John White’s is doing a fantastic job!

Posted on April 16, 2014

John White is doing a fantastic job at destroying public education. BESE recently reviewed White and gave him 3 out of 4 on his annual review and commended him for his great success. Let’s recap some of his success stories:
John White’s Course Choice program was abused by fraudulent vendors who went door to door asking mentally disabled children and adults to sign up for advanced Math Classes. Many of the enrollees failed to show up for classes and teachers working for Course Choice were assigned in excess of 400 students, and they got paid by the state. John White made an executive decision that Course Choice providers do not need to have any certifications nor do they actually have to ensure students attend or complete coursework, and he decided test scores for students taking tested subjects would route back to the home school for SPS reporting purposes, even though those schools never taught the student the tested subject. John White fail.
John White’s voucher program encourages non-public schools to ignore the law for reporting financial transactions. Most of the schools participating in the program did not comply with keeping accurate records of how they spent their state funding allocations, and White touted their compliance as exemplary and sanctioned none of them. One of the only schools to actual comply with the proper accounting of the funds, New Living Word in Ruston, was ejected from the program for too large of a discrepancy between what they were charging for tuition to some students and what they were charging the state for others. They were not ejected for being the largest recipient of vouchers while not having a school building, nor for teaching all their kids all their subjects with biblical DVDs. That equates to a good choice for parents in John White’s department of education.To most “thinking” humans this would be a John White fail.
John White catastrophically bungled the Common Core rollout singlehandedly. No one helped him foul this up, and he was very thorough. John White’s complete incompetence resulted in mass protests statewide, a continuous presence of pissed off parents at the capital, numerous anti-  John White’s is doing a fantastic job! | Crazy Crawfish's Blog: