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Thursday, April 29, 2010

This Week In Education Vouchers: Chicago Mayor, District Suppor Voucher Bill

This Week In Education

Vouchers: Chicago Mayor, District Suppor Voucher Bill

Tumblr_l042mywxcP1qa42jro1_500The myth of Arne Duncan's Chicago 'miracle' continues to implode, along with the myth that vouchers are done as a policy remedy: Parents of 22,000 kids attending Chicago's worst schools might get vouchers to attend private or parochial schools -- "creating in one motion a program as large as Milwaukee's - which took more than 20 years to become the nation's largest," according to State News Service's Jim Broadway. Ditto for kids attending overcrowded schools. And -- this is particularly unusual -- the

Media: EWA Editor Praises "Teacherpocalypse" Story

Abandonedcars_cropNice to see Las Vegas' Emily Richmond get some Linda Perlstein love (An education reporter who always delivers) but too bad that the article Perlstein links to is one of those highly speculative "Teacherpocalypse" stories (‘Almost catastrophic’ budget cuts on horizon) going around right now.  I'm also a Richmond fan, and am glad that she notes in her story that the funding forecasts are preliminary.  But she and her editors (and Perlstein) should do a better job of noting that these stories are fed to reporters by agencies seeking to influence state