James Baldwin said it best:
"For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."
A Big Education Ape Nite Cap
The Reformers’ “Fight Club” « Diane Ravitch's blog
The Reformers’ “Fight Club” « Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] The Reformers’ “Fight Club” by dianerav Back when I was on the right side of the political fence, I was on the editorial board at *Education Next*. It is supported by the Hoover Institution and the Thomas B. Fordham Institute, both conservative think tanks with which I was affiliated. The journal, which is based at Harvard and edited mainly by Paul Peterson, was created to counter what was seen as the liberal bias of the mainstream education media. *Education Next* is a well-e... more »
How much does Federal Title I Funding Affect Fairness in State School Finance Systems? « School Finance 101
How much does Federal Title I Funding Affect Fairness in State School Finance Systems? « School Finance 101: How much does Federal Title I Funding Affect Fairness in State School Finance Systems? by schoolfinance101 About this much! These funding *profiles* are based on the methodology used in our reports on school funding fairness. The reports can be found here: http://schoolfundingfairness.org/ and the technical appendix can be found here: http://schoolfundingfairness.org/ This graph is based on an updated model which includes data from 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10 (these are lin... more »
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Walking You Thru 1240 - Part 1
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Walking You Thru 1240 - Part 1: Walking You Thru 1240 - Part 1 by Melissa Westbrook I am preparing an annotated analysis of 1240 so that anyone and everyone can see exactly what it says (and does not say which is the case in many places). First, do NOT bother to write a comment "*Melissa, there is no perfect bill or initiative"* because I'm sorry - this is an aggressive and vague charter school initiative and there is every reason to be suspicious of it. (Again, like many things that Charlie and I disagree with, if this initiative had been well-... more »
Report: Make Improving Teacher Working Conditions a Priority - Teaching Now - Education Week Teacher
Report: Make Improving Teacher Working Conditions a Priority - Teaching Now - Education Week Teacher: [image: Teaching Now] Report: Make Improving Teacher Working Conditions a Priority By Liana Heitin on June 28, 2012 4:18 PM To boost teacher retention and student achievement at high-poverty schools, states and districts must first look to improve working conditions for teachers, concludes a new report by The Education Trust, a Washington-based nonprofit group. The report profiles five school districts that have focused efforts on bettering teacher support and development—specific... more »
A Challenge to Dennis Van Roekel and the NEA | United Opt Out National
A Challenge to Dennis Van Roekel and the NEA | United Opt Out National: A Challenge to Dennis Van Roekel and the NEA by admin We, the administrators of United Opt Out National, in order to preserve a free and equitable system of public education in the United States, do solemnly issue an invitation to the leadership, members and ultimately Dennis Van Roekel to take *direct and concerted action* in the fight to terminate immediately the patterns of negotiation and capitulation leading to policies destructive of public education, of children’s lives, both of which are representative... more »
New York Teacher | Edwize
New York Teacher | Edwize: New York Teacher by W.J. Levay [image: New York Teacher, June 28, 2012] Highlights from the June 28 issue of *New York Teacher*: Hands off our evaluations! In a victory for teacher privacy across the state, the state Legislature on June 21 passed legislation that restricts the public release of teacher evaluations, showing teachers the professional respect that the city did not. Seeds of learning Across the city, children are learning about the mysteries that are unlocked when a tiny seed is planted in the spring and grows into the food they eat at harvest... more »
William Hite tapped to run Philly schools | Philadelphia Public School Notebook
William Hite tapped to run Philly schools | Philadelphia Public School Notebook: [image: William R. Hite, Jr.] WILLIAM R. HITE, JR. The Broad Superintendents Academy Class of 2005 Superintendent Prince George‘s County Public Schools, Md. *“School leaders must provide the support and resources to enable all students to excel academically. Quality education is the key to future opportunities for students of all backgrounds. Urban superintendents must have the capacity to encourage change and hold teachers and administrators responsible for closing ethnic and income achievement gaps.”*... more »
Texas 2012 GOP Platform "Mistakenly" Promotes Shallow Thinking | K-12 News Network
Texas 2012 GOP Platform "Mistakenly" Promotes Shallow Thinking | K-12 News Network: Texas 2012 GOP Platform “Mistakenly” Promotes Shallow Thinking by admin From EdWeek, a “mistake” that only confirms the worst biases against Texas, known by many for their highly politicized State Board of Education’s battles over textbook content. The 2012 Texas Republican Party Platform, adopted June 9 at the state convention in Forth Worth, seems to take a stand against, well, the teaching of critical thinking skills. Read it for yourself: We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills... more »
Texas 2012 GOP Platform "Mistakenly" Promotes Shallow Thinking | K-12 News Network
Texas 2012 GOP Platform "Mistakenly" Promotes Shallow Thinking | K-12 News Network: Texas 2012 GOP Platform “Mistakenly” Promotes Shallow Thinking by admin From EdWeek, a “mistake” that only confirms the worst biases against Texas, known by many for their highly politicized State Board of Education’s battles over textbook content. The 2012 Texas Republican Party Platform, adopted June 9 at the state convention in Forth Worth, seems to take a stand against, well, the teaching of critical thinking skills. Read it for yourself: We oppose the teaching of Higher Order Thinking Skills... more »
SMART STUDENTS DON’T NECESSARILY MAKE GOOD TEACHERS « Teachers Fight Back: SMART STUDENTS DON’T NECESSARILY MAKE GOOD TEACHERS by alkleen A Golden Chalk award goes out to Susan Furman who wrote in to the Tribune about their editorial on higher standards for education majors in college. Here is her reply. “Let’s see: The only good teachers are the “smart” teachers, right (Teacher prep; For the sake of Illinois students, don’t dilute state standards for tomorrow’s educators,” Editorial, June 21)? I graduated high school in three years, having taken mostly honors classes. I received... more »
Jersey Jazzman: Rhee Gets Drill & Kill Wrong
Jersey Jazzman: Rhee Gets Drill & Kill Wrong: Rhee Gets Drill & Kill Wrong by Duke I wrote earlier this week about the drubbing Michelle Rhee got on the BBC from the British teachers union leader, Mary Bousted. One of the difficulties in debating Rhee is that when she opens her mouth and the spin comes flying out, it's hard to know what to debunk first; I mean, there's just so much of it, so where do you start? But here's one claim she made that Bousted never got to rebut I'd like to put to rest right now: *(3.24) The research is very clear that teachers who teach to the test act... more »
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: "Thank God Obama didn't listen to me!" --Rahm
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: "Thank God Obama didn't listen to me!" --Rahm: "Thank God Obama didn't listen to me!" --Rahm by Mike Klonsky While kids in Chicago continue to die at two-to-three times the rate of troops in Afghanistan, the mayor and his corporate patrons are worried that the nearly 40% rise in killings this year is grabbing headlines and that the body count may be bad for business. * We need the mayor, who is the city's best spokesperson, to be public in an aggressive way. He should be prepared to call convention groups and reassure them of everything that is goin... more »
Daily Kos: "They ask only opportunity": Hellen Keller and Those Who Will Not See
Daily Kos: "They ask only opportunity": Hellen Keller and Those Who Will Not See: "They ask only opportunity": Hellen Keller and Those Who Will Not See byplthomasEdDFollow Share7 PERMALINK1 COMMENT Hellen Keller could not attend the 1906 meeting of Association for Promoting the Interests of the Blind. In a letter, Keller implored Mark Twain to speak on her behalf: "But, superfluous as all other appeals must seem after you and Mr. Choate have spoken, nevertheless, as I am a woman, I cannot be silent, and I ask you to read this letter, knowing that it will be lifted to eloquence by... more »
NYC Educator: UFT Wins!
NYC Educator: UFT Wins!: UFT Wins! by NYC Educator UFT has won the arbitration against closing 24 schools. Teachers will be able to return to their jobs if they haven't found jobs elsewhere. Teachers who have found jobs elsewhere can take them if they wish. Finally, someone is standing up to the living lunacy that is Tweed. Last week I met a young woman who'd found a teaching job at one of the "turnaround" schools. Her mom works in my school. I congratulated her, as she was in a discipline in which finding a job was pretty tough. Then she asked me if there was anything she needed ... more »
American cities growing faster than suburbs: That's good for our schools and our kids.
American cities growing faster than suburbs: That's good for our schools and our kids.: Why the Rise of the U.S. City Is Good for Our Kids By Dana Goldstein | Posted Friday, June 29, 2012, at 12:54 PM ET 38 [image: 105122892] Cities now have a big opportunity to create better, more integrated schools. Photo by Joe Corrigan/Getty Images for Bing Will Oremus asks whether it is “a good thing” that, for the first time since the 1920s, American cities are now growing faster than suburbs. When it comes to educational equity, the answer is yes. The white flight of the mid-20th century was m... more »
In the News: The resegregation of Chicago-area schools | catalyst-chicago.org
In the News: The resegregation of Chicago-area schools | catalyst-chicago.org: In the News: The resegregation of Chicago-area schools - Share on windycitizenShare on facebookShare on email *By: *Cassandra West / June 29, 2012 *Tags: *segregation An analysis by WBEZ shows a jump in the last 20 years in the number of highly segregated black and Latino schools, while white students in suburban Chicago are more likely to attend a school that is racially diverse. WBEZ goes deeper into segregation in Chicago-area schools as part of its "Race Out Loud" series. Here's a map plot... more »
HOW TO GET YOUR TEACHER FIRED- DEDICATED TO LAUSD'S SUPERINTENDENT JOHN DEASY - Perdaily.com: HOW TO GET YOUR TEACHER FIRED- DEDICATED TO LAUSD'S SUPERINTENDENT JOHN DEASY by Leonard Isenberg [image: False Witness.jpg] As both George Santayana and Sir Winston Churchill said, "Those who do not learn from their history are doomed to repeat it." WhileAlex Padilla's Senate Bill 1530, which would have allowed a further erosion of teachers already ignored due process rights, was defeated in committee in Sacramento to the chagrin of Los Angeles Unified School District's (LAUSD) Superinte... more »
Torlakson Reacts to State Budget - Year 2012 (CA Dept of Education)
Torlakson Reacts to State Budget - Year 2012 (CA Dept of Education): State Schools Chief Tom Torlakson Issues Statement on Cuts to Education Budget SACRAMENTO—State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson issued the following statement today on the final state budget: "Preparing California's young people for the future—all the way from early childhood through high school—will be more difficult under our state's continuing budget problems. As Superintendent, I can sympathize with the difficult decisions faced by the Governor and the Legislature—but, as an educator, I am... more »
I stole this story from Ben Joravsky. « Fred Klonsky
I stole this story from Ben Joravsky. « Fred Klonsky: I stole this story from Ben Joravsky. by Fred Klonsky From Ben Joravsky, The Third City blog: *On Wednesday I get to go on Chicago Newsroom, a cable access talk show also known as The Ken Davis Show.* *Actually, I believe I’m the only one who calls it the Ken Davis Show, which I do because Ken Davis hosts it.* *Hence, my logic.* *The Ken Davis Show’s the best TV talk show in Chicago — way better than anything you’ll see on a certain publicly funded station we’ll call WTTW.* *That’s because Ken’s really smart and he’s not afraid t... more »
The Paradox of Education and Jobs and College « Diane Ravitch's blog
The Paradox of Education and Jobs and College « Diane Ravitch's blog: The Paradox of Education and Jobs and College by dianerav In response to my blog about “A Confusing Job Market,” a reader proposes that the Department of Education merge with the Department of Labor. *Maybe the U.S. Dept. of Labor and the U.S. Dept. of Education should work together. In order to save money and improve test scores my suburban/urban ring high school has eliminated auto, electricity, wood-shop, culinary arts, and child development. Aren’t schools supposed to prepare students for employment and civic... more »
Jersey Jazzman: Broadie Infestation of NJ: Part I
Jersey Jazzman: Broadie Infestation of NJ: Part I: Broadie Infestation of NJ: Part I by Duke Heads up, national readers: if you have any interest in the Broadification of American education, you need to check this one out, complicated as it may be. We'll start with this: looks like old Eli got his girl installed in Jersey City: *The Jersey City Board of Education tonight voted 6-3 to start negotiations with Delaware woman Marcia V. Lyles, who the board hopes will become the city’s new schools superintendent.* The three objectors were Marilyn Roman, Angel Valentin and Sterling W... more »
The right place for America's charter schools - Other Views - NewsObserver.com
The right place for America's charter schools - Other Views - NewsObserver.com: The right place for America's charter schools Read more here: http://www.newsobserver.com/2012/06/29/2166133/the-right-place-for-americas-charter.html#storylink=cpy *and that's the truth* Let me say right up front that I celebrate any school that provides a child a first-class education. I do not care whether it is a magnet school, traditional public school, charter school or private school. I do not believe that public funds should be used for private schools, but I do believe that every child shou... more »
Advice for Bill Gates « Diane Ravitch's blog
Advice for Bill Gates « Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] Advice for Bill Gates by dianerav A reader with an engineering degree read my blog about Bill Gates’ ideas for reforming American higher education, and he offered his advice to Gates: *I’m sure that everyone who has felt the sting of the Gates approach to k12 education will really love his cavalier, innovate, make mistakes and learn approach. How nice for him to treat not just one school or state but the whole nation as his guinea pigs.* *What was chilling was his terrier like tenacio... more »
FCMAT » Cali Education Headlines Friday, June 29, 2012
FCMAT » Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team: Education Headlines *Friday, June 29, 2012* Rio approves budget, delays vote on fact-finding reportThe Rio School District board approved a budget on Thursday that would result in a negative ending balance in 2013 while putting off a vote on a fact-finding report that calls for a pay cut across the district. Ventura Unified puts parcel tax on November ballotVoters in the Ventura Unified School District will be asked in November to back a parcel tax to maintain academic programs in the 29-school district. Defeat of Calif. teacher bil... more »
Compromise on school fees bill | Thoughts on Public Education
Compromise on school fees bill | Thoughts on Public Education: Compromise on school fees bill Share Passage would end litigation by ACLU Posted on 6/29/12 • Categorized as Uncategorized By *John Fensterwald - Educated Guess* * * * * Advocates of a complaint process for parents and students who believe they’re being charged illegal fees have amended a bill to satisfy all of the main opponents, save the silent one who hasn’t been heard from yet. That’s Gov. Jerry Brown, who vetoed similar legislation last year. On Wednesday, the Senate Education Committee approved *AB 1575* without opp... more »
Conservatives: Saving America's Youth From "Overeducation" | OurFuture.org
Conservatives: Saving America's Youth From "Overeducation" | OurFuture.org: Conservatives: Saving America's Youth From "Overeducation" by Terrance Heath Now that our "do nothing" Congress is finally set to "do something" to stop interest on student loans from doubling, I think I’ve finally figured out what motivates conservatives on education in general, and conservative opposition to student loans in general. Conservatives are fighting to save our children - your children, my children, America’s children - from a fate worse than collective bargaining. Conservatives are fighting t... more »
Hechinger Report | Can the burgeoning world of online teacher training improve public education?
Hechinger Report | Can the burgeoning world of online teacher training improve public education?: Can the burgeoning world of online teacher training improve public education? by Sarah Butrymowicz Screen shot from class Online teacher training involves much of the workload that traditional in-the-class instruction does: textbook lessons, classroom observations, student teaching. But the challenges of training successful teachers online were made clear to me during a recent online chat, when the professor in my “Foundations of Education” course slapped on heavy-duty headphones, peer... more »
I may be the only one who makes under a million bucks who had dinner with Rahm. « Fred Klonsky
I may be the only one who makes under a million bucks who had dinner with Rahm. « Fred Klonsky: I may be the only one who makes under a million bucks who had dinner with Rahm. by Fred Klonsky Not long ago I posted a story about my dinner with Rahm. This wasn’t a planned dinner. It was an accident. Anne and I were having dinner at our neighborhood fine dining establishment, the wonderful Lula, and up drove a big black SUV and out came Rahm with some friends who plopped themselves down at the table next to ours. According to the latest column in the Chicago Reader by Ben Joravsky and ... more »
Daily Kos: We need ACA but its not enough
Daily Kos: We need ACA but its not enough: We need ACA but its not enough by rss@dailykos.com (teacherken) The World Health Organization gives the U.S. health system an overall ranking of 37th in the world, far below other Western democracies. The CIA World Factbook — hardly the work of a bunch of left-leaning one-worlders — reports that life expectancy in the United States is not just lower than in other industrialized countries but also lower than in Jordan and Bosnia.Infant mortality in this country, according to the CIA, exceeds that of Slovenia and Cuba. It is possible to qui... more »
The 29th Edition Of The ESL/EFL/ELL Blog Carnival Is Up! | Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…
The 29th Edition Of The ESL/EFL/ELL Blog Carnival Is Up! | Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…: The 29th Edition Of The ESL/EFL/ELL Blog Carnival Is Up! by Larry Ferlazzo Sharon Turner has just posted the 29th edition of the ESL/EFL/ELL Blog Carnival! As she writes: *The posts… represent future visions, perspectives and warnings of all kinds pertaining to English Language Education.* Thanks, Sharon! David Deubelbeiss will be hosting the September 1st edition. I’ll post here when he publishes info on if that edition will have a “theme” or if it will be a general one on ESL/EFL te... more »
New Report Links Teacher Satisfaction to Supportive Work Environments | Education Trust
New Report Links Teacher Satisfaction to Supportive Work Environments | Education Trust: New Report Links Teacher Satisfaction to Supportive Work Environments [image: Share this] In recent years, much attention has been paid to developing meaningful teacher evaluation systems as a strategy to improve public education, and rightly so. But while states and districts implement better ways to identify their strongest educators, too many are giving short shrift to the culture and work environments in schools, particularly in high-poverty and low-performing schools. In a new studyreleas... more »
How GERM is infecting schools around the world - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post
How GERM is infecting schools around the world - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post: How GERM is infecting schools around the world By Valerie Strauss This *was written by Pasi Sahlberg, author of “ Finnish Lessons: What Can the World Learn About Educational Change in Finland? and director general of Finland’s Center for International Mobility and Cooperation. He has served the Finnish government in various positions, worked for the World Bank in Washington D.C. and for the European Training Foundation in Italy as senior education specialist. Sahlberg has also advised governme... more »
Pearson Spends “Hundreds of Thousands” to Influence Florida Politicians | Scathing Purple Musings
Pearson Spends “Hundreds of Thousands” to Influence Florida Politicians | Scathing Purple Musings: Pearson Spends “Hundreds of Thousands” to Influence Florida Politicians by Bob Sikes From *WFTV *and the work of investigative reporter George Spencer: Despite scoring problems and student failures, the state is paying Pearson $249 million for five years of tests and grading. WFTV also found that Pearson spend hundreds of thousands to influence those same leaders. “Public education is open for business. Whoever the best bidder is, you can come in and administer our test for us,” said... more »
Edu-Implications of Yesterday's Supreme Court 7-2 Medicaid Ruling :: Frederick M. Hess
Edu-Implications of Yesterday's Supreme Court 7-2 Medicaid Ruling :: Frederick M. Hess: Edu-Implications of Yesterday's Supreme Court 7-2 Medicaid Ruling Yesterday, the Supreme Court upheld the bulk of President Obama's health care reform. Amidst the drama, it was easy to overlook SCOTUS's 7-2 ruling to strike down the Affordable Care Act's Medicaid expansion. Yet, that ruling had some important implications for education. The Court limited Uncle Sam's ability to withhold aid from states which refuse to comply with new federal mandates. This has potentially big impacts on current a... more »
The insurance companies are happy. And so am I. I guess. « Fred Klonsky
The insurance companies are happy. And so am I. I guess. « Fred Klonsky: The insurance companies are happy. And so am I. I guess. by Fred Klonsky *In the summer of 2009, Anne and I drove to Wakarusa, Indiana to support Obama’s plan for health care with a public option.* Great. The Supreme Court decided people without health insurance shouldn’t die. What a country. Don’t get me wrong. I’m glad Obamacare got passed the crazies like Scalia, Alioto and Thomas on the Supreme Court. Millions of people are better off because of the decision. I don’t treat that lightly. I’ve read a lot of a... more »
Missouri Education Watchdog: Is StudentsFirst Prompting Candidates?
Missouri Education Watchdog: Is StudentsFirst Prompting Candidates?: Is StudentsFirst Prompting Candidates? by Anngie One of the hardest things to do is write a questionnaire that does not reveal the questioner's bias. If you want to see thee worst example of such bias, look at any survey in a teen magazine. The "right" answer is obvious. A really good researcher could produce a questionnaire where an argument could be made for any answer. But sometimes, the mere act of offering the questionnaire biases the taker. Is this the case with the latest nationwide candidate survey from ... more »
MPS School Board President Michael Bonds Refutes Wisconsin Policy Research Institute’s Fabrications « Larry Miller's Blog: Educate All Students!
MPS School Board President Michael Bonds Refutes Wisconsin Policy Research Institute’s Fabrications « Larry Miller's Blog: Educate All Students!: MPS School Board President Michael Bonds Refutes Wisconsin Policy Research Institute’s Fabrications by millerlf A misleading picture of MPS liability By Michael Bonds June 27, 2012, Milwaukee JS The Christian Schneider column published Wednesday contains information that is, at best, flatly misleading. Before he even gets to the main point of his argument – and there are critical problems there, too – Schneider falsely claims Milwaukee Pub... more »
The Educated Reporter: Public-Private Partnerships For School Improvement Efforts
The Educated Reporter: Public-Private Partnerships For School Improvement Efforts: Public-Private Partnerships For School Improvement Efforts by Emily Richmond Turning good intentions into meaningful action is one of the toughest elements of trying to improve public education. How can school and community partners most effectively join forces to produce positive academic, physical, and social outcomes for those students who arrive with the fewest advantages? These were some of the questions The After School Corporation (TASC) and the Partnership For Youth Development tackled earl... more »
NYC Educator: Mayor4Life Must Be Kept Cool
NYC Educator: Mayor4Life Must Be Kept Cool: Mayor4Life Must Be Kept Cool by NYC Educator While more than a million kids get swelter in hundred-year-old buildings and tin-coated trailers, New York City is investing in innovative ways to keep billionaire Mayor Michael Bloomberg cool. Mayor4Life travels in SUVs, and they must be equipped withhome air conditioners, because regular auto AC simply does not meet his discerning standards. Mayor4Life is a regular guy, of course, and wants to conserve energy. That's why he takes the subway to work after two SUVs drive him there. I mean, yo... more »
Spreading the word about United Opt-Out | The Classroom Sooth
Spreading the word about United Opt-Out | The Classroom Sooth: Spreading the word about United Opt-Out by classroomsooth [image: leader3] As I passed through Eaton, OH, I met Mary who runs a health foods store just outside of town. She let me fill my water from her tap, and I got to chatting with her over a luna bar and sweet tea. When she found out I was a teacher and headed to DC for NEA, she felt compelled to tell me how testing is just the worst thing in education right now. I told her about the United Opt-Out campaign, and she was very excited to spread the word among her ... more »
We Need To End This Liberal Enabling of Bad Behavior in Our Schools www.southbronxschool.com
http://www.southbronxschool.com: We Need To End This Liberal Enabling of Bad Behavior in Our Schools by noreply@blogger.com (Bronx Teacher) My son turned 11 years old today. Time sure does fly. Part of me wishes that he would have stayed 5 years old forever, the other half of me can't wait to see what kind of man he grows up to be. I remember when my wife was pregnant we were discussing how we would be as parents. Basically it came down to that our household will not be a democracy, but rather a benign authoritative junta. What we say goes. Wait, before you think I am a crazy perso... more »
Hebrew Language Charter Schools: Who Knew? | Re:education in Baltimore
Hebrew Language Charter Schools: Who Knew? | Re:education in Baltimore: Hebrew Language Charter Schools: Who Knew? by Edit Barry The language spread of Hebrew in the United States according to U. S. Census 2000 and other resources interpreted by research of U. S. ENGLISH Foundation, percentage of home speakers, via Wikimedia Commons A Hebrew language charter school won approval last week to open in Harlem. In April, Washington, D.C., approved its first Hebrew language charter school. In March, San Diego approved one for a September 2012 opening. There is a Hebrew language charter sc... more »
Rick Ayers: It's the Curriculum, Stupid!
Rick Ayers: It's the Curriculum, Stupid!: It's the Curriculum, Stupid! While many educators believe the development of a just, multicultural society is central to our values, very powerful forces have been fighting against such a vision for decades. Here's the kind of thinking that drives the education standards writers: "The costs of multiculturalism -- in terms of disunity, the clash of classes, and declining trust -- are likely to be huge in the long run. *All cultures are not equal when it comes to promoting progress, and very few can match Anglo-Protestantism in this respect... more »
SCOTUS Decision Could Help Students Do Better In School
SCOTUS Decision Could Help Students Do Better In School: SCOTUS Decision Could Help Students Do Better In School by Joy Resmovits [image: Supreme Court decision on health reform] When Althea, a student in Mauldin, S.C., started taking Yvonne Mason's senior English class, the pregnant teen only wanted one thing: to graduate. She had an 85 average, and had just transferred to Mauldin High School. "She was lively and she answered questions," Mason recalls. "She didn't always get everything, but she got a lot of it, and I was real proud." Then, she began to miss class and didn't make... more »
STS Public Hearing Announcement, June 2012 - State Board of Education (CA Dept of Education)
STS Public Hearing Announcement, June 2012 - State Board of Education (CA Dept of Education): ANNOUNCEMENT OF THREE REGIONAL PUBLIC HEARINGSCalifornia State Board of Education [image: save image] *Proposed Performance Level Cut Scores for the Standards-based Tests in Spanish: Reading Language Arts in Grades Eight, Nine, Ten, and Eleven and for Mathematics in Algebra I and Geometry* To be used in reporting the results of the Standards-based Tests in Spanish (STS) for Reading Language Arts (RLA) in grades eight, nine, ten, and eleven and Mathematics Algebra I and Geometry administer... more »
Teaneck students pitch fair trade initiative to school district - NorthJersey.com
Teaneck students pitch fair trade initiative to school district - NorthJersey.com: Who Has More Secrets: CIA or NJDOE? by Duke Oh, my: The Education Law Center is *suing the state to obtain documents about two private educational reform foundations* and their funding of the Department of Education and some of its employees. The suit, citing the state’s Open Public Records Act, comes after the ELC was either being denied access to records or strung along with repeated requests for extensions that remain unfulfilled more than two months after the original request. State law requ... more »
Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-23-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-16-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-9-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-2-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post

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Big Education Ape Nite Cap 6-10-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2
Big Education Ape Nite Cap 6-9-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2
Big Education Ape Nite Cap 6-8-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2
Big Education Ape Nite Cap 6-7-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2
Big Education Ape Nite Cap 6-6-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2
Big Education Ape Nite Cap 6-5-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2
Big Education Ape Nite Cap 6-4-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2
Big Education Ape Nite Cap 6-3-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2
Big Education Ape Nite Cap 6-2-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2
Big Education Ape Nite Cap 6-1-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2