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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

If Teachers Were Treated Like Doctors… � The Quick and the Ed

If Teachers Were Treated Like Doctors… � The Quick and the Ed

If Teachers Were Treated Like Doctors…

If you make a few minor substitutions, Tuesday’s Washington Post article on health care reform could just as easily apply to education:
In many respects, American doctors teachers today labor much the way their counterparts did 50 years ago….They keep their records on paper in longhand….They have little idea about how their skills compare to those of fellow practitioners, nor do most know what their patientsstudents really think about the care they give….
Fifty years from now, it is likely that almost all doctors teachers will be members of teams that include case managers, social workers, dietitians, telephone counselors, data crunchers, guideline instructors, performance evaluators and external reviewers. They will be parts of organizations (which either employ them or contract with them) that are responsible for patients students in and out of the hospital school, in sickness and in health, over decades.
The records of what they do for a patient student — and what every other doctor teacher does —