When Is Accountability Good For The Gander?
Written by redqueeninla in LAUSD

…and isn’t that Buck supposed to have been stopping somewhere? Somewhere other than at the kids’ feet?
This past week, the first back in school for LAUSD kids, has seen an absolutely ridiculous mess due to MiSiS, the court-mandated, “Integrated Student Information System” more honestly termed, simply: “CriSiS”.
By their own admission, a “majority of district-run schools have reported being able to register students”, which implies, if you think about it, that …. a “near-majority” have not been able to register students.
Um, what? Why is this sort of pedantic word-parsing even emanating from the mouths of central administrators who are supposed to be working for our kids??
There have been reports of grade schoolers enrolled in High Schools and long-enrolled kids bumped from enrollment registers altogether. There have been reports of kids enrolled in the wrong school just because it was geographically closest to them, but not the right “type” (grade school rather than middle). There are reports of multiples bumping sibs from enrollment lists and random assignments of duplicate classes. There are reports of random omission of any class whatsoever from sporadic periods and classrooms of nonrandom gender imbalance. There are reports of classes enrolled to the seventy-kid mark and hundreds left waiting, classless, in auditoria and roaming the halls. There are reports of counselors spending many, many dozens of nervous-making above-and-beyond (unpaid) overtime-hours enrolling kids in classes, only to discover those enrollments didn’t “stick” afterall.
And while the administrators may be sweating bullets, it is actually the students who are suffering. For how long have how many been left twiddling thumbs awaiting administrative remedies, or relegated to incorrect classes while those with expectations of them proceed with either a deck too-full or one under-subscribed?
How can this be perceived as anything shy of disrespectful?
We have, after all, asked our children to curtail their summer formerly designed to inject some measure of autonomy and creativity within an otherwise overly-structured academic calendar year. Given how much these children have been forced to give up, can we not at the least usher them back into a systemWhen Is Accountability Good For The Gander? – redqueeninla: