Spring ’14 Conference Recap

About the Conference
This two day conference focused on building student power on our campuses via structures of direct/participatory democracy (i.e. all students are involved in the decision-making process), solidifying relationships across the state based on issues important to us, and planning a statewide action together for Fall 2014 around our common interests in fighting the student debt, attack on workers’ rights, cuts to departments/services, killing of shared governance/democracy, human rights’ violations, and student repression that stem from the continued privatization of our educations and our futures.
Action Planning — Top 4 Demands:
- Follow the $ (Privatization)
- Freedom of Speech (Repression)
- Diversity Education (Diversity)
- No to Napolitano (Democratization)
Action Planning — Timeline:
- Petition
- First draft due by end of June 2014
- Delegated to Statewide Coordinating Cmte
- Regional Meetings
- Schedule for September 2014
- Delegated to Regional Groups
- Outreach Tour
- Go to each other’s campuses and help build awareness and capacity for Week of Action
- Dates and details to be determined at Regionals
- Plan according to what makes most sense to regional campuses
- Include a traveling art piece that people can contribute to and incorporates demands
- Zine proposed — delegated to Outreach & Education Cmte
- Flyer
- Prep for Week of Action and to Contribute to Zine Submissions
- Due by the end of June 2014
- Delegated to the Outreach & Education Cmte and Research Working Group
- Week of Action
- October 13-17, 2014
- Each campus to determine date and action that works best for them
- Distribute finalized Zine during actions
Want to get involved with bottom-lining the above plan of action? Join the Committee or Working Group that strikes your interest and let’s get busy this summer!
Want to plug your campus into the Week of Action but not necessarily bottom-line the behind the scenes Spring ’14 Conference Recap |: