The Plight of Ted Smith
I know Ted. I appeared on his radio show back in March of 2009. He is a good person, a warm hearted person. He does not deserved what has happened to him. He blew the whistle and got screwed. What is sad is where is the UFT in all this, where is the outrage? The following is from Ted Smith's own words which appeared in Gotham Schoolstonight. THIS IS WHY TEACHERS NEED TENURE AND LIFO!!!
Ted Smith Teacher
Ted Smith Teacher
I am making a complaint to various government agencies and asking for an investigation based on evidence that the Department of Education (DOE) of New York City, the Special Commissioner of Investigation (SCI), Arbitrator Bonnie Weinstock (Weinstock) and my former attorney David Kearney (Kearney) committed conspiracy, corruption, fraud and “fraud on the court”, in particular the Appellate Division, the First Department of New York and other