Rahm Gets Rolled: Chicago's Winners & Losers :: Frederick M. Hess
Rahm Gets Rolled: Chicago's Winners & Losers :: Frederick M. Hess: Rahm Gets Rolled: Chicago's Winners & Losers *by Frederick M. Hess • Sep 19, 2012 at 10:56 am Cross-posted from Education Week* * * * * The Chicago Teachers Union and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel reached a tentative agreement yesterday, and it wasn't a good day for Rahmbo or for would-be reformers. Today Democratic ed reformers will be cranking up their spin machines to explain why Rahm didn't really get rolled by the CTU. (And, let's be honest, Democrats account for about 90+ percent of both the education blob an... more »
» Health Contributions, Contract Length, Rehiring of Displaced Workers Among the Many CTU Victories in Chicago School Standoff
» Health Contributions, Contract Length, Rehiring of Displaced Workers Among the Many CTU Victories in Chicago School Standoff: Health Contributions, Contract Length, Rehiring of Displaced Workers Among the Many CTU Victories in Chicago School Standoff by Chaz Bolte The seven-and-change days long strike by the Chicago Teachers Union has ended with the CTU deciding to return to work after a majority of their 26,000 members supported a contract offer last night. The compromise agreement will be finalized in the upcoming weeks and will include a 7% increase in base salary over the ... more »
Missouri Education Watchdog: Education Barreling Down The Wrong Path Towards Uselessness
Missouri Education Watchdog: Education Barreling Down The Wrong Path Towards Uselessness: Education Barreling Down The Wrong Path Towards Uselessness by Anngie Every once in a while, someone's voice rises up and dares to speak the things that most ed reformers will never say. Today that voice belongs to Calvin Mackie author, speaker, former engineering professor and technology entrepreneur. He received a typical education from his New Orleans high school which resulted in his scoring low on the SAT. He ended up having to take special remedial classes to learn all the things his h... more »
Des Moines Education Association: It's Election Time!
Des Moines Education Association: It's Election Time!: It's Election Time! by Andrew Rasmussen September 27 is the first day that voters in Iowa can start voting by absentee ballot or at satellite voting stations. We hope every DMEA member votes in the upcoming election and encourage you to consider voting absentee. One of the benefits of casting an absentee ballot early is that your name will be taken off the calling lists of candidates and political parties! If you wish to vote by absentee ballot print off a copy of an absentee ballot request form (LINK), send it in, and in a few... more »
Andre Dunbar's Journey for Justice - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher
Andre Dunbar's Journey for Justice - Living in Dialogue - Education Week Teacher: Andre Dunbar's Journey for Justice by Anthony Cody *Guest post by Andre Dunbar.* My name is Andre Dunbar. I am a senior at William L. Sayre High School in Philadelphia, and I am a student organizer with the Philadelphia Student Union. The Philadelphia Student Union is fighting back against school closures and the transformation plans we are seeing in Philadelphia and nationally. As students we don't want to see what other cities are seeing now--closures that that are hurting their communities. These c... more »
The Educated Reporter: Who Really Won in the Chicago Teachers' Strike?
The Educated Reporter: Who Really Won in the Chicago Teachers' Strike?: Who Really Won in the Chicago Teachers' Strike? by Emily Richmond Students picket with striking Chicago school teachers outside Lane Tech College Prep High School Sept. 11, 2012, in Chicago. (Getty Images) Both the Chicago Teachers' Union and Mayor Rahm Emanuel are claiming some victories in the end of the strike that shut down the Windy City's schools for seven days. The teachers' strike -- the city's first in 25 years --ended late Tuesday after the union's delegates voted to return to work. According to the ... more »
Chicago strike ends, but debate continues over how we regard and treat teachers in America | Get Schooled
Chicago strike ends, but debate continues over how we regard and treat teachers in America | Get Schooled: Chicago strike ends, but debate continues over how we regard and treat teachers in America 9:56 am September 19, 2012, by Maureen Downey [image: A relieved Chicago sent its children back to school today as teachers agree to tentative contract. (AP Images)] A relieved Chicago sent its children back to school today as teachers agree to tentative contract. (AP Images) Today, 350,000 students return to school in Chicago where the striking teachers’ union has agreed to a tentative c... more »
Fox Won't Disclose News Corp. Testing Contracts At Heart Of The Chicago Teachers' Strike | Blog | Media Matters for America
Fox Won't Disclose News Corp. Testing Contracts At Heart Of The Chicago Teachers' Strike | Blog | Media Matters for America: Fox Won't Disclose News Corp. Testing Contracts At Heart Of The Chicago Teachers' StrikeBLOG ››› 56 MINUTES AGO ››› ROB SAVILLO 7 [image: Print] In 89 segments between September 10 and 16, Fox News reported on the Chicago Teachers Union's strike without disclosing its financial ties to the educational technology company administering the standardized tests with which the union takes issue. Fox News parent company News Corp. acquired a 90-percent stake in Wir... more »
Modern School: Research Shows: Evaluating Teachers Based on Student Tests is Bad for Students
Modern School: Research Shows: Evaluating Teachers Based on Student Tests is Bad for Students:
Shanker Blog » Does It Matter How We Measure Schools' Test-Based Performance?
Shanker Blog » Does It Matter How We Measure Schools' Test-Based Performance?: Does It Matter How We Measure Schools’ Test-Based Performance? by Matthew Di Carlo In education policy debates, we like the “big picture.” We love to say things like “hold schools accountable” and “set high expectations.” Much less frequent are substantive discussions about the details of accountability systems, but it’s these details that make or break policy. The technical specs just aren’t that sexy. But even the best ideas with the sexiest catchphrases won’t improve things a bit unless they’re desig... more »
Hechinger Report | Blaming U.S. teachers for poor performance of students is not the answer
Hechinger Report | Blaming U.S. teachers for poor performance of students is not the answer: Blaming U.S. teachers for poor performance of students is not the answer by Marc Tucker To some, the Chicago teachers’ strike that ended Tuesday proves what they’ve been saying all along: That the teachers and their unions, when you get right down to it, care more about protecting bad teachers, seniority and pay than they do about what is good for kids. So it’s no surprise that people who hold those views also think the most important reform we should pursue is to use standardized test resu... more »
Schools Matter: Journey for Education Justice Campaign
Schools Matter: Journey for Education Justice Campaign: Journey for Education Justice Campaign by Jim Horn *ht to Stan Karp:* * * *“Journey for Justice” is a national campaign against school closings led by parents, youth and community activists. Supporters from more than a dozen states, including NJ, will head to Washington, DC this Thursday and Friday to highlight this issue and the need for alternative models of school improvement and transformation. Details and contact info below.* *Journey for Justice ** 2012* *The Ride for Education Justice** * *September 20-21 2012, Washingt... more »
Chicago school teachers give us all a lesson - Opinion - Al Jazeera English
Chicago school teachers give us all a lesson - Opinion - Al Jazeera English: Chicago school teachers give us all a lesson Two-thirds of parents supported the Chicago school teachers' protest in spite of the inconvenience caused by the strike. Last Modified: 17 Sep 2012 10:13 inShare1 [image: Email Article] Email [image: Print Article] Print [image: Share article] Share [image: Send Feedback] Feedback [image: Listen to this page using ReadSpeaker] Firings based narrowly on test scores may cause "many dedicated and competent teachers to lose their jobs" [EPA] We don't know the final ter... more »
Morning UPDATE: LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 9-19-12 Diane Ravitch's blog
Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] Did President Obama Embrace the GOP Agenda? by dianerav The conservative think tank American Enterprise Institute has published a paper commending President Obama for standing up to teachers’ unions. The paper compares President Obama’s support for school choice and evaluation of teachers by test scores as a “Nixon-to-China” paradigm shift. In other words, the paper suggests, Obama’s education policy has done a full pivot, aligning it with the traditional GOP agenda. Can anyone explain this? Edushyster Take... more »
Modern School: Chicago Teachers Strike Ends in Defeat for Teachers and Unions
Modern School: Chicago Teachers Strike Ends in Defeat for Teachers and Unions: Chicago Teachers Strike Ends in Defeat for Teachers and Unions by Michael Dunn The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) voted today to end their strike. 98% of the 800 delegates voted in favor of ending the strike, according to the New York Times, though the union’s 26,000 members would still have to ratify the new contract, which could take several weeks. The new contract would give teachers a modest raise and prohibit merit pay, but it would also lengthen the work day by 90 minutes and require that 30% of te... more »
Ten minute drawing. Lewis for Mayor. « Fred Klonsky
Ten minute drawing. Lewis for Mayor. « Fred Klonsky: Ten minute drawing. Lewis for Mayor. by Fred Klonsky Click on drawing to enlarge.
Is poverty destiny? Ideology vs. evidence in school reform - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post
Is poverty destiny? Ideology vs. evidence in school reform - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post: [image: Answer Sheet] Is poverty destiny? Ideology vs. evidence in school reform By Valerie Strauss At the center of the school reform debate is the role that poverty playsin student achievement, as explained well in the following post. It was written by Paul Thomas, an associate professor of education at Furman University in South Carolina. His newest book, “Ignoring Poverty in the U.S. — The Corporate Takeover of Public Education,” was recently published. A version of this post ... more »
Teachers Need To Find their Voice
Teachers Need To Find their Voice: Teachers Need To Find their Voice Participating in the excellent Twitter #edchat discussion at noon today I was reminded, no matter what the pundits say, how many intelligent, caring teachers there are. The discussion was lively and, as always, made me think. Today’s discussion centered on the question, “What is your opinion on the number one reason education reform is being blocked? As always, participants looked at the question from different perspectives, yet several threads emerged that troubled me. Teachers are afraid to be publically vocal w... more »
Chicago’s War on Education |
Chicago’s War on Education | Chicago’s War on Education by stephenl Corrupt city officials and union bosses want teacher rights marginalized and kids denied education. It’s longstanding policy. War is waged on labor. Doing so harms parents and children. Public education’s future is up for grabs. A nearly four century American tradition is disappearing. It’s on the chopping block for elimination. It’s being commodified. It’s being handed to corporate predators. They’re concerned only about bottom line priorities. Teaching and learning don’t matter. On September 1... more »
Schools Matter: Access to books is not always enough: An example from Gate C-5
Schools Matter: Access to books is not always enough: An example from Gate C-5: Access to books is not always enough: An example from Gate C-5 by skrashen Access to books is not always enough: An example from Gate C-5 Published as: Airport Amenities, Taipei Times, September 19, 2012 As a researcher who has investigated the role of self-selected leisure reading for the past three decades, I was, at first, very happy to see that there is a reading zone at the Taipei airport (at Gate C-5, Eva Airlines). Our research has concluded that leisure reading has a powerful effect on both fir... more »
NYC Educator: An Open Conversation, Even in Chicago, about Union Leadership?
NYC Educator: An Open Conversation, Even in Chicago, about Union Leadership?: An Open Conversation, Even in Chicago, about Union Leadership? by Miss Eyre Listening to coverage of the now-concluded teachers' strike in Chicago on NPR on my way back to the 5 boroughs from the hinterlands yesterday, one thing really struck me in how the Chicago teachers discussed the CTU: the openness with which CTU members discussed Karen Lewis, President of the CTU. There is far from a universal opinion on how Lewis has handled the breakdown in contract negotiations and the strike, even though the C... more »
Schooling in the Ownership Society: Rahm's billionaire Republican pal goes off on the CTU
Schooling in the Ownership Society: Rahm's billionaire Republican pal goes off on the CTU: Rahm's billionaire Republican pal goes off on the CTU by Mike Klonsky "The critical issue is to separate the union from the teachers. They're not the same thing." -- Bruce Rauner Yesterday it was Rupert Murdoch bag man, Joel Klein hating on the CTU. Today its Rahm's billionaire Republican pal Bruce Rauner who's in a rage over the teachers' strike victory. Rauner thinks that Rahm gave away the store in his negotiations with the union. According to the Tribune, *Rauner, a wealthy venture capit... more »
Jersey Jazzman: The Strike Is Dead; Long Live the Strike!
Jersey Jazzman: The Strike Is Dead; Long Live the Strike!: The Strike Is Dead; Long Live the Strike! by Duke There's one thing I've learned about Chicago during the teachers strike: the *Tribune* is a rag. So I'm linking to the*Sun-Times* for news about the suspension of the strike: The Chicago Teachers Union’s House of Delegates voted Tuesday to end its strike after seven days, meaning classes will be in session Wednesday for 350,000 Chicago Public Schools students. “Everybody is going back to school,” said Jay Rehak, a delegate from Whitney Young High School. Delegate Mike Bochn... more »
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Back in school with heads held high
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Back in school with heads held high: Back in school with heads held high by Mike Klonsky Chicago Teachers Union delegates embrace after voting to end their strike. (Scott Olson, Getty Images / Who won? *They put on their red T-shirts and commanded the attention of the nation and the admiration of millions of teachers. Powerless no more, they showed that unity made them strong. Ninety-eight percent voted to authorize the strike, and 98% voted to end it... Regardless of the terms of the contract, the teachers won.* -- Diane Ravitch, Washington Post We ... more »
Schools Matter: Duncan Promotes Resegregationist Policies in Topeka
Schools Matter: Duncan Promotes Resegregationist Policies in Topeka: Duncan Promotes Resegregationist Policies in Topeka by Jim Horn Breathtaking hubris and moral bankruptcyArne Duncan is on another bus tour to promote the corporate education schemes that pit Wall Street hedge funders and the corporate foundations against the children, teachers, and parents of America. Today Duncan made his most ironic stop yet, at Monroe School, Ground Zero for the fight against segregation in the early 1950s. Duncan's speech did not explain or even mention how his support for the unimpeded sprea... more »
CTU votes to suspend strike. A wheel inside a wheel. « Fred Klonsky
CTU votes to suspend strike. A wheel inside a wheel. « Fred Klonsky: CTU votes to suspend strike. A wheel inside a wheel. by Fred Klonsky *About 40 customers, religious activists and teachers gather before a quiet demonstration in support of a living wage for Peet’s employees.* This afternoon at about 5:15 the Chicago Teachers Union House of Delegates voted to suspend their strike and move on to have the rank-and-file members go over and then vote on the agreement. The members will vote on it at a later time. The House of Delegates voted to suspend the strike by an overwhelming 98%... more »
Some Educators Love The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse | The Jose Vilson
Some Educators Love The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse | The Jose Vilson: Some Educators Love The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse by Jose Mickey Mouse Clubhouse As a new father, I’ve memorized the theme songs to every Disney Channel show from *Little Einsteins* to *Doc McStuffins*. Personally, I’m a fan of *Handy Manny* and *Octonauts*, but only because my son smiles so hard at “Creature report! Creature report!” Frankly, I can’t hate on any of the aforementioned shows because I watch them pseudo-religiously. Even *The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse* has its redeeming qualities. With characters that haven’... more »
Daily Kos: if you care about education and quality teaching
Daily Kos: if you care about education and quality teaching: if you care about education and quality teaching by (teacherken) and want to be able to understand one of the key issues over which battles are being fought - including in the Chicago teachers' strike - you need to understand Value-Added Methodology, and why it is NOT a silver bullet. Fortunately for you, if you have 14 minutes, you can take advantage of the expertise of some professors oat Arizona State U (which has the nation's largest teacher preparation program - full disclosure, I have done some con... more »
Diane in the Evening 9-19-12 Chicago Teacher Strike Ends « Diane Ravitch's blog
Can You Suggest Readings That Helped You? « Diane Ravitch's blog: Can You Suggest Readings That Helped You? by dianerav ** A reader asked for suggestions. I said I would ask for your ideas: My sister is an experienced teacher struggling to keep her chin up in an impoverished district serving children whose parents are non-English speaking or meth addicts. She and her staff want to form a book study group this year – looking for ways to enhance their professional practice and their children’s lives – wanting desperately to have positive and pro... more »
The Contemporary Condition: Transmission From The Front: The CTU Fight For the Future
The Contemporary Condition: Transmission From The Front: The CTU Fight For the Future: Transmission From The Front: The CTU Fight For the Future *Curt Maslanka* Chicago Teacher I will say this about myself. Many colleagues and I saw this strike coming several years ago. After Obama won the presidency in 2008, the anti-teacher rhetoric in the mainstream media skyrocketed. His campaign donors and the Gates and Walton Foundations knew he would give them the green light to scarf up as much of public education as they could in the biggest land grab since the Cherokee Strip. The... more »
Chicago Teachers' Strike Ends: comparison between teacher contracts from 2003, 2007, and the contract agreed upon today, below- Hispanically Speaking News
Chicago Teachers' Strike Ends: Classes to Resume Wednesday - Hispanically Speaking News: Chicago Teachers’ Strike Ends: Classes to Resume Wednesday The Chicago Teachers Union has reportedly called off their strike. Classes are to resume Wednesday after the Union’s roughly 800 delegates agreed to the latest contract proposal with the city. Chicago is home to the nation’s third largest school district. The teachers strike, which began last week, was the first in 25 years. Read more at the *Chicago Tribune*. See a comparison between teacher contracts from 2003, 2007, and the contract ag... more »
THE MESSAGES SENT BY THE CHICAGO STRIKE « Teachers Fight Back: THE MESSAGES SENT BY THE CHICAGO STRIKE by alkleen I’m not sure what the Chicago teachers won and what they lost, but I do know what messages were sent loud and clear to the Chicago School Board, Mayor Emanuel, Superintendent Bizard, teachers across the country, and the forces that would destroy public school teachers and their unions. The Chicago teachers sent the following messages: 1. We are tired of being bullied and we’re not going to take it any longer. 2. We no longer trust administrators because of previous contr...more »
Teacher settles with school after being fired for pumping breast milk - The Denver Post
Teacher settles with school after being fired for pumping breast milk - The Denver Post: Teacher settles with school after being fired for pumping breast milk POSTED: 09/18/2012 04:51:40 PM MDT UPDATED: 09/18/2012 05:24:38 PM MDT *By Megan Mitchell* *The Denver Post* A Jefferson County teacher who says she was fired for expressing breast milk at work won't ask for her job back, but a settlement in her claim against Rocky Mountain Academy of Evergreen sets precedent for other employers of working moms, the American Civil Liberties Union said Tuesday. "This case is really just o... more »
School Tech Connect: Cornell, Northwestern....
School Tech Connect: Cornell, Northwestern....: Cornell, Northwestern.... by (Tim Furman) This guy's good at doubling down. You just keep repeating the message, and then it becomes true. She also questions where Urban Prep graduates go to college. I have her answer: Cornell University, Northwestern University, Georgetown University, Purdue University, Morehouse College, the University of Virginia and the University of Illinois are just a few of the colleges proud to enroll Urban Prep alumni. I have no doubt that kids from this charter have been accepted into th... more »
Chicago Teachers Union Votes to Suspend Strike | FDL News Desk
Chicago Teachers Union Votes to Suspend Strike | FDL News Desk: Chicago Teachers Union Votes to Suspend Strike by David Dayen (photo: Kevin Gosztola) The Chicago Teachers Union has agreed to suspend its seven-day strike and return to work. Classes will resume for more than 350,000 students on Wednesday. This does not mean they have agreed to the contract submitted by the Chicago Public Schools, only that they will complete the strike action while reserving the right to walk out again if the final resolution doesn’t meet with their satisfaction. The decision was made by the 700-odd m... more »
Stupid Strike | District 299: The Inside Scoop on CPS
Stupid Strike | District 299: The Inside Scoop on CPS: Stupid Strike by Alexander Russo Stupid Strike by Alexander Russo The HOD has voted to end the strike, as you probably already know by now. Two extra days for ... a cooling off period, I guess. Lewis has spoken. Emanuel still to come. As with most contract negotiations, both sides got things important to them. At her press conference, Karen Lewis bragged about how CTU didn't have to "take" merit pay like in other cities. Indeed, reformers are disappointed in all the things Emanuel gave up or gave back. (They kept lanes!) I... more »
Jersey Jazzman: Why Chicago Strike Makes Reformies Nervous
Jersey Jazzman: Why Chicago Strike Makes Reformies Nervous: Why Chicago Strike Makes Reformies Nervous by Duke Uh-oh; the teachers in state-controlled Paterson are getting kinda... * uppity*. Watch Paterson Education Assoc. President Hopes to Avoid Walkout on PBS. See more from NJToday. Only working contract hours is called "work-to-rule." It is not pleasant; but in a state like New Jersey, where it is for all intents and purposes illegal to strike, it's one of the few options available. My guess is that the Paterson teachers and the union local are looking at the hit Chicago May... more »
Jersey Jazzman: A Mess In Perth Amboy
Jersey Jazzman: A Mess In Perth Amboy: A Mess In Perth Amboy by Duke And the battle between the Perth Amboy school board and Superintendent Janine Caffrey grinds on and on... Watch Perth Amboy Superintendent Defends Job on PBS. See more from NJToday. First of all, others would take exception with Caffrey that the opening of schools was "incredibly smooth": Chiera and other union members said some high school students had schedules that didn’t match the academies where they were assigned. She also heard reports there were nearly 500 students at Shull Middle School
CPS Parent Matt Farmer Puts Penny Pritzker on Trial at CTU’s Stands Strong Rally | United Opt Out National
CPS Parent Matt Farmer Puts Penny Pritzker on Trial at CTU’s Stands Strong Rally | United Opt Out National: CPS Parent Matt Farmer Puts Penny Pritzker on Trial at CTU’s Stands Strong Rally by admin From CTU YouTube: *CPS parent Matt Farmer puts billionaire Board of Education member Penny Pritzker on Trial at CTU’s STANDS STRONG RALLY. Pritzker doesn’t seem to feel it is necessary to provide other people’s children with the same educational experience as hers.* This is simply one of those videos you cannot watch enough. Thank you Matt Farmer and CTU! This entry was posted in Uncate... more »
Heroes. « Fred Klonsky
Heroes. « Fred Klonsky: Heroes. by Fred Klonsky *Members of the Chicago Teachers Union voting to suspend the strike. Photo: Michael Harrington* * * See if you can find the face of a teacher pensioner in this Mark Kirk video. They would be one of Mitt Baines Romney’s 47% losers and users. by Fred Klonsky Only concerned with credit ratings and avoiding any mention of taxing those who can most afford it, Republican Senator Mark Kirk’s office released a video on pension funding today. Classic. The video is filled with rolling scary black and white headlines, Fox News reports and music... more »
RFA: Public Charter Schools Grant Program Planning and Implementation Grant (CA Dept of Education)
RFA: Public Charter Schools Grant Program Planning and Implementation Grant (CA Dept of Education): Request for ApplicationsPublic Charter Schools Grant Program Planning and Implementation Grant [image: Charter Schools - Dividing Communities since 1991] ------------------------------ Projected Funding Profile: No due date information is available. The federal Public Charter Schools Grant Program (PCSGP) is administered by the Charter Schools Division. Grants are reviewed by peer evaluators and awarded on a quarterly basis to nonprofit entities and local education agencies that a... more »
Schools Matter: Kevin Huffman Huffs and Puffs: Nashville School Board Stands Strong
Schools Matter: Kevin Huffman Huffs and Puffs: Nashville School Board Stands Strong: Kevin Huffman Huffs and Puffs: Nashville School, Stand Strong by Jim Horn Tennessee has been at the forefront of backwards thinking on education for the past 20 years, and it now has a governor and General Assembly that promises to push the state deeper into the past if possible. Bill Haslam, the quiet oil executive billionaire who serves as governor, continues a tradition begun during the Alexander Administration for using education as the whipping boy when the Business Roundtable gets riled up ... more »
PSAT for 9-18-12: Fingers crossed! Parents United for Responsible Education
Parents United for Responsible Education » Blog Archive » PSAT for 9-18-12: Fingers crossed!: PSAT for 9-18-12: Fingers crossed! by admin It has been a wild few days in Chicago. I was away for most of the time and got my news from a combination of WGN and the local Phoenix stations and newspaper. It was clear that the local story was incredibly rich and the national story was incredibly thin. National news fixated on how much Chicago teachers make, and how many students drop out. I had to t
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Day 7 Strike suspended. Big victory for teachers
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Day 7 Strike suspended. Big victory for teachers: Day 7 Strike suspended. Big victory for teachers by Mike Klonsky [image: @CTULocal1 members march for "student needs, not corporate greed!] CTU's House of Delegates voted to "suspend" the strike and ask teachers to return to class tomorrow. “Everybody is going back to school,” said Jay Rehak, a delegate from Whitney Young High School. Delegate Mike Bochner said “an overwhelming majority” of delegates voted to suspend the strike. “I’m really excited, I’m really relieved,” said Bochner, a teacher at Ce... more »
Restraining students freedom of speech in the culture of cruelty |
Restraining students freedom of speech in the culture of cruelty | Restraining students freedom of speech in the culture of cruelty by Danny Weil Did you know that students are now the subject of draconian laws in North Carolina that would fine them for ‘tormenting teachers’? North Carolina is one of those confederate states where the reactionaries have taken over the seat of power with the help of multi-millionaire and racist Art Pope who buys politicians like you pruchase electricity. After years spent trying to shield students from online bullying by their pee... more »
Schooling in the Ownership Society: Look who's attacking Chicago's striking teachers
Schooling in the Ownership Society: Look who's attacking Chicago's striking teachers: Look who's attacking Chicago's striking teachers by Mike Klonsky No, this strike feels more about attitude—"the mayor doesn't respect us"—than substance.It's none other than Rupert Murdoch's bag man. In an op-ed in Sunday's Wall Street Journal, News Corp. executive V.P Joel Klein attacked the ongoing teachers' strike in Chicago without disclosing his role in administering $4.7 million in educational testing contracts at the heart of the dispute. Media Matters reports that Klein, the former school... more »
A critical analysis of Common Core math standards - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post
A critical analysis of Common Core math standards - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post: A critical analysis of Common Core math standards By Valerie Strauss The Common Core State Standards, as you can tell from the contrasting pieces I published this week (here and here), are nothing if not controversial. Until now much criticism has been leveled at the English Language Arts Standards, but here’s a somewhat scary, detailed look at the math standards. It was published on the blog CCSSI Mathematics. The author of the blog writes anonymously. He is a former high school math teach... more »
Yes, Teachers Do Have A Breaking Point John Wilson Unleashed - Education Week
John Wilson Unleashed - Education Week: [image: John Wilson Unleashed] Yes, Teachers Do Have A Breaking Point We all remember the scene in the movie *Network *where a character throws open the window, sticks his head out, and yells, "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore." Last week, about 30,000 educators in Chicago came to a similar breaking point. It was a fascinating week for watchers and listeners. The media pundits immediately went to union bashing as if 90 percent of the membership had not voted to assert their collective and legal right to go on strike. Sha... more »
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Is There Real Ed Change Happen in Washington State?
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Is There Real Ed Change Happen in Washington State?: Is There Real Ed Change Happen in Washington State? by Melissa Westbrook Yes, I believe there is. It's interesting because LEV and Stand for Children and DFER will all tell you Washington State is a backwater. We're "laggards" in education reform. You'd think we were Alabama or Louisiana. We're not. Let me start by saying - NO one is saying change doesn't need to happen or that we don't need to do better. No one. Moving on. [image: No on 1240 (click on picture)]
This is what Special Education (in America) Looks Like
This is what Special Education (in America) Looks Like: This is what Special Education (in America) Looks Like by Sam Imagine if the goal in America was to make every teacher a “special ed” teacher – and to give every student specialized attention? I bet we’d see less stigma, more individual and collective capacity to diagnose and meet the needs of each child, and a deeper investment in our nation’s teachers. If that sounds like a pipe dream, bear one thing in mind — that’s how Finland already does it. Why not us? [image: Special Education 101 Infographic]
Follow the money « Deborah Meier on Education
Follow the money « Deborah Meier on Education: Follow the money by debmeier You and I think schools are important. So do those on the “other side”. Oddly enough, while the latest Billionaire Reformers claim the future of America–its economy, safety, world status, etc– rests on “reforming” schools, (especially for the poor since we already outscore the rest of the world if we eliminate low-income scorers) they always seem to have enough money for new military expenses–even more than the military asks for. Remember This Video Shows Up Bunk VAM by debmeier Ed professors, teachers, ... more »
What they don’t say, says more than what they do… - Wait, What?
What they don’t say, says more than what they do… - Wait, What?: What they don’t say, says more than what they do… by jonpelto One of the biggest cheerleaders for “education reform” in Hartford is a group called Achieve Hartford. Lately, they’ve been spending time backing the effort by the Malloy Administration and the Superintendent of the City of Hartford to give the Milner School over to Jumoke Academy, a charter school in the city. Achieve Hartford is made up of leaders from the MetroHartford Chamber of Commerce and some of Hartford’s biggest corporations. The organization c... more »
Chicago Teachers Union | Strike Central
Chicago Teachers Union | Strike Central: Strike Central Latest Information (10:40pm September 17) *NEW!* Click here for answers to Frequently Asked Questions about the tentative agreement. *NEW! *Click here to see the proposed steps and lanes. Click here for the latest copy of the On the Line daily strike bulletin. Click here for a new flier explaining to parents the gains for students in the tentative agreement. Some 800 delegates of the Chicago Teachers Union duly elected from each school and workplace convened Sunday afternoon to discuss the framework established during negotiatio... more »
Action Now | Working Families United For Change!
Action Now | Working Families United For Change!: Action Now President Michelle Young Speaks Out For Teachers; Members Join Huge Rally! Posted on September 11, 2012 Action Now with Chicago teachers at huge downtown rally on Monday! View of Monday’s rally from a helicopter On the morning of September 10, 2012, the first day of the Chicago teacher’s strike, Action Now President Michelle Young spoke at a press conference held by Grassroots Collaborative outside of CPS Headquarters to voice community support for striking Chicago public school
Governor Quinn is silent but his hands are dirty. « Fred Klonsky
Governor Quinn is silent but his hands are dirty. « Fred Klonsky: Governor Quinn is silent but his hands are dirty. by Fred Klonsky Progress Illinois, the SEIU website, reports that Pat Quinn has been silent during the strike except for a few non-statements about being “for the kids.” But his hands are quite dirty in all of this. The teachers’ strike is often framed as a clash of two colorful personalities: Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and CTU President Karen Lewis. But as *Progress Illinois* has examined, it was the mild-mannered Quinn that signed in 2010 the Ten minute drawing... more »
FCMAT » Cali Education Headlines Tuesday, September 18, 2012
FCMAT » Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team: Education Headlines *Tuesday, September 18, 2012* School officials discuss possible spending cutsClasses could get bigger or the school year could get shorter next year at campuses in the Del Mar Union School District as officials look for ways to reduce spending. Some local school trustees receive monthly stipendsSchool board members are technically volunteers, but state law allows for them to get a monthly stipend. The cost of these benefits and salaries paid to part-time school board members in the region run the gamut, with r... more »
Teachers Don't Suck !: Should Classroom Observations Be Like A Play Review
Teachers Don't Suck !: Should Classroom Observations Be Like A Play Review: Should Classroom Observations Be Like A Play Review by Walt S. *A Typical Observation Form Used in Teacher Evaluations* I don't see "Does the teacher know what he/she is talking about?" This is one of the most important things about the lesson! Having everyone "engaged" in the "show" and not providing accurate information is
UPDATE: Why schools alone can’t cure poverty - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post
Why schools alone can’t cure poverty - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post: The 9th problem with the Common Core standards by Valerie Strauss A post yesterday, in support of the Common Core State Standards, is a response to an August piece by veteran educator Marion Brady that was highly critical of the standards initiative. Here Brady takes another wack at the standards. Read full article >> Meet Jack Andraka, 15-year-old cancer researcher by Valerie Strauss *This is one in an occasional series of quick profiles doing unusually interesting things.* Meet Jack Andraka, who was... more »
Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 9-15-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post
Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 9-1-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 8-25-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post
Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 8-18-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post
Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 8-11-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 8-4-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post
Big Ed Ape Nite Cap SPECIAL STRIKE EDITION DAY #5 9-14-12 #faircontractnow #CTUSTRIKE #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Ed Ape Nite Cap SPECIAL STRIKE EDITION DAY #4 9-13-12 #faircontractnow #CTUSTRIKE #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2