You and I think schools are important. So do those on the “other side”. Oddly enough, while the latest Billionaire Reformers claim the future of America–its economy, safety, world status, etc– rests on “reforming” schools, (especially for the poor since we already outscore the rest of the world if we eliminate low-income scorers) they always seem to have enough money for new military expenses–even more than the military asks for. Remember
by debmeier
Ed professors, teachers, parents and media! Watch it.
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Researchers at Arizona State Universityvalue-added-assessment actually works and how inaccurate it is.
It is easy to watch and presents a clear explanation of this flawed measurement system that reduces teachers and students to data.
dianerav | September 18, 2012 at 8:45 am | Categories: Teacher Evaluations | URL: