Change The Stakes Responds To New Doe Promotion Policy Change the Stakes Responds to New DOE Promotion Policy April 16, 2014 · by Change the Stakes · Bookmark the permalink. · FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Jane Maisel or Nancy Cauthen, By announcing that state test scores will no longer be the primary factor in promotion decisions, the NYC
Ed Deformer Hedge Funders Looting Public Employee Pensions
So when you invest your pension money in hedge funds, you might be paying a hundred times the cost or more, you might be underperforming the market, you may be supporting political movements against you, and you often have to pay what effectively is a bribe just for the privilege of hiring your crappy overpaid money manager in the first place. What's not to like about that? Who could complain?...
NYSUT in Sea of Red Ink
On paper, the union reported a $30 million deficit on its most recent 990 IRS form. Union officials say that cash shortfall was really less than $8 million. Either way, it’s a flow of red ink that union officials acknowledge continues today.... Capitol ConfidentialIn Chicago when CORE took over - after running on a promise to reduce salaries of union officials - they found the union $4 million in
Jean Anyon "Radical Possibilities" Updated
Read about the late Jean Anyon's enormous impact at Kiersten Greene's Mediated blog: How Do I Even Express…Just got this from the publisher. I ordered a review copy which I will share with anyone who will write a review.If nothing changes, urban school reform is doomed to failRoutledge publishes a thoroughly revised and updated new edition of Jean Anyon’s classic Radical Possibilities that addres
4-15-14 Ed Notes Online
Ed Notes Online: How Bloomberg/Klein Undermined a Voluntary Integration Program on the Lower East SideLisa Donlan has been telling the story for many years. Now this recent report condemning the NYC school system as one of the most segregated in the nation validates what Lisa has been reporting. This is from Community Education Council 1 on the LES.Below are captions from NYS segregation report ta