SIGN THIS Petition | Fire Superintendent John Deasy | Change.org
The students of the LAUSD have started this new school year amid chaos. First, the district ignored warning signs that it was not ready and pushed through the implementation of the MiSiS student management system. This resulted in the disruption of education for thousands of students. The district then showed an ignorance of the seriousness of the situation by
The Murder of EZELL FORD Announces the Fear and Loathing of a Police State & Plutocracy by R. Diedrich
The story below is a tame account of what happened to a young black man with learning disabilities when he crossed paths with some of L.A's finest. In light of escalating concerns about the fate of students with IEPs at L.A. Schools, the issue is not just about race. Being black in this nation is no picnic but what is it like to be black, poor and disabled ?What this situation says about our
5 cool new security research breakthroughs - And Why security lapses betray LAUSD
5 cool new security research breakthroughs - Apple - NewsLocker
Report: $2M Worth Of LAUSD iPads, Computers Unaccounted For « CBS Los Angeles
@media print { .original-url { display: none; } } h1.title { font: -apple-system-headline; font-weight: normal; text-align: start; -webkit-hyphens: manual; } blockquote { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); margin-left: 20px;
L.A. Unified can't account for $2 million in computers, audit says - LA Times
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LAUSD’S John Deasy shoots his iPad out
EdNotes: below is an editorial by someone with half the story who writes like he actually did his homework. While it is true the government has imposed the common core thus gadgetry on schools, it is not exactly Sacramento that mandates the common core, although the state does have final say on using CCSS. Notably, Governor Brown butted heads with Secretary of Education over adopting the
Before the MiSiS mess in Los Angeles Unified, there was ISIS -- and a lawsuit - ContraCostaTimes.com
@media print { .original-url { display: none; } } h1.title { font: -apple-system-headline; font-weight: normal; text-align: start; -webkit-hyphens: manual; } blockquote { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); margin-left: 20px;
Education Issues to Get Intensive Media Attention on Sept. 9
Education Issues to Get Intensive Media Attention on Sept. 9
Harmony Parent the TRUTH: Gulen Charter Schools and Movement targets for hate?
@media print { .original-url { display: none; } } h1.title { font: -apple-system-headline; font-weight: normal; text-align: start; -webkit-hyphens: manual; } blockquote { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); margin-left: 20px;
Gulen Charter Schools in the USA: Gulen Movement - Will the real Muhammed Fethullah Gulen please stand up?
@media print { .original-url { display: none; } } h1.title { font: -apple-system-headline; font-weight: normal; text-align: start; -webkit-hyphens: manual; } blockquote { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); margin-left: 20px;
LAUSD Will Not Renew Turkish Imam Gulen-Linked Schools’ Charters - Gagrule.net
@media print { .original-url { display: none; } } h1.title { font: -apple-system-headline; font-weight: normal; text-align: start; -webkit-hyphens: manual; } blockquote { color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); margin-left: 20px;
8-27-14 Hemlock on the Rocks
Hemlock on the Rocks: Can Supt. Deasy survive LAUSD's iPad fiasco? - Los Angeles Times |http://itcompanyegypt.com/can-supt-deasy-survive-lausds-ipad-fiasco-los-angeles-times-2/ Can Supt. Deasy survive LAUSD's iPad fiasco? – Los Angeles Times So, remember that $1-billion plan to get iPads for each and every Los Angeles Unified student the district has beenby Rene Diedrich / 5min 8-26-14 Hemlock on