SCVP Training Schedule
School Community Violence Prevention (SCVP) training schedule for bullying, crisis response, and safe school planning, which is funded through the SCVP program.
Contact a Safe Schools Training Regional Coordinator in your area for information on SCVP trainings.
Bullying Prevention and Intervention
Training sessions assist teachers, administrators, parents, students, certificated staff, risk management, and community members to increase their knowledge of the dynamics of bullying, have a greater understanding of a systematic approach to bullying, and increase their skills in identifying and implementing strategies to address bullying.
Date | Region | County | Trainer |
9/14/2012 | 4 | Alameda (1/2) | N/A |
10/25/2012 | 4 | Alameda (conference) | N/A |
10/29/2012 | 5 | Santa Clara | Jo Ann Allen |
11/1/2012 | 4 | Alameda COE (1/2) | N/A |
11/1/2012 | 4 | Alameda (1/2 cyber) | N/A |
11/5/2012 | 11 | Los Angeles | N/A |
11/6/2012 | 5 | Monterey | Jo Ann Allen |
11/9/2012 | 8 | Santa Barbara | Wayne Sakamoto |
11/16/2012 | 8 | Kern | Wayne Sakamoto |
12/7/2012 | 8 | Kern (cyber) | Stacey Stansberry |
1/23/2013 | 1 | Humboldt | Lynn Garric |
2/28/2013 | 3 | Sacramento | N/A |
3/6/2013 | 6 | Stanislaus (girls) | N/A |
3/22/2013 | 11 | Los Angeles | N/A |
Crisis Response
Training sessions increase participants' knowledge of the National Incident Management System (NIMS), the State Emergency Management System (SEMS), and the Incident Command System (ICS) procedures that are required courses of action to follow when an event or crisis occurs. The training also leads participants through the process of creating Crisis Response Plans, which are components of a school site's comprehensive School Safety Plan.
Date | Region | County | Trainer |
9/7/2012 | 8 | Santa Barbara (1/2) | Sgt. Joe Grubbs Linda Sargent |
9/24/2012 | 5 | Monterey | Jo Ann Allen |
10/12/2012 | 8 | Kern | Sgt. Joe Grubbs Linda Sargent |
11/15/2012 | 4 | Alameda | N/A |
11/15/2012 | 6 | Stanislaus (1/2) | N/A |
11/29/2012 | 3 | Sacramento | N/A |
11/29/2012 | 8 | Ventura (1/2) | Sgt. Joe Grubbs Linda Sargent |
11/30/2012 | 11 | Los Angeles | N/A |
2/28/2013 | 1 | Sonoma | Lynn Garric |
4/25/2013 | 3 | Sacramento | N/A |
Safe School Planning
Training sessions provide teachers, administrators, parents, students, certificated staff, risk management, and community members with an in-depth review of an effective safe school planning process, and guides participants to creating comprehensive, compliant School Safety Plans.
9/7/2012 | 8 | Santa Barbara (1/2) | Sgt. Joe Grubbs Linda Sargent |
9/17/2012 | 5 | Monterey | Jo Ann Allen |
9/21/2012 | 8 | Kern | Sgt. Joe Grubbs Linda Sargent |
10/12/2012 | 11 | Los Angeles | N/A |
10/25/2012 | 11 | Los Angeles (1/2) | N/A |
10/25/2012 | 3 | Sacramento | N/A |
10/29/2012 | 5 | Santa Clara | Jo Ann Allen |
11/15/2012 | 4 | Alameda | N/A |
11/15/2012 | 6 | Stanislaus (1/2) | N/A |
11/19/2012 | 11 | Los Angeles | N/A |
11/29/2012 | 8 | Venture (1/2) | Sgt. Joe Grubbs Linda Sargent |
12/4/2012 | 1 | Humboldt | Lynn Garric |
12/11/2012 | 1 | Sonoma | Lynn Garric |
1/25/2013 | 11 | Los Angeles | N/A |
2/22/2013 | 11 | Los Angeles | N/A |
Questions: Stephanie Papas | | 916-445-8441