Assistant principal who secretly changed son’s grades gets $7,000 fine
Teachers can lose their jobs if their students don’t do well enough on standardized tests. An assistant principal in New York City who secretly changed 11 of his own son’s test scores and class grades received a $7,000 fine but still remains employed by the Education Department. The New York Daily News explains in this […]
Florida county opts out of all state-mandated testing in ‘act of civil disobedience’
Florida’s Lee County became on Wednesday night the first school district in the state to vote to opt out of all state-mandated testing, including exams that are being designed to assess student knowledge of new state standards based on the Common Core. The Board of Education voted 3 to 2 in favor of opting out […]
The Answer Sheet 8-27-14
Answer Sheet: What new Common Core test scores really showNew York officials recently released the results of the state’s 2014 Common Core State Standards-aligned exams. In this post information award-winning Principal Carol Burris of South Side High School in the Rockville Centre School District, explains what they mean. Burris has been writing about problems with the controversial school reform