Latest News and Comment from Education

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Eduflack: Eduflack, School Board Member

Eduflack: Eduflack, School Board Member

Eduflack, School Board Member

First off, I'd like to apologize for the dearth of Eduflack postings these past few weeks. As some of you may know, back in the winter, dear ol' Eduflack decided to run for school board. With two kiddos that will soon be entering the public schools, I saw it as an opportunity to ensure that my kids (as well as others in the city) have the best public education possible. It was a chance to put my money where my mouth is, to take all of that backbench education policy agitation found on Eduflack and actually put it to use in the local school system. And with local elections yesterday, time has been tight in recent weeks.

When I first started this journey, I pledged to work toward four goals:
* Guarantee families have access to a high-quality, globally competitive public K-12 education
* Equip all students with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in both postsecondary education and careers
* Provide all children with high-quality teachers equipped with the education, knowledge, and support necessary to ensure the highest levels of student performance
* Ensure that, in these difficult budget times, our education dollars are being spent on those priorities that are proven effective in boosting student learning and achievement

After spending the past three months on the campaign trail, I am amazed by how little I knew getting in, and how generous stakeholders are with their time and their commitment. I learned so much from teachers and administrators, paraprofessionals and business partners, parents and community leaders. I heard about hopes and worries going door to door, talking to folks across the city. And it wasn't just about one's self interests, it