Jersey Jazzman: How Do You Solve a Problem Like Obama?
Jersey Jazzman: How Do You Solve a Problem Like Obama?: How Do You Solve a Problem Like Obama? by Duke *If the 2016 election is between the two on the left, teachers will be in big trouble.* It's no surprise to regular readers that Barack Obama has squandered any good will he had with those of us who are fighting back against corporate education reform. But with the election less than three months away, what are we going to do about it? We need to start with this: *there's just absolutely no way that Mitt Romney should be allowed access to the White House.* Paul Ryan's insane lie... more »
Join something. « Fred Klonsky
Join something. « Fred Klonsky: Join something. by Fred Klonsky When I imagined my retirement from teaching I thought of it as a distinct moment. One day I would be an active teacher. The next day I would be a retiree. Not quite. It is true that on June 8th I walked out of the door of my school for the last time as a teacher. But there are other moments. The day I got notice of my first Teacher Retirement System check being direct deposited into my bank account Hack journalism. by Fred Klonsky *Faux journalist Scott Reeder.* Sometimes I will get a phone call or an email from somebo... more »
Commentary: Mayor missed the meaning of "public" in public ed | Philadelphia Public School Notebook
Commentary: Mayor missed the meaning of "public" in public ed | Philadelphia Public School Notebook: Commentary: Mayor missed the meaning of "public" in public ed by Helen Gym [image: Helen Gym]It probably wouldn’t surprise you to hear a Pennsylvania politician questioning the very definition and premise of public education. It may surprise you that Philadelphia’s leading Democrat is on record saying public vs. private ought to be meaningless when it comes to education. At a press conference Thursday, Mayor Michael Nutter said parents deserve school choice and that public, private,... more »
Shanker Blog » Student Attrition Is A Core Feature Of School Choice, Not A Bug
Shanker Blog » Student Attrition Is A Core Feature Of School Choice, Not A Bug: Student Attrition Is A Core Feature Of School Choice, Not A Bug by Matthew Di Carlo The issue of student attrition at KIPP and charter schools is never far beneath the surface of our education debates. KIPP’s critics claim that these schools exclude or “counsel out” students who aren’t doing well, thus inflating student test results. Supporters contend that KIPP schools are open admission with enrollment typically determined by lottery, and they usually cite a 2010 Mathematica report finding strong re... more »
Modern School: California, Barbary Coast for Juveniles
Modern School: California, Barbary Coast for Juveniles: California, Barbary Coast for Juveniles by Michael Dunn Image from Flickr, by takomabibelot The U.S. is the only nation in the world that sentences juveniles to life in prison without the possibility of parole. California has 309 juveniles serving such life sentences, more than any other state. Many of these youths were found guilty of crimes committed with adults, yet the adults received lighter sentences. A new bill that would give juvenile lifers a second lease on life recently passed the California Assembly. Under the leg... more »
Blog: One Message Two Conventions, Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee Plays Both Sides
Blog: One Message Two Conventions, School Reformer Plays Both Sides: One Message Two Conventions, School Reformer Plays Both SidesM Catharine Evans With all the slings and arrows coming her way from the pro-union Save Our Schools brigade why is Michelle Rhee, CEO of StudentsFirst attending the Democratic Convention in Charlotte? And with her background as a Democrat and supporter of Obama's education reforms, how can she appear at the Republican convention as well? Ever since former DC Mayor Adrian Fenty hired Rhee to run the city's school system in 2007, the much-hyped education ... more »
Obama vs. Romney 101: Education - K-12 spending -
Obama vs. Romney 101: Education - K-12 spending - Obama vs. Romney 101: 5 differences on education President Obama has used back-to-school season to make the case that his education funding and policy initiatives are saving teachers’ jobs, turning around failing public schools, and helping cash-strapped college students. Mitt Romney counters that Mr. Obama has spent too much, and he advocates more school choice and private-sector involvement. Here is a look at how the two differ on the issue of education. - Stacy Teicher Khadaroo, Staff writer 0 and 0Share on stumbleup... more »
Morning UPDATE: LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 8-27-12 Diane Ravitch's blog
Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] Do We Really Want “the Best and the Brightest”? by dianerav A reader remembers that when David Halberstam used the phrase “the best and the brightest,” it was not praise. It was an ironic reference to the seemingly brilliant Harvard graduates at the State Department, the National Security Council, and the think tanks who got us into the war in Vietnam. *You often hear education reformers, including President Obama, talk about how we must have the “Best and Brightest” from the most elite schools enter the te... more »
News Flash: Is Team Vallas Imploding? Is Sandra Kase, his #2, Leaving? - Wait, What?
News Flash: Is Team Vallas Imploding? Is Sandra Kase, his #2, Leaving? - Wait, What?: News Flash: Is Team Vallas Imploding? Is Sandra Kase, his #2, Leaving? by jonpelto Rumors of a shake-up and changes at the top are swirling, as Bridgeport’s illegal Board of Education prepares to meet tonight, for the last time. A democratically elected board of education will finally be chosen on September 4th Leading the list of rumors is the question whether Sandra Kase, Vallas’ number two, is leaving her position as Bridgeport’s Chief Administrative Officer. Kase, who bills at $900 a day or m... more »
Daily Kos: Bill Moyers: "Invisible Americans Get the Silent Treatment"
Daily Kos: Bill Moyers: "Invisible Americans Get the Silent Treatment": Bill Moyers: "Invisible Americans Get the Silent Treatment" by (teacherken) It's just astonishing to us how long this campaign has gone on with no discussion of what's happening to poor people. Official Washington continues to see poverty with tunnel vision - "out of sight, out of mind." So begins this post by Bill Moyers, whose title is included in the title of this post.Too often poor people are forgotten in our politics. It is appropriate to read the words of Moyers on this topic on this day,... more »
No, algebra isn’t necessary — and yes, STEM is overrated - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post
No, algebra isn’t necessary — and yes, STEM is overrated - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post: [image: Answer Sheet] No, algebra isn’t necessary — and yes, STEM is overrated By Valerie Strauss This *was written by Roger C. Schank, a cognitive scientist, artificial intelligence theorist, and education reformer. He has taught at Stanford and Yale universities and is the John Evans Professor Emeritus of Computer Science, Psychology, and Education at Northwestern University. The former head of the Institute for the Learning Sciences, he is the author of “Teaching Minds: How Cogn... more »
Radical Scholarship: The New Politics of the Textbook: Critical Analysis in the Core Content Areas
Radical Scholarship: The New Politics of the Textbook: Critical Analysis in the Core Content Areas: The New Politics of the Textbook: Critical Analysis in the Core Content Areas by P. L. Thomas The New Politics of the Textbook: Critical Analysis in the Core Content Areas Sense Publishers Heather Hickman and Brad J. Porfilio (Eds.) In an era when corporate and political leaders are using their power to control every aspect of the schooling process in North America, there has been surprisingly little research on the impact of textbook content on students. The contributors of this... more »
NYC Educator: Our System at Work
NYC Educator: Our System at Work: Our System at Work by NYC Educator I really try to keep a good outlook. While I complain endlessly about all the nonsense that perpetually swirls around our profession, you will not see complaints here about the actual job of teaching, which I love. I find kids inspiring, endlessly surprising, a very bright spot in my life. Yet at the same time, I see colleagues receiving inadequate support on a regular and predictable basis. Long ago, I determined not to depend on admin for anything. I mean, if they want to help, fine. I'm grateful. In fact I've ... more »
The West Ed Chicago Hustle and other privatization schemes |
The West Ed Chicago Hustle and other privatization schemes | The West Ed Chicago Hustle and other privatization schemes by Danny Weil *West Ed is one of the leading front groups and think tanks for privatization of education. It is one of many faux groups that publish questionable data to be used to decimate public education by arguing it is a failure.* West Ed is funded the Bill and Melinda Gates crime family ( as well The Lumina Foundation, our good friends who are in the process of dismantling community c... more »
Who Could Be Romney's Education Secretary? - Politics K-12 - Education Week
Who Could Be Romney's Education Secretary? - Politics K-12 - Education Week: Who Could Be Romney's Education Secretary? by Alyson Klein With the Republican National Convention about to kick off, it's officially time to start speculating about who could be presumptive GOP Mitt Romney's education secretary if he wins the presidential election. After all, way back in 2008 (Aug. 8, to be exact), Politics K-12 guessed that then-Chicago schools chief Arne Duncan could be then-Democratic contender Barack Obama's pick on Aug. 8. So we're actually late to the dance this year. This time, t... more »
Zoning exemption for Rocketship charter riles local districts | EdSource Today
Zoning exemption for Rocketship charter riles local districts | EdSource Today: Zoning exemption for Rocketship charter riles local districts ** August 27th, 2012 | Add a Comment | By John Fensterwald Share on twitterShare on facebookShare on emailShare on google_plusone More Sharing Services [image: Charter Schools - Dividing Communities since 1991] Superintendents and school board members were angry last year when the Santa Clara County Board of Education approved plans for 20 Rocketship Education elementary charter schools over the next six years, in addition to the five county-... more »
Shalom, Shalom, Because It Means Peace [A Thought for Ms. Waldman] | The Jose Vilson
Shalom, Shalom, Because It Means Peace [A Thought for Ms. Waldman] | The Jose Vilson: Shalom, Shalom, Because It Means Peace [A Thought for Ms. Waldman] by Jose A former student asked via text, “Hey v, its me … I just wanted to confirm ms waldman?” She was the third student who had asked me about the recent passing. “Yes, it’s true.” Ms. Waldman and I shared the last class she ever taught before she had to go away for a while. We had an auspicious beginning of the 2011-2012 school year, me with the cart I called a portable classroom and her with the booming voice that shook our shar... more »
An Urban Teacher's Education: Renton School District Reconsiders Teach for America
An Urban Teacher's Education: Renton School District Reconsiders Teach for America: Renton School District Reconsiders Teach for America by James Boutin Wednesday, August 22nd, Superintendent Mary Alice Heuschel and the Renton School Board heard comments from twelve members of the public regarding their consideration of a TFA candidate for a language arts/social studies teaching position at Dimmitt Middle School. As a former Renton High School teacher and Renton resident, I took the opportunity to speak first. My main point was that if we want to say teaching is a profession, the... more »
How One School District is Coping With the Convention - Politics K-12 - Education Week
How One School District is Coping With the Convention - Politics K-12 - Education Week: [image: Politics K-12] How One School District is Coping With the Convention by Nirvi Shah With the Gulf of Mexico's waters churning, myriad street closures in Tampa, Fla., because the Republican National Convention's in town, and nearly 200,000 students in the early days of the 2012-13 school year, what's a school district to do? Plan to close a school or two, put police officers on some school buses, relocate school district staff—and prepare for the worst. Already, convention events for Mo... more »
The in box. “I spent my summer traveling the US from east coast to west coast spreading the message.” « Fred Klonsky
The in box. “I spent my summer traveling the US from east coast to west coast spreading the message.” « Fred Klonsky: The in box. “I spent my summer traveling the US from east coast to west coast spreading the message.” by Fred Klonsky You may remember that I did a post about Adam after the NEA RA last July. We worked together on getting the NEA to pass NBI 13, which called on the NEA to support the CTU in their negotiations with Chicago’s Mayor and his hand-picked school board. *Friends and Family across the United States-* * **As most of you know Chicago Teachers Union has been ... more »
Interim Ed Commish Brushes Aside Judge’s Invalidation of SB 736 Rules | Scathing Purple Musings
Interim Ed Commish Brushes Aside Judge’s Invalidation of SB 736 Rules | Scathing Purple Musings: Interim Ed Commish Brushes Aside Judge’s Invalidation of SB 736 Rules by Bob Sikes interim Florida education commissioner, Pam Stewart *No Big Deal* One had to assume that interim Florida education commissioner, Pam Stewart, had to pass a litmus test before getting the job. She had to be totally on board with the flawed Florida way that Rick Scott, Jeb Bush and republican legislators have been imposing. On Friday, Stewart earned her keep my poo-pooing an administrative judge’s smackdo... more »
Diane Ravitch Kippers for Dinner? Diane Ravitch's blog
Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] This Made My Day! by dianerav A reader commented: There have been many times in history when the evidence and discoveries by researchers and scientists (such as Galileo and Darwin) was suppressed by those in power. This is one of those times. The peer-reviewed unbiased research in biology, neuroscience, education, and social science corroborates a humanistic, child-centered, constructive approach to how we raise and educate our children. It’s amazing how the biological research into the workings of the b... more »
Jersey Jazzman: Baker vs. Hanushek
Jersey Jazzman: Baker vs. Hanushek: Baker vs. Hanushek by Duke Bruce Baker@SchlFinance101 Professor at Rutgers University specializing in school finance, education policy & quantitative analysis. northeast US · The two titans of school fiance battle it out in a Reno newspaper: Many claims that money doesn’t matter stem from a 1986 paper by Eric Hanushek, who examined numerous studies and concluded: “There appears to be no strong or systematic relationship between school expenditures and student performance.” Hanushek, an economic analys... more »
Take note LAUSD: "Starving the Future" by CHARLES M. BLOW (NYT) -
Take note LAUSD: "Starving the Future" by CHARLES M. BLOW (NYT) - Take note LAUSD: "Starving the Future" by CHARLES M. BLOW (NYT) by Leonard Isenberg [image: Charles M. Blow.jpg] *(**Mensaje se repite en Español) (For a national view of public education reform see the end of this blog post)* * * *Starving the Future by CHARLES M. BLOW (NYT)* (*In my war against what has become the mundane day to day fraud of public education at the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) along with purposefully corrupted school districts like it around the country, take a moment ... more »
Teachers Don't Suck !: Not Bad for a Public School Graduate!
Teachers Don't Suck !: Not Bad for a Public School Graduate!: Not Bad for a Public School Graduate! by Walt S. More stuff by Walt at:
Bloomington: Solidarity with Chicago teachers. « Fred Klonsky
Bloomington: Solidarity with Chicago teachers. « Fred Klonsky: Bloomington: Solidarity with Chicago teachers. by Fred Klonsky - Public schools and teachers are under attack across the nation.Come hear how Chicago teachers, now preparing for a historic strike, are organizing and building power with parents and communities to defend their schools and improve public education in Chicago. A member of the Chicago Teachers Union will speak about the CTUs ongoing battle with the unelected The in box. “Run. Pat. Run.” by Fred Klonsky *Fred,* *I was wondering! You ca... more »
Bill Nye: Please don’t teach your kids creationism, because it is crazy | The Raw Story
Bill Nye: Please don’t teach your kids creationism, because it is crazy | The Raw Story: Bill Nye: Please don’t teach your kids creationism, because it is crazy by Jonathan Terbush [image: Bill Nye] Topics: bill nye ♦ creationism ♦ President Obama Bill Nye, host of the popular nineties children’s show Bill Nye the Science Guy, is warning parents to not teach their children creationism because, he says, it does them a disservice by undermining their scientific understanding and development. In a short video for Big Think, Nye says that despite being the seat of some of the world’... more »
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Escalating the Rhetoric so That ALL Educators are Suspect
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Escalating the Rhetoric so That ALL Educators are Suspect: Escalating the Rhetoric so That ALL Educators are Suspect by Melissa Westbrook Over at the Washington Policy Center, Liv Finne's latest "analysis" is about the Success Academies in NYC, a small charter chain that has big plans to expand throughout NYC. They do have higher than average test scores but, like other charters, don't serve as many Special Ed students. And, their operator, Eva Moskowitz, rakes in a big salary and parent voices are not high on her list of priorities. This analy... more »
Can the most anti-labor Illinois governor in 50 years lead a grassroots campaign? « Fred Klonsky
Can the most anti-labor Illinois governor in 50 years lead a grassroots campaign? « Fred Klonsky: Can the most anti-labor Illinois governor in 50 years lead a grassroots campaign? by Fred Klonsky *You would have to go back before Adlai Stevenson, elected in 1949, to find an Illinois Governor more anti-labor than Pat Quinn.* I couldn’t help but laugh when I read that Illinois Governor Pat Quinn announced this week that he was going to*lead a grassroots campaign* to strip public employees of their pension rights. Well, maybe not laugh exactly, since it’s my pension too. But the thoug... more »
THE GREAT FALLACY « Teachers Fight Back
THE GREAT FALLACY « Teachers Fight Back: THE GREAT FALLACY by alkleen The following quote was taken from one of the many Chicago Tribune’s teacher bashing editorials. “Teachers’ performance in the classroom is most crucial to students’ success.” NO, SORRY, IT’S NOT ! If only it was that simple. There’s a reason why students from underprivileged areas and from broken homes underperform in the classroom. There are also dozens of factors that hinder a student’s progress, all of which are out of a teacher’s control. Most people seem to understand that, but not the Chicago Tribune. Is... more »
The in box. Esther asks, “Did I dream this up?” « Fred Klonsky
The in box. Esther asks, “Did I dream this up?” « Fred Klonsky: The in box. Esther asks, “Did I dream this up?” by Fred Klonsky *Did I dream this up?* *Illinois Voters: Give teachers their pensions* *August 23, 2012 By IEA Communications* *Illinois Voters: Give teachers their pensions; find non-punative solution to pension crisis* *Springfield, IL – A new statewide poll shows the efforts of Governor Quinn and other politicians to win public support for proposals to cut pensions for teachers and other public employees has failed. Rather, it shows that voters overwhelmingly believe th... more »
The Greatest Education Error of All Time? « Diane Ravitch's blog
The Greatest Education Error of All Time? « Diane Ravitch's blog: The Greatest Education Error of All Time? by dianerav Justin Snider has written an interesting article in the Hechinger Report. What if we find out years from now that whatever we are doing is simply wrong? Why are we doing so many things now in education that have no evidence to support them? If this were medicine instead of education, would anyone tolerate the experimentation that is being done to the entire population? I actually think we know more than
New U.S. immigration program can help farmworkers –
New U.S. immigration program can help farmworkers – New U.S. immigration program can help farmworkers TULARE, California (AP) — Much of the attention on a new U.S. immigration program that started Wednesday has focused on the hundreds of thousands of students who are in the country illegally and now have the chance at work permits and deferred deportation. But just as many young workers, especially farmworkers, could benefit as well. "The stereotype about the young people who are eligible is that they're college students and academic superstars that speak English p... more »
Neil Armstrong's Memorable Commencement Speech - Education - GOOD
Neil Armstrong's Memorable Commencement Speech - Education - GOOD: Neil Armstrong's Memorable Commencement Speech by Liz Dwyer [image: neil.armstrong] The words "hero" and "icon" don't do justice to Neil Armstrong, the commander of NASA's Apollo 11 space flight and the first man on the moon. Indeed, Armstrong, who passed away on Saturday at the age of 82 uttered one of the most memorable statements of all time: "That’s one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind." That famous line, the first ever transmitted from the moon to Earth, inspired millions. In a 2005 commence... more »
Jersey Jazzman: Hey KIPP: Take the Camden Challenge!
Jersey Jazzman: Hey KIPP: Take the Camden Challenge!: Hey KIPP: Take the Camden Challenge! by Duke The terrific Paul Thomas summarizes the ongoing KIPP charter school controversy. The sad fact is that *KIPP and other "successful" charters cannot replicate their "success" on a large scale, because they do not serve the same students as public schools and they are spending more money per pupil*. Paul nicely summarizes the research, and you can read Bruce Baker and Ed Fuller for more. Given this truth, Diane Ravitch has issued a standing challenge to KIPP: take over an entire distr... more »
The Sunday Mail. « Fred Klonsky
The Sunday Mail. « Fred Klonsky: The Sunday Mail. by Fred Klonsky *Chicago school activist and CTU organizer Martin Ritter designed this to be used as your Facebook cover. Share it with your friends.* *John Dillon’s Pension vocabulary: Pedantic Profits.* * Caterpillar’s Chief Executive Doug Oberhelman says that the U.S. manufacturing workforce is lagging, and education is at fault. Oberhelman, who receives $16.9 million in salary alone in 2011 and another $8.3 million in options, describes the potential workforce for his company as lacking. And he says it is education’s fault, fo... more »
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Banda Interview
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Banda Interview: Banda Interview by Melissa Westbrook Superintendent Banda was gracious enough to give me a little time last week to talk. (I note that the office looked quite stern with Dr. Enfield's ducky collection gone.) *How's it going?* He said he had adjusted quickly and he is enjoying Seattle. He said that he felt like he got a good grasp of the district and its needs early on. * **Math is a big issue to many parents and when they see a few schools going off-script (and getting good results), they want to know how their school can do it.... more »
Even Sen. John Thrasher Questions Academica Charter Schools’ St. Johns County Bid | Scathing Purple Musings
Even Sen. John Thrasher Questions Academica Charter Schools’ St. Johns County Bid | Scathing Purple Musings: Even Sen. John Thrasher Questions Academica Charter Schools’ St. Johns County Bid by Bob Sikes Well, it’s because they like to cherry-pick students, Senator. And they think they can do so because theydropped $100,000 into choice-privatization zealot, John Kirtley’s PAC before the primary earlier this month. . But John Thrasher’s puzzlement is still a bit of a surprise. Reports *St. Augustine Record *reporter Marcia Lane: The district would lose about $12.8 million yearly ... more »
Daily Kos: Why Tenure and Unions?: On Democracy and Equity in the U.S.
Daily Kos: Why Tenure and Unions?: On Democracy and Equity in the U.S.: Why Tenure and Unions?: On Democracy and Equity in the U.S. by (plthomasEdD) Howard Zinn would have turned 90 a couple of days ago. I have to imagine after reading and re-reading most of Zinn's works that if Zinn were alive today, he would remain baffled at how America is a country antagonistic to unions and tenure, especially teachers unions and tenure. Zinn was a radical historian, activist, and in my opinion, most of all a teacher. And it is at the overlap of Zinn as historian/activist/teach... more »
Romero Challenges Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee for Corporate Lackey Queen | NBC 7 San Diego
Gloria Romero's Revenge | NBC 7 San Diego: OPINION Gloria Romero's Revenge By Joe Mathews| Saturday, Aug 25, 2012 | Updated 11:49 AM PDT View Comments ( 0 ) | Email | Print [image: Opinion: Gloria Romero's Revenge] AP Gloria Romero, former state senator who authored California's Parent Trigger law and state director of Democrats for Education Reform, speaks during open comment on Wednesday, March 28, 2012, at the Adelanto School District board meeting regarding the effects on Desert Trails Elementary School if the Parent Trigger law passes. The Adelanto School District Board of T... more »
Jersey Jazzman: How Do You Solve a Problem Like Obama?
Jersey Jazzman: How Do You Solve a Problem Like Obama?: How Do You Solve a Problem Like Obama? by Duke *If the 2016 election is between the two on the left, teachers will be in big trouble.* It's no surprise to regular readers that Barack Obama has squandered any good will he had with those of us who are fighting back against corporate education reform. But with the election less than three months away, what are we going to do about it? We need to start with this: *there's just absolutely no way that Mitt Romney should be allowed access to the White House.* Paul Ryan's insane lie... more »
Join something. « Fred Klonsky
Join something. « Fred Klonsky: Join something. by Fred Klonsky When I imagined my retirement from teaching I thought of it as a distinct moment. One day I would be an active teacher. The next day I would be a retiree. Not quite. It is true that on June 8th I walked out of the door of my school for the last time as a teacher. But there are other moments. The day I got notice of my first Teacher Retirement System check being direct deposited into my bank account Hack journalism. by Fred Klonsky *Faux journalist Scott Reeder.* Sometimes I will get a phone call or an email from somebo... more »
Commentary: Mayor missed the meaning of "public" in public ed | Philadelphia Public School Notebook
Commentary: Mayor missed the meaning of "public" in public ed | Philadelphia Public School Notebook: Commentary: Mayor missed the meaning of "public" in public ed by Helen Gym [image: Helen Gym]It probably wouldn’t surprise you to hear a Pennsylvania politician questioning the very definition and premise of public education. It may surprise you that Philadelphia’s leading Democrat is on record saying public vs. private ought to be meaningless when it comes to education. At a press conference Thursday, Mayor Michael Nutter said parents deserve school choice and that public, private,... more »
Shanker Blog » Student Attrition Is A Core Feature Of School Choice, Not A Bug
Shanker Blog » Student Attrition Is A Core Feature Of School Choice, Not A Bug: Student Attrition Is A Core Feature Of School Choice, Not A Bug by Matthew Di Carlo The issue of student attrition at KIPP and charter schools is never far beneath the surface of our education debates. KIPP’s critics claim that these schools exclude or “counsel out” students who aren’t doing well, thus inflating student test results. Supporters contend that KIPP schools are open admission with enrollment typically determined by lottery, and they usually cite a 2010 Mathematica report finding strong re... more »
Modern School: California, Barbary Coast for Juveniles
Modern School: California, Barbary Coast for Juveniles: California, Barbary Coast for Juveniles by Michael Dunn Image from Flickr, by takomabibelot The U.S. is the only nation in the world that sentences juveniles to life in prison without the possibility of parole. California has 309 juveniles serving such life sentences, more than any other state. Many of these youths were found guilty of crimes committed with adults, yet the adults received lighter sentences. A new bill that would give juvenile lifers a second lease on life recently passed the California Assembly. Under the leg... more »
Blog: One Message Two Conventions, Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee Plays Both Sides
Blog: One Message Two Conventions, School Reformer Plays Both Sides: One Message Two Conventions, School Reformer Plays Both SidesM Catharine Evans With all the slings and arrows coming her way from the pro-union Save Our Schools brigade why is Michelle Rhee, CEO of StudentsFirst attending the Democratic Convention in Charlotte? And with her background as a Democrat and supporter of Obama's education reforms, how can she appear at the Republican convention as well? Ever since former DC Mayor Adrian Fenty hired Rhee to run the city's school system in 2007, the much-hyped education ... more »
Obama vs. Romney 101: Education - K-12 spending -
Obama vs. Romney 101: Education - K-12 spending - Obama vs. Romney 101: 5 differences on education President Obama has used back-to-school season to make the case that his education funding and policy initiatives are saving teachers’ jobs, turning around failing public schools, and helping cash-strapped college students. Mitt Romney counters that Mr. Obama has spent too much, and he advocates more school choice and private-sector involvement. Here is a look at how the two differ on the issue of education. - Stacy Teicher Khadaroo, Staff writer 0 and 0Share on stumbleup... more »
Morning UPDATE: LISTEN TO DIANE RAVITCH 8-27-12 Diane Ravitch's blog
Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] Do We Really Want “the Best and the Brightest”? by dianerav A reader remembers that when David Halberstam used the phrase “the best and the brightest,” it was not praise. It was an ironic reference to the seemingly brilliant Harvard graduates at the State Department, the National Security Council, and the think tanks who got us into the war in Vietnam. *You often hear education reformers, including President Obama, talk about how we must have the “Best and Brightest” from the most elite schools enter the te... more »
News Flash: Is Team Vallas Imploding? Is Sandra Kase, his #2, Leaving? - Wait, What?
News Flash: Is Team Vallas Imploding? Is Sandra Kase, his #2, Leaving? - Wait, What?: News Flash: Is Team Vallas Imploding? Is Sandra Kase, his #2, Leaving? by jonpelto Rumors of a shake-up and changes at the top are swirling, as Bridgeport’s illegal Board of Education prepares to meet tonight, for the last time. A democratically elected board of education will finally be chosen on September 4th Leading the list of rumors is the question whether Sandra Kase, Vallas’ number two, is leaving her position as Bridgeport’s Chief Administrative Officer. Kase, who bills at $900 a day or m... more »
Daily Kos: Bill Moyers: "Invisible Americans Get the Silent Treatment"
Daily Kos: Bill Moyers: "Invisible Americans Get the Silent Treatment": Bill Moyers: "Invisible Americans Get the Silent Treatment" by (teacherken) It's just astonishing to us how long this campaign has gone on with no discussion of what's happening to poor people. Official Washington continues to see poverty with tunnel vision - "out of sight, out of mind." So begins this post by Bill Moyers, whose title is included in the title of this post.Too often poor people are forgotten in our politics. It is appropriate to read the words of Moyers on this topic on this day,... more »
No, algebra isn’t necessary — and yes, STEM is overrated - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post
No, algebra isn’t necessary — and yes, STEM is overrated - The Answer Sheet - The Washington Post: [image: Answer Sheet] No, algebra isn’t necessary — and yes, STEM is overrated By Valerie Strauss This *was written by Roger C. Schank, a cognitive scientist, artificial intelligence theorist, and education reformer. He has taught at Stanford and Yale universities and is the John Evans Professor Emeritus of Computer Science, Psychology, and Education at Northwestern University. The former head of the Institute for the Learning Sciences, he is the author of “Teaching Minds: How Cogn... more »
Radical Scholarship: The New Politics of the Textbook: Critical Analysis in the Core Content Areas
Radical Scholarship: The New Politics of the Textbook: Critical Analysis in the Core Content Areas: The New Politics of the Textbook: Critical Analysis in the Core Content Areas by P. L. Thomas The New Politics of the Textbook: Critical Analysis in the Core Content Areas Sense Publishers Heather Hickman and Brad J. Porfilio (Eds.) In an era when corporate and political leaders are using their power to control every aspect of the schooling process in North America, there has been surprisingly little research on the impact of textbook content on students. The contributors of this... more »
NYC Educator: Our System at Work
NYC Educator: Our System at Work: Our System at Work by NYC Educator I really try to keep a good outlook. While I complain endlessly about all the nonsense that perpetually swirls around our profession, you will not see complaints here about the actual job of teaching, which I love. I find kids inspiring, endlessly surprising, a very bright spot in my life. Yet at the same time, I see colleagues receiving inadequate support on a regular and predictable basis. Long ago, I determined not to depend on admin for anything. I mean, if they want to help, fine. I'm grateful. In fact I've ... more »
The West Ed Chicago Hustle and other privatization schemes |
The West Ed Chicago Hustle and other privatization schemes | The West Ed Chicago Hustle and other privatization schemes by Danny Weil *West Ed is one of the leading front groups and think tanks for privatization of education. It is one of many faux groups that publish questionable data to be used to decimate public education by arguing it is a failure.* West Ed is funded the Bill and Melinda Gates crime family ( as well The Lumina Foundation, our good friends who are in the process of dismantling community c... more »
Who Could Be Romney's Education Secretary? - Politics K-12 - Education Week
Who Could Be Romney's Education Secretary? - Politics K-12 - Education Week: Who Could Be Romney's Education Secretary? by Alyson Klein With the Republican National Convention about to kick off, it's officially time to start speculating about who could be presumptive GOP Mitt Romney's education secretary if he wins the presidential election. After all, way back in 2008 (Aug. 8, to be exact), Politics K-12 guessed that then-Chicago schools chief Arne Duncan could be then-Democratic contender Barack Obama's pick on Aug. 8. So we're actually late to the dance this year. This time, t... more »
Zoning exemption for Rocketship charter riles local districts | EdSource Today
Zoning exemption for Rocketship charter riles local districts | EdSource Today: Zoning exemption for Rocketship charter riles local districts ** August 27th, 2012 | Add a Comment | By John Fensterwald Share on twitterShare on facebookShare on emailShare on google_plusone More Sharing Services [image: Charter Schools - Dividing Communities since 1991] Superintendents and school board members were angry last year when the Santa Clara County Board of Education approved plans for 20 Rocketship Education elementary charter schools over the next six years, in addition to the five county-... more »
Shalom, Shalom, Because It Means Peace [A Thought for Ms. Waldman] | The Jose Vilson
Shalom, Shalom, Because It Means Peace [A Thought for Ms. Waldman] | The Jose Vilson: Shalom, Shalom, Because It Means Peace [A Thought for Ms. Waldman] by Jose A former student asked via text, “Hey v, its me … I just wanted to confirm ms waldman?” She was the third student who had asked me about the recent passing. “Yes, it’s true.” Ms. Waldman and I shared the last class she ever taught before she had to go away for a while. We had an auspicious beginning of the 2011-2012 school year, me with the cart I called a portable classroom and her with the booming voice that shook our shar... more »
An Urban Teacher's Education: Renton School District Reconsiders Teach for America
An Urban Teacher's Education: Renton School District Reconsiders Teach for America: Renton School District Reconsiders Teach for America by James Boutin Wednesday, August 22nd, Superintendent Mary Alice Heuschel and the Renton School Board heard comments from twelve members of the public regarding their consideration of a TFA candidate for a language arts/social studies teaching position at Dimmitt Middle School. As a former Renton High School teacher and Renton resident, I took the opportunity to speak first. My main point was that if we want to say teaching is a profession, the... more »
How One School District is Coping With the Convention - Politics K-12 - Education Week
How One School District is Coping With the Convention - Politics K-12 - Education Week: [image: Politics K-12] How One School District is Coping With the Convention by Nirvi Shah With the Gulf of Mexico's waters churning, myriad street closures in Tampa, Fla., because the Republican National Convention's in town, and nearly 200,000 students in the early days of the 2012-13 school year, what's a school district to do? Plan to close a school or two, put police officers on some school buses, relocate school district staff—and prepare for the worst. Already, convention events for Mo... more »
The in box. “I spent my summer traveling the US from east coast to west coast spreading the message.” « Fred Klonsky
The in box. “I spent my summer traveling the US from east coast to west coast spreading the message.” « Fred Klonsky: The in box. “I spent my summer traveling the US from east coast to west coast spreading the message.” by Fred Klonsky You may remember that I did a post about Adam after the NEA RA last July. We worked together on getting the NEA to pass NBI 13, which called on the NEA to support the CTU in their negotiations with Chicago’s Mayor and his hand-picked school board. *Friends and Family across the United States-* * **As most of you know Chicago Teachers Union has been ... more »
Interim Ed Commish Brushes Aside Judge’s Invalidation of SB 736 Rules | Scathing Purple Musings
Interim Ed Commish Brushes Aside Judge’s Invalidation of SB 736 Rules | Scathing Purple Musings: Interim Ed Commish Brushes Aside Judge’s Invalidation of SB 736 Rules by Bob Sikes interim Florida education commissioner, Pam Stewart *No Big Deal* One had to assume that interim Florida education commissioner, Pam Stewart, had to pass a litmus test before getting the job. She had to be totally on board with the flawed Florida way that Rick Scott, Jeb Bush and republican legislators have been imposing. On Friday, Stewart earned her keep my poo-pooing an administrative judge’s smackdo... more »
Diane Ravitch Kippers for Dinner? Diane Ravitch's blog
Diane Ravitch's blog: [image: Click on picture to Listen to Diane Ravitch] This Made My Day! by dianerav A reader commented: There have been many times in history when the evidence and discoveries by researchers and scientists (such as Galileo and Darwin) was suppressed by those in power. This is one of those times. The peer-reviewed unbiased research in biology, neuroscience, education, and social science corroborates a humanistic, child-centered, constructive approach to how we raise and educate our children. It’s amazing how the biological research into the workings of the b... more »
Jersey Jazzman: Baker vs. Hanushek
Jersey Jazzman: Baker vs. Hanushek: Baker vs. Hanushek by Duke Bruce Baker@SchlFinance101 Professor at Rutgers University specializing in school finance, education policy & quantitative analysis. northeast US · The two titans of school fiance battle it out in a Reno newspaper: Many claims that money doesn’t matter stem from a 1986 paper by Eric Hanushek, who examined numerous studies and concluded: “There appears to be no strong or systematic relationship between school expenditures and student performance.” Hanushek, an economic analys... more »
Take note LAUSD: "Starving the Future" by CHARLES M. BLOW (NYT) -
Take note LAUSD: "Starving the Future" by CHARLES M. BLOW (NYT) - Take note LAUSD: "Starving the Future" by CHARLES M. BLOW (NYT) by Leonard Isenberg [image: Charles M. Blow.jpg] *(**Mensaje se repite en Español) (For a national view of public education reform see the end of this blog post)* * * *Starving the Future by CHARLES M. BLOW (NYT)* (*In my war against what has become the mundane day to day fraud of public education at the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) along with purposefully corrupted school districts like it around the country, take a moment ... more »
Teachers Don't Suck !: Not Bad for a Public School Graduate!
Teachers Don't Suck !: Not Bad for a Public School Graduate!: Not Bad for a Public School Graduate! by Walt S. More stuff by Walt at:
Bloomington: Solidarity with Chicago teachers. « Fred Klonsky
Bloomington: Solidarity with Chicago teachers. « Fred Klonsky: Bloomington: Solidarity with Chicago teachers. by Fred Klonsky - Public schools and teachers are under attack across the nation.Come hear how Chicago teachers, now preparing for a historic strike, are organizing and building power with parents and communities to defend their schools and improve public education in Chicago. A member of the Chicago Teachers Union will speak about the CTUs ongoing battle with the unelected The in box. “Run. Pat. Run.” by Fred Klonsky *Fred,* *I was wondering! You ca... more »
Bill Nye: Please don’t teach your kids creationism, because it is crazy | The Raw Story
Bill Nye: Please don’t teach your kids creationism, because it is crazy | The Raw Story: Bill Nye: Please don’t teach your kids creationism, because it is crazy by Jonathan Terbush [image: Bill Nye] Topics: bill nye ♦ creationism ♦ President Obama Bill Nye, host of the popular nineties children’s show Bill Nye the Science Guy, is warning parents to not teach their children creationism because, he says, it does them a disservice by undermining their scientific understanding and development. In a short video for Big Think, Nye says that despite being the seat of some of the world’... more »
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Escalating the Rhetoric so That ALL Educators are Suspect
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Escalating the Rhetoric so That ALL Educators are Suspect: Escalating the Rhetoric so That ALL Educators are Suspect by Melissa Westbrook Over at the Washington Policy Center, Liv Finne's latest "analysis" is about the Success Academies in NYC, a small charter chain that has big plans to expand throughout NYC. They do have higher than average test scores but, like other charters, don't serve as many Special Ed students. And, their operator, Eva Moskowitz, rakes in a big salary and parent voices are not high on her list of priorities. This analy... more »
Can the most anti-labor Illinois governor in 50 years lead a grassroots campaign? « Fred Klonsky
Can the most anti-labor Illinois governor in 50 years lead a grassroots campaign? « Fred Klonsky: Can the most anti-labor Illinois governor in 50 years lead a grassroots campaign? by Fred Klonsky *You would have to go back before Adlai Stevenson, elected in 1949, to find an Illinois Governor more anti-labor than Pat Quinn.* I couldn’t help but laugh when I read that Illinois Governor Pat Quinn announced this week that he was going to*lead a grassroots campaign* to strip public employees of their pension rights. Well, maybe not laugh exactly, since it’s my pension too. But the thoug... more »
THE GREAT FALLACY « Teachers Fight Back
THE GREAT FALLACY « Teachers Fight Back: THE GREAT FALLACY by alkleen The following quote was taken from one of the many Chicago Tribune’s teacher bashing editorials. “Teachers’ performance in the classroom is most crucial to students’ success.” NO, SORRY, IT’S NOT ! If only it was that simple. There’s a reason why students from underprivileged areas and from broken homes underperform in the classroom. There are also dozens of factors that hinder a student’s progress, all of which are out of a teacher’s control. Most people seem to understand that, but not the Chicago Tribune. Is... more »
The in box. Esther asks, “Did I dream this up?” « Fred Klonsky
The in box. Esther asks, “Did I dream this up?” « Fred Klonsky: The in box. Esther asks, “Did I dream this up?” by Fred Klonsky *Did I dream this up?* *Illinois Voters: Give teachers their pensions* *August 23, 2012 By IEA Communications* *Illinois Voters: Give teachers their pensions; find non-punative solution to pension crisis* *Springfield, IL – A new statewide poll shows the efforts of Governor Quinn and other politicians to win public support for proposals to cut pensions for teachers and other public employees has failed. Rather, it shows that voters overwhelmingly believe th... more »
The Greatest Education Error of All Time? « Diane Ravitch's blog
The Greatest Education Error of All Time? « Diane Ravitch's blog: The Greatest Education Error of All Time? by dianerav Justin Snider has written an interesting article in the Hechinger Report. What if we find out years from now that whatever we are doing is simply wrong? Why are we doing so many things now in education that have no evidence to support them? If this were medicine instead of education, would anyone tolerate the experimentation that is being done to the entire population? I actually think we know more than
New U.S. immigration program can help farmworkers –
New U.S. immigration program can help farmworkers – New U.S. immigration program can help farmworkers TULARE, California (AP) — Much of the attention on a new U.S. immigration program that started Wednesday has focused on the hundreds of thousands of students who are in the country illegally and now have the chance at work permits and deferred deportation. But just as many young workers, especially farmworkers, could benefit as well. "The stereotype about the young people who are eligible is that they're college students and academic superstars that speak English p... more »
Neil Armstrong's Memorable Commencement Speech - Education - GOOD
Neil Armstrong's Memorable Commencement Speech - Education - GOOD: Neil Armstrong's Memorable Commencement Speech by Liz Dwyer [image: neil.armstrong] The words "hero" and "icon" don't do justice to Neil Armstrong, the commander of NASA's Apollo 11 space flight and the first man on the moon. Indeed, Armstrong, who passed away on Saturday at the age of 82 uttered one of the most memorable statements of all time: "That’s one small step for (a) man, one giant leap for mankind." That famous line, the first ever transmitted from the moon to Earth, inspired millions. In a 2005 commence... more »
Jersey Jazzman: Hey KIPP: Take the Camden Challenge!
Jersey Jazzman: Hey KIPP: Take the Camden Challenge!: Hey KIPP: Take the Camden Challenge! by Duke The terrific Paul Thomas summarizes the ongoing KIPP charter school controversy. The sad fact is that *KIPP and other "successful" charters cannot replicate their "success" on a large scale, because they do not serve the same students as public schools and they are spending more money per pupil*. Paul nicely summarizes the research, and you can read Bruce Baker and Ed Fuller for more. Given this truth, Diane Ravitch has issued a standing challenge to KIPP: take over an entire distr... more »
The Sunday Mail. « Fred Klonsky
The Sunday Mail. « Fred Klonsky: The Sunday Mail. by Fred Klonsky *Chicago school activist and CTU organizer Martin Ritter designed this to be used as your Facebook cover. Share it with your friends.* *John Dillon’s Pension vocabulary: Pedantic Profits.* * Caterpillar’s Chief Executive Doug Oberhelman says that the U.S. manufacturing workforce is lagging, and education is at fault. Oberhelman, who receives $16.9 million in salary alone in 2011 and another $8.3 million in options, describes the potential workforce for his company as lacking. And he says it is education’s fault, fo... more »
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Banda Interview
Seattle Schools Community Forum: Banda Interview: Banda Interview by Melissa Westbrook Superintendent Banda was gracious enough to give me a little time last week to talk. (I note that the office looked quite stern with Dr. Enfield's ducky collection gone.) *How's it going?* He said he had adjusted quickly and he is enjoying Seattle. He said that he felt like he got a good grasp of the district and its needs early on. * **Math is a big issue to many parents and when they see a few schools going off-script (and getting good results), they want to know how their school can do it.... more »
Even Sen. John Thrasher Questions Academica Charter Schools’ St. Johns County Bid | Scathing Purple Musings
Even Sen. John Thrasher Questions Academica Charter Schools’ St. Johns County Bid | Scathing Purple Musings: Even Sen. John Thrasher Questions Academica Charter Schools’ St. Johns County Bid by Bob Sikes Well, it’s because they like to cherry-pick students, Senator. And they think they can do so because theydropped $100,000 into choice-privatization zealot, John Kirtley’s PAC before the primary earlier this month. . But John Thrasher’s puzzlement is still a bit of a surprise. Reports *St. Augustine Record *reporter Marcia Lane: The district would lose about $12.8 million yearly ... more »
Daily Kos: Why Tenure and Unions?: On Democracy and Equity in the U.S.
Daily Kos: Why Tenure and Unions?: On Democracy and Equity in the U.S.: Why Tenure and Unions?: On Democracy and Equity in the U.S. by (plthomasEdD) Howard Zinn would have turned 90 a couple of days ago. I have to imagine after reading and re-reading most of Zinn's works that if Zinn were alive today, he would remain baffled at how America is a country antagonistic to unions and tenure, especially teachers unions and tenure. Zinn was a radical historian, activist, and in my opinion, most of all a teacher. And it is at the overlap of Zinn as historian/activist/teach... more »
Romero Challenges Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee for Corporate Lackey Queen | NBC 7 San Diego
Gloria Romero's Revenge | NBC 7 San Diego: OPINION Gloria Romero's Revenge By Joe Mathews| Saturday, Aug 25, 2012 | Updated 11:49 AM PDT View Comments ( 0 ) | Email | Print [image: Opinion: Gloria Romero's Revenge] AP Gloria Romero, former state senator who authored California's Parent Trigger law and state director of Democrats for Education Reform, speaks during open comment on Wednesday, March 28, 2012, at the Adelanto School District board meeting regarding the effects on Desert Trails Elementary School if the Parent Trigger law passes. The Adelanto School District Board of T... more »
Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 8-25-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 8-18-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 8-11-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 8-4-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post
Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 7-21-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 7-14-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 7-7-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post
Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-30-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-23-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-16-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-9-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-2-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post
Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 7-21-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 7-14-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 7-7-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post
Big Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-30-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-23-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-16-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-9-12 Recap of Last Week's Best PostBig Education Ape 2nd Banana 6-2-12 Recap of Last Week's Best Post

Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-26-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-25-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-24-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-23-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-22-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2
Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-21-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-20-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-19-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #
Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-15-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-14-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-13-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-12-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-11-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-10-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-9-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-8-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-7-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-6-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-5-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-4-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-3-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-2-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 8-1-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2Big Education Ape Nite Cap 7-31-12 #SOSCHAT #EDCHAT #P2
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