James Baldwin said it best:
"For these are all our children, and we will profit by or pay for whatever they become."

Why Scapegoat Teachers?
Here is an insightful analysis of the political dilemma of teachers and their union, from the perspective of the Chicago teachers’ strike. It appeared in a British newspaper. Sometimes we learn more by seeing ourselves through the eyes of others.
Send a Message of Support to Chicago Teachers
Here is their Facebook page: http://www.facebook.com/ChicagoTeachersSolidarity?ref=ts
Chris Hedges on “Democracy Now”
A reader sent this today:
Interview of Chris Hedges today by Amy Goodman. Opens with comments on Chicago teacher strike, as excerpted below:
CHRIS HEDGES: Well, you know, the tactic is clear. And, you know, the
Deborah Meier on the Strike
I may no longer be blogging with Deborah Meier at Bridging Differences, but we continue to share and exchange ideas. Deborah comments here about the role of unions.
…Unions are not primarily formed to influence reform–but, there are good reasons why the two go together. (In short, self-interest is not always a bad thing–as our opponents note in defense of their corporate sponsors.) The
…Unions are not primarily formed to influence reform–but, there are good reasons why the two go together. (In short, self-interest is not always a bad thing–as our opponents note in defense of their corporate sponsors.) The
Let Mayor Emanuel Know What You Think
Do you have advice for Mayor Rahm Emanuel?
How can he end the impasse and do what is right for Chicago’s children?
Let him know.
How can he end the impasse and do what is right for Chicago’s children?
Let him know.
One Blog Adventure Ends, This One Continues
Dear Readers,
Today I ended my five-year association with Bridging Differences, the blog I shared with Deborah Meier. This is my farewell letter on that blog.
I did so because I am devoting all my blogging time to this space.
In less than four months, the blog has had nearly 1 million page views.
I am having way too much fun, and I love the community that we are building together of people who care passionately about the future of education.
I hope you will take the time to read my farewell to Bridging Differences.
Now let’s get on with our work.
A Logan Square neighbor talks about his change of heart regarding the teacher strike.
Audit says Rhee-era school closures cost millions more than originally reported
Today I ended my five-year association with Bridging Differences, the blog I shared with Deborah Meier. This is my farewell letter on that blog.
I did so because I am devoting all my blogging time to this space.
In less than four months, the blog has had nearly 1 million page views.
I am having way too much fun, and I love the community that we are building together of people who care passionately about the future of education.
I hope you will take the time to read my farewell to Bridging Differences.
Now let’s get on with our work.
A Logan Square neighbor talks about his change of heart regarding the teacher strike.
To my community,
I attended the teacher’s strike yesterday. I spoke with CTU Union Reps, Teachers, parents like myself, and many other people. I have learned that we have all been misled into bashing these teachers. I feel so horrible for calling on everyone to rally against them. What I found out from those assigned to the bargaining table is offensive to say the least. THE CITY REFUSED to
Audit says Rhee-era school closures cost millions more than originally reported
Former schools chancellor Michelle Rhee’s decision to close 23 D.C. public schools in 2008 cost the city far more than previously reported, according to the District’s auditor.
The original $9.7 million price tag should have also included another $8 million that the city spent to move to demolish buildings, remove furnishings and transport displaced students, D.C. Auditor Yolanda Branche wrote in a recent report.
Read full article >>
The original $9.7 million price tag should have also included another $8 million that the city spent to move to demolish buildings, remove furnishings and transport displaced students, D.C. Auditor Yolanda Branche wrote in a recent report.
Read full article >>
American School Health Association Offers Free School Health Webinars
Schools play an important role in improving student health, social outcomes, and overall academic success. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, aside from families, schools have the most direct contactwith more than 95 percent of U.S. young people aged 5–17 years, for 6 hours a day, and for up to 13 critical years of their social, psychological, physical, and intellectual development.
Coordinated school health programs and policies are the most efficient means schools have to closing achievement gaps, reducing risk behaviors, and preventing serious health problems among students. Whole child
Coordinated school health programs and policies are the most efficient means schools have to closing achievement gaps, reducing risk behaviors, and preventing serious health problems among students. Whole child
I had never been small....
This made its way to me today. I believe the author is a writing teacher at Lane Tech. Teaching these days is just one terrible slog after another, particularly in CPS. It's the political leadership, it's governance, it's the holier-than-thou reformers who have undercut and undermined the schools. If educators were actually running CPS, it would be so, so different.
I had never been small
until I heard how evil I am
for being a teacher. With the lie levels
Commentary: What's at stake in the Chicago teachers strike?
Twenty-five thousand Chicago teachers, members of the Chicago Teachers Union, are on strike.
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel portrays the action as “a strike of choice” that victimizes parents and children. Union president Karen Lewis responds that they hoped to avoid a strike but the actions of Emanuel and the Board of Education left them little choice.
read more
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel portrays the action as “a strike of choice” that victimizes parents and children. Union president Karen Lewis responds that they hoped to avoid a strike but the actions of Emanuel and the Board of Education left them little choice.
read more
Read this on Chicago strike
Wish I had time to write about the Chicago strike, but have the school start up taking all waking hours. Luckily,Jose Vilson wrote just about everything I would want to say. Please read him.
Chicago Teachers' Strike Forces Obama To Steer Carefully Between Two Allies
The Obama administration and the president's Chicago-based re-election campaign are trying to minimize the risks of offending teachers and union members by carefully navigating the tricky waters between Mayor Rahm Emanuel and the striking teachers.
Chicago Teacher Strike Day Two: Obama Administration Weighs In Without Picking Sides
After a day of silence, the Obama administration addressed the ongoing strike of the Chicago Teachers Union, a blistering fight that has divided labor, one of the most reliable bases for the Democratic party, against Democratic Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel.
“I hope that the parties will come together to settle this quickly and get our kids back in the classroom," U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said in a statement. "I’m confident that both sides have the best interests of the students at heart, and that they can collaborate at the bargaining table –- as teachers and school districts have done all over the country –- to reach a solution that puts kids first.”
Duncan's administration is monitoring the situation, and sources said he is being advised to publicly stay out of
“I hope that the parties will come together to settle this quickly and get our kids back in the classroom," U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan said in a statement. "I’m confident that both sides have the best interests of the students at heart, and that they can collaborate at the bargaining table –- as teachers and school districts have done all over the country –- to reach a solution that puts kids first.”
Duncan's administration is monitoring the situation, and sources said he is being advised to publicly stay out of
Relatively Little Federal Funding Equals Lots of Federal Control
John Hill, a senior policy analyst at the Alabama Policy Institute, wrote an excellent op/ed for the Tuscaloosa (AL) News. An excerpt:
The federal government stands to gain tremendous sway in Alabama’s education through the implementation of a common national education standard, and many Alabamians may be shocked
Stanley Kurtz: Obama is Robbing Suburban Schools to Pay for Urban Schools
Stanley Kurtz, author of a new book entitled Spreading the Wealth: How Obama is Robbing the Suburbs to Pay for the Cities was on the Mike Huckabee Show recently and addressed the issue of distributing education dollars and the Common Core Curriculum. You can listen to the interview here.
An excerpt:
Constitutionally and legally the federal government ought not to have a role controlling K through 12
Stuyvesant students, parents report mixed messages on tech
The crackdown on cell phones at Stuyvesant High School has extended in some cases to laptop computers and tablets, according to people in and close to the school.
Some students had their devices confiscated during classes and in the hallways on Monday, the sources said. But school officials are in the process of explaining the abrupt change in the way they plan to handle
Some students had their devices confiscated during classes and in the hallways on Monday, the sources said. But school officials are in the process of explaining the abrupt change in the way they plan to handle
LAUSD has tentative deal with administrators on teacher evaluations, still working with union, says Superintendent John Deasy
Los Angeles Unified Superintendent John Deasy announced Tuesday that the district has reached a tentative deal with its administrators union over performance evaluations, and continues to negotiate with the teachers union on a similar pact.
LAUSD board member's charter-school freeze proposal draws angry parents to meeting
Los Angeles Unified board member Steve Zimmer vowed Tuesday to revise his controversial charter schools resolution after nearly a dozen speakers and an overflow crowd voiced strident opposition to his plan to study tougher oversight of the independent campuses and halt approvals of any new schools
Should US schools be run like businesses? - Inside Story: US 2012 - Al Jazeera English
Should US schools be run like businesses? - Inside Story: US 2012 - Al Jazeera English: Should US schools be run like businesses? Increased private sector involvement in US education is raising questions over the future of the public school system. Inside Story US 2012 Last Modified: 11 Sep 2012 15:19 inShare [image: Email Article] Email [image: Print Article] Print [image: Share article] Share [image: Send Feedback] Feedback An estimated 26,000 public school teachers are on strike in Chicago – the first such action in the city for 25 years. In Chicago and beyond, public school teache... more »
Hechinger Report | Despite strike tension and disagreement, teachers unions will push hard for Obama
Hechinger Report | Despite strike tension and disagreement, teachers unions will push hard for Obama: Despite strike tension and disagreement, teachers unions will push hard for Obama By Sarah Butrymowicz The head of one of the country’s largest teachers unions knows all too well the frustrations of her rank and file – many of whom vehemently disagree with some of President Barack Obama’s education policies. Chicago Teachers Union members picket Monday morning at John Marshall Metropolitan High School on the city’s West Side. Marshall is one of 144 schools where Chicago Public Scho... more »
Jersey Jazzman: Rahm Emanuel: The Next Adrian Fenty?
Jersey Jazzman: Rahm Emanuel: The Next Adrian Fenty?: Rahm Emanuel: The Next Adrian Fenty? by Duke A quick thought: A few years ago in Washington D.C., then-mayor Adrian Fenty brought in the extraordinarily unqualified Michelle Rhee to lead the schools. She was mediocre at best, managing to alienate both her teachers and large segments of the community. As a result, Fenty - seen as quite arrogant himself - lost his bid for reelection decisively. These days in Chicago, now-mayor Rahm Emanuel brings in Jean-Claude Brizzard, fresh off a failure in Rochester, NY, to lead the schools.... more »
Linked Learning Pilot Project - Year 2012 (CA Dept of Education)
Linked Learning Pilot Project - Year 2012 (CA Dept of Education): State Schools Chief Tom Torlakson Unveils New School Pilot Program Linking Academics and Career Readiness SACRAMENTO—As many as 20 school districts across California will have opportunities to get state assistance in launching new programs demonstrated to help students graduate from high school prepared to succeed in careers and college, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson announced today. "Linked Learning" programs tie together real-world professions with demanding academics through challengi... more »
Schools Matter: Advice to Chicago Teachers: Steer Clear of Weingarten
Schools Matter: Advice to Chicago Teachers: Steer Clear of Weingarten: Advice to Chicago Teachers: Steer Clear of Weingarten by Jim Horn President of the AFT, Randi Weingarten, emerged today with a statement to the New York Times that feeds that vitriol that corporate ed deformers are trying to promote against Chicago teachers: “You have a situation where the teachers feel totally and completely disrespected,” said Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers, the parent union of the striking teachers. In this case, she said she blamed Mayor Emanuel for an a... more »
UPDATE: Big Education Ape - Mid Day Banana Break 9-11-12 #soschat #edreform
*Big Education Ape - Mid Day Banana Break* One Blog Adventure Ends, This One Continues by dianerav Dear Readers, Today I ended my five-year association with Bridging Differences, the blog I shared with Deborah Meier. This is my farewell letter on that blog. I did so because I am devoting all my blogging time to this space. In less than four months, the blog has had nearly 1 million page views. I am having way too much fun, and I love the community that we are building together of people who care passionately about the future of education. I hope you will take the time to read my farewe... more »
We Need Democrats To Act Like Democrats On Education | OurFuture.org
We Need Democrats To Act Like Democrats On Education | OurFuture.org: We Need Democrats To Act Like Democrats On Education by Jeff Bryant *[My guest writer today is Cynthia Liu, PhD. Cynthia launched member-supported K12NewsNetwork.com to amplify grassroots education news and provide a national platform for people to use sophisticated online organizing tools to better improve and strengthen public schools. It's "MoveOn" for school communities. K12NN's relaunch was funded by a Ford Foundation grant to re-envision journalism and civic engagement. Site tools are currently being used ... more »
Jonah’s strike. « Fred Klonsky
Jonah’s strike. « Fred Klonsky: Jonah’s strike. by Fred Klonsky *Jonah Edelman of Stand for Children.* I warned them. But they didn’t listen. Early on I said that Senate Bill 7 would lead to no good end. Ken Swanson, then President of the IEA, and Audrey Soglin, who still to this day goes around claiming Senate Bill 7 is teacher led reform, pronounced it as a national model. I said, “no, no, no.” Senate Bill 7 was the work of Jonah Edelman, his corporate reform group *Stand for Children*, and all those who wanted to bust teacher unions. But it was designed and targeted for states lik... more »
How GERM is infecting schools around the world? | Pasi Sahlberg Blog
How GERM is infecting schools around the world? | Pasi Sahlberg Blog: How GERM is infecting schools around the world? Posted on June 30, 2012 Ten years ago — against all odds — Finland was ranked as the world’s top education nation. It was strange because in Finland education is seen as a public good accessible to all free of charge without standardized testing or competitive private schools. When I look around the world, I see competition, choice, and measuring of students and teachers as the main means to improve education. This market-based global movement has put many public sc... more »
Daily Kos: Teachers and the Death of the American Worker
Daily Kos: Teachers and the Death of the American Worker: Teachers and the Death of the American Worker byplthomasEdDFollow 1 PERMALINK1 COMMENT The first decade of the 21st century has been an ominous harbinger for the American worker. Children and adults in poverty, the working poor, and the working class are increasing; the middle-class is eroding; and the pooling of capital among the 1% is expanding, forming the anchor stalling the progress of the *USS Democracy*. In *The State of Working America* (12th ed), Mishel, Bivens, Gould, and Shierholz identify the disturbing trends... more »
Chicago teachers strike poses a larger test about teacher evaluations around the country | OregonLive.com
Chicago teachers strike poses a larger test about teacher evaluations around the country | OregonLive.com: Chicago teachers strike poses a larger test about teacher evaluations around the country WASHINGTON — The massive teacher strike in Chicago offers a high-profile test for the nation's teacher unions, which have seen their political influence threatened as a growing reform movement seeks to expand charter schools, get private companies involved with failing schools and link teacher evaluations to student test scores. Union leaders are taking a major stand on teacher evaluatio... more »
The Chicago teachers strike, Rahm Emmanuel, Stand for Children, the Gates Foundation, DFER, the Tea Party, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan | Seattle Education
The Chicago teachers strike, Rahm Emmanuel, Stand for Children, the Gates Foundation, DFER, the Tea Party, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan | Seattle Education: The Chicago teachers strike, Rahm Emmanuel, Stand for Children, the Gates Foundation, DFER, the Tea Party, Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan by seattleducation2011 So what do all of these folks have in common? Listen up Seattle. The Chicago Teachers Union is currently on the front lines of a fight to defend public education. On one side the 30,000 members of the CTU have called for a contract that includes fair compensation, meaningful j... more »
Neoliberal Democrats Attack: Chicago Teachers Strike | Dissident Voice
Neoliberal Democrats Attack: Chicago Teachers Strike | Dissident Voice: Neoliberal Democrats Attack: Chicago Teachers Strike by Ben Schreiner [image: (L-R) Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel participate in a forum about education in big cities at the Katzen Arts Center on the campus of American University March 2, 2012 in Washington, DC. Calling their municipalities "city-states," the mayors suppored the idea of individual school districts being able to compete with states for the $4.35 billion "Race to the Top" ... more »
NEA President Van Roekel on Chicago Teacher Strike | NEA Today
NEA President Van Roekel on Chicago Teacher Strike | NEA Today: NEA President Van Roekel Statement on Chicago Strike WASHINGTON - September 10, 2012 - The following statement was made today by NEA President Dennis Van Roekel: “Although the members of the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) are not members of the National Education Association (NEA), our three million members stand proudly behind CTU. “For more than a year, the teachers and education support professionals who serve Chicago’s children have been working toward an agreement that would improve learning conditions in Chicago’s ... more »
Missouri Education Watchdog: UN Trying to Take Away Parental Authority of Parents of Disabled Kids - Maybe Even Denying the Right To Homeschool
Missouri Education Watchdog: UN Trying to Take Away Parental Authority of Parents of Disabled Kids - Maybe Even Denying the Right To Homeschool: UN Trying to Take Away Parental Authority of Parents of Disabled Kids - Maybe Even Denying the Right To Homeschool by Anngie The US Senate is being pressured to take action this month on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. In addition to making the government (in this case the UN), not the parent, the final decision maker on the rights for persons with disabilities, the UNCRPD removes any final impedi... more »
FCMAT » Cali Education Headlines Tuesday, September 11, 2012
FCMAT » Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team: Education Headlines *Tuesday, September 11, 2012* Study: Most O.C. districts haven't defined student defianceOnly a quarter of Orange County school districts report in a new survey that they have a clear definition of what constitutes a willfully defiant and disruptive student, even as this behavior classification constitutes the No. 1 reason students are suspended in California. Schools mark 9/11 with lessons, memorialsSchools across the nation will mark the 11th anniversary of the attacks with memorials, moments of silence and... more »
We Bridged Our Differences - Bridging Differences - Education Week
We Bridged Our Differences - Bridging Differences - Education Week: We Bridged Our Differences by Diane Ravitch [image: Bridging Differences] Dear Deborah, We started this weekly exchange of letters more than five years ago, to what must have been the shock and amusement of those who knew both of us. We were supposed to be at opposite poles of the education debates of the day, so there was a certain logic to the idea that we might engage in "Bridging Differences." I remember when we first began this journey. In the fall of 2006, we were invited by New York University to discuss t... more »
PSAT for 9-11-12: Stand up and fight for our democracy Parents United for Responsible Education
Parents United for Responsible Education » Blog Archive » PSAT for 9-11-12: Stand up and fight for our democracy: PSAT for 9-11-12: Stand up and fight for our democracy by admin It’s the 11th anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks. We fought back then (in a sort of convoluted way) because we felt that our freedom and way of life were threatened. Of course, not all threats to our freedom and way of life come from terrorists dropping out of the skies. One of the most insidious threats to our democracy, our freedom, and our way of life is coming from wealthy hedge funders an... more »
Schools Matter: Corporate Deforming of Education at Heart of Resistance by Teachers
Schools Matter: Corporate Deforming of Education at Heart of Resistance by Teachers: Corporate Deforming of Education at Heart of Resistance by Teachers by Jim Horn *HT to Stan Karp:* * * *Today’s Washington Post Answer Sheet column includes the latest in a series of posts and exchanges about the Broad Foundation’s education “reform” efforts in NJ and across the nation. As Post reporter Valerie Strauss writes: “The Chicago teachers strike has made school reform national news, and here’s a piece that helps explain some of the controversy. This is a follow-up to a post I published ... more »
UPDATE FRED Disgruntled: “People, not profits” in Little Village. « Fred Klonsky
“People, not profits” in Little Village. « Fred Klonsky: Disgruntled. by Fred Klonsky *Fred,* *How much time do you think parents can take off to watch their kids? Summer camps are closed (and cost money.) This wasn’t scheduled like holidays and summers are. And the parents are paying taxes for their children to be taught by teachers who already make $76,000 a year and just turned down a 16% raise because they don’t want to be evaluated. In this day and age of job uncertainty, unless parents are unemployed, how much can they risk their jobs for these selfish job-secure teachers?* ... more »
RheeFirst! » Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee desperate to convince people that she’s not a Republican
RheeFirst! » Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee desperate to convince people that she’s not a Republican: Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee desperate to convince people that she’s not a Republican by admin A recent article in *The Atlantic* recapped Michelle Rhee’s screening of “Won’t Back Down” in Charlotte, NC during the Democratic National Convention. The screening was not an official DNC event, probably because the DNC doesn’t screen anti-teacher/anti-union propaganda films at the urging of Rupert Murdoch-funded lobbyists. Nevertheless, three nearly-identical stories appeare...more »
Modern School: Why the Chicago Teachers Strike Should Matter to You
Modern School: Why the Chicago Teachers Strike Should Matter to You: Why the Chicago Teachers Strike Should Matter to You by Michael Dunn [image: Stealing Schools = Won't Back Down (click Picture)] American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) wants to STEAL YOUR PUBLIC SCHOOLS The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) and Chicago Public Schools (CPS) were pretty close to agreement on salaries. CPS backed down on forcing teachers to work an additional 90 minutes without pay, agreeing to rehire laid off teachers to cover the extra time in the school day. The remaining big negotiable issue ... more »
As Paul Ryan Lines Up Behind Rahm, the Scheme to Privatize Chicago Schools Becomes Clear | Firedoglake
As Paul Ryan Lines Up Behind Rahm, the Scheme to Privatize Chicago Schools Becomes Clear | Firedoglake: As Paul Ryan Lines Up Behind Rahm, the Scheme to Privatize Chicago Schools Becomes Clear by Jane Hamsher Vice Presidential nominee Paul Ryan has twisted the knife just a bit more in an attempt to draw out President Obama on the Chicago Teachers Union strike, now entering its second day. He told a fundraiser in Portland, OR yesterday that he endorsed the position in the strike of the former chief of staff of Barack Obama: “If you turned on the TV this morning or sometime today, y... more »
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Spirits high at Telpochcalli
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Spirits high at Telpochcalli: Spirits high at Telpochcalli by Mike Klonsky This morning we brought coffee and donuts to Telpochcalli Elementary, a small school in Little Village. Spirits
Teachers Don't Suck !: Cower and Power
Teachers Don't Suck !: Cower and Power:
10% of Conservative Ohioans Say Romney Did More to Kill Bin Laden than Obama. Good for Them. « Student Activism
10% of Conservative Ohioans Say Romney Did More to Kill Bin Laden than Obama. Good for Them. « Student Activism: 10% of Conservative Ohioans Say Romney Did More to Kill Bin Laden than Obama. Good for Them. by Angus Johnston By now you’ve probably seen the report that a new poll out of Ohio found that 15% of very conservative voters said Mitt Romney was more responsible for Osama Bin Laden’s death than President Obama, with another 6% of moderate conservative agreeing. (More than half of each group said they weren’t sure who should get more credit.) Cue wringing of hands and mockin... more »
Mr. President, I went ahead and upgraded the shipment to next day, priority deliver. - Wait, What?
Mr. President, I went ahead and upgraded the shipment to next day, priority deliver. - Wait, What?: Mr. President, I went ahead and upgraded the shipment to next day, priority deliver. by jonpelto “And understand this: If American workers are being denied their right to organize and collectively bargain when I’m in the White House, I’ll put on a comfortable pair of shoes myself, I’ll walk on that picket line with you as President of the United States of America. Because workers deserve to know that somebody is standing in their corner.”* - Senator Barack Obama • Spartanburg SC • ... more »
Schools Matter: Chicago Teacher on Ed Show to Explain Issues
Schools Matter: Chicago Teacher on Ed Show to Explain Issues: Chicago Teacher on Ed Show to Explain Issues It is not about the money! Issues: Lower class size, teacher evaluation with quack science of VAM test scores, services to children with special needs, air conditioning, rights of teachers to be rehired who have been laid off due to economic reasons. Visit NBCNews.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy
Shanker Blog » Do Top Teachers Produce "A Year And A Half Of Learning?"
Shanker Blog » Do Top Teachers Produce "A Year And A Half Of Learning?": Do Top Teachers Produce “A Year And A Half Of Learning?” by Matthew Di Carlo One claim that gets tossed around a lot in education circles is that “the most effective teachers produce a year and a half of learning per year, while the least effective produce a half of a year of learning.” This talking point is used all the time in advocacy materials and news articles. Its implications are pretty clear: Effective teachers can make all the difference, while ineffective teachers can do permanent damage. As with most... more »
Morning UPDATE: Will President Obama Join CTU on Picket Line? LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 9-11-12 Diane Ravitch's blog
Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] Chicago Strike: Whose Policies Are At Issue? by dianerav Norm Scott, a retired teacher who is a blogger and film producer (“The Inconvenient Truth Behind ‘Waiting for Superman’”), wrote a provocative explanation of the Chicago strike and its political implications. He says that President Obama can’t support the Chicago teachers because they are striking against his Race to the Top policies. And he can’t oppose the teachers because he needs the votes of teachers in the election. So he supports the kids. W... more »
The real problem with Rahm’s school reforms in Chicago - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post
The real problem with Rahm’s school reforms in Chicago - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post: The real problem with Rahm’s school reforms in Chicago By Valerie Strauss Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel has been pushing a school reform agenda backed by the Obama administration that is at the center of the strike that the Chicago Teachers Union is now waging in the third largest school district in the country. This is not about whether or not you think the union should have called a strike as it did on Monday, but rather about the central problem (M. Spencer Green/AP)with the reforms that... more »
Oakland schools, facing civil rights investigation, could adopt “voluntary resolution” - The Education Report - Katy Murphy's blog on Oakland schools
Oakland schools, facing civil rights investigation, could adopt “voluntary resolution” - The Education Report - Katy Murphy's blog on Oakland schools: Oakland schools, facing civil rights investigation, could adopt “voluntary resolution” Monday, September 10th, 2012 at 4:31 pm in No Comments The Oakland school district’s approach to student discipline has become the subject of a federal investigation. But that inquiry might come to a halt if the school board agrees to take action first, voluntarily — which it might do on Wednesday. Given the disproportionate number of out-of-school ... more »
No opinion. « Fred Klonsky
No opinion. « Fred Klonsky: No opinion. by Fred Klonsky *Reporter: Jay. Has the President been following events in Chicago? Does he have an opinion about the strike?* *Jay Carney: The President has no opinion about the incident.* * * * * * * Telephone rings. “Hello.” “Fred Klonsky? This is the Obama campaign.” “Yes.” “Have you decided who you are voting for?
Chicago Teachers v. Rahm Emanuel | Dailycensored.com
Chicago Teachers v. Rahm Emanuel | Dailycensored.com: Chicago Teachers v. Rahm Emanuel by stephenl Except for Harold Washington (1983 – 1987), Chicago never had populist mayors. Father (Richard J.) and son (Richard M.) Daley ran the city like their private fiefdom for over 40 years. In his book “Boss,” noted journalist Mike Royko described Richard J. as follows: “If ever a man reflected a city, it was Richard J. Daley.” He was “strong (and) hard-driving.” He had Texas-sized ambitions. He was also “arrogant, crude, conniving, ruthless, suspicious, intolerant, raucous, hot-tempere... more »
Daily Kos: 11 years ago this morning
Daily Kos: 11 years ago this morning: 11 years ago this morning by rss@dailykos.com (teacherken) I was in my classroom at Williamsburg Middle School in Arlington VA, two and a half miles from the house in which I write these words. The Principal's secretary came into my room and motioned me over to her. "Your wife called to tell you Ron is all right." I expressed puzzlement. "Your wife called to tell you your brother-in-law Ron is all right." Ron is an FBI agent, married to one of my wife's younger sisters. At the time he was stationed in New York, Eugene Robinson: "Romney's he... more »
Today’s Update On Chicago | Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…
Today’s Update On Chicago | Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…: Today’s Update On Chicago Larry Ferlazzo at Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... - 10 minutes ago Here are two important updates to A Beginning List Of The Best Resources On The Chicago Teachers’ Strike: Why We’re Striking in Chicago is by union president Karen Lewis. The real problem with Rahm’s school reforms in Chicago is by … Continue reading → More 9/11 Resources Larry Ferlazzo at Larry Ferlazzo's Websites of the Day... - 6 hours ago Here are the newest additions to The Best Sites To Help Teach About 9/11: Se... more »
Seattle Schools Community Forum: WSPTA Legislative Assembly
Seattle Schools Community Forum: WSPTA Legislative Assembly: WSPTA Legislative Assembly by Charlie Mas The Washington State PTA will consider 18 proposals at the Legislative Assembly on October 19 and 20 at the SeaTac Marriott Hotel. From the WSPTA: *WSPTA’s ADVOCACY PROGRAM: *Each fall, Washington State PTA votes on a priority platform; this then guides our legislative advocacy in the state. The process started last June when members submitted 20-some proposals for consideration. Some were merged, others reworked. In July, the legislative committee reviewed and forwarded to the ... more »
Last Stand for Children First: Teachers Strike Day 1: Keep Calm and Continue Testing
Last Stand for Children First: Teachers Strike Day 1: Keep Calm and Continue Testing: Teachers Strike Day 1: Keep Calm and Continue Testing by Last Stand for Children Today, the nearly 30,000 members of the Chicago Teachers Union descended on downtown with 20,000 of their parent and community allies to wreak havoc and correct grammar and spelling. Now, is not the time for us to panic. Our leader, Mayor Emanuel has described the differences between the teachers union and the city as being minor. In fact, it seems like the main thing that has prevented a contract is that the diffe... more »
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Romney, Ryan Support Rahm
Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: Romney, Ryan Support Rahm: Romney, Ryan Support Rahm by Mike Klonsky This from ABC10 in Philadelphia: *"Teachers unions have too often made plain that their interests conflict with those of our children, and today we are seeing one of the clearest examples yet."* -- Mitt Romney *And this: * *"I've known Rahm Emanuel for years. He's a former colleague of mine. Rahm and I have not agreed on every issue or on a lot of issues, but Mayor Emanuel is right today in saying that this teacher's union strike is unnecessary and wrong. We know that Rahm is not ... more »
HOW CAN JONATHAN KOZOL REMAIN "MORALLY OUTRAGED" ABOUT PUBLIC EDUCATION FOR 45 YEARS? - Perdaily.com: HOW CAN JONATHAN KOZOL REMAIN "MORALLY OUTRAGED" ABOUT PUBLIC EDUCATION FOR 45 YEARS? by Leonard Isenberg [image: Jonathan Kozol.jpg] *(Mensaje se repite en Español) (For a national view of public education reform see the end of this blog post)** With 13 books to his credit, Jonathan Kozol is surely one of the most insightful progressive voices dealing with what continues to be wrong with poor and/or minority public education in the United States. So why did I find myself gettin... more »
DIARY OF A PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER!: In Defense of the Teacher's Union! My Union is OK with Me!
DIARY OF A PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHER!: In Defense of the Teacher's Union! My Union is OK with Me!: In Defense of the Teacher's Union! My Union is OK with Me! by Lisa M She said I caused her daughter to have an asthma attack. She went to the principal and her child's teacher, told them I was "uppity", and that she was going to cause problems for me. She walked into my classroom and started yelling, and I had to have her removed.This occurred about 2005. My former principal suggested a meeting, I agreed. I loved my principal as a person, but as an administrator, well... I told him I was... more »
Bush Financial Backer K12 Inc Under Investigation From Florida DOE | Scathing Purple Musings
Bush Financial Backer K12 Inc Under Investigation From Florida DOE | Scathing Purple Musings: Bush Financial Backer K12 Inc Under Investigation From Florida DOE by Bob Sikes This from a joint investigative report from Trevor Aaronson and John O’Connor: The Florida Department of Education has launched an investigation of K12, the nation’s largest online educator, over allegations the company uses uncertified teachers and has asked employees to help cover up the practice. K12 officials asked state-certified teachers to sign class rosters that included students they hadn’t
Anxious Dreams about Teaching Again and Again | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice
Anxious Dreams about Teaching Again and Again | Larry Cuban on School Reform and Classroom Practice: Anxious Dreams about Teaching Again and Again by larrycuban I begin teaching a quarter-long seminar in two weeks. I have been teaching youth and adults for nearly forty years. I am turning 78 next month. And I have had dreams of walking into class unprepared and discussions falling flat; of students walking out of my class. How can that be? First, I am not the first nor last teacher to have anxiety-ridden dream. Artist and long-time teacher Eric Baylinwrote a song about teacher anxi... more »
Why We're Striking in Chicago | Common Dreams
Why We're Striking in Chicago | Common Dreams: Why We're Striking in Chicago 'Join Our Fight for Education Justice,' says CTU President Karen Lewis by Karen Lewis *Teachers, paraprofessionals and school clinicians in Chicago have been without a labor agreement since June of this year. Following the inability of the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) and the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) to reach an agreement over benefits, the role of standardized tests in teacher evaluations, and physical improvements to schools that teachers say are harming both teacher and student performance, the CTU h... more »
Big Education Ape Nite Cap STRIKE UPDATE 9-10-12 #SOSCHAT #faircontractnow #CTUSTRIKE
*Nite Cap STRIKE UPDATE* *UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE UPDATE* We Are All Chicago Teachers Now by Duke The reformyists will try to convince you that the Chicago teachers are greedy, self-interested unionistas who aren't saintly enough for the calling of education. Don't you dare believe them: The new vision, championed by Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan, who used to run Chicago's schools, calls for a laser focus on standardized tests meant to gauge student skills in reading, writing and math. Teachers who fail to raise student scores may be fired. S... more »
I Support Chicago Teachers | Outside the Cave #faircontractnow #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2
I Support Chicago Teachers | Outside the Cave: I Support Chicago Teachers by Stephen Lazar The little sister of one of my closest friends from high school is a Chicago teacher. I support her and the other 30,000 teacher on strike, and hope you do too. Please think about donating or supporting them in other ways. Below is from the Chicago Teachers Union: *I know you care about education.* *I know you believe in justice.* *That’s why I’m asking you to join me in solidarity with the Chicago Teachers Union by visiting http://ctunet.com/solidarity to donate.* *The CTU is currently on ... more »
Chicago Teachers Strike: On First Day, Passion, Confusion Rule The Streets
Chicago Teachers Strike: On First Day, Passion, Confusion Rule The Streets: Chicago Teachers Strike: On First Day, Passion, Confusion Rule The Streets by Joy Resmovits It started early in the morning and crescendoed in the afternoon, with thousands upon thousands of teachers clad in red union shirts swarming downtown Chicago, snaking through its streets, and stopping only to rally in front of Chicago Public Schools headquarters. The Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) is on strike for the first time in 25 years. After months of failed negotiations with Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel's admini... more »
*The BIG 2 on CHICAGO* * * * * What Does Rahm Emanuel Believe? by dianerav When Mayor Rahm Emanuel is talking about youth crime, he assigns responsibility to parents and families for the values and attitudes and behavior of what he calls “gang bangers.” When he talks about schools, however, he forgets that parents and families have any influence on how students behave and the effort they are willing to expend on their studies. All of a sudden, teachers alone control test scores, no one else. Chicago strike by debmeier Forty five years go, fresh from Chicago, I began teaching kinde... more »
The Chicago Teachers Union Fight is a National Fight | FDL News Desk
The Chicago Teachers Union Fight is a National Fight | FDL News Desk: The Chicago Teachers Union Fight is a National Fight by David Dayen Dylan Matthews published a post today about how teacher strikes harm student achievement, reaching all the way to suggest that the future earning potential of students off from school today at the Chicago Public Schools will be impacted by a protracted strike. Let’s set aside the fact that it seems a bit presumptuous to enter into this conversation ONE DAY INTO a strike action, and the fact that the company of the organization for which Matthews w... more »
Chicago Teachers Strike: Additional links and information | Seattle Education
Chicago Teachers Strike: Additional links and information | Seattle Education: Chicago Teachers Strike: Additional links and information by seattleducation2011 Chicago teachers in a picket line outside the headquarters of Chicago Public Schools. September 10, 2012. As I posted this morning, Democracy Now had a great program on the Chicago teachers’ strike. Teachers outside the Chicago Public Schools headquarters. Substance News, which is providing great coverage of the strike also, started off with the article Strike begins. Reuters also posted an article this morning which is well w... more »
By Striking, Chicago Teachers Put Children First - Education - GOOD
By Striking, Chicago Teachers Put Children First - Education - GOOD: By Striking, Chicago Teachers Put Children First by Liz Dwyer [image: on.strike] Is it Groundhog Day for the Chicago Public Schools? Back in 1987, the city's teachers went on a 19-day strikeover pay and class size. Sunday night, ongoing contract talks between Mayor Rahm Emanuel's team—Chicago schools are under mayoral control—and the Chicago Teacher's Union fell apart, seemingly over the same issues. Emanuel says the strike is the "wrong choice for children," but the biggest strike in a generation isn't just ab... more »
Chicago Strike Emblematic Of Union Struggle : NPR
Chicago Strike Emblematic Of Union Struggle : NPR: Chicago Strike Emblematic Of Union Struggle [image: Chicago public school teachers picket outside William H.Wells Community High School on Monday.]Scott Olson/Getty Images Chicago public school teachers picket outside William H.Wells Community High School on Monday. The strike that shut schools in Chicago on Monday illustrates a larger, national trend: Teachers unions are having a harder time getting what they want. For decades, teachers unions have been among the most powerful lobbying groups in nearly every state — and have been ... more »
Comment Open for CTE Model Curriculum Standards - Year 2012 (CA Dept of Education)
Comment Open for CTE Model Curriculum Standards - Year 2012 (CA Dept of Education): State Schools Chief Tom Torlakson Invites Comment on New Career Technical Education Standards SACRAMENTO—State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson today invited the public to comment on the new Career Technical Education (CTE) Model Curriculum Standards. "I want all students to have the skills they need for demanding careers or the rigors of college after graduating from high school," said Torlakson. "That's why it is so important for all Californians have input on these new standar... more »
Chicago teachers strike: The issues - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post
Chicago teachers strike: The issues - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post: Chicago teachers strike: The issuesBy Valerie Strauss The teachers strike in Chicago, the third largest public school district in the country with some 350,000 students, is about more than money. For the first time, teachers in a major school district have walked off Teacher Jillian Connolly helps her daughter, Mary, study math problems while picketing outside of the William H.Wells Community High School in Chicago. (Scott Olson/GETTY IMAGES)the job in part to challenge some of the key tenets of modern sc... more »
The in box. AFT statement in support of CTU Local #1. « Fred Klonsky
The in box. AFT statement in support of CTU Local #1. « Fred Klonsky: Two readers. by Fred Klonsky At the CTU rally this afternoon a number of Chicago teachers came up and introduced themselves as readers of this blog. It is always great to meet readers and to hear that this blog is useful to them. I promised a couple of teachers I would put there pictures up. So. Here they are: The in box. AFT statement in support of CTU Local #1. SEPTEMBER 10, 2012 *UFT President Michael Mulgrew and AFT President Randi Weingarten wearing red in solidarity with CTU Local #1.* *Dear Fred,* *Late... more »
CPS Fails To Negotiate Fair Contract To Prevent First Strike In 25 Years Coalition for Public Education/Coalición por la Educación Pública
Coalition for Public Education/Coalición por la Educación Pública: CPS Fails To Negotiate Fair Contract To Prevent First Strike In 25 Years 09/09/2012 More than 29,000 teachers and education professionals will not report to work today 9/10 *CHICAGO—* After hours of intense negotiations, the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) and the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) have failed to reach an agreement that will prevent the first teachers strike in 25 years. Pickets are expected to begin Monday at 675 schools and the Board of Education as early as 6:30 a.m. Teachers, paraprofessionals and school ... more »
How you can help Chicago teachers from anywhere : blue cheddar
How you can help Chicago teachers from anywhere : blue cheddar: How you can help Chicago teachers from anywhere September 10, 2012 By bluecheddar [image: Share] Teachers in the 3rd largest school district in the United States are on strike today. * What can you do to support Chicago teachers:* * *Learn about the issues in play.* *Read* STRIKE! CPS fails to respond to educational proposals of Chicago Teachers Union, while Mayor Rahm Emanuel continues insults forcing first Chicago schools strike in 25 years from Substance News of Chicago If you’re in a rush, at least read this tidbit f... more »
Greatness By Design Report - Year 2012 (CA Dept of Education)
Greatness By Design Report - Year 2012 (CA Dept of Education): State Schools Chief Tom Torlakson Unveils* Greatness by Design*, Task Force's Comprehensive Report on Supporting Outstanding Teaching SACRAMENTO—In a new report, a group of California's leading education experts formed by State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson called for sweeping improvements to the way teachers are recruited, trained, brought into the profession, mentored, and evaluated. "This is the most comprehensive look our state has taken at California's most important profession—teaching—in a gen... more »
Chicago Teachers Strike: Union, Emanuel Disagree On Bottom Line
Chicago Teachers Strike: Union, Emanuel Disagree On Bottom Line: Chicago Teachers Strike: Union, Emanuel Disagree On Bottom Line by Joy Resmovits On Monday, Chicago's public school students won't have any classes to go to. After weeks of negotiations, Mayor Rahm Emanuel's team and the Chicago Teacher's Union failed to agree on a contract. On Sunday night, CTU officially announced it was going to strike for the first time in a quarter century. So on Monday, instead of teaching, the union's 26,000 educators will protest. "In the morning, no CTU members will be inside our schools," C... more »
"NYSUT sends message of support to Chicago teachers." September 10, 2012. NYSUT: A Union of Professionals. www.nysut.org
"NYSUT sends message of support to Chicago teachers." September 10, 2012. NYSUT: A Union of Professionals. www.nysut.org: NYSUT sends message of support to Chicago teachers NYSUT Media Relations - September 10, 2012 ALBANY, N.Y. September 10, 2012 - The 600,000-member New York State United Teachers pledged its full support to the 30,000 teachers and staff in Chicago who today went on strike. Outstanding issues leading to the strike include fairness and respect for teachers and staff serving the Chicago Public Schools; a demand for badly needed resources for Chicago students, a... more »
Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 9-8-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post
Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 9-1-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 8-25-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 8-18-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 8-11-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 8-4-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post
Big Education Ape Nite Cap 9-10-12 #faircontractnow #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 9-9-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 9-8-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 9-7-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 9-6-12 #DNC2012 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 9-5-12 #DNC2012 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 9-4-12 #DNC2012 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 9-3-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 9-2-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 9-1-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-31-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-30-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-29-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-28-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-27-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-26-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-25-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-24-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-23-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-22-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2
Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-21-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-20-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-19-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #