Remember, Union Leaders Did Their "Endorsement" Work During Working Families Party Convention
I keep hearing some NYSUT people brag how NYSUT refused to endorse Andrew Cuomo for governor and am hearing from the same people that NYSUT is making sure the AFL-CIO does not endorse him either.All of this is fine, dandy and absolutely meaningless. I want to remind everybody that when it mattered, when Andrew Cuomo absolutely needed the union leadership - including the newly minted NYSUT leadersh
Time For An Investigation Into New York State's Test Score Results, Data Tracking
Two stories from over the weekend show that the statistics and data issued by NYSED Commissioner John King and his merry men and women in reform at SED cannot be trusted.First, as I posted yesterday, the NY Post covered how NYSED lowered the cut score levels on this year's state Common Core exams, an act which resulted in slightly higher test scores:State officials touted increases in scores on to
8-17-14 Perdido Street School Week
Perdido Street School: How Much Longer Can Michael Mulgrew Stay In Power?The UFT has signed on as a co-sponsor for the Rev. Al "Rent-A-Collar" Sharpton's anti-police brutality march and it's not sitting well with the police unions who are now openly savaging UFT President Michael Mulgrew in the media:In an open letter to The Post, the spitting-mad boss of the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Assoc