Expecting Less Than Excellence
Most teachers have heard it in the last year or two. It is apparently hardwired into all administrative training about new evaluation methods.You will not live in Excellent (or above average or super-duper proficient or whatever language your state prefers). You will only visit. You will live in Mostly Pretty Okay (or whatever).Imagine if we started out the year by telling our students, "You'
Mike Petrilli Interprets Reform Backlash (Part 1)
This week Mike Petrilli took a stab at interpreting some of the pushback on reformster programs in what we can hope is a step in his journey to a more enlightened opinion. The column is actually an excerpt from a speech that he delivered to the Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce, which is interesting in that Chambers have not generally have not been open to a message of "Hey, we might have got
8-27-14 Curmudgucation
CURMUDGUCATION: Law Professor Says Duncan's Actions Un-ConstitutionalAn upcoming article in the Vanderbilt Law Review argues that the administration's waiver program is both illegal and a very, very bad precedent. University of South Carolina law professor Derek W. Black has written articles about the intersection of federal power and school law before, but none quite as feisty as "Federalizi