been coming
LAUSD's outrageous 'parent trigger' suspension - LA Times
Sabotaging Those Political Tests (The New York State ELA and Math Assessments)
WordPress.com liberalteacher posted: "60,000 students who opted out plus a changed cut score (see here) equals one thing—an invalid and unreliable test. As
APARTHEID IN AMERICA :Ferguson: Gentrification and its discontents | Al Jazeera America
U.S. SCOTT OLSON / GETTY IMAGES Ferguson: Gentrification and its discontents Gentrification is pushing poor people of color out of major cities and into deeper inequality August 15, 2014 1:11PM ET
Never Again! Now The Evidence Is Irrefutable…
@media print { .original-url { display: none; } } h1.title { font: -apple-system-headline; font-weight: normal; text-align: start; -webkit-hyphens: manual; } blockquote { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); margin-left: 20px;
Hemlock Greets Gatsby In L.A.U.S.D
@media print { .original-url { display: none; } } h1.title { font: -apple-system-headline; font-weight: normal; text-align: start; -webkit-hyphens: manual; } blockquote { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); margin-left: 20px;
8-17-14 Hemlock on the Rocks
Hemlock on the Rocks: Why Are Things As They Are? RICH GIBSON'S little red schoolhouse offers Ohanian, Rhee,Atlanta Cheats and Morehttp://www.richgibson.com/blog/Susan Ohanian on Combat-Ready Kiddies The Mission: Readiness Military Leaders for Kids website features the National Council on Teacher Quality ranking of top teacher education institutions–with the admonition No service member can enter