Big Education Ape: PARENTS CAN!
Published by Coopmike48 – 8 news spotters today
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Big money behind pro-voucher attack on State Rep. Roebuck? | Philadelphia City Paper - A flyer attacking State Rep. James Roebuck for opposing school vouchers is hitting mailboxes throughout his West Philadelphia district. “James Roebuck blocked kids from attending the schools of the...

Not Common. Not Core, Either. - Teacher in a Strange Land - My friend Claudia Swisher, an exceptional veteran teacher from Oklahoma, recently posted an update in Goodreads, a kind of virtual book club where we hang out together. We have challenged each othe...

Secrets of ‘miraculous’ charter management organizations - The Answer Sheet - This was written by Lance Hill, executive director of the Southern Institute for Education and Research in New Orleans and a member of the New Orleans Education Equity Roundtable . In this post Hi...

UK Study: Parents, Not Teachers, Key to Education - A study by the Royal Economic Society, to be presented this week, finds that parental effect on test results is five times that of teachers’ influence. This comes in the wake of warnings by Sir Mic...

Different Results, Same Flawed Methods - Without question, designing school and district rating systems is a difficult task, and Ohio was somewhat ahead of the curve in attempting to do so (and they’re also great about releasing a ton of ...

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EducationSee all
OUR CHILDREN FOR SALE « Jean Jacques Crawb's Blog - About 15 years ago, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania created the concept of charter schools. These schools were to be free of the entanglement of most state regulations. They also were to be bastio...

CT News Junkie | OP-ED - by Sarah Darer Littman | Mar 23, 2012 11:21am(25) Comments | Log in to Post a Comment Posted to: Opinion (Updated 4:39 p.m. Sunday) Wednesday’s Where We Live with John Dankosky featured three membe...

Spinning the Numbers on Turnarounds: School Improvement Grant Controversy Brews - Living in Dialogue - Follow me on Twitter at @AnthonyCodyIt has been said that "numbers tell the tale." But at the Education Writers Association forum on School Improvement Grants in Chicago yesterday, I saw the same n...

SocietySee all

A Civil Right to Unionize - FROM the 1940s to the 1970s, organized labor helped build a middle-class democracy in the United States. The postwar period was as successful as it was because of unions, which helped enact progres...

Parents' effort to fix failing Adelanto school comes to a head - Mojave Desert school officials are expected to settle weeks of controversy Wednesday over what could be the first successful effort by California parents to petition for dramatic changes in their f...

Dan Malloy and The National Forces Pushing for Education Reform - Mar 27 jonpeltoAchievement First/ConnCAN, Charter Schools, Democratic Legislators, Education, Malloy, Stefan Pryor, Wyman Achievement First, Charter Schools, ConnCAN, Education Reform, Malloy, Stef...

StoriesSee all
Adrienne Rich. RIP. « Fred Klonsky - BY ADRIENNE RICHThere’s a place between two stands of trees where the grass grows uphill and the old revolutionary road breaks off into shadows near a meeting-house abandoned by the persecuted who ...

Adrienne Rich. RIP. « Fred Klonsky - Adrienne Rich. RIP. « Fred Klonsky: "Lying is done with words and also with silence." - Adrienne RichWhat Kind of Times Are TheseBY ADRIENNE RICHThere’s a place between two stands of trees where th...

LAUSD TEACHER WITCH HUNT GOES INTO HIGH GEAR - - LAUSD TEACHER WITCH HUNT GOES INTO HIGH GEAR - LAUSD TEACHER WITCH HUNT GOES INTO HIGH GEARby Leonard Isenberg(Mensaje se repite en Español) (For a national view of public education r...

PoliticsSee all
Chicago Congressman violates House decorum. House what? « Fred Klonsky - Chicago Congressman Bobby Rush gave a speech on the US House floor today. It was moving message about the murdered teenager Trayvon Martin. As he neared the end of his talk, he pulled a hoodie over...

J Street, Pro-Israel but Opposed to Attacking Iran, Takes Its Message to Washington - WASHINGTON — Memo to Congress: Not all American Jews support a military strike on Iran, either by Israel or by the United States. Members of J Street, the dovish pro-Israel group formed...

Group Allied With Cuomo Tops Albany Spending List - ALBANY — Highlighting a shift in the way money is spent to influence government, the group that spent the most on lobbying in New York last year was a coalition of business leaders allied with Gov....

CrimeSee all

Adopted Board Resolutions - The following is a list of school districts that have adopted the Resolution Concerning High Stakes, Standardized Testing of Texas Public School Students. As of March 27, 2012, 192 districts have n...

Trayvon Martin Case: Department of Justice to investigate entire Sanford Police Department - Source: Palm Beach NewsSANFORD — The Trayvon Martin case is bringing more scrutiny on the Sanford Police Department. The Department of Justice will now investigate all cases handled by the police d...

Dallas ISD teacher placed on leave after filing complaint with Texas Education Agency | Dallas ISD Blog - A Dallas ISD elementary school teacher has been placed on paid leave after he filed a complaint with the Texas Education Agency this month over concerns at his school.Elliot Monteverde-Torres, a th...

BusinessSee all
Princeton Review to Sell Test-Prep Unit - BY MELODIE WARNER Princeton Review Inc. agreed to sell its test-preparation business and the "Princeton Review" brand to private-equity firm Charlesbank Capital Partners for $33 million in cash as ...

Clock is clicking in Rockford. Teachers will hit the bricks tomorrow morning. « Fred Klonsky - Rockford Education Association members picket board of ed meeting yesterday. It would be the first teacher strike in Rockford in 30 years. Over 95% of the members of the Rockford Education Associat...

Western Pennsylvania man stole Microsoft co-founder's ID, FBI says - Source: Pittsburgh Tribune-Review An Army deserter from East Liberty needed just two phone calls to gain access to a Citibank account belonging to one of the world's richest men, federal investigat...

#owsSee all

The American Spring’s New Tactics - The warm weather is rapidly approaching, which means the possibility of a resurgence of protests across the country. The Occupy movement has been scattered thanks to the evictions by the corporatis...

Reports from the Front Lines | Occupy Together - This week in Occupy, the arrival of Spring brought everyone back into the streets, thousands rallied for Trayvon Martin, Union Square was #occupied and Occupy UC Davis permanently closed a bank bra...

Lawyers return to court to argue over release of pepper spray report - Occupy Protests - The feuding parties over how to release the UC Davis pepper spray report return to court this morning for a hearing that may allow it to be unveiled in some fashion as early as next week.Lawyers fo...

#ctedreformSee all

CT News Junkie | OP-ED - by Sarah Darer Littman | Mar 23, 2012 11:21am(25) Comments | Log in to Post a Comment Posted to: Opinion (Updated 4:39 p.m. Sunday) Wednesday’s Where We Live with John Dankosky featured three membe...

Dan Malloy and The National Forces Pushing for Education Reform - Mar 27 jonpeltoAchievement First/ConnCAN, Charter Schools, Democratic Legislators, Education, Malloy, Stefan Pryor, Wyman Achievement First, Charter Schools, ConnCAN, Education Reform, Malloy, Stef...