James Baldwin said it best:
"For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."
Teach students higher order or critical thinking skills? Not if the Texas Republicans have their way. | Dangerously Irrelevant
Teach students higher order or critical thinking skills? Not if the Texas Republicans have their way. | Dangerously Irrelevant: Teach students higher order or critical thinking skills? Not if the Texas Republicans have their way. by dr.scott.mcleod@gmail.com (Scott McLeod) [image: Republican Party of Texas Logo] The Republican Party of Texas states in its official 2012 political platform : *We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) ... more »
Union’s ‘community schools’ initiative gets a boost from the city | GothamSchools
Union’s ‘community schools’ initiative gets a boost from the city | GothamSchools: Union’s “community schools” initiative get a boost from the city by Rose D'souza Teachers' union president, Michael Mulgrew, greets chancellor Dennis Walcott, at announcement for community school initiative. When teachers’ union president Michael Mulgrew announced a grant program last month to bolster social services in schools, he said the union was moving ahead because the Department of Education was not. But today, when Mulgrew announced the schools that will receive grants, Chancellor Dennis Walco... more »
All Education Matters: Partisan Battle Continued: Interest Rates on Student Loan To Increase?
All Education Matters: Partisan Battle Continued: Interest Rates on Student Loan To Increase?: Partisan Battle Continued: Interest Rates on Student Loan To Increase? by Cryn Johannsen Most of you have probably already heard, but in case you haven't, student loan interest rates on Stafford loans are set to double on Saturday. They are currently a 3.4%. If they double, this change will impact over 7 million students currently in school. Here's an MSNBC video about the situation. Given the dire economic situation in this country, and the millions and millions of borrowers who are s... more »
Daily Kos: Some things should not be negotiable
Daily Kos: Some things should not be negotiable: Some things should not be negotiable by rss@dailykos.com (teacherken) I have been active in politics since i was an adolescent, a period now of more than 5 decades. I have often been willing to support politicians with whom I had some strong disagreements on the issues, perhaps because I believed they were as good as we were likely to get. As I get older, the world seems to go by far more quickly. And while I do not have biological children, I think of the future in terms of the several thousands who passed through my care before i... more »
Old-School Lectures Are Out — Whole Child Education
Old-School Lectures Are Out — Whole Child Education: Old-School Lectures Are Out by Klea Scharberg [image: ASCD Annual Conference] *Post submitted by whole child blogger Caroline Newton, a sophomore at Temple University. Newton is studying journalism and writes for *Jump: The Philly Music Project* magazine.* "The goal is to create an environment that is meaningful, challenging, and in which the students' minds are actively engaged," said Rick Smith, author of*Picture This!* and *Conscious Classroom Management*. Smith not only presented his teaching style, but he also used that approa... more »
So How DO We Measure Learning in the Arts... - Teacher in a Strange Land - Education Week Teacher
So How DO We Measure Learning in the Arts... - Teacher in a Strange Land - Education Week Teacher: So How DO We Measure Learning in the Arts... by Nancy Flanagan ... if we don't use some kind of standardized assessment? My previous blog has been re-posted, dissected, praised and scorned. But the question is still out there: *How do we measure learning in the arts?* Two critical observations: • Contrary to what some commenters seem to think, nobody is suggesting that learning in arts education can't or shouldn't be assessed. The blog wasn't a half-baked claim that the arts are too ... more »
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Gates Pushes Charter Giving to $1 Million
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Gates Pushes Charter Giving to $1 Million: Gates Pushes Charter Giving to $1 Million by Melissa Westbrook The Stranger Slog is reporting that Bill Gates' spending for I-1240 -which is not even on the ballot yet - is over $1M. Fine, he wants a fight, he'll get one. People of Seattle please understand. This is NOT about right and wrong - it's about telling the truth. Gates, Allen, League of Education Voters, Stand for Children, all these people supporting charters will *NOT* tell
Democurmudgeon: Teacher Reductions, School Closings more of those Courageous Decisions?
Democurmudgeon: Teacher Reductions, School Closings more of those Courageous Decisions?: Teacher Reductions, School Closings more of those Courageous Decisions? by Democurmudgeon There's going to be an avalanche of school district news; where teacher reductions and school closing announcements will be made time and time again. Portage is thinking about closing up to 3 schools along with teacher reductions, even if a proposed referendum passes. From the *Brookfield Patch:* *Back in March, noted education historian Diane Ravitch penned a blog for Education Week called “Why Are Teach... more »
School Tech Connect: Parent Protest at CPS Board Meeting
School Tech Connect: Parent Protest at CPS Board Meeting: Parent Protest at CPS Board Meeting by noreply@blogger.com (Tim Furman) Here's just a few of the sites and sounds from this morning's protest before the Chicago Public Schools unelected board meeting. I didn't go in----but I look forward to reading the reports from Substance News, Labor Beat, and I believe Katie Osgood was inside as well. More detailed coverage in the posts below. Popout Student Voices at CPS Headquarters I did not get this young man's last name today, but his first name is Alberto, and he goes to Roosev... more »
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Clemente follow up
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Clemente follow up: Clemente follow up by Mike Klonsky Driving past Clemente last night, we couldn't help but notice the big heart sign on the wall saying, WE LOVE OUR GREAT TEACHERS. But after Rahm's Monday massacre, where about 20 of those great teachers were given pink slips, we have our doubts. Now we learn that the school is being used by CPS as model for youth development. I'm sure teachers like *Kevin Hough* had nothing to do with that. Next up for the fired teachers -- Attending thoday's 'Parents will walk picket lines...' by Mike Klo... more »
Daily Kos: BEWARE: Corporate Consumerism Culture and the Rise of the National Curriculum
Daily Kos: BEWARE: Corporate Consumerism Culture and the Rise of the National Curriculum: BEWARE: Corporate Consumerism Culture and the Rise of the National Curriculum byplthomasEdDFollow Share PERMALINK1 COMMENT "Without social activism that will confront and change the economic system that has generated one educational reform charade after another," argues Gerald Coles, "continued generations of poor children will be doomed to wretched adulthood." That economic system, one that pervades every aspect of American culture including our foundational democratic institutions such a... more »
Missouri Education Watchdog: The Real SIGnificance of SIGs
Missouri Education Watchdog: The Real SIGnificance of SIGs: The Real SIGnificance of SIGs by Anngie In 2009 the DoED developed the School Improvement Grant (SIG) program, designed to fund rapid turn around for chronically failing schools. Since then, 1,200 schools have received SIGs which are awarded up to $2 million for three years. The total spent on SIGs so far is around $4 billion. DESE identified thirty schools in Missouri who qualify for SIG and has been responsible for doling out the $33 million given to the state so far. Eleven of those consistently low performing school... more »
Public Education and the Bully Pulpit | LFA: Join The Conversation - Public School Insights
Public Education and the Bully Pulpit | LFA: Join The Conversation - Public School Insights: Public Education and the Bully Pulpit by Cheryl S. Williams At a recent briefing at the U.S. Department of Education, Peter Cunningham, Assistant Secretary for Communications and Outreach, interviewed Rick Hess and Andrew Kelly from the American Enterprise Institute on the role of the federal government in K-12 public education. The conversation was structured around a recently released book that Hess and Kelly co-edited entitled *Carrots, Sticks, and the Bully Pulpit: Lessons from a Half... more »
The Miracle and the Moment (Michelle Kerr) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice
The Miracle and the Moment (Michelle Kerr) | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice: The Miracle and the Moment (Michelle Kerr) by larrycuban *Michele Kerr is a second-career teacher with a master’s in education from Stanford University, with credentials in math, history, and English. She will start her fourth year of teaching in the fall.* My best moment as a teacher–so far–came right after a miracle. It was the end of the school year. I was teaching a unit on Elizabethan theater in my freshman humanities class, and on this day the students delved briefly into the... more »
Two items on the pension obligation cost shift. A disaster for Illinois’ working class towns. « Fred Klonsky
Two items on the pension obligation cost shift. A disaster for Illinois’ working class towns. « Fred Klonsky: Two items on the pension obligation cost shift. A disaster for Illinois’ working class towns. by Fred Klonsky Let me point you in the direction of two items on the topic of the Madigan-Quinn cost shift proposal. The Governor claims this will be painless to the local school districts and municipalities. From the Springfield Journal Register: The governor’s office estimates that, depending on how quickly a pension-cost shift is phased in, the cost to the district during thos... more »
Graduate, Dropout Rates Released - Year 2012 (CA Dept of Education)
Graduate, Dropout Rates Released - Year 2012 (CA Dept of Education): State Schools Chief Tom Torlakson Reports Climb in Graduation Rates for California Students SACRAMENTO—Graduation rates among California's public school students are climbing and dropout rates are falling, with the biggest gains being made among English learners and the state's largest minority groups, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson announced today. More than three quarters, or 76.3 percent, of students who started high school in 2007 graduated with their class in 2011. That is up 1.5 p... more »
Jersey Jazzman: The Queen of Tenure Goes "Viral"
Jersey Jazzman: The Queen of Tenure Goes "Viral": The Queen of Tenure Goes "Viral" by Duke I didn't think the saga of Perth Amboy schools superintendent Janine Caffrey - at war with both her own school board and (hypocritically) tenure for teachers - could get any more bizarre. Then I saw this: Popout Gannett reports on the video: Superintendent of Schools Janine Walker Caffrey’s determination to hold onto her job and lead reform in the urban district of about 10,000 students, has gone viral. A YouTube video featuring Caffrey and produced by Choice Media.TV, has been posted jus... more »
FCMAT » Cali Education Headlines Wednesday, June 27, 2012
FCMAT » Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team: *Disneyland Resorts' new Cars Land * Education Headlines *Wednesday, June 27, 2012* Stockton USD merges schools, closes anotherStockton Unified Superintendent Steve Lowder mingled with the crowd during a short break for refreshments Tuesday night - his first Board of Trustees meeting as the district's top educator - and told those around him that he's eager to get to work. Bret Harte keeps programsBret Harte Union High School District board members, met Monday night, approving a budget for the 2012-13 fiscal year that preserves cur... more »
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Rahm/Brizard try and shift blame to Daley/Duncan
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Rahm/Brizard try and shift blame to Daley/Duncan: Rahm/Brizard try and shift blame to Daley/Duncan by Mike Klonsky *"We in many ways were lying to parents and to kids about proficiency." *-- J.C. Brizard This morning, hundreds of union teachers and their community supporters are packing the CPS board meeting to protest the board's failed reform policies. With a teachers' strike looming and public opinion continuing to turn against the mayor, Chicago schools CEO *J.C. Brizard *is trying to shift blame for current failures onto the previous regime. H... more »
Orange County School Board Adopts Resolution on High Stakes Tests | Scathing Purple Musings
Orange County School Board Adopts Resolution on High Stakes Tests | Scathing Purple Musings: Orange County School Board Adopts Resolution on High Stakes Tests by Bob Sikes A Orange county teacher emails this conclusion to OCPS resolution which was agreed to Tuesday: WHEREAS, excessive test preparation stifles innovation, creativity, collaboration, communication, and critical thinking that allow students to thrive in a democracy and in a global society and economy; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Orange County School Board calls on the Governor, Florida Legislature, and State ... more »
“A Misguided System of Accountability Which is Wildly Over-Weighted on the FCAT” | Scathing Purple Musings
“A Misguided System of Accountability Which is Wildly Over-Weighted on the FCAT” | Scathing Purple Musings: “A Misguided System of Accountability Which is Wildly Over-Weighted on the FCAT” by Bob Sikes Frank Barbieri is on the first Florida school board which passed a resolution on high-stakes testing. The chairman of the Palm Beach board offers his own words in this morning’s* Palm Beach Post*: …………..We oppose the over-reliance on the FCAT. One test given on one day does not define each child’s progress annually, nor can it be used to demonstrate a teacher’s mastery of skills.... more »
Taking the Chicago story to DC. « Fred Klonsky
Taking the Chicago story to DC. « Fred Klonsky: Taking the Chicago story to DC. by Fred Klonsky In 1938, the great blues guitarist, singer and songwriter Huddie Ledbetter wrote about his experiences in Washington, D.C.. *I tell all the colored folks to listen to me.* *Don’t try to find you no home in Washington, DC * *‘Cause it’s a bourgeois town.* *Uhm, the bourgeois town.* *I got the bourgeois blues, * *Gonna spread the news all* around. Washington is historically a Southern city. It was also the first city in the United States with an African-
Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee: 'Witchfinder general' of America's classrooms flies in to give Gove her gospel - Profiles - People - The Independent
Michelle Rhee: 'Witchfinder general' of America's classrooms flies in to give Gove her gospel - Profiles - People - The Independent: Michelle Rhee: 'Witchfinder general' of America's classrooms flies in to give Gove her gospel Richard Garner meets the woman who lives to sack teachers Michael Gove yesterday endorsed the policies of an American education expert who advocates sacking large numbers of incompetent teachers. Michelle Rhee has earned a reputation as a "witchfinder general of the classroom" in the US, identifying under-performing teachers and forcing them out of the profes... more »
Are the President's Education Policies Helping Our Kids? | | AlterNet
Are the President's Education Policies Helping Our Kids? | | AlterNet: Are the President's Education Policies Helping Our Kids? An end-of-term report card assesses how the Obama administration has performed on five critical education issues. When Barack Obama ran for office in 2008, he did so on an education platform that was “ambitious” to say the least. Then-candidate Obamawas clear that he aimed to reform America’s entire education system, from preschool on up through higher education -- and during his first term as president, his administration has indeed made significant chang... more »
The Spruce Goose of School Reform? « Diane Ravitch's blog
The Spruce Goose of School Reform? « Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] The Spruce Goose of School Reform? by dianerav New York State had the misfortune to win that pig in a poke known as Race to the Top. The state got $700 million. Our political leaders licked their chops, thinking that this was new money that could be used to offset budget cuts. Silly them. Every dollar of RTTT must be used for designated purposes, not a dollar can be moved to make up for deficits elsewhere. And many districts are now learning that whatever money they get f... more »
California budget cuts Cal Grants at most private schools - Education - The Sacramento Bee
California budget cuts Cal Grants at most private schools - Education - The Sacramento Bee: California budget cuts Cal Grants at most private schools by lrosenhall@sacbee.com (Laurel Rosenhall) California students will no longer be able to use state scholarships to pay tuition at most for-profit colleges under the final budget plan lawmakers are expected to send Gov. Jerry Brown today. Maria Luna, 23, an undocumented immigrant from Mexico, wears her graduation cap from California State University, Sacramento, as she watches Assembly action in May on a college aid bill that would h... more »
Parent Trigger = Parent Tricker | K-12 News Network
Parent Trigger = Parent Tricker | K-12 News Network: Parent Trigger = Parent Tricker by admin This is a must-read EdWeek article by Diane Ravitch with regard to the trickery behind the “parent trigger” law, and the recent decision by the U.S. Conference of Mayors to endorse a boilerplate bill pushed in four states by a hard-line right-wing group (ALEC). She notes that not one of the charter laws in CA, CT, MS, and TX has resulted in the success conversion of a public school into a charter: I wonder how the mayors would react to a similar proposal to allow citizens to seize contro... more »
Drop in immigration clouds future of school for Spanish speakers | California Watch
Drop in immigration clouds future of school for Spanish speakers | California Watch: Drop in immigration clouds future of school for Spanish speakers Grace Rubenstein Lianne Milton for The Bay Citizen Vianex Marquez, 9, and Wendy Maregque, 9, read a Spanish book together in a third-grade class. English and Spanish alternate seamlessly in the classrooms at the Mission Education Center in San Francisco. Decorative signs identify objects that in other schools would seem too basic to name: “clock” and “door.” This public elementary school has for 40 years served children who have just a... more »
The Educated Reporter: Career Programs Fail U.S. Department of Education's `Gainful Employment' Tests
The Educated Reporter: Career Programs Fail U.S. Department of Education's `Gainful Employment' Tests: Career Programs Fail U.S. Department of Education's `Gainful Employment' Tests by Emily Richmond The U.S. Department of Education intends to crack down on postsecondary career programs that can’t demonstrate that enough graduates have found “gainful employment,” a move some for-profit colleges say could cost thousands of students the opportunity for a better future. Amid much controversy, the feds last year set new regulations for career training programs at public, nonprofit a... more »
Gerald Coles: Why Bother Educating the Poor? - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher
Gerald Coles: Why Bother Educating the Poor? - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher: Gerald Coles: Why Bother Educating the Poor? by Anthony Cody *Lily* *Guest post by Gerald Coles.* In 1970, Sidney Willhelm's book "Who Needs the Negro?" (the latter word had currency at the time) argued that with the rise of automation within a capitalist economic system, African-American workers were transformed from being exploited to becoming "useless" from the viewpoint of those who controlled the economy and the automated productive processes emerging within it. Because of the racism ... more »
Why Due Process (aka “Tenure”) Matters « Diane Ravitch's blog
Why Due Process (aka “Tenure”) Matters « Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] Why Due Process (aka “Tenure”) Matters by dianerav From a reader: *Without due process, I would not put it past local school boards to balance their ever-decreasing budgets on the backs of experienced teachers. Allowing Virginia teachers to be fired without cause reminds me of the times when female teachers could not keep their jobs when they were pregnant. These continual attacks on educators is incredibly demoralizing. It is harder and harder to tell my students, “... more »
UseYourTeacherVoice will be at NEA and AFT | The Classroom Sooth
UseYourTeacherVoice will be at NEA and AFT | The Classroom Sooth: UseYourTeacherVoice will be at NEA and AFT by classroomsooth There’s no better time to make your UseYourTeacherVoice video clip than the month of July! As both major teachers unions set their agendas for the coming year, rank-and-file educators’ voices must be heard. *Do you agree with the actions of your Union? What’ does it take to build a fighting union? Would you like to see something else? Do you want to voice your support for actions taking place around the country?* I will be on location at the NEA conventi... more »
Saying “No” to Transnational corporate Pearson and their privatized testing scams: Parents and children rally against Pearson | Dailycensored.com
Saying “No” to Transnational corporate Pearson and their privatized testing scams: Parents and children rally against Pearson | Dailycensored.com: Saying “No” to Transnational corporate Pearson and their privatized testing scams: Parents and children rally against Pearson by Danny Weil *Picture of Iris Culver, an 11-year-old fifth-grader, wearing a pineapple costume she made with her friend, Asha Karmen-Chan, 10, who stands to her right. The students were protesting standardized testing outside Pearson’s Midtown office on June 7th, 2012. The parents and children who attended the r... more »
Efforts to Help Struggling Students Pass Exit Exam Are Too Little, Too Late | California Progress Report
Efforts to Help Struggling Students Pass Exit Exam Are Too Little, Too Late | California Progress Report: Efforts to Help Struggling Students Pass Exit Exam Are Too Little, Too Late by megan *By the Public Policy Institute of California* State-funded support services for students who fail the California High School Exit Exam in grade 10 have helped only a small percentage of students go on to pass the test and obtain their diplomas, according to a report released today by the Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC). The PPIC report assesses the impact of two state laws allocatin... more »
4LAKids - some of the news that doesn't fit: UPDATED: A CALL-TO-ACTION FOR YOU FROM BOARDMEMBER KAYSER ABOUT THE IMPENDING ELIMINATION OF BEYOND-THE-BELL YOUTH SERVICES FOR 42,000+ STUDENTS: UPDATED: A CALL-TO-ACTION FOR YOU FROM BOARDMEMBER KAYSER ABOUT THE IMPENDING ELIMINATION OF BEYOND-THE-BELL YOUTH SERVICES FOR 42,000+ STUDENTS June 26, 2012 Dear 4LAKids Reader: I write to express alarm and concern for the safety and well-being of our children. The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) is proposing to eliminate the Youth Services program (a $6.9 million cut) that provide... more »
School Tech Connect: Putting The Whole Thing Together
School Tech Connect: Putting The Whole Thing Together: Putting The Whole Thing Together As I've said before, I think that in some ways the Rachel Maddow show is linked directly (through its silence on the issue, and the explicit education agenda of its advertiser, Exxon) to the promotion of corporate ed "reform," but there's nobody better in the world right now at explaining issues related to free speech. Here she is explaining how the Supreme Court's ruling in the Montana case affects you, me, the Caterpillar CEO, and the unions. It's really quite something. Visit msnbc.com fo... more »
In The End, The Love You Take Is Equal To The Love You Make [Class of 2012] | The Jose Vilson
In The End, The Love You Take Is Equal To The Love You Make [Class of 2012] | The Jose Vilson: In The End, The Love You Take Is Equal To The Love You Make [Class of 2012] by Jose On The Future of Teaching blog, I made a list of the five things I learned this year, a standard writing prompt for writers who can’t for the life of them get a word out about the whirlwind named “The End of the Year.” Every year spins out of control right around the last two weeks, and the staff, prepared for emergency landing, lock their seatbelts extra tightly and enjoy the ride. Some of us, like yours... more »
Geaux Teacher!: REPUBLICAN PARTY BULLIES TEACHER PETITIONERS: REPUBLICAN PARTY BULLIES TEACHER PETITIONERS by noreply@blogger.com (Lee Barrios, M.Ed., NBCT) PRESS RELEASE RECALL BOBBY JINDAL CAMPAIGN P. O. Box 12449 Lake Charles, Louisiana 70612-2449 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: DATE: June 26, 2012 Contact: Lee Barrios, Communications/Media Director 985-789-8304 The initiators of several recall campaigns in Calcasieu and St. Tammany Parishes have received intimidating letters purportedly written on behalf of Jason P. Dore, Executive Director of the Republican Party of Louisiana. The ... more »
FUTURE CHICAGO PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS – DON’T READ THIS « Teachers Fight Back: FUTURE CHICAGO PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS – DON’T READ THIS by alkleen Chicago Public school officials unveiled revisions to the student code of conduct Monday that eliminated mandatory 10 day out-of-school suspensions for even the most serious cases. They reduced the automatic length of suspension from 10 days to 5 days for the most serious cases, including allegations of arson, sexual assault and use of a weapon. The suspensions will also be the “in school” variety, so these lovely children will not mi... more »
When A Strange Principal Calls - www.southbronxschool.com
http://www.southbronxschool.com: When A Strange Principal Calls by noreply@blogger.com (Bronx Teacher) I loved seeing Uncle Mike not getting his way last week when in a act of having some balls, the state legislature stood up to him and his quest to publicly shame teachers by publishing our evaluations, and made evaluations only to parents on a request to know basis in the principal's office with the Cone of Silenceactivated. Of course Uncle Mike is throwing a tantrum, which Leonie Haimson had a good snark at, by insisting, nay commanding, that principals will harass and harangue ... more »
Schools Matter: Online Testing, and How Pearson Sent Wyoming Back to Paper
Schools Matter: Online Testing, and How Pearson Sent Wyoming Back to Paper: Online Testing, and How Pearson Sent Wyoming Back to Paper by Jim Horn WaPo has a story on Delaware's decision to go to online testing, so that now testing can happen all year round. Tests four times a year rather than one, tests to get ready for tests, and tests to prepare for the practice tests: The online format allows states to give standardized tests — once a week-long ordeal in the second half of the school year — as often as four times a year. It’s an opportunity that early adopters such as Delawa... more »
Missouri Education Watchdog: Just Some Silly Questions to the Missouri State Board of Education...or are they?
Missouri Education Watchdog: Just Some Silly Questions to the Missouri State Board of Education...or are they?: Just Some Silly Questions to the Missouri State Board of Education...or are they? by stlgretchen But does the State Board of Education REALLY want you to keep smoking to fund education? Which is it? Here is a post from KC Education Enterprise on the latest and greatest idea from the Missouri State Board of Education to drum up additional funding. *The current $.17 tax on cigarettes will be increased to $.90 if this State Board Initiative is placed on the November ballo... more »
Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-23-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-16-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-9-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-2-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post

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